ML24038A314 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/20/2024 |
From: | Christopher Hanson NRC/Chairman |
To: | Fleischmann C, Murray P US HR (House of Representatives), US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US HR, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN, Subcomm on Energy & Water Development |
Shared Package | |
ML24038A316 | List: |
References | |
SRM-OGC-170508, Task 5, CORR-24-0015 | |
Download: ML24038A314 (1) | |
Control Points Nuclear Reactor Safetv Nudear Materials and Waste Safety Decommissioning and Low-Level Waste Coroorate Suooort Universitv Nuclear Leadershio Proaram1 Control Points Total Office of the C-Ommission 2 Advanced Reactor Reaulatorv Infrastructure ActMties 3 Programs Nuclear Waste Fund Office of lnsoector General OIG DNFSB Supplemental Appropriation 4
Total Agency Funds Source Feebased7 Soecial Pumose Funds Advanced Reactor Reaulatorv Infrastructure Activities lntemaUonal Activities Office of the Commission Universif.y Nuclear Leadershio Proaram I lntearated Universitv Proaram 8 General Fund Official Reoresentafion Fund Feebased & Special Pumose Funds Subtotal Nuclear Waste Fund Office of lnsoector General OIG DNFSB Supplemental Appropriation Total Agency Nole: Numben may not acid due to rOt.ming.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Monthly Congressional Status Report As of January 31, 2024 (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Year Funds FY 2023 Explanatory Statement Authorized Rate for Enacted Carryover Total Reprogramming Operations5 490,673 0
490 673 0
490,673 111,594 0
111,594 0
111,594 23,866 0
23,866 0
23,866 285 251 0
285 251 0
285,251 0
16,000 16 000 0
0 S 911,384 S 16,000
$911,384 9 500 0
9,500 0
9,500 23 800 0
23 800 0
23 800 0
0 0
0 0
14,249 0
14 249 0
14249 1 520 0
1 520 0
1 520 0
0 0
0 0
$927,153 Prior Year Unobligated Funds Authorized Discretionary Beginning Year to Date Total Carryover Carryover Balance Oaobligations Carryover Allocated Allocated'
$ 72 272
$ 74 569
$ 29 821
$ 12 723 6 787 109 6 896 0
0 465 0
465 0
463 2391 121 2,389 0
1,732 18 714 92 18 806 0
10,500 1415 4
1419 0
15 50 0
50 0
$102,093 S 2,500 S 104,593 so
$13,870 219
$0 219 0
$20 4134
$ 213 4 347 0
$ 23 370
$0 370 0
$0 1,168
$0 1,168 0
$ 520 S 107,984 S 2,713 S 110,697 so
$14,433 Discretionary I
I Carryover I Current Year Allocated*
Total 1 Obligations I
$ 492 046
$ 136 480 165 111,759 31,111 87 23,953 6,526 1 745 286,996 73,678 10 500 10 500 0
S 13,870
$ 925,2541
$ 247,795 1,732 11,232 1 2 678 0
23 800 1 4007 20 201 2
23 14,2721 3,979 0
1 5201 456 520 5201 515
$ 941,5861
$252,747 Total Carryover Available Allocatad Carryover
$ 1147
$ 73 422
$ 12 723
$ 17 301 0
6 896 463 2
1,732 658 10500 8,306 15 1404 14 36
$13,870 S 90,723 20 199 23 4,324 0
370 520 648
$14,433 S 96,264 1 The FY 2023 Explanatory Statement identified this control point as the *integrated University Program*. Division Z of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 replaced the Integrated University Program YAth the University Nuclear Leadership Program.
2 Office of the Commission is part of the Corporate Support control point.
3 Advanced Reactor Regulatory Infrastructure Activities is part of the Nuclear Reactor Safety control point.
4 FY 2022 supplemental appropriation of $2M from the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-128, enacted May 21, 2022.
Current Year Current Year Current Year Expenditures Unobliaated1 Unliouldated
$ 128 900
$ 355 566
$ 7 580 28,688 80,648 2,423 6,371 17,427 155 55185 213 319 18 493 0
10 500 0
S 219,144
$ 28,651 2,652 8554 26 3 967 19 793 41 2
18 0
3658 10292 321 406 1 064 50 515 5
0 S 223,724 S 688,839 S 29,023 5The agency is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and other Extensions Act, as amended by the Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024: therefore the rate for operations is based on the FY 2023 total annualized rate (i.e., the FY 2023 enacted levels}.
6 This is not part of the $16,000K of carryover that was authorized for use by the FY 2023 Explanatory Statement.
7 Due to the structure of this report, there are approximately $9,562K of non-feebased funds included in the beginning balance.
8 University Research & Development and Nuclear Science & Engineering Grant Program comprised the Integrated University Program control point before FY 2021.
9 Amounts reflect the unobligated amount of the FY 2023 total annualized amount.
Enclosure Prior Year Unliauidated
$52,235 9,300 2,725 90,105 37 030
$191,395 21 7 071 0
119 21 463 S 191,998