ENS 52105
ENS Event | |
12:30 Jul 17, 2016 | |
Title | Agreement State Report - Damaged Moisture Density Gauge |
Event Description | The following report was received via e-mail:
At 0730 [CDT], July 17, 2016, an incident occurred at a temporary job site. The incident occurred when a water truck operating on the construction site came into contact with the moisture density gauge, causing damage to the source rod and casing. Licensee and Corporate RSO notified Mississippi Department of Health on July 18, 2016 about the incident. With Terracon having taken their gauge back to Little Rock, Arkansas, the Mississippi Department of Health sought out inspectors from Arkansas Department of Health to gather information from Terracon's local office. According to the inspectors sent by Arkansas Department of Health, the individual at the site of the incident had established a 15 foot radius around the gauge. The water truck and driver were requested to stay at the site until the Corporate Radiation Safety Officer was notified. Another employee was sent to the incident site with a TroxAlert meter. The radiation survey meter was current on calibration. The gauge involved in this incident is a Troxler Model 3440 Serial Number 25123 with an Am-241 [source], Serial Number: 47-21331 and Cs-137 [source], Serial Number: 75-7299. The readings were completed by Arkansas Department of Health with a Ludlum Model 3, SN 62645, and calibration date: 02/03/2016. Once readings were complete, the Corporate RSO allowed the water truck and driver to leave and to bring the gauge back to Little Rock, AR. The gauge was then put back together and stored in their secured storage location inside the Terracon building. Additional readings were taken on July 18, 2016 at approximately 0830. Sources: Am-241 - 40 mCi: Cs-137 8 mCi Incident Number: MS-16004
The following report was received via e-mail: The gauge was examined by the Arkansas Department of Health on July 18, 2016, in Terracon's Little Rock office and a leak test was performed by both Terracon and Arkansas Department of Health. The resulting leak tests showed that the source was not damaged, and a copy of those leak tests were provided to the Mississippi State Department of Health. The gauge technician involved in the incident has been through additional training on gauge usage including transportation and security. Terracon's accountability process was initiated at their Arkansas location as well as the retraining. Terracon was issued violations for not properly contacting Mississippi State Department of Health and Arkansas Department of Health about the event. The Corporate RSO for Terracon responded to both violations issued from both State Health Departments. Their response was found to be adequate in correcting the items of noncompliance during this investigation. The Arkansas Department of Health sent Mississippi State Department of Health confirmation that Terracon has addressed the issued violations adequately on September 12, 2016. Notified R4DO (Azua) and NMSS Events Notification via email. |
Where | |
Terracon Consulting, Inc. Leland, Mississippi (NRC Region 4) | |
License number: | Ms-724-01 |
Organization: | Mississippi Div Of Rad Health |
Reporting | |
Agreement State | |
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+53.02 h2.209 days <br />0.316 weeks <br />0.0726 months <br />) | |
Opened: | Harry Culpepper 17:31 Jul 19, 2016 |
NRC Officer: | Mark Abramovitz |
Last Updated: | Sep 13, 2016 |
52105 - NRC Website | |
Terracon Consulting, Inc. with Agreement State | |
WEEKMONTHYEARENS 521052016-07-17T12:30:00017 July 2016 12:30:00
[Table view]Agreement State Agreement State Report - Damaged Moisture Density Gauge 2016-07-17T12:30:00 | |