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Public Meeting to Discuss Revision of Regulatory Guide 1.200 and Updates to Technical Guidance Related to Risk-Informed Activities
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/02/2023
From: Jeffery Wood
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
RG 1.200
Download: ML23121A255 (1)


Public Meeting to Discuss Revision of Regulatory Guide 1.200 and Updates to Technical Guidance Related to Risk-Informed Activities Jeffery Wood Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research May 2, 2023

Agenda Revision of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.200

- PRA standards to be reviewed

- Plan and schedule for revision Update to NUREG-1855, Guidance on Treatment of Uncertainties Update to NUREG-2122, Glossary of Risk-Related Terms 2

RG 1.200 Background RG 1.200


one approach acceptable to NRC staff for determining whether a base PRA is sufficient to provide confidence in the results, such that the PRA can be used in regulatory decisionmaking for light-water reactors (LWRs).

  • Establish NRC staff positions on PRA acceptability
  • Endorse consensus PRA standards
  • Endorse related PRA guidance
  • Obviate need for in-depth review of PRA
  • Support other application-specific RGs that address risk-informed activities, e.g., RG 1.201 Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of SSCs 3

Revisions of RG 1.200 Next Technical Revision of RG 1.200: Provide staff positions on new and updated PRA standards DG-1395 (NRC ADAMS ML21238A304): Update guidance related to proposed rule on alignment of 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 52, Federal Register Notice published March 18, 2021 Rev. 3, 2020: Staff positions on ASME/ANS RA-S Case 1 and guidance on peer review and newly developed methods Rev. 2, 2009: Staff positions on ASME/ANS RA-Sa-2009 and peer review guidance Rev. 1, 2007: Revision after trial use, staff positions on ASME RA-S-2002, ASME RA-Sa-2003, ASME RA-Sb-2005, and peer review guidance Rev. 0, 2004: Trial use staff positions on ASME RA-S-2002, ASME RA-Sa-2003, and peer review guidance 4

Next Technical Revision to RG 1.200

  • Endorsement of PRA standards to support:
  • All hazards and all operating modes
  • Preoperational-stage PRA Endorse Low Power and Shutdown PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.6 Endorse Level 2 PRA Standard (anticipated by end of 2024)

ASME/ANS RA-S-1.2 (anticipated in 2023) Endorse Advanced LWR PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.5 (anticipated by end of 2024)

Endorse 2022 Level 1 / LERF PRA Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.1-2022 and near-term update Established staff positions in existing Regulatory Guides 5

RG 1.200 Revision Schedule Level 1 / LERF PRA Level 2 PRA Standard Low Power and Standard Review Review Shutdown PRA

  • Ongoing
  • Begin Fall 2023 Standard Review
  • Include 2023 rev.
  • Begin Late 2024 Public Meeting and Public Meeting and Public Meeting and Feedback Feedback Feedback
  • Late 2023
  • Early 2024
  • Mid-2025 Tentative schedule is subject to change 6

RG 1.200 Revision Schedule (continued)

Advanced LWR PRA Prepare Draft RG 1.200 Standard Review Revision

  • Begin Early 2025
  • Public review & comment
  • Final publication mid-2026 Public Meeting and Feedback Public Meeting and
  • Late 2025 Feedback
  • Late 2025 Tentative schedule is subject to change 7

RG 1.200 Revision PRA Standard Database Development Tool to support efficient review and endorsement

  • Search and filter PRA standard requirements Requirement text compare
  • Compare revisions IDENTIFY all important
  • Compare Regulatory Guide staff positions significant components aspects contributing to
  • Track staff notes and workflow plant risk.

Publicly available database version under development

  • Limited to publicly available documents (e.g., RGs) 8

Catalog of PRA Methods Development Tool for knowledge management on uses of PRA methods

  • Assist with efficiency and rapidly identifying the depth of review needed for a method used in a risk-informed activity
  • Include methods covering all hazards that have been approved, accepted, or widely implemented in PRAs for U.S. nuclear plants
  • Catalog information about newly developed methods 9

Update of NUREG-1855

  • Update NUREG-1855, Guidance on the Treatment of Uncertainties Associated with PRAs in Risk-Informed Decision Making, Rev. 1 (Mar. 2017)
  • Reflect new consensus PRA standards and emerging needs from operating and advanced light water reactors
  • Update/develop specific guidance to treat uncertainty in different risk applications 10

Update of NUREG-2122

  • Update NUREG-2122, Glossary of Risk-Related Terms in Support of Risk-Informed Decisionmaking (Nov. 2013)
  • Include updated and new definitions of terms broadly used by PRA practitioners and risk-informed decision makers
  • Update will include a focused effort to identify consensus definitions for terms related to new and advanced LWR and Non-LWR risks 11

Comments and Feedback on RG 1.200 and PRA Guidance Updates?


Abbreviations and Acronyms ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ANS American Nuclear Society ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers CFR Code of Federal Regulations LERF Large Early Release Frequency LWR Light Water Reactor NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment RG Regulatory Guide SSC Structures, Systems, and Components 13