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Examination Report Letter No. 50-607/OL-24-01, University of California - Davis
Person / Time
Site: University of California-Davis
Issue date: 05/20/2024
From: Travis Tate
To: Frey W
McClellan Nuclear Research Center
50-607/OL-24-01 OL-24-01
Download: ML24052A070 (33)


Dr. Wesley Frey, Facility Director McClellan Nuclear Research Center University of California, Davis 5535 Price Avenue McClellan, CA 95652



Dear Dr. Frey:

During the week of April 29. 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) administered an operator licensing examination at your University of California-Davis reactor.

The examinations were conducted according to NUREG-1478, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors," Revision 2. Examination questions and preliminary findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed report at the conclusion of the examination.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.390, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records component of NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC website at The NRC is forwarding the individual grades to you in a separate letter which will not be released publicly. Should you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Michele DeSouza at 301-415-0747 or via email at

Sincerely, Travis L. Tate, Chief Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility Oversight Branch Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-607


1. Examination Report No. 50-607/OL-24-01
2. Written examination cc: w/enclosures to GovDelivery SubscribersMay 20, 2024 Signed by Tate, Travis on 05/20/24


REPORT NO.: 50-607/OL-24-01



FACILITY: University of California - Davis/McClellan Reactor


SUBMITTED BY: ________ 05/01/2024 Michele C. DeSouza, Chief Examiner Date


During the week of April 30, 2024, the NRC administered operator licensing examinations to one Reactor Operator (RO) candidate. The candidate passed all applicable portions of the examinations and tests.


1. Examiner: Michele C. DeSouza, Chief Examiner, NRC
2. Results:


Written 1/0 NA 1/0

Operating Tests 1/0 NA 1/0

Overall 1/0 NA 1/0

3. Exit Meeting:

Wesley Frey, Reactor Director, University of California - Davis/McClellan Reactor Michele C. DeSouza, Chief Examiner, NRC

Prior to administration of the written examination, based on facility comments, adjustments were accepted. Comments provided corrections and additional clarity to questions/answers and identified where changes were appropriate based on current facility conditions.

Upon completion of all operator licensing examinations, the NRC examiner met with facility staff representatives to discuss the results. At the conclusion of the meeting, the NRC examiner thanked the facility for their support in the administration of the examination.

Enclosure 1 University of California-Davis

Operator Licensing Examination


FACILITY: University of California-Davis



CANDIDATE: _______________________


Answers are to be written on the Answer sheet provided. Attach all Answer sheets to the examination. Point values are indicated in parentheses for each question. A 70% in each category is required to pass the examination. Examinations will be picked up three (3) hours after the examination starts.






All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Candidate's Signature

NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have neither received nor given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.
3. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
4. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
5. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each Answer sheet.
6. Mark your Answers on the Answer sheet provided. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAGE.
7. The point value for each question is indicated in [brackets] after the question.
8. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.
9. When turning in your examination, assemble the completed examination with examination questions, examination aids and Answer sheets. In addition turn in all scrap paper.
10. Ensure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your Answer is on your Answer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following the examination.
11. To pass the examination you must achieve a grade of 70 percent or greater in each category and an overall grade of 70 percent or greater.
12. There is a time limit of three (3) hours for completion of the examination.

Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, & Facility Operating Characteristics


Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

A01 a b c d _____

A02 a b c d _____

A03 a __________ b __________ c __________ d __________ (0.25 each)


A05 a b c d _____

A06 a b c d _____

A07 a b c d _____

A08 a b c d _____

A09 a b c d _____

A10 a b c d _____

A11 a b c d _____

A12 a b c d _____

A13 a b c d _____

A14 a b c d _____

A15 a b c d _____

A16 a b c d _____

A17 a b c d _____

A18 a b c d _____

A19 a b c d _____

A20 a b c d _____

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls


Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

B01 a __________ b __________ c __________ d __________ (0.25 each)

B02 a b c d _____

B03 a b c d _____

B04 a b c d _____

B05 a b c d _____

B06 a b c d _____

B07 a b c d _____

B08 a b c d _____

B09 a b c d _____

B10 a __________ b __________ c __________ (0.33 each)

B11 a b c d _____

B12 a b c d _____

B13 a b c d _____

B14 a b c d _____

B15 a __________ b __________ c __________ (0.33 each)

B16 a b c d _____

B17 a b c d _____

B18 a b c d _____

B19 a b c d _____

B20 a b c d _____

(***** END OF CATEGORY B *****)

Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems


Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)

If you change your answer, write your selection in the blank.

C01 a b c d _____

C02 a b c d _____

C03 a b c d _____

C04 a b c d _____

C05 a b c d _____

C06 a b c d _____

C07 a b c d _____

C08 a b c d _____

C09 a b c d _____

C10 a b c d _____

C11 a b c d _____

C12 a b c d _____

C13 a b c d _____

C14 a b c d _____

C15 a b c d _____

C16 a b c d _____

C17 a b c d _____

C18 a b c d _____

C19 a b c d _____

C20 a b c d _____

(***** END OF CATEGORY C *****)

(********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)


2 0.1sec1 QmcPTmH UAT Pmax 2 eff

t S S

eff CR1 1CR22 CR 1K CR 1K SUR 26.06 1 eff1 2 eff2

1 M 1 CR2 P P 10SUR(t)

P P0 1 K CR 0 eff 1

1 Keff1 1 K

eff2 Keff

= + 0.693 K K eff2 eff1 T1 2 K K eff1eff2

Keff1 DR DR et 2 2 K 0 DR1 d1 DR2d2 eff

6CiE n 2 2 DR 2 1 R2 Peak2 Peak1

1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 dis/sec 1 kg = 2.21 lb 1 Horsepower = 2.54 x 103 BTU/hr 1 Mw = 3.41 x 106 BTU/hr

1 BTU = 778 ft-lb °F = 9/5 °C + 32 1 gal (H2O) 8 lb °C = 5/9 (°F - 32) cP = 1.0 BTU/hr/lb/°F cp = 1 cal/sec/gm/°C Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

QUESTION A.01 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is how delayed neutrons are produced?

a. Directly from fission
b. Photoelectric effect
c. Decay of Nitrogen-16
d. Decay of fission fragments

QUESTION A.02 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following describes the term PROMPT DROP?

a. Reactor is subcritical at negative 80-second period
b. Reactor has attained criticality on prompt neutrons alone
c. Instantaneous change in power level due to inserting a control rod
d. Instantaneous change in power level due to withdrawing a control rod

QUESTION A.03 [1.0 point, 0.25 each]

Replace X with the type of primary decay necessary (Alpha, Positron, Gamma or Neutron emission) to produce the following reactions. Choices may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

a. 92U238 90Th234 + X
b. 83Bi203 82Pb203 + X
c. 2He4 + 4Be9 6C12 + X
d. 84Po210 82Pb206 + X

QUESTION A.04 [1.0 point] NRC DELETED QUESTION, MISSING INFORMATION In a reactor, at 50-watt power, adding 1.0% k/k worth of reactivity will cause which ONE of the following?

a. 22.9 kW
b. 14.8 kW
c. 4.91 kW
d. 1.31 kW Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

QUESTION A.05 [1.0 point]

If reactor period is ________, then reactor power is ________.

a. Positive, stable
b. Negative, stable
c. Positive, increasing
d. Negative, increasing

QUESTION A.06 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following describes the relationship between reactivity and criticality?

a. The smaller the absolute value of reactivity in the core, the further the reactor is from criticality.
b. The larger the absolute value of reactivity in the core, the further the reactor is from criticality.
c. Reactivity is zero when the reactor is critical, reactivity is negative when the reactor is supercritical.
d. Reactivity is zero when the reactor is critical, reactivity is positive when the reactor is subcritical.

QUESTION A.07 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the expected stable neutron count rate, given a source strength of 1000 Neutrons/second and a multiplication factor of 0.8?

a. 700 N/sec
b. 5000 N/sec
c. 10,000 N/sec
d. 20,000 N/sec Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

QUESTION A.08 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following design characteristics is the reason for the decrease in reactivity following an increase in fuel temperature in a TRIGA reactor?

a. Hexagonal fuel matrix
b. High fuel element reactivity worth
c. Negative temperature coefficient
d. Long delay time for transferring heat to the core cooling water

QUESTION A.09 [1.0 point]

Several processes occur that may increase or decrease the available number of neutrons.

SELECT ONE of the following, six-factor formula term, that describes an INCREASE in the number of neutrons during the cycle.

a. Reproduction Factor
b. Thermal Utilization Factor
c. Resonance Escape Probability
d. Thermal Non-Leakage Probability

QUESTION A.10 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following describes the difference between prompt and delayed neutrons?

a. Prompt neutrons are produced from spontaneous fission of U-235 in the fuel, and delayed neutrons are the result of fission in U-238.
b. Prompt neutrons are produced immediately and directly from the fission event and delayed neutrons are produced immediately following the first beta decay of fission fragments.
c. Prompt neutrons are responsible for the ability to control the rate at which power can rise in the reactor and delayed neutrons are responsible for the rate at which a reactor can be shut down.
d. Prompt neutrons ensure there is a sufficient neutron population to overcome the effects of fission product poisoning following a shutdown and delayed neutrons are responsible for lengthening the neutron generation time to ensure the reactor does not go prompt critical.

Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

QUESTION A.11 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the definition of Thermal Utilization Factor?

a. The ratio of the number of fast neutrons absorbed in fuel to the number of fast neutrons absorbed in the reactor material.
b. The ratio of the number of fast neutrons produced by thermal fission to the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel.
c. The ratio of the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in fuel to the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the reactor material.
d. The ratio of the number of fast neutrons produced by thermal fission to the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel.

QUESTION A.12 [1.0 point]

The following shows part of a decay chain for the radioactive element Pb-190:

82Pb190 83Bi190. This decay chain is an example of _______ decay.

a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
d. Neutron

QUESTION A.13 [1.0 point]

During reg rod calibration, doubling time was recorded to be 68 seconds. What was the reactor period?

a. 47 seconds
b. 98 seconds
c. 113 seconds
d. 136 seconds Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

QUESTION A.14 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following conditions will DECREASE the core excess reactivity of a reactor?

a. Fuel depletion
b. Burnout of a burnable poison
c. Insertion of a positive reactivity worth experiment
d. Lowering moderator temperature (assume a negative temperature coefficient)

QUESTION A.15 [1.0 point]

In a subcritical reactor, keff is increased from 0.885 to 0.943. Which ONE of the following is the amount of reactivity that was added to the core?

a. 4.68 % k/k
b. 5.58 % k/k
c. 6.94 % k/k
d. 7.45 % k/k

QUESTION A.16 [1.0 point]

The count rate for a reactor is 100 cps. An operator inserts an experiment into the core, and the count rate decreases to 55 cps. Given the initial keff of the reactor was 0.95, what is the worth of the experiment?

a. = - 0.02
b. = + 0.02
c. = - 0.05
d. = + 0.05

QUESTION A.17 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is defined as the balance between production of neutrons and their absorption in the core for which core leakage can be neglected?

a. Utilization factor
b. Reproduction factor
c. Infinite multiplication factor Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics
d. Effective multiplication factor

QUESTION A.18 [1.0 point]

FAST FISSION FACTOR is defined as a ratio of which ONE of the following?

a. The number of neutrons that reach thermal energy over the number of fast neutrons that start to slow down.
b. The number of fast neutrons produced from fission in a generation over the number of fast neutrons produced from fission in the previous generation.
c. The number of fast neutrons produced from U-238 over the number of thermal neutrons produced from U-235.
d. The number of fast neutrons produced from all fission over the number of fast neutrons produced from thermal fission.

QUESTION A.19 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following parameters is MOST significant in determining the differential rod worth of a control rod?

a. Rod speed
b. Flux shape
c. Reactor power
d. Fuel Temperature

QUESTION A.20 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following parameter changes will require control rod INSERTION to maintain constant power level following the change?

a. Insertion of a void into the core
b. Buildup of Samarium in the core
c. Increase in coolant water temperature (assume a negative temperature coefficient)
d. Removal of an experiment containing cadmium

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

QUESTION B.01 [1.0 point, 0.25 each]

Fill out the blanks with the Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCO) listed in the UC-Davis McClellan Technical Specifications.

Safety System Parameter LCO

a. Excess Reactivity a. _____ $ (4.00/7.50/9.25)
b. Shutdown Margin b. _____ %k/k (0.25/0.35/0.75)
c. Maximum Absolute Value of a Fixed c. _____ $ (1.23/2.23/3.35)

Experiment Worth

d. _____ MW (1.02/1.50/2.00)
d. Maximum Steady State Power

QUESTION B.02 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following does the UC-Davis/McClellan NRC Director report directly to for the safe operation and maintenance of the facility?

a. UC-Davis/McClellan Nuclear Safety Committee
b. UC-Davis/McClellan Vice Chancellor for Research
c. UC-Davis/McClellan President
d. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

QUESTION B.03 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following regulations states the UC-Davis/McClellan Requalification Program must be conducted for a continuous period not to exceed 24 months?

a. 10 CFR 19
b. 10 CFR 20
c. 10 CFR 50
d. 10 CFR 55 Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

QUESTION B.04 [1.0 point]

The Fuel Handling Checklist is required to be completed ________ any reactor storage pit fuel manipulation.

a. at the end of
b. at the beginning of
c. at least a week before
d. prior to the commencement of, and each day of

QUESTION B.05 [1.0 point]

In accordance with 10 CFR 20, which ONE of the following correctly defines the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE)?

a. The sum of the products of the weighting factors applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated and the committed dose equivalent to these organs or tissues.
b. The sum of the effective dose equivalent (for external exposures) and the committed effective dose equivalent (for internal exposures).
c. The concentration of a given radionuclide in air which, if breathed by the reference man for a working year of 2,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> under conditions of light work, results in an intake of one ALI.
d. The sum of the products of the dose equivalent to the organ or tissue and the weighting factors applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated.

QUESTION B.06 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following surveillances is classified as a Channel Test?

a. Expose a detector to a check source to verify that it responds.
b. Verification of the log channel performance requirements by observation.
c. Compare the prestart readings of the radiation area monitors to the previous day readings
d. Adjust the wide range linear channel in accordance with recent data collected during a reactor power calibration.

Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

QUESTION B.07 [1.0 point]

The radiation level from an unshielded source is 1 rem/hr. Using a 50 mm thick shield (made from various materials) reduces the radiation level to 625 mrem/hr.

What is the approximate half-value layer (HVL) of the shielding for this source?

(HVL: thickness of shielding required to reduce the original source intensity by half)

a. 64mm
b. 70mm
c. 74mm
d. 80mm

QUESTION B.08 [1.0 point]

A sample reads 456 mrem/hr at a distance of 3 feet from the source. How far away from the source will the reading be 10 mrem/hr?

a. 17 feet
b. 20 feet
c. 34 feet
d. 65 feet

QUESTION B.09 [1.0 point]

An experiment reading 82.00 mrem/hr was removed from the reactor. Four hours later, it reads 8.00 mrem/h. What is the half-life of the radioisotope in the experiment sample?

a. 1.01 hr
b. 1.19 hr
c. 1.55 hr
d. 2.12 hr

QUESTION B.10 [1.0 point, 0.33 each]

For each ONE of the following, identify the required surveillance frequency as MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI-ANNUAL, ANNUALLY. Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

a. Reactor tank conductivity
b. Control rod scram time
c. Excess reactivity Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

QUESTION B.11 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is normally designated as the Emergency Control Station (ESC)?

a. Assembly area
b. Staging area 1
c. Reactor control room
d. Facility Directors office

QUESTION B.12 [1.0 point]

10 CFR Part ________ requires all applicants for a reactor operator or senior reactor operator license to submit NRC Form 396 and 398 to the US NRC before taking the examination.

a. 19
b. 20
c. 50
d. 55

QUESTION B.13 [1.0 point]

In accordance with UC-Davis McClellan NRC procedure, which ONE of the following actions is NOT a Class I Facility Modification?

a. NRC approval prior to installation.
b. Change out of the neutron irradiation facility.
c. Modification involves a change in Technical Specifications.
d. Change involves an unreviewed safety question affecting the Safety Analysis Report.

QUESTION B.14 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is classified as a Protective Action?

a. Actions to correct and terminate an emergency.
b. Actions taken after an emergency to restore the facility to its pre-emergency condition.
c. Actions taken during or after an emergency to obtain and process information which is necessary to make decisions to implement specific emergency procedures.
d. Actions taken in anticipation of an uncontrolled release of radioactive material, after an uncontrolled release has occurred, or to prevent or minimize personnel radiation doses that would occur if the actions were not taken.

Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

QUESTION B.15 [1.0 point, 0.33 each]

Match the Emergency Terms in Column A to the Emergency Definitions in Column B, according to the UC-Davis/McClellan Emergency Plan.

Column A Column B

a. Assessment Actions 1. Actions measures taken to correct and terminate an emergency.
b. Corrective Actions
2. Actions taken after the emergency to
c. Recovery Actions restore the facility to its pre-emergency condition.
3. Actions taken during or after an emergency to obtain and process information necessary to implement specific emergency procedures.

QUESTION B.16 [1.0 point]

Per UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications, which ONE of the following events does NOT require the direction of a licensed Senior Reactor Operator at the facility?

a. Recovery from an unscheduled shutdown
b. Initial reactor startup and approach to power
c. Relocation of control rods within the reactor core
d. Insertion of a movable experiment with a worth less than $1.00

QUESTION B.17 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the MINIMUM number of required radiation monitoring systems to be classified as operable in accordance with UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications?

a. 1 Radiation Area Monitor (RAM) and 1 Continuous Air Monitor (CAM)
b. 1 reactor RAM, 1 demin RAM, and 1 stack particulate
c. 1 demin RAM, 1 reactor CAM, and 1 stack CAM
d. 1 reactor RAM, 1 demin RAM, 1 reactor CAM, and 1 stack CAM Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION B.18 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following surveillances is classified as a Channel Calibration?

a. Adjust the wide range linear channel to match the recent data collected during a reactor power calibration.
b. Compare the prestart readings of the radiation area monitors to the previous day readings.
c. Verification of the log channel performance requirements by observation.
d. Expose a detector to a check source to verify that it responds.

QUESTION B.19 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is NOT part of the Radiation Work Permit (RWP) procedure?

a. Worker shall fill out part I
b. SRO approve in the absence of the RSO
c. RSO shall assign an RWP number and fill out part II
d. SRO can make pen and ink changes to the RWP expiration date

QUESTION B.20 [1.0 point]

Assume you are currently a licensed operator at UC-Davis/McClellan reactor. Which ONE of the following is a requirement of 10 CFR 55, Operators Licenses?

a. All licensed operators must pass an annual written requalification exam.
b. All licensed operators must successfully complete a continuous requalification program, not to exceed 24 months.
c. All licensed operators must actively perform the functions of an operator or senior operator for a minimum of 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> per quarter to maintain active status.
d. All licensed operators must have a medical examination by a physician every 3 years.

(***** END OF CATEGORY B *****)

Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.01 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following performs all operational interlocks and safety trips required by UC-Davis/McClellan NRC Technical Specifications?

a. Reactor Safety System (RSS)
b. Digital Control Computer - Z (DCC-Z)
c. Digital Control Computer - X (DCC-X)
d. Reactor Control and Monitoring System

QUESTION C.02 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the poison section of the UC-Davis/McClellan NRC control rods?

a. Steel
b. Argon
c. Aluminum
d. Borated Graphite

QUESTION C.03 [1.0 point]

What is the primary function of the graphite sections on both sides of the fuel element?

a. Absorb thermal neutrons
b. Increases fast neutron flux
c. Reduces neutron leakage
d. Absorb fission product gases

QUESTION C.04 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following outputs is provided by the Wide Range detector?

a. Fuel Temperature
b. Power rate of change (period)
c. Pulse power output of 0 - 2000 MW
d. Linear power output of 0 - 120 percent power Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.05 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following produces significant quantities of Nitrogen-16 in the reactor pool?

a. Argon - 41
b. Cobalt - 60
c. Oxygen - 16
d. Iodine - 131

QUESTION C.06 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following records is NOT required to be kept for the lifetime of the facility?

a. Offsite environmental surveys
b. Drawings of the reactor facility
c. Principal maintenance activities
d. Radiation exposures for all personnel

QUESTION C.07 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is NOT included in the key features of the reactor scram devices in the radiography bays?

a. Once activated, the rip cord circuit can only be reset from inside the bay
b. The reactor is either scrammed or cannot be operated if the fast shutter and the bay door is open
c. The reactor is either scrammed or cannot be operated when the rip cord circuits have been activated
d. The reactor is either scrammed or cannot be operated if the massive shutter and the bay door is open Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.08 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following receives power from the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), in the event of a loss of building power?

a. Emergency lights only
b. All major components for safe reactor shutdown
c. AMUWS demineralizer pump, EF-1 fan motor and temperature control panel (TCP)
d. Reactor instrumentation and control system and radiation monitoring equipment

QUESTION C.09 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following outputs is provided by the NPP-1000?

a. Fuel temperature
b. Power rate of change (period)
c. Pulse power output of 0 - 2000 MW
d. Linear power output of 0 - 120 percent power

QUESTION C.10 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the annual average concentration of Argon-41 discharged into the unrestricted area SHALL NOT EXCEED?

a. 1 x 10 -6 µCi/ml
b. 1 x 10 -7 µCi/ml
c. 1 x 10 -8 µCi/ml
d. 1 x 10 -9 µCi/ml

QUESTION C.11 [1.0 point]

What is the main purpose of the fuel followers in the control rods?

a. Decrease the fast neutron flux in the core
b. Increase the effectiveness for reactor pulsing
c. Decrease the thermal neutron flux in the core
d. Increase the core excess reactivity in the reactor core Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.12 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following indicates the cleanest pool water?

a. Lowest pH
b. Highest pH
c. Highest resistivity
d. Highest conductivity

QUESTION C.13 [1.0 point]

All fuel elements shall be stored in a geometrical array where the keff is less than ________ for all conditions of moderation.

a. 0.8
b. 0.9
c. 1.0
d. 1.1

QUESTION C.14 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is the primary isotope of concern in air? Note: A neutron flux will activate isotopes in air.

a. H2 (H1 (n, ) H 2)
b. N16 (O16 (n,p) N16)
c. Kr80 (Kr79 (n, ) Kr 80)
d. Ar41 (Ar40 (n, ) Ar 41)

QUESTION C.15 [1.0 point]

In which region of the output signal versus applied voltage curve does a fission chamber operate?

a. Ion Chamber
b. Proportional
c. Geiger-Mueller
d. Limited Proportional Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.16 [1.0 point]

What is the MINIMUM required ventilation system required for reactor operations?

a. AC-1
b. AC-2
c. EF-1
d. EF-2

QUESTION C.17 [1.0 point]

Which ONE of the following is used in the pneumatic transfer system to move a rabbit sample between the terminus and receiver?

a. N16
b. Kr80
c. CO2
d. Air

QUESTION C.18 [1.0 point]

In accordance with UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications, which ONE of the following is the MAXIMUM amount of fueled experiments are limited to of Sr-90?

a. 1 microcurie
b. 5 microcurie
c. 1 curie
d. 5 millicurie

QUESTION C.19 [1.0 point]

What is the reactor power response when you try to withdraw SHIM 1 rod while the reactor is operating in the AUTO MODE with REG and SHIM 1 rods selected?

a. scram
b. increases
c. decreases
d. stays the same Category C: Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems

QUESTION C.20 [1.0 point]

What is the color of the rod on the high-resolution screen, for a control rod, given the following conditions: magnet up, magnet down and rod down limit switches are all open (off)?

a. black
b. green
c. yellow
d. magenta

(***** END OF CATEGORY C *****)

(******** END OF EXAMINATION ********)

Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

A.01 Answer: d.


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1982, Section 3.2

A.02 Answer: c.


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1982, page 4-21

A.03 Answer: a. Alpha; b. Positron; c. Neutron; d. Alpha (0.25 each)


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1982, Section 1.3.1

A.04 Answer: d.



A.05 Answer: b.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-04, page 11

A.06 Answer: b.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-03, page 18

A.07 Answer: b.


CR = S/(1-K) CR = 1000/(1 - 0.8) = 5000 N/sec

A.08 Answer: c.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-03, page 21

A.09 Answer: a.


Burns, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1988, Section 3.3

A.10 Answer: b.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 1, page 29

A.11 Answer: c.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-03, page 4

A.12 Answer: b.


Chart of the Nuclides Category A: Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics

A.13 Answer: b.


T=DT/ln(2) = 68 seconds/0.693 = 98.124 or 98 seconds

A.14 Answer: a.


Decreasing the reactivity worth in the core will decrease the core excess

A.15 Answer: c.


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1988, Section 3.3.4

= (k eff1 - keff2) / (keff1

  • keff2) = (0.943 - 0.885) / (0.943
  • 0.885) 0.0694 k/k = 6.94%k/k

Answer: c.


CR1/CR2 = (1-keff2)/(1-keff1); Solve for keff2, 100/55 = (1- keff2) / 1 - 0.95, therefore keff2 = 0.91; = (k eff2 - keff1) / (keff2 x keff1), (0.91 - 0.95) / (0.91 x 0.95) = - 0.046

A.17 Answer: c.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-03, page 2

A.18 Answer: d.


Burn, R., Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, 1988, Section 3.3.1, page 3-16

A.19 Answer: b.


Burn, Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Operations, Section 7, page 7-4

A.20 Answer: d.


DOE Fundamentals of Reactor Theory, Volume 2, NP-04, page 30-31

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

B.01 Answer: a. 7.50; b. 0.35; c. 1.75; d. 1.02 (0.25 each)


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3

B.02 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specification 6.1

B.03 Answer: d.


10 CFR Part 55.59(a)(1)

B.04 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan SOP, Fuel Handling Tool, Section 2.2.1

B.05 Answer: b.


10 CFR Part 20.1003

B.06 Answer: a.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 1.3

B.07 Answer: c.


DR = DR0 e-x (625) = (1000) e-(50mm); -ln (0.625) = (50mm); = 0.0094 mm -1 (500) = (1000) e-(0.0094)x; -ln (0.5) = (0.0094 mm-1)x; x= 73.739 mm or ~74 mm

B.08 Answer: b.


DR1*(D1)2 = DR2*(D2)2 ;

456 mrem*(3)2 = 10 mrem(d)2; 4104/10 = d2 = 410.4 d = 20.26 feet

B.09 Answer: b.


DR=DR0e(-t) T1/2=0.693/

DR = DR0 e-.693/T1/2 8 = 82 e-(.693)(4)/T1/2 0.0923 = e-(2.772)/T1/2 ln(0.0976) = ln(e-(2.772)/T1/2)

-2.327 = -2.772 / T1/2 T1/2 = -2.772 / -2.327 T1/2 = 1.19 hr

B.10 Answer: a. Monthly; b. Semi-annual; c. Annually; (0.33 each)


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 4.1.1, 4.2.1, and 4.3 Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

B.11 Answer: c.


UC Davis/McClellan Emergency Plan, Definitions 2.0

B.12 Answer: d.


10 CFR Part 55

B.13 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan Facility Modification Procedure, Section 4

B.14 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan Emergency Plan, Section 2

B.15 Answer: a. 3; b. 1; c. 2


UC-Davis/McClellan Emergency Plan, Section 2

B.16 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 6.1.3

B.17 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications Table 3-4

B.18 Answer: a.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 1.3

B.19 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC Radiation Safety Procedures, Section 18, Radiation Work Permit Procedure

B.20 Answer: b.


10 CFR Part 55

(***** END OF CATEGORY B *****)

C.01 Answer: a.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 1.23

C.02 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 5.3.3.a

C.03 Answer: c.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 5.3.2.a, NRC Standard Question

C.04 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan SAR

C.05 Answer: c.


NRC standard question

C.06 Answer: c.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 6.8

C.07 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan SAR Chapter 9, Section 6 Interlocks/Controls - Bay Shutters/Doors

C.08 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC SAR 8.2

C.09 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC SAR

C.10 Answer: c.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC SAR 8.2

C.11 Answer: d.


NRC standard question

C.12 Answer: c.


NRC standard question

Enclosure 1 Category B: Normal/Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls

C.13 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 5.4

C.14 Answer: d.


NRC standard question

C.15 Answer: b.


NRC standard question

C.16 Answer: c.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications

C.17 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC SAR 10.4.4

C.18 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan Technical Specifications 3.8.2

C.19 Answer: d.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC Operating Instruction, Section 4.3

C.20 Answer: b.


UC-Davis/McClellan NRC SAR 7.3.2

(***** END OF CATEGORY C *****)

(******** END OF EXAMINATION ********)