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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App B Document.App B Document Also Available in Pdr.App C Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/28/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Lofy R
Shared Package
ML20153C048 List:
FOIA-87-672 NUDOCS 8805060142
Download: ML20153C044 (4)


. U.S. N'JCLE EGULATORY COMMISSION Nxc poia atoutst huusimsi ,

FOIA-87-672 1

. /smh, a n n aseo siry,i l RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF- .X l ** ^'

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g j- INFORMATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST e...e APR 2 81988 ooo ~ a. .... ie e-.s.,

kEQUESTgm Mr. Richard A. Lofy, Parameter, Inc.

PART 3.-RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED 15ee checked bonest No agency records sobrect to the roovest have been located No additonal agency records sobrect to the request have been located.

Agency records subject to the request that are cent #ed in Appenda _,


are already evadatdo for public repecten and copyeg n the NRC Public Documeet Room, 1717 H Street N W., Washegton, DC -

Agency records subrect to tt e request tPJ1 are identded e Append s 3 are bemg rnade avadsule for pubhc inspect.on and copyeg m the NRC Pubic Docume-t X 7.oom.1717 H Street, N W., Washegton, DC, e a folder under ths FOIA nutnber and requester naq The ronpropretary verson of the proposaus) L' tat you agreed to accept m a toephone conversaten wth a enember of my staN is rion being made avadable for pubiec inspect <#

and coyng at the NRC Public Docurrent Room,1717 H Street, N W . Washington, OC . e a fc4 der under this FOIA number and reques'er name Enclosed a mformaton on ho* you may octam access to and the charges for copyeg records placed m the NRC Pubi.c Document Room.1717 H Street, N W., Wuhmgion. OC.

Agency records Abrect to the request are enclosed Any apphcable charge for copes of the records provided and payment procedu r es are noted m the comn4nts secton.

Records subsect to the request have been referred to ancther Federal agencytesi for renew aM direct respot'se to you.

In new of NRC's response to the roount, no further octon a being taaen on appui letter dared PART ll.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain informaton m the reques'od records e be+rq mthhead ' rom pu%c d.sclosurc pursuant to the FOIA esemptes described m and for the reasons stated m Paq 11. sec-X bons B. C, and D. Any reessed portons of tN documents for ordy part of the record is being etbheta are bemg made svadable for publ.c mspecten and copreg c the NRC Pu%c Document Room,1717 H Street N W . Washegton. OC, e a folder under this FOIA number and requester name Comments 8805060142 880428 PDR FOIA LOFY87-672 pop 58Gharvat :Tga. DrV4oN .Lt$ AND RECCRDC (g_ A - ^^

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~ \ \ y N~.C FOR M a64.ers i:

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FREEDOM OF INFIRMATION ACT RESPONSE FOIA NUMBE3tSl: F01A-87-672 oATE: APR 2 81988 PART ll.5-t.PillCAELE FOIA EXEMPTIONS I fbcords subject to the request that are described in the enclosed Appendices C are being withheld in their entif ety or in part under FO'A Exemptions and for the reasons set forth beiow pursuant to 5 U S.C. 552(b) and 10 CFR 9.54a) of NRC Regulations.


1. The wthheld informaton e property classded pursuant to Enocutive Order 12356 iEXEMPTION 11 '
2. The wrthheld information reistes so6ely to the intomal personnel rules and procedures of NRC. IEXEMPTION 21
3. The withbe6d eformatx>n it sowifica8y enempted from public declosiee by statute indicated tEXEMPTION 31 Secton 141 145of the Atomic Energy Act which prohibits the declosure of Restncted Data 'or Formerfy Restncted Data (42 U.S C. 216121651.


Secton 147 of the Atomic Energy Act which prohuts the declosure c,f Unclassefed Safeguards informat.on (42 U.S C. 2167)

X 4. The wthheld information is a trade secret or commercial or fcance otormation that es being wthheid for the reasontsi eccated. ILXEMPTION 4) l X The informaton a cor sdered to be confidential business (propretary) informaton.

The informaton is considered to be proprietary eformaton pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790tdH1).

The informaton was submrtted and rece=ed e conf dence from a foreign source pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790(dF21.

5. The wthheid informaton consists of eteragency or otraegency records that are not weitable through decovery during vt,gation. Osclosure of predece.onalinformaton would tend to inhbet the open and frar* eschange of disas essent4 to to deisberatne process. Where records are wthheld in thev entwety, the facts are mentncably 1

$ m'ertwned wth the predecisonal informaton. There asso are no reasonably sagregable factual portons because the release of the f acts would pomut an indirect inqury oto tne predecsonal process of the agency. IEXEMPTION M l

6 The wthheld informaton e enempted from pubhc deciosure because ets declosure would resutt in a clearty unwarranted invason of serson si prmacy. (EXEMPTION 67

7. The withbeid informaton consrsts of ovestgatory records compded for taw enforcement purposes and a beeg wthheT for the reason (s) indicated. (EXEMPTION 7.

Oeciosure would eteriore wth an onbreement proceedeg because a coved reveal the scope. derecton. and focus of enforcement efforts. and thus could possety snow them to take acton to sheid poteetal wrongdomg or a wolateon of NRC reQueements from mvestigators. (EXEMPTION 7(A'l l

r>eciosure would constitute en unwarranted irneson of personal privacy (EXEMPTION 7tCil The informaton consets of names of mdecuals and other informatsor me dsciosure of which mov6d revsalidentite of confidentel sources. (EXEMPTION 710))

PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS I Pursuant to.10 CFR 9 9 ar d 'or 915 of the U S. Nucsev Regulatory Commisson regulatons. it has been determmed that the informaton withheid o enempt facrn produ)1 and esi ,i p,oducton , decicou,e e co n to ine pueeterest The persons reuenwe fu m. done er. mos. oPico deneed beio as denymg offica and me o,,ecio,.

Dms.on of Ruies and Records. 0+ rice of Adminstraton, for any densis that may be appeated to the Executive 0, rector for Operatene itooi. l DENYnNG OFFICIAL TITLE / OFFICE RECORDS DENIED APPELLATE OFFICIAL Directar " c ""^ "

  • Mr. E. Halman Division of Contrach Annandh El y l

i i

l l

l I

PART 11 D- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by each denyitig official identfed in Part ll.C may be appealed to the Appellate Official identified in that sectiort. Any such appeal must be in svriting and must be made within 30 days of receipt of this response. Appea!s must be addressed as appropriate to the Executive Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the Commission. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearty state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an "Appeat from an initial F01A Decision.



1. March 1987 Nonproprietary version of Ebasco's proposal under -

RFP No..RS-01E-87-119. (145 pages) e i

t l

l l

i 1


1. 7/22/87 MEM0 for R. Thompson enclosing the final selection recommendation report for RFP No. RS-01E-87-119 (1 page),.

with enclosed SEP Report (27 pages)



4 Pd 171 # f f fs f1 C

  • Since 1964 Consulting Engineers e Mechanical Design and Analysis 13380 WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD, ELM GROVE, WISCONSIN 53122 414 78G 7580 September 30, 1987 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION

" . ACT REQUEST Freedom of Information and 472, Privacy Acts Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

_id /d- 7-g 7 Washington, DC 20555


JRC Contracts:

NRC-03-87-119-01 (Ebasco Services, Inc.)

NRC-03-87-119-02 (Southwest Research Institute)

NRC-03-87-119-03 (Resource Technical Services)


This is to request non-proprietary versions of the proposals which resulted in award of the subject contracts. We further request copies of NRC's cverall technical evaluation of pro-posals upon which selection / award of the successful contractors was detemined.

Please advise as to h'cw we might have access to the above and other available information relating to this procurement action.

Very truly yours, PARAMETER, Inc.

Richard A. Lofy RAL:mak President

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