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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That Addl Documents Subj to Request Being Processed Under Previously Filed request,FOIA-88-107.Copy of Most Recent Response to Subj Request Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/13/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Condit R
FOIA-88-141 NUDOCS 8806220166
Download: ML20195C263 (1)



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\,...../ INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST JUN 131988 DocatT %vuatt si ta eraweani (sout$tta -

~b i f, r* C DU s' , & J ll'(s PARf 1.-RECORM RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATED ISee enecked bosest No agency records subrect to the request have been located No addrtoral agency records subyect to the request have teen located.

Agency rocords Abrect to the request that ase contded m Appends are skoady avanlable f or putdec irspec%n and copyeg in the NRC Pec Documeet Room, 1717 H Street, N W., Wuhington, DC Agency records subs e ct to the roovest thtt are 'deetded e Appendia 7 e beirg made avadatAe for pu%c escection and copymg m the NRC Pubhc Occu-ent Room.1717 H Street. N W . Wuhengton, DC. m a foHer under t s FOI A number and recuester name The nonprcpretary vers.on of the proposaitsi trat yow areed to accern er : Wrore conversaton uth a memter of rny state e no* bemg made avasabe for pubhc inscecon and coymg at the NRC Pubt.c Occument Room 1717 H Street, N W . Wash.ngton. DC. m a fonder under the FOIA nwreter and reovester name Enclosed a mformaton on ec* you may obts.n access to and the charges for copymg remrds p' aced m the NRC Putdec Document Room 1717 H Street, N W , Washington, DC.

Agency records subpect to the ren,est are enclosed Aey apphcable charge for copes of the records prov4ed 4*d payment procedu es r are noted m the comments secton-Records svbrect to the request have been referred to another Federas agencybesi for revew and d. rect iespor'se to you-In www of NRC's response to the request, no further action e bemg taken on appeal letter dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION WITHHELO FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Certa'n eformaton m the requested records e bemg withheld from pubhc disclosu er pursuant to the FOIA enemoboes described in and for the reasons stated a Part II, sec-tions 8. C, er , O Any re'essed portens of the documents for wNch only part of the record a being wrthbe'd are te rg made evadable for punc especten and copying m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Stroet. N W., Wasbeston, DC, in a folder under th.s FoiA iwmber and reovester name.

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e GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 25 E Street, N.W., Suite 700 VVashington, D.C. 20001 (202) 347 0460 March 1, 1988 HAND DELIVERED IRIEDWN MM M

' ACT REQUEST fo.tA -P2- Ni D. Griesley. Director Division of Rules and Records Cffice of Administration and Resources Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Ret EXPEDITED Freedom of Information Act Request To Whoa it May Concernt Pursuant to section 552, as amended) the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C.

the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests all information and agency records generated in connection with and/or pertaining to the following

1. The final report of the Safety Significance Assessment Team (SSAT) regarding its inspection of the South Texas Nuclear Project (STNP), and review of allegations concerning the STNP.
2. All draft reports done by or for the SSAT.
3. All notes. charts, graphs, documents. and/or memoranda pertaining to the activities of the SSAT.
4. All information relied upon by the SSAT in making the assessment of the STNP and/or the allegations concerning the STNP.

The above items subject to GAP's request are listed in order of priority. Therefore. at a ainlaus the agency can partially comply with this request within 10 working days by producing any of the requested items. Upon information and belief. CAP is aware that the final report of the SSAT has been compreted, in addition. GAP has reason to believe that a draft report was prepared for the SSAT prior to its return from inspecting the STNP during the week of January 18 1988. This draft report and the SS AT's f ina l report can be produced pursuant to this request wi thin to working days.

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Freedom of information Act Request

' March 1. 1988 Page Two The information and records subject to this request will be used to inform and educate the public and about the agency's activities concerned citizens regarding the STNP. This request must be expedited by the agency so the public can be fully informed prior to the agency's decision on a full operating license for the STNP. Currently, the Commissioners are scheduled to consider the STNP license on March 10. 1988.

GAP is a non-profit, public interest organization engaged in education, litigation, and other activities for the purpose of cu r b i rig wa s t e , fraud, abuse. or illegal activities by government or private industry. All fees associated with this request should be waived because "disclosure of the inforoation is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester." 5 U.S.C. section 552(a)(4)(A)(111), as amended.

GAP anticipates a complete or partial response to this request within 10 working days, as required by the FOIA.


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L' Richard E. Condit Staff Attorney ces via first class mail T. Rehm, NRC J. Calvo. NRC W. Briggs. NRC t


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