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02-24-2022 Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Et Al., from Chairman Hanson Regarding Actions Taken by NRC in Response to Gao Recommendations
Date released: 03/03/2022 Download: ML22033A233

Enclosure - Summary of NRC Actions - Response to Gao Reports
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/24/2022
From: Christopher Hanson
To: Dodaro G L
US Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Download: ML22033A236 (13)
02-24-2022 Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Et Al., from Chairman Hanson Regarding Actions Taken by NRC in Response to Gao Recommendations
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/24/2022
From: Christopher Hanson
To: Carper T R, DeLauro R L, Dodaro G L, Feinstein D, Harris K, Kaptur M, Leahy P, Maloney C B, Manchin J, Markey E J, Meeks G W, Menendez R, Pallone F, Pelosi N, Peters G C, Rush B L, Sanders B, Thompson B G, Tonko P, Yarmuth J, Young S
US Congress, US Government Accountability Office (GAO), US HR (House of Representatives), US SEN (Senate)
Download: ML22033A234 (3)