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Westinghouse License Renewal and Related Environmental Assessment -Status Update - Conference Call Summary
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/24/2018
From: Diaz-Maldonado M
Fuel Manufacturing Branch
To: Rachel Johnson
Fuel Manufacturing Branch
Diaz M
Download: ML18025B978 (2)


From:Diaz Maldonado, MarilynTo:Johnson, Robert


Westinghouse License Renewal and related Environmental Assessment - Status Update - Conference CallSummaryDate:Wednesday, January 24, 2018 5:04:00 PMRobert, This email is to provide a summary of last week's conference call. On January 19, 2018, theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a conference call with staff fromWestinghouse Electric Company, LLC to discuss the status of the license renewal review andenvironmental assessment. NRC staff discussed the status of the license renewal review.M.Diaz, NRC Project Manager, stated that staff is making progress on developing the safetyevaluation report SER. There are only a few technical topics that remain open (FinancialQualifications and Environmental Assessment). M.Diaz explained the process for finalizing theSER and the next steps. The licensee asked about the timeline and OGC's review of the SER.Robert Johnson, NRC Branch Chief, responded that OGC's review will depend on a few thingsbut usually takes from 10 - 21 days. RJohnson continued explaining that the timeline andschedule for finalizing the SER will depend on the few open items but that staff will continuetheir efforts to complete the SER. On the financial qualifications issue, staff issued RAIs on December 13, 2017 andWestinghouse responded to the RAIs on January 6, 2017. Staff is reviewing the responses andconsulting with internal stakeholders and will let Westinghouse know if the response issufficient to address the 70.23(a)(5) requirement in the next couple of days. On the Environmental Assessment issue, staff identified a new issue with the environmentalreview (e.g. 2011 leak not found in environmental report) that may impact some conclusionsin the EA and SER. Staff issued RAIs on December 7, 2017. Westinghouse responded to theRAIs on December 12, 2017. NRC staff explained that the responses did not adequatelyresponded to the RAIs and that the NRC will be supplementing the RAIs. J. Quintero,environmental reviewer, explained that in order for the NRC to fully assess the environmentalimpacts in the EA, Westinghouse need to provide information that characterizes the 2011 leakunder the URRS area. The information NRC is requesting is information that the licensee has incompliance with 10 CFR 20.1501. N.Parr stated that they have provided all the informationthey have on the 2011 leak to the NRC. JQuintero responded that there have been severalcommunications between NRC and Westinghouse that have provided additional informationin conversations but the information have not been properly documented in the RAIresponses or other formally submitted Westinghouse documents. MDiaz stated that she will send an email to Westinghouse with the supplemental RAIs andsuggested having another call after Westinghouse reads the supplemental RAIs.

Participants: Robert Johnson (NRC), Marilyn Diaz (NRC), Jessie Quintero (NRC), Nancy Parr(Westinghouse), Diana Joyner (Westinghouse), Camille Zozula (Westinghouse) and AmandaSpalding (Westinghouse). This summary does not contain proprietary or classified information. Thanks, Marilyn Diaz,Project Manager/Chemical EngineerU.S Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNMSS/FCSE/FMBWashington, DC 20555(301)415-7110 This e-mail may contain proprietary information of the sending organization. Any unauthorized or improper disclosure, copying,distribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail and attached document(s) is prohibited. The information contained in this e-mail andattached document(s) is intended only for the personal and private use of the recipient(s) named above. If you have received thiscommunication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the original e-mail and attached document(s).