ML21047A298 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/23/2021 |
From: | Christopher Hanson NRC/Chairman |
To: | Feinstein D, Kaptur M US Congress, US HR (House of Representatives), US SEN (Senate) |
CYL2 | |
Shared Package | |
ML21047A287 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML21047A298 (1) | |
Enacted Carryover Total Control Points Nuclear Reactor Safety
$ 435,006
$ 17,843
$ 452,849
$ 0
$ 452,849
$ 0
$ 452,849
$ 127,799
$ 116,731
$ 325,050
$ 11,068
$ 48,595 Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety 101,898 966 102,864 0
102,864 0
102,864 28,380 25,472 74,484 2,908 11,248 Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste 22,580 191 22,771 0
22,771 0
22,771 6,787 6,079 15,984 708 4,233 Corporate Support 271,416 0
271,416 0
271,416 2,563 273,979 61,382 50,380 212,598 11,002 92,159 University Nuclear Leadership Program / Integrated University Program1 0
16,000 16,000 0
16,000 5,951 21,951 0
0 21,951 0
7,962 Control Points Total
$ 830,900
$ 35,000
$ 865,900
$ 0
$ 865,900
$ 8,514
$ 874,414
$ 224,347
$ 198,661
$ 650,067
$ 25,685
$ 164,197 Office of the Commission 2 9,500 0
9,500 0
9,500 2,563 12,063 2,405 2,402 9,658 3
0 University Nuclear Leadership Program 1 0
10,500 10,500 0
10,500 0
10,500 0
0 10,500 0
0 Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program 1 0
5,500 5,500 0
5,500 5,951 11,451 0
0 11,451 0
7,962 Programs University Research and Development3 0
0 0
0 0
10,673 10,673 3,751 2
6,922 3,749 20,331 Nuclear Waste Fund 0
0 0
0 0
170 170 14 14 156 0
0 Office of Inspector General 12,293 0
12,293 0
12,293 1,174 13,467 3,845 3,695 9,622 151 256 OIG DNFSB 1,206 0
1,206 0
1,206 348 1,554 247 244 1,307 4
104 Supplemental Appropriation5 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
224 Total Agency
$ 844,399
$ 35,000
$ 879,399
$ 0
$ 879,399
$ 20,879
$ 900,278
$ 232,204
$ 202,616
$ 668,074
$ 29,589
$ 185,112 Funds Source Beginning Balance7 Year to Date Deobligations Total Carryover Carryover Allocated6 Available Carryover Feebased
$ 47,973
$ 7,686
$ 55,660
$ 200
$ 55,460 Special Purpose Funds
$ 26,885
$ 173
$ 27,058
$ 19,187
$ 7,872 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities 464 4
468 0
468 International Activities 2,582 0
2,582 0
2,582 Office of the Commission 5,644 0
5,644 2,563 3,081 Integrated University Program 16,623 169 16,792 16,623 169 General Fund 1,536 0
1,536 0
1,536 Official Representation Fund 36 0
36 0
36 Feebased & Special Purpose Funds Subtotal
$ 74,859
$ 7,859
$ 82,718
$ 19,387
$ 63,331 Nuclear Waste Fund 426 0
426 170 256 Office of Inspector General 2,906 5
2,911 1,174 1,737 OIG DNFSB 362 (0) 362 348 14 Total Agency
$ 78,553
$ 7,864
$ 86,417
$ 21,079
$ 65,338 Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.
5 FY 2020 supplemental appropriation from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), P.L. 116-136, enacted March 27, 2020. The supplemental appropriation of $3,300K was fully obligated in FY 2020.
6 The authorized carryover of $35,000K has been partially allocated and is anticipated to be fully allocated by the end of February.
7 Due to year-end closing activities, the Beginning Balance has been updated.
Prior Year Unobligated Funds 1 The FY 2021 Explanatory Statement identified this control point as the Integrated University Program and, consistent with previous fiscal years, included $5.5M for Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program. Division Z of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 replaced the Integrated University Program with the University Nuclear Leadership Program. Consequently, for FY 2021, this control point consists of both Nuclear Science &
Engineering Grant Program and the University Nuclear Leadership Program.
2 Office of the Commission is part of the Corporate Support control point. The Office of the Commission has been allocated carryover in addition to the $9,500K of FY 2021 enacted funding. The NRC will obligate no more than a total of $9,500K in FY 2021 for the Office of the Commission.
4 This is not part of the $35,000K of carryover that was authorized for use by the FY 2021 Explanatory Statement.
3 University Research and Development was part of the Integrated University Program control point in previous fiscal years.
Prior Year Unliquidated Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report As of January 31, 2021 (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Year Funds FY 2021 Explanatory Statement Reprogramming Current Plan Carryover Allocated4 Total Current Year Obligations Current Year Expenditures Current Year Unobligated Current Year Unliquidated