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Clarifies FNP Commitment to Joint Owners Group Program on MOV Periodic Verification.Static Test Program Will Be Adjusted,As Required,Based on Results of Joint Owners Group Dynamic Test Program to Ensure Safety Related MOVs
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1998
From: Dennis Morey
GL-96-05, GL-96-5, NUDOCS 9806160152
Download: ML20249A185 (2)



Dave'Morey Southern Nuct:ar -

l 1

Vice President

Operating Comp =y -

Farley Project

- P.O. Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5131 i

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SOUTHERN h-COMPANY Energyto ServeYourWorld" June 10, 1998 Docket Nos.: 348 10 CFR 50.4 50-364 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington,DC 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Generic Letter 96-05 MOV Periodic Verification Program Joint Owners Group OOG) Supplemental Submittal Ladies and Gentlemen:

I The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic Letter 96-05, " Periodic

= Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves" on 4

September 18,1996. In response to the generic letter, Southern Nuclear Operating Company

_ (SNC) completed a review of the Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP) MOV periodic verification program and transmitted a summary of that review to the NRC in letter NEL-97-0113 dated March 14,1997, The purpose of this letter is to clarify Farley Nuclear Plant's commitment to the Joint Owner's Group Program on MOV Periodic Verification.

The FNP MOV program currently meets both the " interim" static test program and the I

. dynamic test program elements of the JOG Program. It should be noted that FNP uses both l

at the valve testing and motor control center based testing techniques in the static test.


program.- The FNP static test program will be adjusted, as required, based on the results of

the JOG dynamic test program, to ensure that safety-related MOVs will be capable of ~


-performing their design-basis functions over the established static test interval.

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l l-U.S., Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 There are no new formal NRC commitments contained in this letter. Ifyou have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY Dave Morey JEF/ cit:jogsup_. doc cc: Mr. L. A. Reyes, Region II Administrator Mr. J. I. 7 mmerman, NRR Project Manager Mr. T. M. Ross, Plant Sr. Resident Inspector
