The State provided the following information via facsimile:
A licensee technician was performing an exposure with a INC Model IR-100 (Source: Ir-192 source strength: 41 Ci) on a test coupon in the company shooting room. When the technician attempted to retract the source the safety latch popped up to indicate that the source was in the shielded position. The technician approached the camera with a survey meter. The technician, thinking the source was retracted, turned the key to lock the camera. When the technician surveyed the front of the camera, the survey meter went off scale. The technician realized there was a malfunction exited the area and contacted the Assistant RSO (ARSO).
The ARSO and the technician determined that the source was still in front of the safety latch and not shielded. The licensee called the manufacturer for guidance. The licensee freed the source, and after several attempts was able to engage the safety latch and lock the source in the stowed position.
The camera has been taken out of service and is being shipped to the manufacturer for repair. Both the technician and the
ARSO received between 2-3 mR during the event.