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Ack Receipt of NRC Form 241,dtd 990203 & Fee in Listed Amount,Submitted to Rept Proposed Activities in Non-Agreement States Under Authority of License,Per 10CFR150.20.Total Days of Usage/Usage Request Is 5 Days
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/09/1999
From: Kinneman J
To: Ermer D
Shared Package
ML20203F315 List:
000553, 553, NUDOCS 9902180122
Download: ML20203F317 (7)



   . 5                 i'                                              REGloN I e  *g                                                         475 ALLENDALE ROAD KING oF PRUSslA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415 0,*****

February 9,1999 Mr. David K. Ermer Radiation Safety Officer Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hapkins Rd,25-228 Laurel, MD 10723-6099



Dear Mr. Ermer:

This acknowledges receipt of NRC Form 241 dated February 3,1999, and the $1,100 filing fee, which you submitted to report proposed activities in Non-Agreement States under the authority of the general license pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20. In the future, please use the NRC Form 241 and mark the appropriate box for submitting revisions and clarifications. Please fax your revision or clarification and a copy of the appropriate fee to (610) 337-5393. The NRC Form 241 must include specific changes, such as locations, dates of work and personnel. Work locations are subject to NRC inspection in accordance with requirements for a general license. The total days of usage / storage through this reciprocity request is 5 days. If you have any questions, please call Cheryl Buracker on (610) 337-5093 or Rebecca Brown on (610) 337-5260. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely

                                                                                /5 John D. Kinneman, Chief 9902180122 990203 PDR       STPRG ESGMD                                        Nuclear Materials Safety Branch No. 2 PDR                             Division of Nuclear Materials Safety License No. MD 27-014-02 Control No. 000553


NRC Form 241 cc: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DOCUMENT NAME: P: To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" a Copy without attachment /endosure "E" = Copy with attachment /endosure "N" = N OFFICE DNMS/LAT DNMS/LAT l DNMS / NAME CBuracker/ckb b A SVillar JDKinnemarN N V DATE 02/09/99 LW 02/ _

                                                              /99             02/[d/99                 02/       /99              02/      /99 NEOS RETURN TO REGIOb

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                   . [ ]- REVISION -                                                                                             i LICENSEE NAME:                              ILS N 0 0 N,Y S ()n fo,   h,p t> ll s k f b u q , t g / 4.
                   ; LICENSE NO:                               hG-' 3 7- Ol.Y - O L                           _

CHECK NO: -(* d E D l C k121-CHECK AMOUNT:.$ //#6, h?bff -hs 61nr$ c OLf/Of Processor Signature Date - o. Attachments; m


1.- Check

               . 2. 4 Appmval letter / Revision Sheet
3. . NRC Form 241 (for initial 241 pkg.);
                    .4. T Agreement State License (for initial 241 pkg.)

_p, , Leg--- - -

                                               ~7-p Emitter-                              wv      dm                 ;.

Check No.-------- Rev. 08/23/94

     . Amount - C ,-g
     .ree Category --
                                              - g'-*-"
                                                     ~ ~ -

65)h I!3 l l 033 0 Type of F ----. - ---- -- Date Ch ec' -- ~ ,-- d- #3 .

      . Date gys ,   C .jp}5--                -         - -~                                                                      -


02/08/9f 14:U7 JHIJ-RPL-EHS + 610 337 5393 110.013 909 l , , __ m j

   !                                           DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE I                                                                                                       Page 1 of 1 pages Lice ise No: MD-27-014-02                      ,

Amendment No.: 34 CODE 03620 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory l b- - -MWilo$dns Road- - Iaurel, Maryland 20723-6099 In accordance with lacsimile dated December 23,1998, Radioactive Material License Number MD-27-014-02 is amended as follows: l Condition _LUl to add James M. Bennett. I 1 I l 9 l FOR TIIE MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT

      '                                                                                                    A   A.

h / J

          ? December 24,1998                                                -                ..                       ,            l Roland G. Fletcher Radiological Health P:Vgram Manager                        l NAO      C.WT                                                                                                           r
 ,                 8c/W

r 02/08/9c 14:S7 JHU-RPL-EHS + 610 337 5393 10.013 D04 W&lof Glhtf/$7W I DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE Page 1 of 4 pages Pursuant to the Maryland Radiation A_t, od in avliance on statementa and represcalations heretofor l is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possees and transfer radioactive mate

        +       radioactive material for the purpose (n) and at the place (s) designated below. De license is subject t and orders of the Maryland State Department of the Environment,                  m                now or here' after in effect and to a i

in accordance with license application dated July 24,1997, Ucense MD-27 01442 is he.reby renewed.

1. Name: Johns Hopkins University
3. License D.- MD-27-014-02
2. Address:

l Applied Physics Laboratory

      )                                    Johns llopkins Road                        4.

Laurel, Maryland 20723 Amendnu t No.: 31 (IENEWAL) CODE 03670 P

5. Erpiration Date: July 31, 2003
6. Radioactive material element & 7. Chemical and/or physical form: 8. Maximum amount of mass ntimber:

radioactivity which licensee may possess at any on time: A. Any radio:tive nnsterial atomic A. Any numbeni one through eighty three A. No radionuclide to exceed 200

  • millicuries. Total possession 500 millieurice B. Americium-241 B. Any
                   ~                                                                                       B. 50 millieuries C. Dorium4.30                                    C. Any                                       C. 5 microcuries D. Curium 244                                    D. Any                                       D.1.1 millicuries E. Califos n 252                                 E. Any                                       E.10 microcuries F. Plutonium-238                                                                                                                                  k F. Scaled Source F. No source to exrced 500 millieuries l

G. Carbon-14 G. Dry Solid G. I millscurie H. Americium W H. Dry solid H. I milliciirie }

1. Boium-133 1. Dry Solid I.1 inillicurie  !
9. Authorired Use(s):

A-f . Gener:d tre in analyual or scienti6e research and as calibration sources. i

              ;-AA. I ur {>{cgion rais long term interim storage.

_ gD8(- 11:57 JFU4PL-LHS + 610 337 5393 t0.013 905 hA/6f h<fl$ DEPARTMENT OF THE ENYlRONMENT RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM TIADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE Page 2of 4 pages -{ 1 I License No.: MD-27-01442 i Amendmeist No.: 31 l CONTINIIED 1 E Radiondive materia) 7. Chenucal and/or pbysical 8. Maximum amount of radioactivity , (element and mau form which liceusee may possess at any numbei) one time J. Bismuth.207 J. Dry Solid J. 01 millieurie K. Cadmjum-109 K. Dry Solid K. 1 millicurie L Californium-252 L Dry Solid L. 005 millicuries M. Curium-244 M. Dry Solid M.1.1 millicuries N. Cobalt-57 N. Dry solid N. 52 millieuries O. Cobalt //) O. Dry Sohd O.12 millicuries P. Cesium-137 P. Dry Solid P. 02 millicuries Q. Nickel-63 Q. Dry Solid Q.10.5 millicunes R. Prometalum-147 R. Dry Solid R. 9 millicuries S. Polonium 210 S. Dry Sohd S. 24 millieuries T. Strontium 90 T. Dry solid T. I millicurie U. Thorium 230 U. Dry Solid U. 0001 millieurie V. Iron 55 V. Dry Solid V. 20.1 milheuries ' i W. Europium-152 W. Dry Solid W. 02 millicuries X. Technetium-99 X. Dry Solid X 001 millicuries Y Thallium-204 Y. Dry Sohd Y. 01 millicuries Z. Yttrium 3 7.. Dry Solid Z. 02 millieuries A A. 7)nc4.1 A A. Dry Solid AA .01 irnifituriew



        ,                                                                                                                                                     i RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE l

1 Page 3 of 4 pages lI __ i IJccrise No.: MD-27 01442 Amendment No.: 31 CONDITIONS j, 10.

  -1                    The au:horized place of use is the licensee's address riated in item 2, Goddard Space Flight Cen
  ,                     of   the !!censee throughout Maryland. 'ihe licensee rnust notify the Radiological Health Program permment use address as is required by Section D.1301 of COMAR                                                   '
'             llA.

Tbc radiataon proiection program shall be under the supervision of David K. Erutr assisted by Othjeen A. Stoll. i 11B. l, Radioactive material shall be used by, or under the supervision of David K. Ermer, Eric Fiore, John Folke i' E. P. Keath, Velky, R. II. or H. Bruce Mauer, land Ill. R. W. McEntire, George M. Murray, D. G. Onderein, Kathleen A. Stoll. Joseph J 12. The licensee Radiation." shall comply with all appropriate provisions of COMAR " Regulations for Control 13A. Each ses. led source containing radioactive material, other than Ilydrogen-3 with a half. life greater in ar.y form other than gas shall be testrd for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six (6) m absence of a certifieste from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within air (6) months prior to the tr scaled source shall not be put into use until tested. If there is reason to suspect that a sealed source might have be - darnapd, or might be leaking, it shall be tested for leakage before further use. 13B.

                      'the te9 sball be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of radioactive material .on               Thethe test sample test sample thall be taken from the scaled source or from the surfaces of a device in which the sealed source is perman enounted or stored on which one might expect contamination to accurnulate.

13C. Reconds of leak testa chall be kept in units of microcuries and rnamtained for inspection by the Department. l 13D. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable contartunation, the lio mee shall iminediately withdraw the scaled source from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired or to te disposed of in accord with Departrnent regulations. A report shall be filed witt:In five (5) days of the test with the Adrninistrator, Radiologici Health Program,2500 Broening Highway, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 describing the equipment involved, the test results. and the corrective action taken. l 1311. Test for ler.kage and/or contacunation r. ball be perforne:d by Radiation Serv:ce Organization or by other persons s authonzed by the Department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or another Agreement State to perform such serviret 1 13F. 1 Norweib onding the periodic leak test acquired by this condition, any licensed r.cated source .s erempt from such leak teres whe:;-he 5.ource containt 100 microcu.s r. or less beta and/or g-t ma emitting material or 10 mierucurses or less of idphs emittic material. 13G. Except ha alpha bouces, the pedodic leak tesi required by this condition does not apply to scaled hources that are stored ard nm tring used. The execried fmm thir test shall be tested fev kakage prio, to any me or tiansfer to aviother j

          ==         per=on +!m they hoe been tested within sis months prior to the date of me or tranyfer.
                          -a                                                            -

j i


0248/Y : 14:S7 JHU-f-6PL-EHS + 610 337 5393 to.013 D07

                                 .         YA                                           f/

DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVRONMENT RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE Page 4 of 4 pages l License No: MD.27-014-02 Amendment No.: 31 CONDITIONS CONTINUED 14 Scaled sources containing radioactive material shall not be opened.

15. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every three (3) months to account for all scaled sources received and possessed under the license. The records of the inventories shall be maintained for two (2) years from the date of the inventory for inspection by the Department, and shall include the  !

quantities and kinds of radioactive material, location of sealed sources, and the date of the inventory.

16. Food and beverage containers shall not be discarded in radioactive or normal trash containers in ,

licensee's arcas utilizing radioactive materials. l l 17A. The licensee shall not make any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document regarding radiation levels, tests performed or radiation safety conditions or practices. Additionally, the licensee shall not falsify, tamper with, or render inaccurate any monitoring device or method. 17B. Violation of any term, condition, or regulation could subject the licensec to administrative or civil penalty or criminal prosecution, as specified in Title 8, Radiation, of the Article Environment of the , Annotated Code of Maryland. l

18. Except as specifically provided otherwise by this license, the licensee shall possess and use radioactive material authorized by this license in accordance with statements representations, and procedures
  ;           contained in application dated July 24,1997 and letter dated September 4,1997. COMAR
              " Regulations for Control of Ionizing Radiation" shall govem the licensee's statements in applications or letters, unless the statements are more rertrictive than the regulations.


                                                                                /c      -C              y  ,
   ;                                                        Roland G. Fletcher Radiological Health Program Manager NAO      C l,                                                                                                 .      . .
