ENS 43052
ENS Event | |
21:47 Dec 14, 2006 | |
Title | Part 21 - Defect Found In Basic Components (Foxboro Replacement Modules) Supplied To Nuclear Power Plant |
Event Description | Scientech LLC company manufactures a replacement for obsolete Foxboro 66 R Lead/Lag unit - a TMD500, the time domain module in NUSI's Series 500 line. The Fully model number is of the form TMD500-xx/xx/xx/xx-xx-xx-yy, where xx defines certain input, output, and power options, while 'yy' selects the style of faceplate.
Two shipments were made to Ginna, one of five modules and one of nine modules, were made in mid-September of 2006. Ginna performed receipt inspection and tested the modules for proper operation. The tests confirmed that NUSI had configured the modules as required and the modules worked as expected. Ginna Station installed the NUSI TMD500 modules in the reactor protection channels as part of a modification required for an extended power uprate. After further testing twelve modules in total were installed; 4 modules configured for OPDT setpoint calculator, and 8 modules configured as lag units. Two lag modules units were installed in each of the four reactor protection channels on the output side of the Thot R/I modules, to dampen the effects of hot leg streaming. All of these modules were bought under one purchase order and received in September 2006. On 11/2/06, several days after installation and calibration activities were completed, computer monitoring of the OPDT setpoints indicated that Channel 1 OPDT setpoint calculator module was following Tavg as it increased from 550 degrees F. The magnitude was small - approximately 0.3 degrees F change for a 10 degree F change in Tavg. However, the output of the module should have been steady until Tavg reached 574 degrees F. Ginna Station Operations declared reactor protection channel 1 OPDT setpoint inoperable when this condition was identified. The module was replaced, the replacement calibrated, and the channel was declared operable. On 11/6/06, several days later, computer monitoring of the channel 2 OPDT setpoint calculator showed it was exhibiting the same anomalous behavior that has occurred previously on the channel 1 OPDT setpoint calculator. Operations declared channel 2 OPDT setpoint inoperable. Ginna requested a team from NUSI travel to site and address the problem. A team of one engineer, one assembler, and the QA Manager traveled to Ginna to inspect and hopefully correct the problem. Troubleshooting by Ginna Station I&C personnel determined that the zero potentiometer wiper was shorted to the module case. The edge of the mounting fixture for the Lo Lim potentiometer had cut through the insulation of the wire going to the wiper of the Zero potentiometer. The NUSI team arrived on site while Ginna personnel were making repairs, and provided advice. The team inspected the module originally found defective and removed from service; they found that the wire to the wiper of the Zero potentiometer was damaged. They reinsulated the wire with electrical tape in accordance with approved Ginna procedures and tested the module, confirming that it worked correctly. The NUSI team then returned to the Idaho Falls facility on the 11/08/06. NUSI initiated Non-Conformance Report 06N-090 and this 10CFR21 evaluation on 11/10/06. Extent of Condition: There are four module types that use this style of faceplate: TMD500-[options]-01 Time Domain Module, MTH500-[options]-01 Simple Math Module, CMM500-[options]-01 Complex Math Module, and HLS500-[options]-01 High/Low Select Module. Modules in this category were sold to Ginna and Indian Point. These modules were also sold to Westinghouse for resale; the module identifiers were the same with the substitution of "9000" for "500" in the module number. Per Scientech; Ginna, as stated above, is aware of the problem associated with the TMD500 but they have not been officially informed of a Part 21 being issued concerning the TMD500 problem. As for the Indian Point 2 and Westinghouse they have also not been informed of the Part 21 being issued. The major problem will be trying to trace down the where abouts of the "9000s" that were sold to Westinghouse.
Where | |
Nus Instruments, Llc Idaho Falls, Idaho (NRC Region) | |
Organization: | Scientech, Llc |
Reporting | |
10 CFR 21.21 | |
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+-7 h-0.292 days <br />-0.0417 weeks <br />-0.00959 months <br />) | |
Opened: | Martin R. Booska 14:47 Dec 14, 2006 |
NRC Officer: | John Mackinnon |
Last Updated: | Dec 18, 2006 |
43052 - NRC Website | |
Nus Instruments, Llc with 10 CFR 21.21 | |
WEEKMONTHYEARENS 430522006-12-14T21:47:00014 December 2006 21:47:00
[Table view]10 CFR 21.21 Part 21 - Defect Found in Basic Components (Foxboro Replacement Modules) Supplied to Nuclear Power Plant 2006-12-14T21:47:00 | |