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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/12/1997
From: Racquel Powell
To: Omealia M
Shared Package
ML20203H944 List:
FOIA-97-350 NUDOCS 9712190082
Download: ML20203H936 (4)



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)m A Qp[7 n vo~str m f, 't RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF X l nut o^"

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INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST g j 9 go (c ae.e DOCA & t NUMbi tti$)(tr appasatilel

.a ovisu n Michael O't'ealia PART 1.- AGENCY RECORDS REL E AsED OR NOT LOCA?tD fSee cherAedbomes)

No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No additional agency recordi subject to the request have been located.

Ceauested records are available through another pubhc distribution program, see Comments sectlon.

Agency records subsect to the request that are 6dentified in Appendimies) are already available for pubhc inspection and copying at the N;;C Public Document Room. 2120 L street. N W., Wash ngton, DC.

Agency records subject to the request that are 6dentified in Appendiales) are being made availabic for pubhc inspection and copying Ct the NRC Pubhc Document Room,21201. street, N.W., Washington, DC, m a fotoer r oder this FOI A number.

Th3 rionproprietary version of the proposallsi that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staf f is now being made available for pubhc inspection and copying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L street N W,, Washington, DC, in a folder under this F Ol A number.

Agency records subject to the request that are identifiud in Appen 'inles)_ may be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Pubhc Document Hoom identifelin the Comments sect 6on.

( rr.iosed as information on how you may obtain access to and the chargrs for copying records located at the NRC Public Document,2120 L Street, N Uf , Washington, DC. -

Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agencybes) for review ard direct response to you.

X F ees

  • You w611 be billed by the NRC for fets tutahng 5 You w ,Il receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of s l,1 view of NHC's response to this request, no further action is bemg taken on appeal letter dated . No.

PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD F ROM PUBLIC DioCLO5URE C:rt:in informat6on in the requested rscords is be6ng withheld from public disclosu er pursuant to the esemptions described in acxt for the reasons staterf in rert 11, B, C, and D, Any released por16nne of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available f or public k inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a fokset under this FOI A number.

COMME NTS A copy of the releasable portions of the record identified on Appendix A is enclosed. The Category identifying whether the plant was discussed or not discussed is being withheld.

A description of the column headings is enclosed.

^The actual fees for processing your request are: Y C hrs. contractor search 9 $125.00 per hr. = $1s000 ~

8 brs, professional rev icw f'l *33.67 i per hr. = *,,269.36 -


l diskette 9 $1.M each = $1.00 TOTAL. = $1s270.36 WC is in receipt of your chec k in the amount of $1 s.59.36, lo additional payrent is recuired.


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PART 11 B- APPt.lCABLE EXEMPTIONS Records subject to the reqwest that are described in the enclosed AppendialesL are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the Emernption Mrds) and for the reasonh) given below pursuant to 6 U S C. 65Nb) and 10 CF R 9.171a) of NRC regulations.

l1 < the withhews into, met.on is property clasert ed pursuant to teocutive Order. (Esemption il h TN withrwid v.tormation reintes solely to the eternal personnet rules and p+ocedures of NFic (Enempten 2)

' m 1he with,,s4s.on .s sp. cit.... o.orm,ed -,u.smsu.e b, sm,e irma,.da s,mpt.o Sections 141146 of the Atomic f twgy Act. which prohibits the d scloswe of 14estricted Date or Formerty Restricted Data 142 U.S.C. 21612166L Bection 147 of ttw Atomic Enerav Act, which pruhitets the disciosure of unriassified Sateguerds information (42 U S.C. 2167).

4. The withheid etermet.on is e trade secret or commecisi or information that m beme withheld for the reasonts Indicated. (Exemption 4)

The mtoemeteon is cons.dered to be con'edentia' buseness iprope etervi mio.mation ,

The mtormaten is considered to be propretary mtormater,n pursuarit to 10 CFR 2 790tdH11 1 The informeten was outwnsited and recewed in contalence pursuant to 10 CFM 2 790idV2s X l6 Ybe withh&d m'ormat.on conesis of interagency or miranency recoros inat ce not e,aaetse innoe den.v, i.t.uation (Esempton 6L Apphcebte Pnviiegr neithe .iwe e uess D. scios,e of predec+onei mtormai.on wooid iend to mnient ihe oca n and i,ans ngs at , essent i to th. dei + retwo process Where reconds are mthhead m their entirety. the f acts a,e mentr4 abis ententweed with ibe piettacis.onaiintoemadon The<e eiso nie no ressortabey sepegabie f actuel

. ivtone tmouse the rewese of the f acts would permit en werect incuer, into the presec.s.une omens of the agency Iy Attomey worn psoduct pervdege (Documents peepred by an atto'ne, m t unten+149,on ut t+tiatnin !

Attomey client privilege, (Confidential communicatens between an attorney and tus'he+ client.)

6 the wthheid nlormatio*i 4 uomsted ham pucht d<smsee taause di dwiosure movist resett in a cicaily u warranted n invasion of personai pnwarv (Enempt-on 6) 7 ine withheid "*nemation consists of records cornpded tv law entortement purposes and is being withheid for the o asontal indicated (E se nption 7)


Qasclosure roust reasonably be emported to mtete's with an enforcenN1 proceeding tiecause it could reveat the scope. direction, and focus of enforcement eHorts, and thus could poss *Wy anow rectp. nts to tese to sh vid potential or a violation of NRC requirements j trom mvestigators (E semption 7 ( All I

Disclosure would constitue an unwarranted muasion of personai privacy. (Enempt on 7(Cil tne ,n#mmat.nn consists of ncnes ne md4.ds, and ome men,mwon ene +u iusw et n ha n : oud reawnat... t>e e weaed to 'evee 4dentet es of Conhdenbat gqurgeg N atmption 7 (016


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1. 12/97 Diskette containing Data for INEEL Report, .N' EXT-97-00001 EX. 5 o

- - - - - - - - - - _ . _ _ - . - . _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _____ __ __ _

Description of Column Headings- 1

- HALF = Year Mtg 1,2

- CATEG= Category discussed or not discussed '

LERCAT= Average LER count SSFCNT=- ' Safety system failure count SAFETY = Safety incidents CAPFAC=. ' Capacity Factor DOLLAR = . Proposed $ impact for civil penalties -

ENFORC= Enforcement Actions RADEX= Radiation Exposure FOR= Forced Outage SALP= Average SALP OM_ COST = Operations & Maintenance Cost COST _MWH= Cost Per Megawatt Hour

- ALLEG= Allegation Count 45 h

W 3

e e

h F

i i

c September 9,1997 F01/vPA REGut:67 Mr. Carlton C. Kammerer, Director Division of Freedom of Information Case No: 19'7(O and Publication Services Date Rec'd 9- & 97 Office of Administration . . W@ 1% 6 l' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission fielaicd C ~"

Washington. D.C. 20555 Re: En'edom of Information Act Reauest

Dear Mr. Kammerer:

Pursgant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. i 552) and the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commissmn's (NRC) mgulations (10 C.F.R. Part 9. Subpart A), I n: quest a cony.of the data file regarding plant discussions at NRC Senior Management Meetings. 'lhis data file is referenced in the report," Senior Management Meeting Performance Data Additions,"(INEUEXT-97-(XXX)l). Pertinent pages of this report are attached for your convenience.

I would appreciate your 1rompt response within ten (10) working days of the receipt of this request, as provic ed by 10 C.F.R. Part 9 and the NRC's policies. If you requin: additional information, please contact me at M Since ly, l <

Michael K. O'Mealia Enc.: as stated

.MO *)p3TC'// / /'.

--- ~--

o INELiEXT 97 0000' t,

l ,

1 December 1996 I



A Ansaho National Senior Management Meeting Enyk *s

    • '"Y Performance Data Additions

. H. M. Stromberg J. J. Einerson 1

1 I

I l LOCKNERO hu A M T I N 'Y i

l 9 70 7 >902R 9 704 7 4 $jY' ORC *E E D P OR POR

- - INEL/ EXT-97 00001 SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETING PERFORMANCE DATA ADDITIONS H. M. Stromberg J. J. Einerson December 1996 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Idaho Falls. Idaho 83415 Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear F'.egulatory Commission Washington. D.C 20555 Under DOE Contract No DE-AC07 941D13223 Under FIN E8238 l


' ~

2. DATA ANALYS8S A lieutadom was nosed in the SMM data fde.

2.1 Data De SMM data file mwh resw dates for SMM schws that were condected &can April 1986 to-Tbc data analyas4 :s this task were act acces. Jane 1996. Prior to January 1990. SMM re*=s sarily avadable is a format compatible for use in the were aos periorsned on a constart time interval.

SMM review process. la addition,it say not esce Some SMM reviews were perforneed at a sia month be available itoss NRC sources. CoGecting and laterval while others were performed asseaDy.

fonmatting the data compahble with the analysis However, starting in January 1990, the reviews were requirements in descussed in the acas two ar,da . Perforuned ewry sia musths in Jammary and June lacended are docussions of any lisaitadoes encous- Based on the ea==e-a meerval, the analyses for this tered is the data. trport were lismised to considering data from Jame-ary 1990 to June 1996 or as current as possilde 2.1.1 Data ColisetAes when the data were sat availabic ey to June 1996.

la the casca of aBegation data and operating and Electsoeie files on the plar thcused is the maissennece cour data, the data were avadabic to SMM review process and ten ypes were used

.ccacets (or the osdy December 19E during the evaluanos of d4ta i SMM review proecss: SMM ducussoa plaats, Canacity Factor capaoty facsorgforced outage rates, safety system failures, safety acidence, SALP scores, enforcement Capacity Fador is the percentage of grou actions, radiation exposure, allegations, operation clearical output leu the normal stauoo serme and maintenance costs, and Category I and 2 LERs. taada whes normained using the nummber of hours that the plant was on line and the maximum de-SMM Dkcuuion Plants pendable capacwy Capacity factor is cosaputed usag the equation:

Whesher- a-plant was discuued in the SMM reWew proccu was used as a measure of plant pigggg performaoce. When a y !is determmed to not be performing as well as a should be, the plaati NEO = Net Electrical Energy Output (measured performance is dhcussed and aw-d in the SMM at turhme geocrator output terminals of l

redew meeting. Uc owrall performance is as, the turbine geacrator during the grau semed and areas of weakness are identified, hours of the reporting peri,

  • les the normal stations service loads:

A data file was denloped that contained the month and year that cach plant wn dscussed. M DC - Masimum Depeedable Capacity (grou lacladed is this data file is whether the plaat was electrical output at the turbine scaerator idensi6cd as a good perforener or as a plaat requir. output actminah during the most restric-ing addssonal performance monkoring. tive seasonal condkions leu the normal station kuds)

Geocrally when a plant u dscuued during the SMM review procesa, the docussoas were (or a site Grims Hours (Grou hours in the month, HRS =

and not for a dagle plant at the site; however, thh normally 0001 of the first day through h out always the we. In a number of cues, due to 2400 of the last day n( the calcadar dilTerences is reactor wndors, plant design or moeth).

operators, individual SMM revicws were periormed for each plant at a site. Whether the she was Data for capacity tactor calculations are con-treated as a site or treated as indhidual plants at a lained in monthly reports subauted h site, was accounted fier in the data file. Appenda g each plant The data file for this data b MORTRK.

provides a lht of plants and whether they were which is a file mamtained at the INEL. The data treated as a sie or as indnidual plana at a we 1

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