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NRC Ai Strategic Plan Public Meeting Presentation
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/03/2022
From: Brett Klukan
NRC Region 1
Dennis M
Download: ML22213A273 (16)


Draft Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Comment-Gathering Public Meeting August 3, 2022 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 1p.m. ET

GUIDELINES AND AGENDA Brett Klukan NRC Meeting Facilitator 2


  • The public meeting will be recorded and transcribed
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  • Questions and feedback

- Following the NRC presentation, there will be an opportunity for comments and discussion from meeting attendees

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- Please turn off cameras and mute all microphones unless speaking 3


Time (Eastern) Topic Speaker 1:00 P.M. Guidelines and Agenda Brett Klukan 1:05 P.M. Opening Remarks Teri Lalain 1:10 P.M. Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan Overview Matt Dennis 1:30 P.M. Public Comment Public 3:00 P.M. Adjourn NRC 4

OPENING REMARKS Dr. Theresa Lalain Deputy Director, Division of Systems Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research 5

OPENING REMARKS Purpose Preparation, Awareness and Readiness for the Future Defining Artificial Intelligence for NRC-Regulated Activities Common Understanding of the Levels of Autonomy Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan Goals and Next Steps 6

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGIC PLAN OVERVIEW Matt Dennis Reactor Systems Engineer (Data Scientist)

Division of Systems Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research 7


  • The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes that interest in artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly in both the public and private sectors and anticipates increased use of AI in NRC-regulated activities
  • The nuclear industry is researching and using AI applications; therefore, the NRC must be prepared to evaluate the technology
  • The purpose of the AI Strategic Plan is to ensure continued staff readiness to review and evaluate the use of AI in NRC-regulated activities effectively and efficiently 8


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

- A machine-based system that can go beyond defined results and scenarios and has the ability to emulate human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning, communication, or physical action. For a given set of human-defined objectives, AI can make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. These systems use machine-and human-based inputs to perceive real and virtual environments, abstract such perceptions into models through analysis in an automated manner, and use model inference to formulate options for information or action.1

- An application of artificial intelligence that is characterized by providing systems the ability to automatically learn and improve on the basis of data or experience, without being explicitly programmed.1 1Adapted from National Defense Authorization Act (2021) 9

Preparation, Awareness, and Readiness for the Future Developing the AI Strategic Plan to better position the agency in AI decisionmaking Engaged interdisciplinary team of AI subject matter experts across the agency Leveraging insights from the 2021 Data Science and AI Regulatory Applications Workshops*

AI Strategic Plan to be finalized after receipt and consideration of comments from the public and feedback from the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS The AI Strategic Plan* consists of five strategic goals:

  • Goal 1: Ensure NRC Readiness for Regulatory Decisionmaking
  • Goal 2: Establish an Organizational Framework to Review AI Applications
  • Goal 3: Strengthen and Expand AI Partnerships
  • Goal 4: Cultivate an AI-Proficient Workforce
  • Goal 5: Pursue Use Cases to Build an AI Foundation Across the NRC

Notional AI and Autonomy Levels in Commercial Nuclear Activities Notional AI and Potential Uses of AI and Level Autonomy Levels Autonomy in Commercial Nuclear Activities Human Level 1 Insight AI integration in systems is used for optimization, Involvement Human decisionmaking assisted operational guidance, or business process by a machine automation that would not affect plant safety/security and control Level 2 Collaboration AI integration in systems where algorithms make Human decisionmaking recommendations that could affect plant augmented by a machine safety/security and control are vetted and carried out by a human decisionmaker Level 3 Operation AI and autonomy integration in systems where Machine decisionmaking algorithms make decisions and conduct operations supervised by a human with human oversight that could affect plant safety/security and control Level 4 Fully Autonomous Fully autonomous AI in systems where the algorithm Machine decisionmaking with no is responsible for operation, control, and intelligent human intervention adaptation without reliance on human intervention or oversight that could affect plant safety/security Machine and control Independence Common Understanding of the Level Key for Regulatory Readiness 12

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGIC PLAN NEXT STEPS Timeframe Milestone July 5, 2022 Issued Draft AI Strategic Plan for public comment August 3, 2022 Host AI Strategic Plan public meeting Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Joint November 2022 Subcommittee meeting on AI Spring 2023 Issue Final AI Strategic Plan Maintaining public engagement and awareness via our NRC AI Public Website*



1. Are there any specific recommendations or improvements to consider in the development of the AI Strategic Plan?
2. What goals, objectives, or strategies within the NRC's current strategic plan should be added, enhanced, or modified in the AI Strategic Plan?
3. What are potential near-term, or far-term, AI activities that the NRC should be aware when finalizing and prioritizing the AI Strategic Plan, or associated supporting research?
4. What are potential challenges the NRC should be aware when preparing to review potential use of AI in nuclear applications? 14

Contact Us

  • Dr. Theresa Lalain Deputy Director, Division of Safety Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

Chief, Accident Analysis Branch Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

  • Matt Dennis Reactor Systems Engineer (Data Scientist)

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research 15

Public Meeting Draft Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan for FY 2023-2027 August 3, 2022

  • The public comment portion of todays meeting was scheduled from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • If you have joined and have comments, please e-mail the following NRC staff, and we will rejoin the meeting to receive your comments:

- Matt Dennis (

- Luis Betancourt ( 16