The following was received from the State of
Massachusetts via email:
Thermo Scientific received a total of 15 sealed sources, Model XFB-3, manufactured by Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products, containing Cd-109, each with an activity of 40 mCi. As part of Thermo's inspection protocol, individual sealed sources were leak tested, and one source, serial number TR3042 tested greater than the leak test limit of 0.005 microcuries.
Following the initial leak test, two additional leak test measurements were made and all three measurements were found to be in excess of the 0.005 microcurie limit, with measurements ranging from 0.0126 to 0.0184 microcuries.
Eckert and Ziegler was notified immediately by Thermo Scientific, a return authorization was provided, and Thermo returned the sealed source via [common carrier] to Eckert and Ziegler on 08/11/14.
The licensee reports that the area where the leaks tests were obtained was surveyed thoroughly and no contamination was found.
The Agency [State of Massachusetts] considers this event open.
MA Docket #: 20-1427