Pages that link to "05000285/LER-1980-028, Forwards LER 80-028/03L-0"
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The following pages link to 05000285/LER-1980-028, Forwards LER 80-028/03L-0:
Displayed 48 items.
- ML19354C387 (redirect page) (← links)
- ML19345B890 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-028, Forwards LER 80-028/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-028-03, /03L-0:on 801105,while Diesel Generator DG-1 Was Started & Run to Operating Speed,Buzzer Which Tests for DG-1 ready-to-load within 10 Seconds Failed to Sound within Required Time Limit.Cause Unknown.Diesel Retested & Started (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-028 (redirect page) (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-030-03, /03L-0:801211,diesel Generator 1 Failed to Start on Secondary Air Sys.Caused by Vanes of Air Motor Sticking & Preventing Motors from Turning.Vanes Cleaned & Motors Installed (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-030, Forwards LER 80-030/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-032-03, /03L-0:on 801210,primary Heat Tracing Circuits Associated W/Piping Between Boric Acid Pump Discharge & MCV-268 Found Inoperable.Caused by Blown Power Supply Fuses. Fuses Replaced (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-032, Forwards LER 80-032/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-029-03, /03L-0:on 801106,outboard Motor Bearing on Containment Spray Pump SI-3C Motor Found Severely Degraded & Motor Shaft Scored.Probably Caused by Lack of Oil to Bearing.Bearing Replaced & Rotor Shaft Repaired (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-019-03, /03L-0:on 800904,seismic Pipe Restraints SIS-62 & SIS-7 Were Inadvertently Made Inoperable at Same Time. Restraints Were Being Upgraded in Response to IE Bulletin 79-14.Restraint SIS-7 Was Immediately Made Operable (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-019, Forwards LER 80-019/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-023-03, /03L-0:on 800908,during Routine Operations,Power to Lockout Relay Coil 86A1/CPHS Was Interrupted.Caused by Electrically Opened Contacts.Contacts Cleaned & Burnished (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-023, Forwards LER 80-023/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-021, Forwards LER 80-021/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-028-03, /03L-0:on 801105,while Diesel Generator DG-1 Was Started & Run to Operating Speed,Buzzer Which Tests for DG-1 ready-to-load within 10 Seconds Failed to Sound within Required Time Limit.Cause Unknown.Diesel Retested & Started (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-025-03, /03L-0:on 801027,during Power Operation While Completing Repairs on C Charging Pump,A Charging Pump Became Inoperable.Caused by Leak in Weld Joining Sys to Flushing Line.Weld Repaired & Pump Returned to Svc (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-027-03, /03L-0:on 801027,during Monthly Ac Sequencer Timer Test,Timer FW-6 on Sequencer S1-2 Failed to Time Out within Prescribed Limit.Caused by Sticky Operating Mechanism.Timer Replaced W/Spare (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-031-03, /03L-0:on 801207,during Normal Operation,Leak Developed in Weld Connecting Demineralized Water Flush Line to Discharge Manifold of Charging Pump.Caused by Probable Piping Vibration.Crack Repaired & Pump Returned to Svc (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-031, Forwards LER 80-031/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-026-03, /03L-0:on 801030,AB-1 Matrix Relay Failed to Trip Clutch Power Supplies.Caused by Failure of Matrix Circuit to Break Contact.Relay Replaced & Applicable Surveillance Test Performed to Demonstrate Operability (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-026, Forwards LER 80-026/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-024-03, /03L-0:on 800926,while Completing Repairs on B Charging Pump,A Charging Pump Became Inoperable.Caused by Packing Cooling Pump Failure.Motor Replaced (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-024, Forwards LER 80-024/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-022-03, /03L-0:on 800911,during Safety Injection Actuation Signal Surveillance test,86B/VIAS Lockout Failed to Trip. Caused by Burned Coil.Coil Replaced W/Spare & Tested Satisfactorily for Proper Operation (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-022, Forwards LER 80-022/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-020-03, /03L-0:on 800905,axial Power Distribution Setpoints on D Channel Discovered Out of Tolerance in Nonconservative Direction.Caused by Dependent Setpoint Selection Switch Failure.Switch Cleaned & Returned to Svc (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-020, Forwards LER 80-020/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-017-03, /03L-0:on 800804,during Normal Power Operation, Personnel Discovered Setpoint Selector Switches for RMO-61, Particulate Radiation Monitor,In Wrong Position.Caused by Personnel Error While Performing Test on Radiation Monitor (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-017, Forwards LER 80-017/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-018-03, /03L-0:on 800808,while Attempting to Monitor Gas Space on Vct,Inadvertent Release of Radioactive Matl to Auxiliary Bldg Environ Occurred.Caused by Deteriorated Surgical Tubing on Gas Analyzer.Tubing Replaced (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-018, Forwards LER 80-018/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-014-03, /03L-0:on 800709,transformer T4 of Diesel Generator 1 Failed.Caused by Shorted Coil.Transformer Replaced (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-014, Forwards LER 80-014/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-013-03, /03L-0:on 800707,during Normal Power Operation, Noted That Channel a Dc Sequencer SI-1 Had de-energized on-auto Light.Caused by Sequencer Circuitry Failure Due to Faulty Relay (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-013, Forwards LER 80-013/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-012-03, /03L-0:on 800708,during Performance of ST-RPS-3, F.2,discovered That Trip Unit 3 Setpoints Had Drifted Out of Spec in Nonconservative Direction.Caused by Normal Setpoint Drift.Setpoints Adjusted (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-015-03, /03L-0:on 800710,during Insp,Noted That Trip Unit Setpoints on C Channel Had Become Positive Rather than Negative.Caused by Failure of 15-volt Power Supply for Trip Unit 4.Unit Calibr (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-015, Forwards LER 80-015/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-007-01, /01T-0:on 800430,penetration Cable Splices for Containment Ventilation Fans Found to Lack Documentation for LOCA Qualification.Splices Will Be Coated w/LOCA-qualified Sealant (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-016-03, /03L-0:on 800621,weld on Suction Side of Pump CH-1B in Demineralized Water Flush Line Cracked.Caused by Vibration of Piping in Svc.Crack Was Ground Out & Rewelded Using Certified Procedure & Line Tested (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-011, Forwards LER 80-011/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-010-01, /01T-0:on 800516,during Cold Pressure Test,Leakage Discovered at Gasket Joint Between Pump Casing & Pump Cover on Reactor Coolant Pumps RC-3A,3B & 3C.Closure Studs Corroded by Boric Acid.Leaks Caused by Deteriorated Gaskets (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-010, Forwards LER 80-010/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-006-01, /01T-0:on 800415,as Required by IE Bulletin 79-01B,util Has Been Obtaining & Reviewing Test Data on Electrical Equipment.Samples Failed to Meet Acceptance Criteria.Caused by Steam & Moisture in Environ (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-009-99, /99T-0:on 800522,during Maint on Stack Iodine Process Monitor,New Sensitivity Calibr Was Required.Caused by Use of Wrong Calibr Procedure.Training Will Be Conducted to Ensure Familiarity W/Procedures (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-008-03, /03L-0:on 800515,during Check of Power Supply Trip Indicating lights,AB-1 Matrix Relay of Reactor Protective Sys Failed to Trip Clutch Power Supplies.Caused by Failure of Mercury Wetted Relay in Matrix Circuit (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-008, Forwards LER 80-008/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-003-03, /03L-0:on 800122,during Special 24-h Diesel Generator Test,While Attempting to Load Generator,Generator Field Went to Max Excitation.Caused by Faulty Zener Diode & Corresponding Draft in A-C Regulator Panel (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-003, Forwards LER 80-003/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1980-005-03, /03L-0:on 800131,during Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test,Release to Atmosphere Occurred.Caused by Failure of Rupture Disk.Containment Pressure Monitored for Remainder of Test (← links)