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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App H Documents.App G & H Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/01/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Bauman L
Shared Package
ML20147E192 List:
FOIA-87-593 NUDOCS 8803040320
Download: ML20147E186 (4)



U. UCLEAR REZULATORY COMMIS$10N  %=c cou. etovist uvusin,si

. r f FO1 A 693


, ,, l l e ,seon a u tm n r i RESPONSE TO FR NDOM F I * * ' IX W "^^'

\ INFORMATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST MAR 1 W 00 cast w apparesee

$e i A dMha PART I.-RECORDS R$tASIO OR 'NOT LOCAft0 (See checte# 6onest No egency records subroct to the roowoot have been located.

No odditonal esency records owbiect to me roovest Pave been kKated.

Agency recorde subrect to the request that are centded in Apperda b o'o oksedy avedable for putec mopecten and c.oppq m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.

1717 H Street. N W , Weehungton. DC.

A e b are mado evodetdo for pubbe mapecten and copyeg in the NRC Put4c Document X cgencym records subsW.ctwashmg,on.oC.m H to the roovest thate6'sde, a3entde,,d wnder thsin,oiA Apperes

~rnt.r eed ,.owette, name The nonpropnetary wson of the proposensi that you og eed to eccept e a telephone conversaton wth a memter of rny staff a now teme made aveanbie for pubhc mapecten and coyme et the NRC Pwtec Document Room.1717 H Street. N W . Washington. OC. m a fo6 der under the FotA evnber and roovesser name inclosed e eformaton on how yow may obtam access to and the charges for copymg records paced e the NRC Pvt *c Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Wuhegton. OC.

Agency rece>rds subrect to the request are enciosed. Any apphcable cha*ge for copes of the records proveed and payment procedures are no'ed in the comments secton.

Eccords t,wbrect to the regwest have been referred to anct h er Federal egencytes! for reyww tr4 dwect respoese to you.

In vow of NRC's response to the request, no twether acton a boeg toten on appeal lettee dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION Wf7HHILD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certam eformaton an the reqwested records e bearg withheld from pwtec doctonwre pwrswant to the FOIA esemptons described m and for she reesons stated in Port 11. sec.

tons 8. C. and 0 Any redened portoes of the docueerts for whch onry pad of the record e being w thheld re teing made avdatdo for putec inspecten and copyme in the NRC PotAc Document Room.17t? H Street N W . Wuhengton. OC. m a folderunder the FOiA nwmt>er and roovester name.

Comments 8803040320 880301

-PDR FOIA DAUMAN87-593 PDR sie e t O=m E CT Ost D' s '~ Os e No alcoor Y . _



l CCC FORM 464.e e., it .

is ee. I

d Re: F0I A 593 APPENDIX 6 RECORDS MAINTAINED AMONG PDR FILES NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION AND ACCESSION NUMBER NO. OF PGS 1 8/25/87 NRCltrtoTVElectric(Counsil)on 8 EA-83-64. EA 83-132, and EA 86-63 ANO 8708280262 2 11/13/86 BN 86-22 to ASLB ANO 8611170012; ANO 8611190265 3 3 5/2/86 NOV and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties 8 (EA 86-63) w/ concurrence sheet ANO 8605060096

4. 4/9/86 LtrfromTUElectric(Counsil)toTaylor(IE) 4 on EA 83-64 & EA 83-132. ANO 8701290441
5. 10/17/83 NRC Ltr to TV Electric acknowledging response 3 to NRC's NOV (EA 83-64) ANO 8311020513
6. 9/28/83 TV Electric Answer Protesting Civil Penalty 10 (EA 83-64) ANO 8310050412
7. 9/28/83 22 TV's resoonse to NOV (EA 83-64)ANO 8310050403
8. 9/28/83 TV Electric (Gary) ltr to NRC (DeYoung) 4 respondin9 to NOV and proposed imposition of civil penalty (EA 83-64) ANO 8310050403
9. 8/29/83 NRC ltr to TU Electric with NOV and proposed 5 l imposition of civil penalty ANO 8310030395 10 6/2/86 TV Electric (Counsil) ltr to NRC (Taylor) 17 i with responses to NOV and proposed civil ,

imposition of civil penalty (EA 86-63) ANO 8606050141

11. . 9/22/86 Response to 3/6/86 Itr from GAP (B. Garde) 2 I treated as a FOIA request (refer to FOIA 86-180 and86-A-61). ACN 8609260155 12 . 5/15/86 Ltr to J. Axelrad (IE) from Trial Lawyers for 4 Public Justice, P.C. (B. Garde) with annotation ACM 8605280093 1

4 L

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Re: F01 A= 87-593 APPENDIX H l


), Undated Brown & Root, Inc. v. Donovan, from Synopsis 11 SyllibiandKeyNo. Classification (note:

material is copyrighted) i

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Re: FO!A 87-593  ;

APPENDIX H RECORDS MAINTAINEO IN THE PDR UNDER THE ABOVE REQUEST NUMBER NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION PAGES 1, Undated Brown & Root, Inc. v. Donovan, from Synopsis 11 SyllibiandKeyNo. Classification (note:

material is copyrighted) ,

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SOM'.Ml.1. .iT ACCOUNTADIUTY PROJECT i: :b Cc e 3. cut Ascnue. N W. Sune 202 -

Wv. o Sc- ) C 20036 (202)232 0550 MIDWHST OFFICE 104 H. W:!CONSIN AVENUE APPLET;i, WISCONSIN 54911-4897 September 3, 1987 FREEDO!' CF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION RT REQUGT Directer jC c//4-/*/ [%3 Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission Washington, D.C. 20210 f//

j/ !2



Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552,) the Government Acrountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all re:ords and information, including but not limited to notes, i lotters, . memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calenders, tapes, '

t ra r.s c rip t s , summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions,  !

ongineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, i agretments, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books,  !

telephc..e messages, computations , voice recordings, computer runoffs, and '

any :.ths; dass compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and s.ny a..d all other records relevant to and or generated in connection with )

cn NRC, August 25, 1987 letter from James G. Keppler, Director of Special 1 Projects to Texas Utilities Generating Company, to the attention of Mr. William G. Counsil, Executive Vice President, regarding why Mr. Keppler

'dstermined af ter consultation with the Deputy Executive Director for l ROgional Operations, that the violation set forth in EA 83-64 should be withdrawn and that violations B & C of 86-63 occured as stated."

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) cnd 6,

the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 1980) whether tney currently exist in the NRC offical, "working" j investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private -


1 If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b)'and the NRC Manual, supra, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or rcmoved, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to,' generated in conn-octicn with and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).

y a ,y -

. . 5


- GAP requesta that i; waived, because "findinc tr:'information can  ;

he cer.r:d m as ; .r:.r. J .cncis iting the genera! ..clic, "5 U.S.C.-

!. 5 3 ( .. ) (,) (a). 01.. it. .on-profit, ncn-partiss: ; _blic interest i organization ccnce:.e3~with honest and open governre..t. Through public oatrench, the Trc t:t .pr:mrtes whistleblowers as agt.. s of government -

accouataLility.  ! r
.9 it Cnviromental Ubistleblowe r Clinic, GAP of f ers ascistan:e to locc. pubi;c interest and citizens grcups and intervenors in the concern for Infe:/ at nuclear power plants.

We are requesting this ir. formation as ~part of an ongeing monitoring project of the NRC's ef f orts to protect public health and safety at and near nuclear processing plants and -radioactive waste f acilities.

Fct Lny Socuments :r ;;rti:ns that you deny due to I specific FOIA o>.:mption, ple:2e ;r: rid :n index itemizing and describing the documents or p:.tions cf dre_ : t: eithhold. 'The ir.d:x sht.;0 prctida a detailed justification of yc r grounds.for claiming each exemption, explaining why- ,

each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document

withheld. This incax is required under Vaughr. v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d 820
(D.C. Cir. 1973), cart. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to y:ur response to this request within ten (10) working days. -l Sincarely, Wb Linda Bauman FOIA Coordinator '

Midwest Office Response to this re:uest should be mailed to the Midwest Office:

104 E. Wisconsin Avenue -B Applectr., Wisconsin 54911-4897 l

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