The State provided the following information via email:
The Bureau was informed by the RSO of the H.C. Nutting Company (Ohio license # 31210310024) on July 31, 2006 that a moisture density gauge (Troxler model 3430, serial # 23699) was stolen from the back of a truck parked in a closed garage at a residence in Columbus, Ohio. A lock and chain were cut to gain access to the gauge. The theft occurred between 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM on July 30, 2006. A report was filed with the Columbus Police Department. The [Ohio] Bureau is investigating.
The gauge contains two sealed sources: Cs-137 (9 millicuries) and Am-241:Be (44 millicuries).
OH Incident Number: OH2006-061.
- * * UPDATE FROM STATE TO M. RIPLEY 1140 EDT ON 10/23/06 * * *
The State provided the following update information via email:
UPDATE 10/23/06: The gauge has been recovered through a local pawn shop.
Notified R3DO (M. Ring),
NMSS EO (S. Wastler) and
ILTAB (Email)