The following report was received via e-mail:
On September 20, 2014, the licensee notified the Agency [Texas Department of State Health Services] that two nuclear gauges, Thermo Fisher Scientific Model 5190 density gauges containing a 200 milliCurie cesium (Cs) - 137 source, were inside a large fire that occurred in the early morning hours. The fire at an oil field temporary job site in Dimmit County, Texas burned over twenty vehicles and the two gauges stored in Type A containers were in the fire. Status of the gauges is unknown. An additional two similar gauges were at the site but not in the area of the fire. An investigation is ongoing and additional information in accordance with SA-300 will be reported. There was no public or worker exposures due to the incident as no one was on site at the time of the fire.
Gauge Serial Numbers are B6610 and B7600.
Texas Incident #I-9236
The following event report update was received from the State of Texas via email:
[The State was informed by the licensee at 1345 CDT on 9/22/14, that] the licensee surveyed and inspected the two Thermo Fisher Scientific Model 5190 gauges that were in a fire on September 20, 2014. Radiation measurement of 7 R/hr on contact with the outer surface of one of the gauges was detected, indicating that the lead shielding had been compromised (gauge SN: B7500). There were no elevated radiation levels detected on the second gauge. The licensee has secured all four gauges that were at the site and set up appropriate barrier while it awaits permission to remove them from the site. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. The manufacturer is sending a transport container. The licensee reported it will add external lead around the compromised gauge for transport. Upon receipt, the manufacturer will inspect/evaluate all four gauges.
Notified R4DO (Drake),
FSME Events Resource via email.