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Management Directive 13.4, Transportation Management
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/26/2021
From: Jennifer Golder
Office of Administration
Carol Greenwood
Shared Package
ML21026A264 List:
MD 13.4
Download: ML21026A300 (15)



MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT DT-21-03 Volume 13: Transportation, Facilities, and Property Approved By: Jennifer M. Golder, Director Office of Administration Date Approved: February 26, 2021 Cert. Date: N/A, for the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD catalog Issuing Office: Office of Administration Contact Name: Carol Greenwood EXECUTIVE


Management Directive 13.4, Transportation Management, is revised to

  • Reflect the removal of agency-provided executive driver services in accordance with COMSECY-17-0034, Response to Staff Requirements - COMSECY-17-0022 - Fiscal Year 2017 Shortfall and Excess Funds, (ML17250B124) and Commissioners Assistants (CA) Note, Update to COMSECY-17-0034 and COMSECY-17-0022, and Procedures on Transportation Services for Executives and to Commissioner Notebook on Transportation Services (ML18214A455);
  • Comply with current policies, standards, and procedures; and
  • Update organizational names.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. POLICY..............................................................................................................................2 II. OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................2 III. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY........... 2 A. Chairman ......................................................................................................................2 B. Inspector General (IG) ..................................................................................................2 C. Director, Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) ............................................................3 D. Director, Office of Administration (ADM) .......................................................................3 E. Office Directors .............................................................................................................3 F. Regional Administrators................................................................................................3 For updates or revisions to policies contained in this MD that were issued after the MD was signed, please see the Yellow Announcement to Management Directive index (YA-to-MD index).

MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/26/2021 G. Director, Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), ADM ...............................................4 H. Chief, Operations Branch (OB), Division of Preparedness and Response (DPR), Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) ..........................................................................................................................4 IV. APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................................4 V. DIRECTIVE HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................5 VI. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................5 I. POLICY It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to use all Government-leased vehicles for official purposes only in accordance with the United States Code, Passenger Carrier Use, (31 U.S.C. 1344). It also is NRC policy to manage a parking program in accordance with the Federal Management Regulations (FMR) (41 CFR Part 102) to encourage the use of ridesharing and public mass transit for its employees in accordance with Executive Order 12191, Federal Facility Ridesharing Program.

II. OBJECTIVES Comply with Federal regulations covering the economic operation of Government-leased vehicles.

Ensure that priorities are met, and resources are efficiently used, for transportation services for authorized agency officials on official Government business.

Administer the Federal Facility Ridesharing Program to provide an economical way for NRC employees to commute to and from work, to reduce traffic congestion and the need for parking at Federal facilities, and to conserve fuel and improve air quality.

III. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY A. Chairman Authorizes, in writing, the use of a Government-leased vehicle for home-to-work transportation. This authority may not be delegated.

B. Inspector General (IG)

1. Approves, in writing, for Office of Inspector General (OIG) staff, the determination that the use of a Government-leased vehicle for home-to-work transportation is either required for the performance of field work or is essential for the safe and efficient performance of criminal law enforcement duties (Inspector General Act of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 3). The Inspector Generals (IG) written approval will be forwarded to For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 2

MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/26/2021 the Chairman with a copy sent to the Director, Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), Office of Administration (ADM), and the Transportation Manager, DFS, ADM.

2. Supervises any investigation of allegations of vehicle misuse or fraud by an NRC employee or contractor.
3. Authorizes driver services for other Federal officials on official travel in support of OIG.
4. Determines the vehicles that are needed for OIG staff use and forwards these requirements to the Director, ADM, for budgeting and acquisition.
5. Approves exemptions for the display of U.S. Government license plates for OIG vehicles and forwards these requirements to the Director, ADM, for the acquisition of State license plates.

C. Director, Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA)

Notifies the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the U.S. Senate of each designation or determination to authorize home-to-work transportation for an agency official.

D. Director, Office of Administration (ADM)

1. Provides overall management of the NRC transportation program.
2. Approves the priority structure for the transportation of authorized agency officials on official Government business.
3. Approves exemptions for the display of U.S. Government license plates for Government-leased vehicles.

E. Office Directors

1. Request the written approval of the Chairman for employees requiring the use of a Government-furnished vehicle for home-to-work transportation.
2. Report allegations of vehicle misuse or fraud to OIG.

F. Regional Administrators

1. Direct the transportation management activities in their region after coordinating approval with DFS, ADM, to ensure vehicles comply with policies and regulations.
2. Submit required records to the local General Services Administration (GSA) regional office and to the Director, DFS, ADM, for inclusion in agencywide fleet reports in compliance with the FMR.
3. Approve requests for vehicles or adjustments to the motor vehicle fleet for regional activities.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 3

MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/26/2021

4. Request the written approval of the Chairman for an employee requiring the use of a Government-furnished vehicle for home-to-work transportation.
5. Report allegations of vehicle misuse or fraud to OIG.

G. Director, Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), ADM

1. Directs and implements transportation activities for headquarters operations and provides guidance to regional offices regarding transportation policy and regulations, obtaining waivers as necessary.
2. Ensures compliance of NRC headquarters personnel on official business with Federal laws and regulations governing transportation and the use of agency vehicles.
3. Administers the Federal Facility Ridesharing Program for the agency, in accordance with Executive Order 12191, Federal Facility Ridesharing Program, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-118, and designates the employee transportation coordinator for headquarters.
4. Manages the day-to-day headquarters parking program, including approval of parking permits.
5. Serves as primary agency contact with GSA and other Federal agencies for all transportation-related issues.
6. Approves requests for the acquisition of passenger vehicles, vans, and special purpose vehicles for headquarters use and reviews regional office vehicle requirements to ensure compliance with existing policy and regulations.
7. Schedules and conducts quality assurance inspections in the garage for parking permits.
8. Maintains and enforces garage traffic and parking procedures.

H. Chief, Operations Branch (OB), Division of Preparedness and Response (DPR),

Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)

Provides, annually, to the Chief, Facilities Operations and Space Management Branch (FOSMB), DFS, ADM, updated lists of (1) Headquarters Operation Officers who need priority parking and (2) those NRC employees occupying essential positions approved by the Chairman for home-to-work transportation when weather conditions make it impossible for the employees to reach work.

IV. APPLICABILITY The policy and guidance in this MD apply to all NRC employees.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 4

MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/26/2021 V. DIRECTIVE HANDBOOK Directive Handbook 13.4 contains guidelines and procedures governing NRC transportation-related activities.

VI. REFERENCES Code of Federal Regulations 41 CFR Part 102, Federal Management Regulations, available at (Note that the Federal Management Regulations (FMR) are the successor regulations to the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR). They contain updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR.)

41 CFR 102-5.35, Who is Authorized Home-To-Work Transportation?

41 CFR 102-34.175, Subpart C, What Motor Vehicles have an Unlimited Exemption from Displaying U.S. Government License Plates and Motor Vehicle Identification?

Executive Orders Executive Order 12191, Federal Facility Ridesharing Program, February 1, 1980.

Executive Order 13043, Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States, April 16, 1997.

Executive Order 13513, Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, October 1, 2009.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documents Commissioners Assistants (CA) Note, Update to COMSECY-17-0034 and COMSECY-17-0022, and Procedures on Transportation Services for Executives and to Commissioner Notebook on Transportation Services (ML18214A455).

COMSECY-17-0034, Response to Staff Requirements - COMSECY-17-0022 -

Fiscal Year 2017 Shortfall and Excess Funds, (ML17250B124).

Memorandum from R. W. Borchardt, EDO, to NRC Chairman Jaczko, September 28, 2010, Authorization for Home-to-Work Government Transportation (ADAMS Accession Number ML102280485).

NRC Transit Subsidy Benefits Program at

NRC Transportation Services at

NRC White Flint Complex Parking Policies and Procedures, available at

Parking, Vanpool and Carpool Information for White Flint Complex Employees at

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 5

MD 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/26/2021 Other Documents Commuter Connections Web site at

General Services Administration Dispatch and Reservation System (DRM) at

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority at

United States Code Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act (5 U.S.C. 7905).

Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 3).

Passenger Carrier Use (31 U.S.C. 1344).

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 6


DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT DT-21-03 Volume 13: Transportation, Facilities, and Property Approved By: Jennifer M. Golder, Director Office of Administration Date Approved: February 26, 2021 Cert. Date: N/A, for the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD catalog Issuing Office: Office of Administration Contact Name: Carol Greenwood EXECUTIVE


Management Directive 13.4, Transportation Management, is revised to

  • Reflect the removal of agency-provided executive driver services in accordance with COMSECY-17-0034, Response to Staff Requirements - COMSECY-17-0022 - Fiscal Year 2017 Shortfall and Excess Funds, (ML17250B124) and Commissioners Assistants (CA) Note, Update to COMSECY-17-0034 and COMSECY-17-0022, and Procedures on Transportation Services for Executives and to Commissioner Notebook on Transportation Services (ML18214A455);
  • Comply with current policies, standards, and procedures; and
  • Update organizational names.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. WHITE FLINT NORTH GARAGE PARKING PROCEDURES ...........................................2 A. General ........................................................................................................................2 B. Permit Holder Responsibilities ......................................................................................2 C. Permit Application.........................................................................................................2 D. Parking Permit Allocation Priority ..................................................................................3 E. Notification....................................................................................................................4 F. Parking Fees ................................................................................................................4 G. Daily Parking ................................................................................................................4 H. Regional Offices ...........................................................................................................4 For updates or revisions to policies contained in this MD that were issued after the MD was signed, please see the Yellow Announcement to Management Directive index (YA-to-MD index).

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 II. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND REQUIREMENTS .................................................4 A. Transportation Services for Official Government Travel ................................................4 B. Alternative Transportation for Executives......................................................................8 III. NRC'S TRAFFIC MITIGATION PROGRAMS ....................................................................8 A. NRC's Commuter Transportation Program ...................................................................8 B. NRC's Public Transit Subsidy Program.........................................................................9 I. WHITE FLINT NORTH GARAGE PARKING PROCEDURES A. General

1. The Facilities Operations and Space Management Branch (FOSMB), Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), Office of Administration (ADM), administers the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) parking program, including (a) Receiving and approving applications, (b) Assigning spaces, (c) Issuing daily parking permits to the parking garage management contractor, (d) Reviewing reports furnished by the parking garage management contractor for accuracy, and (e) Verifying that correct monthly payment has been made to the NRC.
2. Operating hours and more information are in the NRC Service Catalog under the Parking, Vanpool and Carpool Information for White Flint Complex Employees tab at (from here on referenced as the Parking tab). Any NRC-badged employee or contractor can park in the garage at times other than the daily operating hours without purchasing a parking permit.

B. Permit Holder Responsibilities All permit holders must comply with the NRC White Flint Complex Parking Policies and Procedures (available in the NRC Service Catalog under the Parking tab). Failure to comply with these procedures may result in suspension or revocation of parking privileges.

C. Permit Application

1. The Chief, FOSMB, oversees the NRC parking program. NRC Form 505, White Flint Complex Application for Parking, is available in the NRC Forms Library on For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 2

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 SharePoint and at the Administrative Services Help Desk. The application must be completed and returned to the Administrative Services Help Desk or sent by e-mail to An employee with a valid permit is not required to reapply unless his or her eligibility status changes.

2. An employee with a disability must complete NRC Form 505a, Application for Handicap Parking, and include a certification from their physician with their parking application or a copy of their registration card if they have a state issued handicap placard. The application will be reviewed by the NRC Health Center.
3. An employee serving as a Headquarters Operations Officer (HOOs) must indicate his or her position on the parking application. The Chief, Operations Branch (OB),

Division of Preparedness and Response (DPR), Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR), must provide FOSMB annually with an updated listing of operations officers. A permit holder must submit a revised application to FOSMB immediately if there is any change in their parking application, including a change in the number or name(s) of carpool participants and the type of permit required.

Failure to notify FOSMB may result in suspension of parking privileges.

4. A permit holder who decides not to renew his or her permit should notify FOSMB at least 6 weeks before cancelation. Parking fees will not be prorated or refunded.

D. Parking Permit Allocation Priority Every 6 months FOSMB allocates parking permits for spaces that are not required for official needs based on the following priorities:

1. Employees with disabilities;
2. Executive personnel (a maximum of 55 spaces);
3. Employees participating in ridesharing (carpool/vanpool) - pools with the greatest number of regular members will have the highest priority;
4. HOOs;
5. Employees with privately-owned vehicles ranked in order of their length of service with the NRC and previously with the Atomic Energy Commission; and
6. Child Care Center, cafeteria, NuReg Café, Maryland Vending Program for the Blind convenience store, NRC Health Center, fitness center, building operation and management services contractor, building custodial services contractor, and headquarters security (generally, one permit each).

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 3

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 E. Notification FOSMB will notify an individual when he or she is eligible to purchase a permit for parking by e-mail once the semi-annual allocation has been completed. Parking fees are paid monthly through payroll deduction; permits are issued annually.

F. Parking Fees Current regular monthly fees are posted in the NRC Service Catalog under the Parking tab. Monthly parking fees at NRC headquarters office locations must be paid through payroll deduction.

G. Daily Parking

1. An employee may only park in the garage and pay the current daily parking fee when space is available on pre-allocated days approved by FOSMB. More details are available in the NRC Service Catalog under the Parking tab.
2. White Flint Complex visitor parking is available for non-headquarters employees and visitors on official business. Parking for visitors must be submitted in advance by the visitors sponsor in the Visitor Access System (VARS) accessible from the NRC intranet. All visitors must be accompanied to the OWFN lobby security desk to complete the visitor registration process. Non-headquarters employees can register themselves in VARS.

H. Regional Offices Regional employees who require parking need to follow the procedures set by their Division of Resource Management and Administration.

II. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND REQUIREMENTS A. Transportation Services for Official Government Travel

1. Fleet Vehicles (a) The NRC maintains a small number of Government-leased vehicles located at headquarters for use by employees for official business. To operate a Government vehicle, an employee must possess a valid State driver's license. An employee can reserve a vehicle through GSA's Dispatch and Reservation System (DRM) at

An employee must contact the Administrative Services Help Desk at to request an account login. There is a limited number of vehicles so a reservation should be made well in advance of the required date. More information, including key pickup location, are in the ADM Service Catalog under the Transportation Services Employees tab at For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 4

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 (from here on referenced as the Transportation tab).

(b) Unofficial use of a Government vehicle is strictly prohibited. Prohibitions include use of the vehicle for political activities and personal activities, such as picking up or dropping off a colleague or spouse at home or another location or performing incidental errands like grocery shopping or picking up dry cleaning.

2. Four-Wheel-Drive Essential Transportation (a) The NRC maintains one four-wheel-drive vehicle as part of its fleet principally to transport essential headquarters personnel during adverse weather conditions.

The Chairman approves a list of essential positions authorized to receive home-to-work transportation during operational emergencies when adverse weather conditions make it impossible for personnel in these positions to reach work and no other viable means of transportation are available.

(b) The Chief, OB, DPR, NSIR, is responsible for providing an updated list of NRC employees occupying the essential positions approved by the Chairman to receive home-to-work transportation to the Chief, FOSMB, DFS, ADM. When HOOs determine that the weather conditions make it impossible for them to reach work or return home, they should notify the on-duty HOO. The Chief, OB, will determine whether to approve the transportation request or assign another staff member to fill the position.

3. Display of U.S. Government License Plates An NRC vehicle must display U.S. Government license plates unless meeting the limited or unlimited exemption criteria contained in Federal Management Regulations (see 41 CFR 102-34.175, Subpart C, What Motor Vehicles have an Unlimited Exemption from Displaying U.S. Government License Plates and Motor Vehicle Identification?). The IG approves exemptions for vehicles assigned to OIG and forwards these requirements to the Director, ADM, for the acquisition of State license plates. All other NRC exemptions are approved by the Director, ADM.
4. Home-to-Work Transportation (a) Employee on Normal Duty (Nontravel) Status (i) The use of any Government-leased vehicle between an employee's home and his or her place of employment must be requested by the employee's office director or regional administrator and authorized in writing by the Chairman. These requests will be authorized in accordance with 41 CFR 102-5.35 only when the employee is engaged in field work, as defined in 41 CFR 102-5.35, or when one of the following conditions exists:
  • A clear and present danger, For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 5

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021

  • An emergency, or
  • A compelling operational consideration.

(ii) The comfort or convenience of an employee shall not be considered enough justification for an agency to authorize home-to-work transportation. For OIG staff, the IG will approve in writing the determination that the use of a Government-leased vehicle for home-to-work transportation is either required for the performance of field work, in accordance with 41 CFR 102-5.35, or is essential for the safe and efficient performance of criminal law enforcement duties. The IG's written approval will be forwarded to the Chairman.

(iii) Each region may establish its own procedures and support to provide home-to-work transportation as permitted by the home-to-work authorization memorandum from R. W. Borchardt, EDO, to NRC Chairman Jaczko, dated September 28, 2010 (ADAMS Accession Number ML102280485).

(b) Employee Using a Vehicle in Conjunction with Official Travel to Perform Temporary Duty Away from His or Her Regular Place of Employment (i) Use of a Government-leased vehicle for home-to-work transportation when an employee is in an official travel status must be included as part of approved travel orders. Each travel order authorizing such transportation should include a determination that the home-to-work transportation while in an official travel status is advantageous to the Government.

(ii) Home-to-work use of a vehicle generally should not be authorized when the use would include weekends because that use, potentially, could increase the public's concern about the proper use of Government property.

(iii) When home-to-work use of a vehicle is authorized, the supervisor should remind him or her of the responsibility to ensure only official use of the vehicle.

5. Government Vehicle Use Standards (a) Each Federal employee riding in a motor vehicle on official business, regardless of seating position, shall always have the seat belt properly fastened while the vehicle is in motion (Executive Order 13043, Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States, April 16, 1997).

(b) The use of tobacco products is prohibited in motor vehicles owned or leased by the NRC.

(c) The use of a hand-held, wireless phone by a driver while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited. An employee who must use a Government-owned, wireless phone while operating an NRC-leased motor vehicle should acquire a portable, hands-free accessory or a hands-free car kit. A request for these devices should be submitted to the employees office information technology coordinators.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 6

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 Texting while driving a Government-leased vehicle is strictly prohibited by Executive Order 13513, Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, October 1, 2009.

(d) An NRC employee must possess a valid State driver's license to operate a Government-leased vehicle. An employee who must operate a motor vehicle as part of his or her official duties, or on a regular basis, must notify his or her supervisor and FOSMB if their driver's license has been restricted or revoked. An employee will be required to present his or her driver's license to FOSMB staff when picking up the keys for a Government-furnished vehicle. The employee also always must have possession of his or her valid State drivers license.

(e) Any NRC employee involved in an accident while driving a Government-furnished vehicle must report the incident to his or her supervisor in writing and complete Standard Form 91, "Motor Vehicle Accident Report" (available from GSA at, and send copies to FOSMB and the Office of the General Counsel (OGC). A copy of any resultant police report must be attached. FOSMB will maintain a central file of all accident reports.

(f) A copy of an accident report involving negligence or indicating a pattern of accident problems will be forwarded by FOSMB to the Director, DFS, ADM.

(g) The Director, DFS, will convene an ad hoc review board, as necessary, to review the facts surrounding accident reports and recommend to the Director, ADM, whether an employee should continue to be permitted to operate a Government-furnished vehicle. In reaching this decision, the review board will consult with the employee's management. The review board will consist of the Director, DFS, who will function as chairman, and a representative from OGC and another NRC office.

6. Payment of Parking Tickets Appropriated funds normally may not be used to pay parking tickets. An employee who violates parking laws or regulations is acting beyond the scope of his or her authority and must personally pay any resulting fine. An employee is personally liable for parking fines unless circumstances indicate that the fine was imposed for Government actions over which the employee had no control.
7. Regional Offices Regions I, II, and III also have fleet vehicles. The procedures to use those vehicles are set by the Division of Resource Management and Administration (DRMA) of each region.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 7

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021 B. Alternative Transportation for Executives

1. "Executives" are defined as the Chairman, Commissioners, directors of the Commission Staff Offices, the EDO and deputies, office directors, and regional administrators. Other methods of transportation for executives to consider are as follows:

(a) Use of privately-owned vehicle (POV),

(b) Public Transportation (Bus, Rail, Metro, etc.),

(c) Taxi services, and (d) Ridesharing services (e.g., Uber, Lyft).

2. 24- to 48-hour Advance Notice for Private Executive Driver Services (a) If an executive determines that options a-d above do not meet their transportation requirements then the executive, or designee, may arrange for a private driver service. The payment for the executive driver service should be made directly by the person who is using the service using their personal credit card and be reimbursed as local travel. The office's Government purchase card holder can also order these services using the purchase process. However, the Government-issued travel charge card cannot be used for the driver services.

(b) Upon completion of the local travel, the employee should complete a local travel voucher in the eTravel system to receive reimbursement. Any service over

$75.00 requires a receipt be attached to the request for reimbursement. The funding for using the executive driver services would come directly out of the office travel budget of the employee who is using the service.

(c) Potential driver services are listed in the NRC Service Catalog under the Transportation tab.

(d) Chauffeuring services are to be used for official purposes only. The use of chauffeuring services for transportation of Government officials and employees between their residences and duty locations is prohibited.

III. NRC'S TRAFFIC MITIGATION PROGRAMS A. NRC's Commuter Transportation Program The NRC actively promotes ridesharing and other strategies to reduce the number of employees who drive alone to work. The commuter services offered by FOSMB include:

1. Providing transit subsidy and vanpool information;
2. Hosting or sponsoring transportation fairs; For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 8

DH 13.4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Date Approved: 2/6/2021

3. Developing strategies to increase public transit, carpooling, and vanpooling;
4. Assisting headquarters employees in enrolling in the Commuter Connections Guaranteed Ride Home Program at; and
5. Representing the NRC in meetings with local government officials regarding transportation issues.

B. NRC's Public Transit Subsidy Program

1. As outlined in the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act of 1994 (5 U.S.C. 7905), executive departments and independent agencies may participate in any program established by a State or local government that encourages employees to use public transportation. In accordance with this authority, the NRC provides employee public transportation subsidies subject to budget limitations and the local transportation environment.

(a) Encourage employees to use public transportation when commuting to and from work. This essentially improves air quality, reduces traffic congestion, and conserves energy by reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles on the road.

(b) Employees using public transportation to commute to and from work may apply for transit subsidy benefits by submitting an application to the Administrative Services Help Desk or by e-mailing

Eligible employees using an authorized public transportation method will receive an employer-provided fare subsidy to apply toward their monthly transit.

2. For employees based at headquarters, details of the Program are in the NRC Service Catalog under the NRC Transit Subsidy Benefits Program tab at NRC headquarters employees wishing to participate in the NRC Transit Subsidy Benefits Program must certify that the subsidy will be used solely to commute to and from work.
3. Employees who have a monthly parking pass at an NRC building may not receive a transit subsidy benefit.
4. The regions may have a subsidy program like the headquarters program. A regional employee may participate in these programs by completing an application form provided by the DRMA.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 9