MONTHYEARML20214R3451986-01-13013 January 1986 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,authorizing storage-only of Pu-238 ML20214R3941980-11-20020 November 1980 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,deleting Use of Neutron Source.Source in Storage,Pending Sale or Disposal 1986-01-13
MONTHYEARML20214R3451986-01-13013 January 1986 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,authorizing storage-only of Pu-238 ML20214R3941980-11-20020 November 1980 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,deleting Use of Neutron Source.Source in Storage,Pending Sale or Disposal 1986-01-13
[Table view] Category:DKT 30 MTL BYPRODUCT
MONTHYEARML20214R2411986-10-20020 October 1986 Amend 4 to License SNM-1223 for Sandwich High School, Amending License in Entirety ML20214R2791986-10-20020 October 1986 Forwards Amend 4,renewing License SNM-1223.License Renewal Based Upon Existing Documentation in 801120 Application. Info Submitted in 860113 Application Did Not Contain Sufficiently Detailed Info to Permit Renewal ML20214R3081986-02-26026 February 1986 Ack Receipt of Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223 ML20214R3831986-02-13013 February 1986 Returns Fee Submitted w/860113 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223.Licensee Exempt from Payment of Fees ML20214R3451986-01-13013 January 1986 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,authorizing storage-only of Pu-238 ML20214R3941980-11-20020 November 1980 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,deleting Use of Neutron Source.Source in Storage,Pending Sale or Disposal 1986-02-26
MONTHYEARML20214R2411986-10-20020 October 1986 Amend 4 to License SNM-1223 for Sandwich High School, Amending License in Entirety ML20214R3451986-01-13013 January 1986 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,authorizing storage-only of Pu-238 ML20214R3941980-11-20020 November 1980 Application for Renewal of License SNM-1223,deleting Use of Neutron Source.Source in Storage,Pending Sale or Disposal 1986-10-20
[Table view] |