West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WVBPH) notified the NRC Operations Center that at 1022 hrs. EST on 2/17/04, they received a call from Northwest Landfill, Waste Management, Inc., located on Drybranch Road in Parkersburg, W.
VA., stating that a truck full of household refuse alarmed a radiation monitor at the landfill.
WVBPH responded to the landfill and took radiation measurements on the outside of the vehicle. The highest dose measured was 1200 microRem/hr. The truck was dumped and the trash searched until the source of the radiation was discovered. The inspectors discovered a metallic object approximately 1 inch long by 1/2 inch wide that was the source. The object was odd-shaped and its use and origin is unknown. The material was bagged and isolated at the landfill where it will remain to decay away. Radiation readings at 1cm were 5000 microRem/hr. Spectrum analysis indicates that the material is an iodine, possibly Iodine-131.
Notified R1DO (Henderson).