The following information was received from the State of
Colorado via fax:
[A Midwest Inspection Services representative] contacted [the State of Colorado] by phone today (6/15/10) and notified [the State of Colorado] that they had an incident at a temp site Friday the 11th of June.
The radiography crew was doing an elevated (18 ft. aprox.) shot and the rope holding up the camera broke and the camera fell (18 ft. aprox.) leaving the source in an exposed position. The radiographer was unable to retract the source back into the camera. The crew roped off the area, and contacted the (RSO) who responded and covered the source with lead shot bags, using a remote device he was able to straighten the guide tube and retract the source. He [RSO] was wearing dual dosimeters, (chest and on shirt sleeve of the hand that he used to straighten the guide tube). The exposure dosimeter on the chest read 20mr/hr and the shirt sleeve dosimeter read 487mr/hr.
[The Midwest Inspection Services representative] is gathering final information from interviews with everybody involved and will submit a written report detailing the incident.
Guide tube was kinked with the source in an exposed position.
Cause was the camera fell aprox. 18 feet when rope broke or came untied.
Camera: INC model IR-I00 Source: INC model 32 s/n P264 (Ir-192, 56.74 Ci)
DCP Lucerne gas plant, Greeley, Co. Time: 6/11/10 at aprox. 1:20pm