ML23129A033 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 05/18/2023 |
From: | Christopher Hanson NRC/Chairman |
To: | Feinstein D, Fleischmann C US HR (House of Representatives), US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development |
Shared Package | |
ML23129A027 | List: |
References | |
CORR-23-0045 | |
Download: ML23129A033 (1) | |
Control Points Nuclear Reactor Safetv Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety DecolT'missioning and LOYM.evel Waste Co.......,ate Sunnnn Unlversitv Nuclear Leadershl Pr=ram1 Control Points Total Off,ce of /he Commission 1 Adve11ced Res cl.or Rooulst~ lnfr11s/rocturo Activities ~
Proarams Nuclear Waste Fund Office of lnsnAr.tor General OIGONFSB Supplemental Annr.....,riatJon~
Total Aaenev Funds Source Feebase<f Soecial Purnose Funds Advtmc9d React()(' Reou/9/orv lnfrMfmclure Ac/Mlies
/11/omationa/ Activities Oft/cf) o( Ille CommissiOn U11/vorsltv Nuc/ew Leadersfll n.
11m I lnt..,.,,,.../ad Unive,,tv Prnnrnm 1 Ge,,ere/Fund Olfici8/ Ral'INlsen/a/km F1111d & SDflClai Pumou Funds Subtot*I Nuclear Waste Fund Office of lnsoector General OIG DNFSB Suoolemental AoorooriatJon Total Aaenev Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report As of April 30, 2023 (Dollllft in l rKluunds)
Current Year Funds FY 2023 Ex lanatorv Statement Authorized Enacted Carryover Total Reoroarammlna Current Plan 490 673 0
490 673 0
490673 111,594 0
111,594 0
111,594 23,866 0
23,866 0
23,866 285251 0
285251 0
285251 0
16000 16000 0
16000 S911384
$927 384 so S927.384 0.500 0
0500 0
0500 23,800 0
2J 800 0
23800 0
0 0
0 0
14.249 0
14.249 0
14249 1520 0
1 520 0
1520 0
0 0
0 0
$943,153 so
$943,153 Prior Year Unobllaated Funds Authorized Discretionary Discretionary Carryover AUocated6 3,497 1,009 567 7054 20 400 S32538 3 53tl 3000 75 256 84 500 SlJ,'52 Beginning Yea r to Date Total Carryover Carryover Total Carryover Balance Oeobllaatlons Carrvover Allocated Allocated*
$ 56 506 S7274
$65780 S 16000
$4010 S20010 S 29 023
$2 886
, 505 (36) 4.470 0
3000 3000 2028 92 2 120 0
1504 1.584 3tJ14 2
3tJ1tl 0
3530 3530 17,tl15 2.821 20436 0
20.409 20.409 1207 121 1 0
0 0
54 3
57 0
18 16 S 87,52ll
$10,180 S97,8H
$32,538 S48.536 281 12\\
270 0
75 75 2007 125 2132 0
256 256 368 12 365 0
84 64 1 568 0
1,568 0
500 500
$18,000 S33,452 S 49,452 I
I I Current Year Total I Obll allons S4941701
$112,603j 59,520
$24.4331 13,502 s 292 Josi 176187 s35409I 7 499
$,i.99074 13 03e l 4.722 2e.soo 1 P.523 751 61 14 sos:
6913 16041 870 5001 0
$ 878,8051
$508,918 Available Canvover
$45770 S3382 1470 551!
60 27 1 211 30
$49,152 204 1876 261 1,068
$52,581 1 The FY 2023 Explanatory Statement identified this conU-ol point as the "Integrated University Program*. Division Z of the Conso(dated Appropriations Act, 2021 replaced the Integrated University Program with the University Nuclear Leadership Program 1 Office of lhe CorTmsslon Is part of the Corporate Support control point.
1 Actva/'ICed Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities is part of the Nuclear Reactor Safely control point.
- FY 2022 supplemental appropriation from the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act. 2022, P.L. 117-128, enacted May 21, 2022.
5 This Is not part of the $16,000K of carryover that was authorized for use by the FY 2023 E,:;planatory Statement.
~Due to the structure of this repon., there are approximately $4.626K of non-feebased funds l/'ICluded in the beginning balance.
1 University Research & Development and Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program c~rnp,lsed the Integrated University Program control point before FY 2021.
Current Year Current Year Current Year Prior Year Exoendlturea Unobllaated Unllauldllted Unllauldated
$210085 S251805 S32.280 S29695 48,182 53,083 13,338 5,310 12,254 10,931 1,248 2,022 103 858 1161 18 72 329 57662 100 28910 7400 30259
$ 372478 S460847 S 128li95
$124948 4.tl52 (1314 70 0
tl,(153 17277 2870 2.742 61 14 0
0 6,096 7592 817 133 676 734 102 0
0 500 0
$469,887 S 127,604 S 125,430 Enclosure