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Fy 2022 Proposed Fee Rule Slides March 17, 2022
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/17/2022
From: Clay Johnson
Download: ML22075A326 (26)


FY 2022 Proposed Fee Rule Public Meeting March 17, 2022 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ground Rules Anthony Rossi 2

FY 2022 Proposed Fee Rule Cherish Johnson Chief Financial Officer


Notice of Meeting on the FY 2022 Proposed Fee Rule March 17, 2022, 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Virtual Teams Meeting link:

Call in number: 301-576-2978; Conference ID: 815235679#

Time Topic Speaker Establish Ground Rules for Meeting Anthony Rossi 10:30 AM Opening Remarks Cherish Johnson 10:35 AM 10:45 AM Key Features of the NRCs FY 2022 Budget

  • License Fee Policy Overview Christie Galster
  • Reactor Safety Program (Operating and New Reactors) Brian Smith 11:30 AM Q&A Jo Jacobs 11:50 AM Public Comments Submission Jo Jacobs 11:55 AM CFO Closing Remarks Cherish Johnson 12:00 PM Meeting Adjourned 4

Fee Rule Comments

  • In scope comments:

o Focused on methodology for calculating fees o Changes to fee regulations o Fee schedules

  • Out of scope comments:

o General comments on agency efficiencies o Changes to regulatory process o Public participation in budget formulation

  • Use the appropriate venue to receive timely response 5

FY 2022 Budgetary Considerations Jason Shay, Director Office of Chief Financial Officer Division of Budget

FY 2022 Enacted Budget FY 2021 FY 2022 Delta Enacted Budget Enacted Budget** FY 2022 - FY 2021 Major Program

$M* FTE $M* FTE $M* FTE Nuclear Reactor Safety 452.8 1,755 477.4 1,783 24.6 28 Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety 125.6 462 130.2 453 4.6 (9)

Corporate Support 271.4 588 266.3 580 (5.1) (8)

Subtotal 849.9 2,805 873.9 2,816 24.1 11 Office of the Inspector General 13.5 63 13.8 63 0.3 0 Subtotal 863.4 2,868 887.7 2,879 24.4 11 University Nuclear Leadership Program 16.0 16.0 0.0 Authorized Carryover (35.0) - (16.0) - 19.0 -

Total $844.4 2,868 $887.7 2,879 $43.3 11

  • $M includes full-time equivalent (FTE) costs as well as contract support and travel. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
    • The numbers may change based on the NRCs FY 2022 Execution Plan.


Net Budget Authority FY 2021 FY 2022 Delta Enacted Enacted FY 2022 - FY 2021

$M* $M* $M*

Budget Authority 844.4 887.7 43.3 Offsetting Fees 721.4 756.7 35.3 Net Budget Authority $123.0 $131.0 $8.0

  • $M includes FTE costs as well as contract support and travel. Numbers may not add due to rounding.

$8 million 8

Budget Trend FY 2014-FY 2022 Budget

  • The numbers may change based on the NRCs FY 2022 Execution Plan.


FY 2022 Fee Overview Christine Galster, Senior Accountant Office of the Chief Financial Officer Division of Budget License Fee Policy Team

Statutory and Regulatory Framework

  • Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) of 1952
  • Nuclear Energy Innovation & Modernization Act (NEIMA) of 2018:

o Regulations promulgated under 10 CFR Part 171.

o Limits power reactor annual fees at the FY 2015 annual fee amount as adjusted each year thereafter for inflation.

o Recover, to the maximum extent practicable, 100% of budget authority:

LESS activities NEIMA designated as excluded from recovery.

LESS any fee-relief activities identified by the Commission.

  • Annual Appropriation 11

Budget and Fee Recovery Amounts for FY 2022 Proposed Rule

[Dollars in Millions]

Total Budget Authority $ 887.7 Less Budget Authority for Excluded Activities: GHLS, WIR, DNFSB, ARI - 131.0 and FEE RELIEF $ 756.7 Balance Fee Recovery Rate for FY 2022 x 100.0%

Total Amount to be Recovered For FY 2022 $ 756.7 Adjustments (Part 171 Collections) - 4.5 Adjusted Recovery Amount $ 752.2 Less Estimated Part 170 Billings - 188.9 Part 171 Fee Collections Required $ 563.3 Fee-Relief Activities: $ 91.5M Statutory Activities: 39.5M Total Budget Authority Excluded Activities (credit) to reduce fee recovery amount $ 131.0M 12

Hourly Rate Methodology Mission Direct Program Salaries and Benefits $348.9M Mission Indirect Program Support 115.6M Agency Support: Corporate Support and IG 278.9M Subtotal: $743.4M Less: Offsetting Receipts - 0.0 Total Budgeted Resources Included in Professional Hourly Rate $743.4M Mission Direct FTEs: 1,694 FTEs Mission Direct FTEs Productive Hours: 1,510 Hours Professional Hourly Rate $291 Full Cost FTE Rate = Subtotal divided by Mission Direct FTE $ 438,858

  • Methodology based on OMB circular A-25 User Charges
    • Budget included in Hourly Rate calculation excludes Direct Program Contract Costs generally billed to licensees separately.


Business Lines vs. Fee Classes Percentage of Appropriated Budgeted Resources for FY 2022 Spent Fuel Decommissioning/LLW Nuclear Storage/Transportation 3% Material Other Users Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor 3% Decommissioning 2% 4%

Fuel 6%

Nuclear Facilities Material Users 3%


Other Fuel 1%

Facilities 2%

Operating Reactors 43%

Corporate Power Reactors Support 86%


New Reactors 8%

Inspector General 1% Excluded Budget Total BUSINESS LINE BUDGETS $131.0M FEE CLASS BUDGETS TOTAL $887.7M TOTAL $756.7M 14

10 CFR Part 171 Annual Fee Calculation:

Operating Power Reactors Fee Class

[Dollars in Millions]

FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022P Budgeted Resources $670.3 $669.9 $670.2 $623.9 $611.8 $645.1 Part 170 Estimated Billings (256.3) (239.6) (217.7) (186.7) (161.6) (160.0)

Adjustments 12.5 (1.4) 5.1 1.8 (8.6) 0.3 Part 171 Annual Fee 426.5 428.9 457.6 439.0 441.7 485.5 Resources Operating Reactors 99 99 98 95 93 94*

Annual Fee per Reactor $4,308,000 $4,333,000 $4,669,000 $4,621,000 $4,749,000 $5,165,000

  • Proposed Vogtle Unit 3 addition to the assessment of annual fee fleet .


10 CFR Part 171 Annual Fee Calculation:

Spent Fuel Storage / Reactor Decommissioning Fee Class

[Dollars in Millions]

FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022P Budgeted Resources $29.5 $33.8 $35.6 $37.9 $42.2 $40.4 Part 170 Estimated Billings (8.0) (10.2) (17.8) (15.9) (13.8) (10.3)

Adjustments 1.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.5 1.1 Part 171 Annual Fee 22.9 24.2 18.6 22.9 28.9 31.3*

Resources Licensees 122 122 122 122 122 123 Annual Fee per Licensee $188,000 $198,000 $152,000 $188,000 $237,000 $254,000

  • Proposed Vogtle Unit 3 addition to the assessment of annual fee fleet .


Budget Overview:

Operating and New Reactors Business Lines Brian Smith, Director Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Operating and New Reactors Business Lines Activities Licensing Oversight License Amendments Inspections (including risk-informed)

License Renewals and Security Subsequent License Renewals Design Certifications and Standard Allegations & Investigations Design Approvals Combined Operating Licenses Event Evaluation Environmental Reviews Construction Oversight Topical Reports Vendor Oversight Digital I&C Modifications Vogtle Units 3 and 4 ITAAC closeout Vogtle Units 3 and 4 License Amendments 18

How are the Budgets Developed?

  • Workload Forecasting o Identification of significant workload drivers o Analysis of historical data and trending o Communications with stakeholders
  • Estimate Level of Effort o Estimate level of effort for major projects o Yearly recurring activities 19

Budget Development and 10 CFR Part 170 Fee Estimates

  • NRC Budget and 10 CFR Part 170 Fee Estimates are developed on different timelines
  • Part 170 Fee Estimates will vary from the budgeted level of effort due to fact of life changes 20

Operating Reactors Business Line -

Changing Workload

  • 2022 Budget

(-) Plant closures

(-) Rulemaking activities

(+) Research activities

  • 2022 Part 170 Fee Estimate

(-) COVID impacts on oversight programs 21

New Reactors Business Line -

Changing Workload

  • 2022 Budget

(+) Combined License reviews

(+) Design Certification reviews

(-) Vogtle Units 3 and 4

  • 2022 Part 170 Fee Estimates

(-) Canceled application reviews and delayed submittals 22


Public Comments Submission End of Comment Period: March 25, 2022

  • Address questions to Dawn Forder; telephone: 301-Federal 415-3407; e-mail: Rulemaking Website:
  • E-mail Comments:


Public Comments Submission (Cont.)

  • Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff Mail Comments:
  • Anthony Rossi, License Fee Policy Team Lead, Office of the Chief Financial Officer; telephone:

301-415-7341, e-mail: Further Information:


CFO Closing Remarks 26