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NRC Support to Standards Orgs and Preparations for Future Reactors
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/29/2024
From: Michele Sampson
Chris Cook 301-415-6397
Shared Package
ML24089A155 List:
Download: ML24089A156 (7)


NRC SUPPORT TO STANDARDS ORGS AND PREPARATIONS FOR FUTURE REACTORS NEW & ADVANCED REACTORS: CODES & STANDARDS Michele Sampson, NRC Standards Executive Director, Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

This streamlined structure ensures the NRC's effective participation in and utilization of consensus standards, enhancing safety and regulatory compliance.

NRCs Standards Program The NRC operates under a robust legal framework, guided by the NTTAA, OMB Circular A-119, and the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act. This framework supports the NRC's commitment to:

Develop and use consensus standards, as outlined in the NRC Policy on Codes and Standards.

Engage in standards development, with guidance provided by NRC Management Directive 6.5.

Key elements of the NRC's approach include:

Oversight by the Standards Steering Committee and the NRC Standards Executive.

Active participation of NRC staff in SDO committees.

Coordination and collaboration with other federal agencies through SDO Coordinators.

Prioritization and tracking of standards activities and staff involvement.

Annual reporting to OMB on consensus standards usage.


The Standards Program is designed to align with the NRCs mission through the following key objectives:

Stakeholder Engagement: Actively involve stakeholders in the regulatory development processes to ensure a broad perspective and inclusivity.

Consensus Standards Development: Participate in crafting consensus standards that bolster the NRC's mission, ensuring regulatory frameworks are up-to-date and effective.

Adherence to NTTAA: Utilize consensus standards in compliance with the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, reinforcing the commitment to national and international best practices.

International Consideration:

Evaluate and incorporate standards from global organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, to align with worldwide safety and regulatory standards.

This approach underscores the NRCs dedication to safety, innovation, and regulatory excellence through collaborative and informed standardization.


Authorities and Delegation Powers The Standards Executive has the discretion to delegate these responsibilities and authorities to other NRC staff, ensuring efficient and effective management of standards-related activities.

NRCs Standards Executive The Standards Executive plays a crucial role in steering the NRC's standards-related activities, both domestically and internationally. Their main responsibilities include:

Coordination Policy Development Funding Provision Security and Rights Protection Spearheads NRC's engagement in international and national standards activities, including nominating staff to standards committees.

Works with NRC leadership to formulate policies, standards, and guides for the publication and disclosure of materials by NRC staff and contractors.

Allocates funds for the publication of NRC staff papers and articles in journals.

Ensures that national security, patent rights, and commercial proprietary interests are safeguarded, and that nonpublic NRC information is not disclosed unauthorizedly.


NRC staff play a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining standards crucial to the nuclear industry.

Their participation ensures that standards:

DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN INFLUENCE PROVIDE EXPERTISE COORDINATE INTERESTS IDENTIFY NEEDS Align with NRC regulations and guidance Offer technical insights to aid the development of high-quality standards Represent U.S.

technical and policy positions in the international standards arena Spot opportunities for new or updated standards that address evolving challenges Focus on systems, equipment, or materials utilized 5

NRC Involvement in Adv. Reactor Initiatives Collaborations and Working groups:

The NRC is a key participant in various working groups and collaborations aimed at advancing reactor codes, standards, licensing, and regulation.

U.S. Department of Energy. What Is a Microreactor? YouTube, U.S. Department of Energy, 5 May 2021,

Advanced Reactors Codes and Standards Collaborative (ARCSC)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Involvement Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee On Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA)

Involvement - Working Group on New Technologies (WGNT) 6

Endorsed in Regulatory Guide 1.87 Rev 2 Participation in and Endorsement of Impactful Code and Standard Actions Endorsed in Regulatory Guide 1.247 for trial use Endorsed in Regulatory Guide 1.246 Will be endorsed through draft regulatory guide DG-1424 Will be endorsed through planned Revision 5 to RG 1.100 Participation in and Endorsement of Impactful Code and Standard Actions ASME BPV Code,Section III, Division 5, "High Temperature Reactors" ASME BPV Code,Section XI, Division 2,"Requirements for Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" ASME OM-2,"Code on Component Testing Requirements at Nuclear Facilities" - to be published in 2024 to include non-water-cooled reactors ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021,"Probabilistic Risk Assessment Standard for Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants" Reformatted ASME QME-1 Standard, "Qualification of Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities" - to be published in 2024 to include non-water-cooled reactors 7