ML23192A073 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 07/13/2023 |
From: | Christopher Hanson NRC/Chairman |
To: | Feinstein D, Fleischmann C US HR (House of Representatives), US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development |
Shared Package | |
ML23192A059 | List: |
References | |
CORR-23-0063 | |
Download: ML23192A073 (1) | |
Enacted Authorized Carryover Total Control Points Nuclear Reactor Safety 490,673 0
490,673 0
490,673 9,075
$ 499,748
$ 327,052
$ 279,744
$ 172,696
$ 47,308
$ 23,351 Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety 111,594 0
111,594 0
111,594 1,583
$ 113,177 76,040 63,123 37,137 12,917 3,622 Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste 23,866 0
23,866 0
23,866 639
$ 24,505 17,323 15,754 7,182 1,570 1,734 Corporate Support 285,251 0
285,251 0
285,251 11,606
$ 296,857 228,382 142,658 68,476 85,724 49,592 University Nuclear Leadership Program1 0
16,000 16,000 0
16,000 20,409
$ 36,409 16,893 360 19,516 16,534 28,258 Control Points Total
$ 911,384
$ 16,000
$ 927,384
$ 0
$ 927,384
$ 43,313
$ 970,697
$ 665,690
$ 501,638
$ 305,007
$ 164,052
$ 106,557 Office of the Commission 2 9,500 0
9,500 0
9,500 3,536 13,036 6,344 6,261 6,692 83 0
Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities 3 23,800 0
23,800 0
23,800 3,606 27,406 12,109 8,795 15,297 3,315 1,955 Programs Nuclear Waste Fund 0
0 0
0 0
75 75 62 62 13 0
0 Office of Inspector General 14,249 0
14,249 0
14,249 1,006 15,255 8,663 7,914 6,593 749 36 OIG DNFSB 1,520 0
1,520 0
1,520 84 1,604 1,032 880 572 152 0
Supplemental Appropriation4 0
0 0
0 0
500 500 50 0
450 50 337 Total Agency
$ 927,153
$ 16,000
$ 943,153
$ 0
$ 943,153
$ 44,978
$ 988,131
$ 675,497
$ 510,494
$ 312,634
$ 165,003
$ 106,930 Funds Source Beginning Balance Year to Date Deobligations Total Carryover Authorized Carryover Allocated Discretionary Carryover Allocated5 Total Carryover Allocated Available Carryover Feebased6
$ 58,506
$ 8,223
$ 66,729
$ 16,000
$ 13,735
$ 29,735
$ 36,994 Special Purpose Funds
$ 29,023
$ 3,008
$ 32,031
$ 0
$ 29,578
$ 29,578
$ 2,453 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities 4,505 (36) 4,470 0
3,606 3,606 864 International Activities 2,028 92 2,120 0
2,009 2,009 111 Office of the Commission 3,614 2
3,616 0
3,536 3,536 80 University Nuclear Leadership Program / Integrated University Program 7 17,615 2,942 20,557 0
20,409 20,409 147 General Fund 1,207 4
1,211 0
0 0
1,211 Official Representation Fund 54 4
58 0
18 18 41 Feebased & Special Purpose Funds Subtotal
$ 87,529
$ 11,231
$ 98,760
$ 16,000
$ 43,313
$ 59,313
$ 39,447 Nuclear Waste Fund 281 (2) 279 0
75 75 204 Office of Inspector General 2,007 125 2,132 0
1,006 1,006 1,126 OIG DNFSB 368 (2) 365 0
84 84 281 Supplemental Appropriation 1,568 0
1,568 0
500 500 1,068 Total Agency
$ 91,752
$ 11,353
$ 103,104
$ 16,000
$ 44,978
$ 60,978
$ 42,126 Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.
4 FY 2022 supplemental appropriation from the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-128, enacted May 21, 2022.
7 University Research & Development and Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program comprised the Integrated University Program control point before FY 2021.
Current Year Unliquidated 1 The FY 2023 Explanatory Statement identified this control point as the Integrated University Program. Division Z of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 replaced the Integrated University Program with the University Nuclear Leadership Program.
2 Office of the Commission is part of the Corporate Support control point.
3 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities is part of the Nuclear Reactor Safety control point.
5 This is not part of the $16,000K of carryover that was authorized for use by the FY 2023 Explanatory Statement.
Prior Year Unobligated Funds 6 Due to the structure of this report, there are approximately $4,626K of non-feebased funds included in the beginning balance.
Prior Year Unliquidated Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report As of June 30, 2023 (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Year Funds FY 2023 Explanatory Statement Reprogramming Current Plan Discretionary Carryover Allocated5 Total Current Year Obligations Current Year Expenditures Current Year Unobligated Enclosure