ML21110A033 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 04/21/2021 |
From: | Sunil Weerakkody NRC/NRR/DRA |
To: | |
Weerakkody S | |
References | |
Download: ML21110A033 (1) | |
- e.
A RICT must be calculated using [list specific approaches used (e.g., internal events probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), fire PRA, addition of bounding seismic risk to RICT calculations, etc.)] based on the as-built, as-operated, and as-maintained plant. PRA models used to calculate a RICT shall be maintained and upgraded in accordance with processes described in Regulatory Positions C.1, C.2, C.3, and C.4 in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.200, Revision 3, Acceptability of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results for Risk-Informed Activities.
- f.
Use of any newly developed methods, as defined in RG 1.200, Revision 3, must meet all applicable review requirements in Tables 1-7.2-2 through 1-7.2-7 of Pressurized-Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG)-19027-NP, Revision 2, Newly Developed Method Requirements and Peer Review, in accordance with the process in NEI 17-07, Revision 2, Performance of PRA Peer Reviews Using the ASME/ANS PRA Standard. The peer review report described in Section 9.1 of NEI 17-07, Revision 2 for both the acceptability and implementation of the newly developed method must be available to the NRC for oversight and inspection activities.
- g.
A summary report, describing the newly developed method and its implementation, must be submitted in accordance with Section 5.6.x.
5.6. x, RICT Program Newly Developed Method PRA Upgrade Reporting Requirement A summary report describing the newly developed method and its implementation shall be submitted to the NRC following a PRA upgrade unless it has already been submitted to the NRC by a licensee.
A summary report shall also be submitted if the licensee uses an already submitted newly developed method with exceptions, deviations, or clarifications from the precedent.
The summary report must be submitted following a PRA upgrade associated with a newly developed method prior to using that method in the RICT program or within 60 days after completing the focused peer review, whichever date occurs sooner. The summary report shall describe the scope of the upgrade and shall include:
- a. The PRA models upgraded, and the newly developed method used;
- b. A description of the acceptability of the newly developed method consistent with Section5.2 of PWROG-19027-NP, Revision 2, Newly Developed Method Requirement s and Peer Review;
- c. All open finding and how those findings from the newly developed method implementation and how those findings were resolved1 or demonstrated not to have a significant impact on the PRA; and
- d. All changes to key assumptions related to the newly developed method or its implementation.
1 For PRA peer reviews, the terms resolving a finding and closing a finding have different meanings. A peer review finding may only be closed using a process endorsed by the NRC. All NDM related findings shall be closed prior to the use of that NDM in a RICT program