The following information was received from the
Washington State Division of Radiation Protection via e-mail:
A shipment of waste from the 325 building on the Hanford reservation, prepared for shipment by Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, was received at Perma-Fix Northwest waste (PFNW) -Richland. During the unloading evolution, PFNW noted that the dose rate on the bottom of 2 drums exceeded the manifested value, and one drum exceeded 200 mr/hr on contact. (See limits in 49CFR173.221 (b)). PFNW notified Washington Department of Health (WDOH). A [WDOH] inspector came to the site on December 6, 2012 and measured the dose rate with an Ludlum M-9 and measured 350 mr/hr. [WDOH] has routinely used an Eberline RO2 type of meter to determine compliance - this reading be taken again with an RO2. PFNW had an RO20 which measured 220 mr/hr. This is the reading that was used as the 'actual' dose rate. [WDOH] is attempting to get a measurement with an RO2. The dose rate value may change, as [WDOH] takes additional reading with other instruments after the new year.
The dose rate at the drivers area and the outside of the shipment vehicle were within the limits for transportation. No material was detected to have leaked from the containers. There is not expected overexposure caused by this incident.
Actions taken by State: Suspend all shipment to PFNW by PNNL
Sr90 (in drums with errant dose rates.) Total activity in 2 drums: 2.4 e 5 MBq.