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Informs That Jl Shepherd Model 6810 Source Capsule Acceptable for Use in Husman irradiator,SN-009,in Response to 951102,960507,960816 & 960925 Submittals
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/27/1996
From: Michele Burgess
To: Jensen J
Shared Package
ML20129G445 List:
SSD, NUDOCS 9610300098
Download: ML20129G439 (4)



1 September 27, 1996 i

Mr. John T. Jensen U.S. Depanment of Agriculture 4700 River Rcad. Unit 91 Riverdale, MD 20737

Dear Mr. Jensen:

Based on the information submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the letters and  ;

facsimiles dated November 2,1995, May 7,1996, August 16,1996, and September 25,1996, I with enclosures thereto, we have determined that J.L. Shepherd Model 6810 source capsule is  ;

acceptable for use in the Husman irradiator, SN-009. Please be advised that you must use the product in accordance with the statements and representations contained in your letters and facsimiles, with enclosures thereto.

A copy of this letter has been forwarded to the appropriate reviewer for licensing action.

1 The review of Husman irradiator as a custom product is continuing separately.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-5868 or Mr. Steven Baggett at (301) 415-7273.

Sincerely, Original Signed by Michele L. Burgess, Mechanical Engineer Sealed Source Safety Section Medical, Academic, and Commercial Use Safety Branch Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS l

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9610300098 960927 PDR RC


SSSS r/f NE01 SSD 95-114 ,JJoyner,RI CDolce, RI I

DOCUMENT NAME: C:\SSSS\WORKSSD\USDA\ADDSOURC. CMP l Ta receive a cop r of this document, indecate in the box: "C a Copy udhout attachtnant/encbsure T = Copy vdh attachment /encbsure *N" a No copy l

, OFFICE IMAB C IMAB g, l l l )

NAME MBurgess/mb 7nIA SBaggMt ,

l DATE 09/ c2'J /96 09/ 'T /96 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

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United States Office of Office of Personnel, Radiation Safety Staff G Agriculture Department of The Secretary Safety & Health Management Division 4700 River Road, Unit 91 Riverdale, MD 20737

- 7 Q 19'4 Steven L. Baggett Sealed Source Safety Section Medical, Academic, and Commercial Use Safety Branch Division ofIndustrial and Medical Nuclear Safety  ;

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Mr. Baggett:

1 Thank you for meeting with Mr. Patterson, of my staff, and Ron Milberg from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Servi:e (APHIS) on April 29,1996. In response to your letter dated April 10,1996, the following information is submitted. ,

General Husman Design and Operation ,

The Husman series irradiators is a custom design for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These i units are used for the irradiation ofinsect pupae for sterile fly release programs for pest control.

A total of nine units have been constructed. '

To assist you in the review, general drawings of the Husman irradiator are enclosed. Figure 1 shows the general view of the unit with its major components. Figure 2 is an end view demonstrating its typical operation. Canisters enter the Husman at Position A, are rotated on an  :

inner cylinder to Position B for irradiation after which they are rotated to Position C which drops the canisters on an outfeed chute.

Figure 3 is a picture of the Husman during its assembly process. This is attached to indicate the general size of the unit.

The general design specifications of the Husman irradiator chamber is shown in Figure 4. As shown in this cross section, two source tubes are located above the rotating cylinder and one I source tube is below. The source tubes remain stationary. A longitudinal drawing is shown m l Figure 5, showing the length and relative position of the upper source tubes. Not shown in this  !

drawing is the shield end plug that is attached to the tube after loading.

J. L. Shepherd Cs-137 Source Tube Insert Design The radioactive sources to be used for this irradiator (SN-009) are manufactured by Amersham as Model X-2157 and are purchased through J. L. Shepherd as their Moe,'el 6810 source. This source is listed in the registry of scaled sources and devices under reference CA598S119S.


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Mr. Baggett 2 Drawings of the sources in the insert and their spacers are shown in Attachment 1. The source tube insert is designed to fit inside the existing Husman source tubes. ,

The sealed sources are stainless steel as is the source tube insert. The spacers are aluminum. 3 The source tubes are sealed; no vmter or water vapor can enter to initiate a chemical reaction, and the electrochemical potential betwee t the two metals should not support a reaction that would significantly degrade the sources. No other corrosive materials are used near the irradiator that could have an impact on the source integrity, i The general operation of the Husman irradiators does not produce a significant amount of >

vibration within the non-rotating areas of the unit. Any vibrations encountered during routine  :

operations would be well within the design characteristics of the source capsules.

The Husman irradiators are operated in enclosed buildings. The temperature in these facilities is controlled to within the design specifications of the sealed sources (10-50 C or 50-122 F). In addition, the temperature within the irradiator itselfis fairly constant due to the thermal mass of j the lead surrounding the sources.

J. L. Shepherd has applied to the California Radiologic Health Branch to amend its registry listing for the 6810 source to indicate the Amersham capsule designation and to allow their use with the Husman series inadiators. This was transmitted on April 25,1996.

Anticipated External Radiation Levels When fully loaded with is design capacity of 42,000 Curies of cesium-137, the maximum radiation levels expected are less than 2 mR/hr at the surface of the irradiator and less than 0.5 mR/hr at three feet.

Scaled Source and Device Registration Information The USDA will submit, separately, information requested by your office to enable you to icsue a registration certificate for the Husman series irradiators. This will include the information '

specified in Regulatory Guide 10.10 and will include all sources currently installed or planned for these irradiators.


Mr. Baggett 3 If you have any additional questions regarding the Husman irradiator, you can contact me at 301-734-4945 or Mr. Patterson at 301-734-4948.


[i J hn T. Je er irector Radiation Safety Staff 6 Enclosures

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Figure 1: General view of the Husman Irradiator, showing the major mechanical components.


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Figure 2: End view of the Husman Irradiator, showing the infeed, irradiate, and outfeed positi'ons of the pupae cylinders. .

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