Event location: RLM Building Vault Room 2.306, J.J. Pickel Research Campus, The University of
Texas at Aus
tin, Aus
tin, TX.
Event description: While performing an exhaustive inventory of sources for possible recovery in the DOE Source Recovery Program it was determined by visual survey a 5 millicurie, Am-241, sealed-source was missing. The source was probably procured in the 1960's and has been indicated as in storage since the late 1980's. The last leak test that was currently available was dated 04/19/88. The source is suspected of being manufactured by the Monsanto Company and is listed as Serial No. M-376. No information on Model is available. The source is indicated as being sealed in 1-inch pipe. The RSO reports that the source has evidently been confused for years with another source that is indicated on storage records as CNS-1. However, he feels relatively sure that it is not the same source. Records indicated that the source was transferred to storage 11/27/84 and may have last been seen on 04/19/88. A visual and instrument survey of the last known storage facility did not locate the source. The RSO believes that the source may have been disposed of with Radium sources but there is no indication on shipment manifests. The previous RSO has been contacted and reportedly cannot recall details about the specific source.
Transport vehicle description: Not applicable
Media attention: None
Texas Incident No.: I-8066