The following event was received from the
South Carolina Department of Health [the Department] via email:
On 3/27/2022, the Department was notified by the licensee's [radiation safety officer]
RSO that one of its fixed
gauges was damaged during a fire at the plant. The fixed
gauge is a TN Technologies Model 5206 containing 200 mCi of
Cs-137. The licensee took radiation readings around the
gauge and has contacted System Services. Systems Services is arriving on the evening of 3/27/22 to service the
gauge. The licensee's radiation readings were 3 mR/hr on the surface of the bottom of the
gauge, 250 mR/hr on the top of the
gauge. The licensee also took a radiation reading on the walkway three feet above the
gauge and the reading was 0.3 mR/hr. The licensee also took a reading at the bottom of the ladder, and it was 0.1 mR/hr. The licensee has barricaded roped off areas on the walkway and at the bottom of the ladder. The
gauge is located approximately 12 feet off the floor and is not readily accessible by employees.