The following information was provided by the
California Radiologic Health Branch (
RHB) via email:
RHB was notified on 9/30/24 that Los Angeles (LA) County Radiation Management recovered an InstroTek CPN MC-1 Elite number 31069 (containing nominally 50 mCi Am-241/Be and 10 mCi Cs-137 sources) from an apartment complex in Long Beach, CA. Long Beach Fire and Police Department responded to a call from the apartment complex management that the transportation box was left in their parking garage for approximately a week. An LA County health physicist verified that the box did contain a moisture density gauge, which is owned by Leighton and Associates according to transportation paperwork found inside the unlocked transportation case. The Cs-137 source rod was locked in the shielded location. The gauge was removed from the property and secured in a storage locker.
RHB contacted the company radiation safety officer, who was unaware that the gauge was missing. Follow-up investigation is in process to determine how and when the gauge went missing and why the licensee was unaware that it was missing.
California 5010 Number: 093024