ML20205J232 | |
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Issue date: | 10/20/1988 |
To: | |
References | |
WIR-881014, NUDOCS 8810310341 | |
Download: ML20205J232 (28) | |
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ge October 20, 1988 For: The Comissioners From: John C. Hoyle, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO Subject _: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 14, 1988 A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.
Enclosure _
Contents A
Administration and Resources Management 8
Nuclear Reactor Regulation C
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data F
Governmental & Public Affairs G*
General Counsel H
Personnel I*
Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights J*
Special Projects K*
Enforcement L*
Consolidation M
Regional Offices N
Executive Director for Operations 0*
Items Addressed by the Comission P
Meeting Notices Q
Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for o8 external distribution)
- No input this week,
@@[h cc (j G NES John C. Hoyle, Assistant for Operations 853
-u> Of ce of the Executive Director or Operations
5$!!j hb 92-1b3
HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 14, 1988 Shoreham Yesterday, October 6, 1988, the staff issued its evaluation (excluding emergency planning issues) of LILCO's request for authorization to operate its Shoreham plant at a power level up to 25 percent of full-rated power.
This evaluation addresses the following three categories of issues related to operation at a reduced power level:
- 1. Systems and Procedures for Accident Mitigation
- 2. Accident Evaluation
- 3. Safety of Prolonged Operation at Twenty-Five Percent Power On the basis of its evaluation, the staff has determined that (1) the current Shoreham systems and procedures are adequate for accident mitigation for operation at 25 percent power (2) the times available to take corrective actions for accidents are increased and the consequences of accidents are reduced at the lowered operating power levels, and (3) Shoreham can operate safely for prolonged periods of time at the lower operating power levels with an augmented inspection program for certain components.
In a second Shoreham-related issue, Region I has scheduled an October 17, 1988 meeting with LILCO's senior management. LILCO is to discuss its operational readiness for sti o testing activities at Shoreham, its proposed schedules for these activ- f. and its plans for operating the Shoreham plant (assuming issuance of a fuli sower operating license) in view of its current agreement to sell the Shoreham plant.
NHSS Safeguards Licensing Staff to Meet with Nuclear Fuel Services Representatives NuclearFuelServices(NFS)representativesmetwiththeSafeguardslicensing staff on October 13, 1988 to discuss physical security issues concerning NFS s construction of a new office building at their Erwin, Tennessee facility.
Discussion points included the modification of the protected area barrier, the maintenance of an assessment isolation zone, and the monitoring of persohnel in the vicinity of the physical security equipment. Special staff attention will be given to physical security measures and controls to be taken as further information concerning this construction project is developed. Region 11 representatives also attended the meeting.
Rancho Seco Vote Set The Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board has set June 6, 1989 as the date on which District voters will be asked to decide whether Rancho Seco should continue to operate.
0FFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADMINI$ RATION OF T1E FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS - 1988 For 5-Day Period of October 7, 1988 - October 13, 1988 Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Received 'nis Week 17 2 Completet This Week 13 1 Carryovers From 1987 157 33 Received In 1938 521 46 Granted In 1988 403 21 Denied In 1988 176 44 Pending 99 14 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Ophelia Williams, Requests copies of the enclosure to amendment 67 to J/R/A Ass)ciates License NPF-12 and Safety Evaluation for the Suniner (88-505) nuclear power plant.
Ophelia Williams, Requests a copy of NRC's July 13, 1988 memorandum J/R/A' Associates regarding 10 CFR 50.59 guidance.
(88-506) 1 Ophelia Williams, Requests a copy of the August 24, 1988 memorandum from J/R/A Associates Frank Miraglia to Project Directorate regarding (88-507) Generic Letter 87-09 and technical specification changes.
James Suda, Requests copies of mailing labels for four specified I Redicorp Protective types of lists.
Materials, Inc.
(88-508) ,
Gregory Brown, Requests a list on a diskette of HRC Materials Licensees ORFI Systems, Inc. located in Region I on a diskette, t (88-509)
Todd Eder, Requests records that provide four categories of Garruto, Galex and information regarding Krypton-85, Nickel-63, and Cantor Hydrogen-3.
(88-510) l OCTOBER 14, 1988 ENCLOSURE A
Received, Cont'd Richard Zahnleuter, Requests four categ0 ries of records regarding the ASLBP State of New York Chairman for the June 1988 Emergency Exercise fo the (88-511) Shoreham nuclear. power plant.
Joseph Felton, Requests records showing (1) how each Region is using Nuclear Licensing the point system in temporary instruction 2800/15 of the NRC Inspection Manual to identify problem licensees or Rep (orts88-512) to assess licensee perfomance and (2) whether the regions are using the point system to increase the severity of enforcement actions.
Joseph Felton, Requests copies of OI policies 6 and 27.
Nuclear Licensing Reports (06-513)
Joseph Felton, Requests a copy of any draft or advance copy of a record Nuclear Licensing made available to any state official or agency on Reports proposed industrial radiography regulations, as referenced (88-514) in the May 5,1988 letter from the Texas Department of of Health.
Clinton Newby, Requests a copy of Eastman Kodak's technical proposal Interleaf. Inc. under RFP RS-ARM-88-231.
Anne Koester, Requests three categories of records regarding concerns Fuller & Henry of former Commissioner Gilinsky about his October 5, (88-516) 1983 visit to the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant.
Steven Aftergood, Requests a copy of all information in IRB's electronic Comittee to mail network concerning Russian satellite Cosmos 1900.
Bridge the Gap (88-517) '
Todd Eder, Requests 15 categories of records regarding the Burroughs Garruto, Galex Corporation in Warren, New Jersey, and Cantor (88-518) ,
D. Carrey-Beaver, Requests records received or generated by the Pilgrim The Comonwealth Restart Assessment Panel insofar as those records were of Massachusetts related to Panel activities. !
Frances Skolnick, Requests three categories of records regarding the restart Susquehanna Valley of the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant.
Alliance (88-520)
Received Cont'd Richard Downing, Requests a copy of the abstract under RFP RS-ARM-88-179.
The Data-Connect Company (88-521)
Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION AND THE EDO for the release of Law Offices of 14 records denied in their entirety and portions of Billie Garde six records in NRC's partial response dated September 8, (88-A-45-88-224) 1988, relating to a request for records concerning inspections and/or investigations into H&G Inspection Company and its operations.
Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of 13 records denied in Law Offices of their entirety in NRC's partial response dated September 23 Billie Garde 1988, relating to a request for records concerning (88-A-46-88-224) inspections and/or investigations into H&G Inspection Company and its operations.
Granted (NRCemployee) In response to a request for records concerning his (88-342) m urity clearance, made available 26 records.
I Alan Kuperman, In response to a request for copies of SECY-88-175, Nuclear Coerol SECY-88-208 and all associated notation vote sheets, Institute made available copies of the SECY papers. Informed the (88-4521 requester that the requested SECY papers are Information Policy Issues, and, therefore, no vote sheets are required, I Kenneth Mokoena, In response to a referral from the Department of State The National of two records concerning South Africa's nuclear power Security Archive program, made available the requested records.
David Holtzman, In response to a request for records reflecting approval Schuchat, Cook or acceptance by the NRC of the particular psychological
& Werner test used by Daniel Construction to evaluate its employees (88-481) and subcontractors at the Callaway nuclear power plant, informed the requester that the NRC located no agency records subject to this request.
Jeffrey Stone. In response to a request for a copy of the close-out Anne Arundel inspection report on the Curtis Bay Army Ordinance County, Maryland Depot, issued around 1977, made available four records.
Granted, Cont'd Evelyn Apgar, In response to a request for copies of any inspection
'The Home News report of the Gamma Greenhouse at Rutgers University, (88-496) made available seven records.
Lynn Connor, In response to a request for a printout of central Doc-Search files records related to the Pilgrim nuclear power Associates plant, made available a copy of the requested record.
Denied Linda Bauman, In response to a request for records related to the Law Offices of June 1988 inspection of H&G Inspection Company and the Billie Garde findings that no violations were observed during the (88-392) inspection, made available one record. Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
(NRCemployee) In response to a request for records related to Vacancy (88-469) Announcement No. 88-7032, made available four records.
Denied portions of six records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
(NRC employee) In response to a request for records related to Vacancy (88-475) Announcement No. 88-5373, made available six records.
Denied portions of five records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
(An individual In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of one record denied in its entirety relating to requesting information ) the Byron nuclear power plant, denied portions of the (88-A-43-88-217) record, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.
"Inspecting for Performance Training Course"
The contractor shall present the NRC's course on "Inspecting for Performance" to NRC inspectors and other selected staff personnel. The contractor shall furnish the course instructor and other experts as necessary.
Period of Performance: Five (5) Years Sponsor: Office of the Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Status: The closing date was extended to October 13, 1988.
"Effective communication: Media Training Workshop"
Conduct media training workshop course for NRC Headquarters and Regional staff.
Period of Performance: Two (2) Years Sponsor: Office of Personnel Status: Solicitation amended on October 6, 1988. Best and Fir,al are are due on October 26, 1988.
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS On October 13, ?988, Rocky Mounta n Training Company filed a bid protest with the GSA Board of Contract Appeal! under solicitation No RS-ARM-88-252 for "Microcomputer Software." Rocky Mountain protests the rejection of their bid which offered alternative softe.are packages rather than the items NRC requested in the Invitation ' er Bid. An award was made to General Technology, Inc., effective September *M, 1988. The protester requests suspension of the new award.
OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending October 14, 1988 Shoreham Yesterday, October 6, 1988, the staff issued its evaluation (excluding emergency planning issues) of LILC0's request for authorization to operate its Shoreham plant at a power level up to 25 percent of full-rated power.
This evaluation addresses the following three categories of issues related to operation at a reduced power level:
- 1. Systems and Procedures for Accident Mitigation
- 2. Accident Evaluation
- 3. Safety of Prolonged Operation at Twenty-Five Percent Power On the basis of its evaluation, the staff has determined that (1) the current Shoreham systems and procedures are adequate for accident mitigation for operation at 25 percent power, (2) the times available to take corrective actions for accidents are increased and the consequences of accidents are reduced at the lowered operating power levels, and (3) Shoreham can operate safely for prolonged periods of time at the lower operating power levels with an augmented inspection program for certain components.
In a second Shoreham-related issue, Region I has scheduled an October 17, 1988 meeting with LILC0's senior management.
LILCO is to discuss its operational readiness for startup testing activities at Shoreham, its proposed schedules for these activities, and its plans for operating the Shoreham plant (assuming issuance of a full power operating license) in view of its current agreement to sell the Shoreham plant.
2 OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending October 14, 1988 LOW-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT Siting Section Staff Accom)any Region I Licensing Team on Inspection of Department of Agriculture / Agricultural Research Service (DOA/ARS)--
Beltsville and Hyattstown, Maryland Staff members of the Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning met with representatives of D0A/ARS and Region I at the Beltsville low-level waste disposal site. Since AEC encouraged the use of radioactive materials by ARS about researchers, 1949 at the BARC-WESTuse of isotopes,(and on-site site Beltsville). disposal Continued has continued disposal at the sitesince has been proposed by DOA/ARS. As a resul',of the meeting, the DOA/ARS radi-ation safety officer will collect existing data and evaluate their plan for further disposal. DOA/ARS will then be required to submit a long term site management plan including a monitoring plan for the site.
INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL NUCLEAR SAFETY Fuel Cycle Safety Combustion Engineering (CE)-Windsor, Connecticut On October 6,1988, HMSS staff members met with a CE representative to discuss a pending license amendment concerning a company reorganization and other related actions. As a result of the meeting, CE will re-evaluate the functional
- organization with respect to nuclear safety and resubmit the application.
HIGH-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT NRC Staff Findings of Observation Audit Los Alamos National Laboratory From October 3, 1988 through October 7, 1988 staff from the Division of High-level Waste Management participated as observers on a Department of Energy / Yucca Mountain Project Office (DOE /YMPO) audit of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). LANL is responsible for migration, geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology studies. Based on the audit, the 00E/YMP0 team proposed th:t 17 Standard Deficiency Reports,11 observations and 7 recommendations be issued against LANL's QA Program.
The major issues identified by the DOE /YMPO team are: (1) insufficient QA staffing to develop and implement a QA program meeting YMP0 program e ntrols and to train the LANL staff; (2) lack of controls for and understanding of Scientific Investication Plans; (3) QA weaknesses in LANL's overall software program; and (4) weakness in procedural controls for laboratory log books and notebooks.
.. Based on its observations, the HLWM staff concluded that an acceptab'le a'udit was performed by the 00E/YMP0 team. The HLWM staff did identify several areas where DOE /YMP0 audit needs improvements; however, these did not distract from the overall acceptability of the audit.
Proposed Amendments to Part 61 In May of this year, the Comission published proposed amendments to Part 61.
Those amendments would require disposal of "greater-than-Class-C" (GTCC) wastes in a deep geologic repository unless the Commission approves an alternative means of disposal.
On October 6,1988, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment released a "Background Paper" entitled "An Evaluation of Options for Managing Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste." The report concludes:
-- No disoosal facility, regardless of the technology used, is expected to be available for GTCC waste for at least fif teen to twenty years.
-- GTCC waste will have to remain in storage until at least 2010 and potentially much longer. The NRC may need to update its packaging and storage guidance for GTCC waste considering the likelihood of a few decades of extended storage.
-- Some generators of GTCC waste, especially small companies, may need access to a small amount of off-site storage capacity before an extended-storage facility could be available. To reduce the potential for GTCC accidents in the United States, the Federal Government could provide limited access to existing storage capacity such as an unlicensed 00E storage facility.
-- Congress needs to address the need for NRC licensing of any Federal (presumably DOE) facilities used to store comercial GTCC wastes.
-- A conservative approach for disposal of GTCC wastes would be to permanently isolate the waste in a deep-geologic repository, as has been proposed for comercial spent fuel and defense HLW. The volume of GTCC waste is probably not large enough to justify the economic or institutional costs associated with developing a separate disposal facility, regardless of the technology used.
The report's conclusions regarding dispusal of GTCC wastes are consistent with the proposed amendments to Part 61 published earlier this year.
a 3
SAFEGUARDS Domestic NHSS Safeguards Licensing Staff to Meet with Nuclear Fuel Services Representatives Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) representatives met with the Safeguards licensing staff on October 13, 1988 to discuss physical security issues concerning NFS s construction of a new office building at their Erwin, Tennessee facility.
Discussion points included the modification of the protected area barrier, the maintenance of an assessment isolation zone, and the monitoring of personnel in the vicinity of the physical security equipment. Special staff attention will be given to physical security measures and controls to be taken as further information concerning this construction project is developed. Region 11 representatives also attended the meeting.
TRANSPORTATION Neeting with NAC on Rail / Barge Shipping Cask On October 13, 1988, the Transportation Branch met with Nuclear Assurance Cor) oration (NAC) and DOE to discuss plans for a new spent fuel cask--the Comained Transport Cask (CTC). The CTC is being designed under contract to DOE as a 100-ton rail / barge cask for NWPA shipments. The cask payload would consist of 50 BWR or 26 PWR fuel assemblics. The spent fuel assemblies are comprised of 10 year old fuel which has a minimum burnup of 35 MWD /MTV and a maximum initial enrichment of 4.5%. The current design does not take credit for fuel burnup. An application is expected in June 1991.
i,'. . .
t 0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending October 14, 1988 PREVENTING DAMAGE TO REACTOR CORES T/H Technical Support Center In order to estab'lish the generic issue priority which should be assigned to a hypothetical steam generator tube rupture event simultaneous with a loss of offsite power, RELAP5 analyses of the event in the H. B. Robinson and Surry plants were performed. For this event, the calculated secondary side mixture level in the steam generator never dropped below the top of the tubes; however, steam and radioiodine release through the secondary system were calculated to occur for this event. Calculated doses at the site boundary ranged from 0.002 rem to 1.5 rem to the thyroid, depending on the assumed iodine partition coefficient and iodine spiking from shutdown.
The corresponding NRC reference value is 300 rem (10 CFR 100.11(a)(1)). If the analyses were based on the very conservative calculation of collapsed liquid level in the steam generator secondary (as opposed to mixture level), tube uncovery for three minutes was calculated. However, the calculated effect on iodine release was not great.
Evaluation of Instability in BWRs RES/NRR/AE00 staff met with BNL on October 5, 1988 to discuss calculations performed by BNL with the Engineering Plant Analyzer (EPA). The EPA simulates a BWR by a computer code called High-Speed Interactive Plant Analyzer (HIPA)runningonaparallelprocessorcomputer(AD10)andahost computer (PDP-11/34). The calculations were presented in a draft report and showed the oscillating response of the reactor core given the following assumptions: 50% average power with 20% flow and postulated failure to scram. They are described in a revised BNL letter report dated October 11, 1988. Similar results had been obtained by ORNL researchers in 1985.
On October 5, RES/DSR reviewed with BNL the status of BWR instability calculations being performed with the RAMONA-38 code. RAMONA shows that hydraulic oscillations that begin in a few high-powered fuel bundles (given 60% reactor power and natural circulation flow) can cause region-wide oscillations in the power, i.e., part of the core is increasing in power while (at the same tinn) the other part is decreasing.
As part of our evaluation effort, RES/DSR has planned a meeting at the NBS (in conjunction with the 16th WRSM) on October 26, 1988, with our international code assessment partners to exchange information on the occurrence of instabilities in BWRs.
r 2
Computer Code Validation Tests A peer review that focussed on initial results from ICFDF computer code validation tests was held at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) on September 14, 1988. The code was developed by PNL for the Division of Engineering, Materials Engineering Branch, as part of an evaluation of Light Water Reactor (LWR) Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) system fission product retention effectiveness during severe accidents. More specifically, the code was developed to estimate the extent of aerosol particle retention in the ice compartments of PWR ice condenser containment systems. The test program includes the investigation of particle attenuation in a PNL facility that includes a full-length (48-ft) arrangement of four equivalent ice basket columns (one full-size central column surrounded by four half / side columns and four quarter / corner columns). Discussions indicated that the peer panel is generally satisfied that the research program is accomplishing established goals and with directions being taken. Dialogue also revealed that there is agreement that valuable insights are being obtained concerning flow fields as well as particle transport and dynamics under conditions involving low flow rates and the mixing of hot air and steam with the head of cold air developed by the columns. Specifically, some concentration of the flow into channels rather than uniform distribution of the flow has been observed during the tests. Specific comments and views expressed by the panel on this, as well as other observations, will be taken into account in the further conduct of the work. A contract has also been signed with industry to use the PNL facility fo'r thermal-hydraulic tests.
Items of Interest Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Week Ending October 14, 1988 Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch (DEIIB)
On October 13, the AE00 Director and the DOA Director briefed the EDO and other NRC Senior Managers on the preliminary results of the Fermi Diagnostic Evaluation. Preparation of the Fermi Diagnostic Evaluation Report continued during the week of October 10, and the exit meeting with the utility is scheduled for November 1, 1988.
Incident Response Branch (IRB)
On October 11, IRB staff met with Division of Security and Office of Consolidation staff to discuss security requirements for the new Operations Center to be housed in White Flint 2.
On October 11 and 12, an IRd staff member conducted training for Region 11 management and technical staff on standardized protective measures procedures and computer systems.
On October 12, IRB staff participated with Region IV in a Waterford exercise.
On October 13, IRB, Division of Security and Office of Consolidation staff members met.with Dewbary and Davis, architect engineers for White Flint 2, to discuss the way in which the new Operations Center will relate to the proposed floor design and layout in White Flint 2 and to discuss interfaces with the required support services.
On October 13, the AE00 Director and IRB staff met with NUMARC to discuss ERDS.
Division of Safety Programs The Division of Safety Programs presented the preliminary results of the trial program on maintenance performance indicator at a Commission meeting on October 14, 1988. AE00 staff summarized at the meeting the studies contained in AE00 Report S-804. The Commission emphasized the need for AEOD to continue their efforts such that any future work could be considered by the Commission as part of their consideration of the final rule on maintenance of nuclear power plants.
Representatives of INPO, J. Forsyth, et al, met with AEOD staff, Peter Lam and Jack Rosenthal and C. Berlinger, NRR on October 13, 1988 to exchange information on event review and communication of lessons learned to industry. Several cases were identified where INP0 and NRC have or are working on similar issues. Where these efforts are complimentary, generic communications from the NRC and INPO serve to reinforce each other. However, care is warranted to avoid needless duplicative or mixed messages. Both staffs will continue to exchange information and enhance communications on ongoing activities to avoid unnecessary duplicative efforts.
I Foreign Visitors On Tuesday Stephen Loubiere from the French Embassy met with Tom King, Pete Willians and Gerry Wilson of RES and Kevin Burke of GPA/IP to discuss NRC's current safety review of the HTGR. France, like the U.S.
and other countries with developed nuclear power programs, is examining the safety aspects of alternative reactor designs.
On Tuesday Mr. Chih-Min Lo, Taiwan Atomic Energy Council (AEC) met with NRR and Kevin Burke of GPA/IP to discuss configuration management, backfitting, and generic letters. Mr. Lo is the third of five AEC Licensing Reviewers to meet with the NRC technical staff in connection with Taiwan's first relicensing safety review. During his ten-day visit he will also meet with AE0D and RES.
On Wednesday Mr. Yutaka Hatano, the Washington representative for Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, met with Kevin Burke and Suzanne Schuyler, GPA/IP, to discuss the future placement of MITI assignees at NRC. Currently Mr. Shogo Hara from MITI is assigned to NRR until August 1989.
Netherlands Visit Proposal A work / training assignment proposal was prepared this week for Mr. A. de Joode, Supervisor of Inspectors of the Nuclear Safety Department, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Netherlands.
Mr. de Joode will visit Region II to observe and participate in NRC inspection activities for approximately six weeks, beginning the week of November 7.
STATE, LOCAL AND INDIAN TRIBE PROGRAMS Waterford-3 Emergency Planning Exercise Charles Hackney, Region IV State Liaison Officer, participated as an observer for the FEMA Region VI Regional Assistance Comittee (RAC) in an emergency planning exercise at the Waterford-3 Steam Electric Station on October 12, 1988 in Taft, Louisiana. There was partial participation by the State of Louisiana and the local parishes. Region IV participation included the activation and staffing of the Region IV Incident Response Center and the dispatch of an advance site team to the Waterford-3 site.
Rancho Seco Vote Set The Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board has set June 6, 1989 as the date on which District voters will be asked to decide whether Rancho Seco should continue to operate.
2 CRCPD NARK Workshop The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) conducted a NARM Workshop on October 2-4, 1988, at the U.S. Postal Management Academy, located in Potomac, Maryland. The workshop included representatives from the States (licensing, non-Licensing, Agreeement and non-Agreement States); the Federal government (NRC, EPA, FDA, CIRRPC and DOE); the industry (Dupont, US Ecology, Chem-Nuclear, the Fertilizer Institute. American Petroleum Institute and Seaman Nuclear); and State organizations (CRCPD, LLW Forum, and American State and Territorial HealthOfficers). Terry Strong, Head, Washington State Office of Radiation Protection was the workshop facilitator.
The plerary session covered a review of naturally occurring radioactive mdterials (NORM) and accelerator-produced radioactive materials. The two together constitute NARM. The radiopharmaceutical industry's perspective was also discussed. In addition, the CRCPD Licensing State program was presented as well as the view from the Federal agencies. Examples were discussed on how various NARM licensing programs work in Nebraska, a small Agreement State; Michigan, a non-Agreement State; New Jersey, a comprehensive non-Agreement State; and Colorado, a comprehensive Agreement State.
Three breakout sessions, consisting of about 12 persons each, addressed the following questions: Is the significance of the NARM issue sufficient to require something to be done about it? To whom should this be addressed? What are the roles of the States, Federal agencies, industry and State organizations? and How does the CRCPD comunicate to these players?
The participants concluded that NARM is an issue of such public health significance that it needs resolution. The time estimated for resolution is about five years. Both the States and the Federal government are involved but their roles differ.
For the short term, the Licensing State concept that was originated by the CRCPD must be more vigorously promoted. Participants noted that currently there are only 11 States that have been granted final licensina State status and another 12 with provisional status. T,enty-four States have never requested either status. To invigorate the Licensing State program, the CRCFS has to interface more effectively with organizations such as the National Conference of State Legislators, the National Governors' Association, the American State and Territorial Health Officers, the Nuclear Medicine Society, and the American College of Radiology. Also, Licensing States are limited to regulating discrete sources of NARM.
For the long tern, it may be desirable for NARM to be regulated by the Federal government. Some of the reasons include oversight, guidance and the provision of standards. In addition, the regulation of diffuse sour:es may require large governmental resources which only the Federal OCTOBER 14, 1988 ENCLOSURE F
3 government can provide. Which agencies are assigned NARM regulatory responsibility would be recommended by the Comittee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination (CIRRPC). Such determination would be based on factors such as risk, economics and the amount of discrete and diffuse NARM. This workshop was envisioned to pull together, in one report, the health, legal, regulatory, administrative, economic, technical and policy issues. The participants agree that there are many gaps in knowledge in describing these factors. Accordingly, the first priority action of the States and the CRCPD is to assist CIRRPC in better describing the statement of the problem by filling in the data gaps in health effects, economics of NARM, the distinction between discrete and diffuse NARM and its international implications. This challenge is important and central. The results of this effort will help to focus on options available to the States.
The participants noted that the CRCPD talked with the Comission in May of this year and the Comission turned to CIRRPC for assistance and recomended that the CRCPD become involved and help evaluate some of these issues. CIRRPC hoped that it could report back to NRC in about 18 months.
The participants agreed not to change the definition of low-level waste to include NARM until a better understanding is achieved regarding the diffuse side of the NARM issue. This is because of the large volumes of diffuse NARM that could be involved. In terms of public impact, input, and concern, diffuse NARM could be a larger problem than the discrete side of the NARM issue. However, the two aspects of this issue will have to be addressed in the future.
A draft of the final report should be available after the first of the year and will be reviewed by the participants. A final report could be available in the Spring of 1989. At that time, the CRCPD may want to touch base with the Comission to report its findings.
OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending October 14, 1988 1989 Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff Meeting Chairman Zech opened the 1989 Combined Federal Campaign on Thursday, October 13, 1988, to an overflow crowd at White Flint One. The occasion featured the debut of the NRC Chorus singing the National Anthem followed by the presentation of awards by the Chainnan and the Executive Director of Operations to those offices which made significant contributions to the success of the 1988 campaign. Henry Rubin of the Office of Personnel shared his personal experience with the excellent services of Children's Hospital and introduced Beverlee Heintzelman of Children's Hospital as special guest speaker. Cheri Thompson of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation closed with a musical presentation of "What a Difference." This year's campaign theme is "Someone out there is waiting for you to make a difference."
Education level of NRC staff The Office of Personnel periodically monitors the education level of NRC staff. As of the end of the fiscal year 71 percent of total staff had at least a Bachelor's degree, including 35 percent with a Bachelor's degree, 27 percent with a Master s or Law degree, and 9 percent with doctorates. Among male staff, 89 percent had at least a Bachelor's degree, including 42 percent with a Bachelor's degree, 35 percent with a Master's or Law degree and I?
percent with doctorates. Among female staff, 32 percent had at least a Bachelor'sdegree, including 20percentwithaBachelor'sdegree,10 percent with a Master s or Law degree, and 2 percent with doctorates.
Arrivals and Departures New arrivals are Vivian Layman, Secretary, Central Support and Sally Millward, Resident Clerical Aide for Region II. The only departure was Mark Degraff.
Reactor Engineer from Region II.
- 1. As a result of the recent discovery on October 13, 1988, at Surry of voids in Safety Injection System piping, North Anna investigated the potential for air Safety Injection (HHSI) pockets lines. in high Ultrasonic points(UT)
Testing of its revealed High Head voids in Low Head SI pump discharge to HHSI suction lines on both units. In addition, air pockets were found in the suction line for the HHS! pumps from the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST).
All pockets have been vented with the exception of the RWST to HHS! suction header which does not have vents. A JC0 has been developed that addresses these non-vented voids.
7 -- . ; y Region IV Weekly Report Week Ending - October 14, 1988
- 1. Region IV will participated in the Waterford-3 Steam Electric Station Emergency Exercise October 13, 1988. Exercise participation included the activation and staffing of the Region IV Incident Response Center and the dispatch of an advance site team to the Waterford-3 site.
- 2. Materials Licensee On October 13, 1988, a meeting was held with Barnett Industrial X-Ray and RIY management to discuss Mr. Barnett's prior performance history as a radiographer while employed by other NRC licensees. Additional information was provided to assist us in our review of their application for an NRC license to use sealed sources in industrial radiography.
- 3. South Texas Project Two of the three commissioners of the Texas Public Utility Comission together with members of their staff and other interested parties met with Houston Lighting & Power Company officials at South Texas Project, Unit 2 October 13.
The visit included a tour of Unit 2. South Texas Project, Unit 2, is approximately 9d percent complete with a projected fuel load date of December 1988.
- 4. Nebraska Public Power District On October 6, 1988, the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) Board of Directors allocated $750,000 to make salary adjustments in the Nuclear Power Group to remain competitive in the regional nuclear job market.
This is a direct response to interest in NPPD professionals by Omaha Public Power District (Fort Calhoun Station).
Office of the Executive Director for Operations Items of Interest Week Ending October 14, 1988
- 1. Proposed Rule to be Signed by EDO On October 12, 1988, the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) approved a proposed rule that would amend 10 CFR Part 50 by revising the language in $50.62(c)(4) to clarify conditions and considerations for determining the reactivity control capacity of standby liquid control systems for Boiling Water Reactors.
This constitutes notice to the Commission that, in accordance with the rulemaking authority delegated to the EDO, the E00 has received this proposed rule and proposes to forward it to the Office of the Federal 4 Register for publication.
4 f
- g N October 14, 1988 ,,
y _
ATTENDEES- NRR CONTACT h DATE/ TIME NUBBER LOCATION PURPOSE White Flint Bldg. To make maximum use of MRC L. Reiter 10/17/88 8:30-5:00 Room 148-11 of seismic margins methodologies in the isole- ,
10/18/88 White Flint Bldg. mentation of the severe 8:30-5:00 Room 108-11 accident policy statement, several issues have arisen which may require extensions to the original methodologies.
NRC Resident Inspector's To discusss review topics GPUN/NRC R. Hernan 10/18-19/88 50-289 10:00-5:00 Trailer related to TMI-1 PRA.
TMI Plant Site Middletown, Pennsylvania Relief Request from ASME APAL/NRC C. Harbuck 10/18/88 50-313 White Flint Bldg.
1:00 Room 6B-11 Code Requirements for Reactor Coolant Pump Casing Inservice Inspection.
To discuss the current FP&L/NRC- G. Edison 10/18/88 50-250 White Flint Bldg.
1:15-3:00 50-251 Room 148-11 status of physical security.
To discuss the status of MRC/ Utility J. Hayes 10/18/88 50-395 V.C. Summer Nur. lear Stn.
Jenkinsville, S.C. licensing activities.
1:30 M
- Copies of sumaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket- file (s) in the NRC and local rublic document rooms.
A listing of there meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424.
. - - _ = - - ..
8 y 2 9
ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT l % DAVE / TIME NUPEER LOCATION PURPOSE q 10/18-21/88 50-498 White Flint Bldg. To discuss Unit 1/2 Combined HL&P/EG&G/NRC G. Dick -
50-499 Room 110-13 Technical Specifications.
10/25/88 White Flint Bldg. To discuss state of the art NRC/ITI S. Newberry 9:00-12:00 Room 7B-9 technology and the applica-tion of the Swedish ASEA l Master System in the U.S.
10/25/88 White Flint Bldg. To review INPO's progress INP0/NRC W. Travers
]: 11-00-4:00 Room 88-11 in conducting emergency
preparedness casualty 4 control drills at nuclear l' power plants and to discuss the development of more realistic and challenging
) in-plant drills.
i 10/27/88 50-331 White Flint Bldg. The licensee will discuss Iowa Electric / J. Hall 1:00-4:30 Room 128-9 the proposed LPCI swing bus NHC
], modification for the Duane J
Arnold Energy Center.
1 1 10/28/88 50-269 White Flint Bldg. To discuss Duke's corporate NRC/ Catawba D. Hood 11:00-1:00 270, 287 Room 14B-11 apprcach regarding QA Nuclear Station 413, 414 surveillance and audit
- m 369, 370 techniques.
M l o 4 :s l
= .
y October 14, 1988 n
DATE 10/18-19 All Day Albany, QA workshop for the State of St. of NY L. Pittiglio NY NY, Co-Effort between EG&G NRC/ DOE /EG&G The state of iiY DOE LPittiglio TCJohnson MJBell DIVISION OF SAFEGUARDS AND TRANSPORTATION DOCKET ATTENDEES /
PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION Japan Discuss IAE.% Safeguards IAEA and euratom C.W. Emeigh 10/14-27 representatives measures for application of reprocessing plants and to (Japan, UK. France, discuss inventory matters FRG, US), CUEmeigh Oak Ridge, TN Discuss Safeguards and Alchemie, Martin W. Floyd 10/17 marietta and PII Verification measures for development of Alchemie representatives inspection procedures NRC office of y,
- security represen-r- tative W. Floyd v.
WFN Discuss implementation of NRC/PHC, Japan J.R. Cook hk10/24-2f. Morkowski Amendment (PL 100-203) tas vegas Safeguards .nd security Interagency committee R. Burnett 10/le-21 meeting (FBI, DOE, matters DIA etc)
. . ._ - = . _ _ - . . . - . ,
. o
= .
Paris, France CRRPH meeting R. Cunningham R. Cunningham gj10/7-15/E8 m/1 o$ ,70-135 WF 6 B 7 Heeting with E8W to discuss P. Loysen, P. Loysen 10/18/88 D. Culberson, B&W 70-364 review of licensed activities at Apollo and Parks Towns' nip D. Sgarlota, B&W DIVISION OF HIGF LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT DOCKET ATTEIOEES/
PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT reATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION DOE, Forrestal Technical Meeting of HLWM staff KStablein 10/19-21/88 DOE staff Washington, DC Exploratory Shaft Facility Room 1E-245 States / tribes Livermore, CA Observation Audit of DOE JHolonich JHolonich 10/24-78 Yucca Mountain Project LRidole Office of Lawrence Livermore Laboratories DOE, Forrestal Technical Meeting of HLWM staff JLinehan 11/15-17/88 DOE staff Washington, DC Resolution of Concerns Expressed in NRC's CDSCP States / tribes E2 Point Papers P
8 e
- IM8488 m. !8:3!! U*n"*knsinJanuaryN8991"i Beg n M "a
- E suss ,
5 - #7 " "" "E" "' " 5"" * '"d IM80'88m.
P.MiyThW*ou"y' ' """'"'
1/09/88 50-334 RI Office Mana nt Meeting to Discuss P.RC/DLCo L. Tripp 10:30a.m. 50-412 Safe y ystems Optional Evaluations RI Office Enforcement Conference to Discuss NRC/NNECo E. McCabe 50-245 11/10/88
- 00 p.m. 50-336 Environmental Qua11fications RI Office Licensee Requested Meeting to NRC/PSE&G P. Swetland
- .1/17/88 50-272 Discuss Design Basis Reconstitution
- .0:00 a.m. 50-311 9
A 1G/14/88
. ~ .
October 14, 1986 RII MEETING NOTICE '
2$ DOCKET NRC CONTACT PURPOSE APPLICANT g DATE/ TIME NUPEER LOCATION Full Scale Emergency Selected RII Staff Stohr 30 10/18/88 Southport NC Members, State and
- Exercise - Brunswick .
Local Otticials.
GI Licensee representatives ,
85 Huntersville, NC SALP Feeting - McGuire Acting Deputy Admin. Stohr 10/20/88 and Selected RII Staff 2:00pn Members Commissioner Carr, his Acting Regional Ernst Surry, VA Tech. Assistant, Acting Administrator Regional Administrator, and selected RII staff members will be at Surry for site familiarization SALP Meeting - Catawba Acting RA, Licensee, Ernst 10/21/38 York,5C and Selected RII Staff 9:00am Members Enforcement Conference Act. Deputy RA. Stohr 10/27/88 RII Office Licensee, and Selected McGuire Facility 8:30am RII Staff Members Enforcement Conference Act. Regional Admin. Ernst 11/2/88 RII Office Licensee, and Selected Harris Facility 10:00am RII Staff Members E Management Meeting - Same as above Ernst 11/14/88 Miami, FL
(( 9:00am Turkey Point Facility
- g M
. - - - - - - .. . - ..- . - - . . _ - - _ = _ _-_ . .. _ _. - . ..
l .
R 3
- WEEK ENDING: October 30, 1988 1 . .
4 l
i 50-34?. Region III Enforcement Conference Detrott Edison Co. C. J. Paperiello
) 10/19/88 10:00 a.m.
j 50-454 Region III Enforcement Conference Comunonwealth Edison A. B. Davis 10/21/88 Compar;,
10:00 50-455 50-254 Region III Enforcement Conference Coaumonwealth Edison A. B. Davis
- 10/28/88 Company
- 10
- 00 50-2'.5 i,
L i
i 1
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