Texas Incident No.: I-8079
Event Report ID No.: 40365
Event location: Newfield Exploration Company
Well: Cotton Whitehead 2501
Valverde County, Texas
Notifications: Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control; Texas Railroad Commission, NRC Operations Center; NMED; NRC Region IV
Event description: Late Friday evening, November 28, 2003, a logging source string became stuck in the customer's well. After several fishing attempts without success, it was decided to abandon the sources downhole. The sources will be cemented in place with the top most point covered by a minimum of 100 feet of red dyed cement. A deflection device will be place above the source string. A plaque has been ordered for installation on the wellhead. The source string held three sources: one
Am-241/Be source manufactured by NSSI, Model DA-5, Serial No 27942, with an activity of 4.5 curies; one
Cs-137 source manufactured by
AEA, Model
CDC.CY4, Serial No. 2907GW, with an activity of 2 curies; and a second
Cs-137 source, manufactured by Gammatron, Model GT-GHP, Serial No. Z-194, with an activity of 0.8 curie.