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Certificate of Compliance 9178,rev 8,for Model Nupac 7/100 & Ln 7-100 Packages
Person / Time
Site: 07109178
Issue date: 09/12/1997
From: Chappell C
Shared Package
ML20211A840 List:
NUDOCS 9709240409
Download: ML20211A844 (6)


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9178 8 USA /9178/A

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s. Th certificate is issued to cenify that the pm Lagirig and contents desenhed in tiem 5 telom, nrets the apphcable s,aftiy standardi act fonh in Title Ir), N 4;i Code of f edctal Regulateora Part 71, *ra,Laging and 1raniputatum of Radioactise Matenal? !b.

l It This tertifkate does not rehene the tornignar frotn tornphance meth any requarcinent of the reguleiket of the V s Departnwnt of Transpwtalum or other I; l spplnable regulattyy agencies, huludaris the government of any country through or into w hich the pa kage will te trentputed (

) 1Hil(1 Rill 1C Att 1515%t?ID ON 1HE il ASIS Of A $ AlTTY AN ALY115 RLKiki OF' THf' PACK AGE D15loN On AritlCAttoN

, a 111L't.D TO f%mt meuf ud,csei b TITU ANDIDENTillCATION OF RLM)RT OR APItlCAT10N I Molten Metal Technology, Inc. NVPAC a plication dated February 29, 1988, I 8

p i

1009 Commerce Park Drive as supp emented.

, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 l

c !Wfkl'T NUMBER

> 4 CONDiflONS g g This certifKaie is conditamal upm fulfilhng the requuenents of 10 CI1( Part 71, ni oppikable, and the conditk>nt specified telon, g

  • 5 I
  1. i N' (a) Packaging l

(1) Model Nos.: NVPAC 7/100 and LN 7-100 l

(2) Description l

'1 Steel encased lead shielded casks for radioactive material. 'The casks are N I right circular cylinders with a 75.5-inch ID by 40.75-inch IH cavity. The W

'I walls of the casks contain a lead thickness of 3.00 inches encased in 0.38- E

  • inch thick inner steel shell and 0.88-inch thick outer steel shell. The top 4
  1. cover and cask bottom are made up of two steel plates ranging in thickness E 1 from 2.0 to 3.5 inches. The primary cask lid is secured to the cylindrical 4

'i cask body by eight, 1-1/4-inc1 rachet binders. An optional secondary lid is N

  1. l centered in the primary lid and is secured to the primary lid with eight, I i 3/4-inch studs and nuts. Each lid is provided with 'a Neopreqe gasket seal. 4
  1. i The casks may be provided with an optional 12-gauge stainless steel liner N

> B (seal welded along all edges), an optional lid vent line with pipe plug, and W Djl an optional 3/4-inch drain line and pipe plug. The casks are provided with a e four equally spaced lifting / tie-down devices. The primary lid is provided q

  1. j with three lifting lugs and the optional secondary lid is provided with one 4 4 e

i lifting lug. Each cask has a gross weight of 48,900 pounds, a D, N B (b) Drawings 4


  • N W; Model No. NUPAC 7/100 g

%,j W Dj The package is fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging, Inc., a

  1. Drawing No. X-20-309-SNP, Sheets 1, 2, and 3, Revision No. A. g D,

E D Model No. LN 7-100 g 6

Dj The package is fabricated in accordance with LN Technologies Corporation '

ql D Drawing No. 5025-M-2005, Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. O. N

  1. j E D;

j d 4 N I

D 9709240409 970912 g p

l PDR ADOCK 07109178 U, I C PDR i

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>' l D Page,2 .Certi.ficate No. 9178 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9178 '


>i i l 8,

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8 5. Contents i 4 (c)  !


' #j (1) Type and form of material i l Wli i

i Dewatered, solid, or solidified wastes, or activated solid components, in r t

i secondary containers, and limited to the following: I 6, I b; (1) Materials in which the radioactivity is essentially uniformly L Wj distributed and in which the estimated average concentration per i 4

gram of contents does not exceed: i 9; I B; 0.0001 millicurie of SAirnuclides for which the A quantity in L n; Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 71 is not more than 0.05,curte; r D L 0.005 millicurie of radionuclides for which the A quantity in L ell p

o Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 71 is more than C.05 cu,rie, but not more than 1 curie; or r


,4 ,


0.3 millicurie of radionuclides for which the A q i e

l - Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 71 is more than 1 curie.uantity in I I

Wl i e (ii) Objects of nonradioactive material externally contaminated with t pl radioactive material, provided that the radioactive material is i gl not readily dispersible and the surface contamination, when i g'

l averaged over an area of I square meter, does not exceed r o 0,0001 mil 11 curie (220,000 disintegrations per minute) per square i p

l centimeter of radionuclides for which the A quantity in i g

l Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 71 is not more th,an 0.05 curie, or r pl 0.001 militcurie (2,200,000 disintegrations per minute) per r g

i square centimeter for other radionuclides. ,

ll (2) Maximum quantity of material per package r Greater than Ty e A quantity of radioactive material which may contain f g

i fissile materia provided the fissile material does not exceed the limits

, of 10 CFR 671.53. The decay heat load is limited to 17 watts, t g

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, p N,R,C roRu e1sA umir nom.-~,3 u.s. NUCLE AM RESULATORY COMMISSION g

  1. n i

1 Page.3 . Certificate No. 9178 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9178 8

  1. E
  1. 4; 1
  1. E i , .

D Dj

6. (a) for any package containing water and/or organic substances which could 8 l i radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by W
  1. tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that N
  1. the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the E i

expected shipment time: N ,

Dj d

  1. (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would be N 4 no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflammable N 9,

b; gases) of the secondary coptainer gas void if present at STP (i.e., no I more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70'F); or N D;

i t ej (2) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent to a e assure that oxygen is limited to 5% by volume in thon portions of the e p package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%. g

,l ,

l I

B i

For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary container a e

l must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which determination for a e gas generation is made. Shipment >eriod begins when the package is prepared a (sealed) and must be completed wit 11n twice the expected shipment time.

$l p

$' N p (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days q l

after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the determination in g (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not el p

$ apply.

g g

' 4 W 4 p! 7. Maximum gross wcight of the contents, secondary containers, and shoring is limited a p

l to 13,000 pounds. g f

8. Except for close fitting contents, shoring must be placed between secondary 6

1 containers and the cask cavity to minimize movement during normal conditions of g e

l transport, g

9. The lid and the shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the cask, and l p l must be covered in transit. g
10. The cask must be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid vent line as l g! shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package. y D W


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i Dl Page A. Certificate No. 9178 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No.

8 71-9178 1 D I i

, D i


11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:

l 8

(a) Prior to each shi> ment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals if o)ened (or if L security seal is )roken), must be inspected. The seals must >e replaced with D I-i D

  1. j new seals if inspection shows any defects or every twelve (12) months, which L i

ever occurs first. Cavity drain and vent lines must be sealed with I D

i appropriate sealant applied to the pipe plug threads. t Dj r t

i (b) Each packaging must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of: L l l '

  1. l R Model No. NVPAC 7/100 r l

'lD Section 8.0 of the application. r l I

D r Dl Model No. LN 7-100 t 1 9; E <

p LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-036, Rev. A; WM-026, Rev. B; and t

> WM-013. Rev. F. t b c I

D (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in accordance with  %.

g! the Operating Pro:edures of: ( ,

f k 4 Model No. NUPAC 7/100 i b I

/ Section 7.0 of the application, r

  1. 'l t p' Model No. LN 7-100 r D t pl LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-025, Rev. C. g
12. The ratchet binders on the cask lid must be torqued to 100110 ft-lbs. [
13. The cask body and each cask lid must be marked in accordance with 10 CFR 671.85(c). [
14. The packages authorized by this certificate must be trans)orted on a motor vehicle, l p

l railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraft, or hold or dec( of a seagoing vessel t p

l assigned for the sole use of the licensee. r The packages authorized by this certificate are hereby approved for use under the f15.

, general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12. g 0

16. Expiration date: April 1, 1999. This certificate is not renewable.


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. DlPage5-CertificateNo.9178-RevisionNo.8-DocketNo. 71-9178 r t I i


i D; L l

DlNuclearPackaging,Inc.,applicationdatedFebruary D 29, 1988. (

b; i Dj Supplements dated: April 19, 1988; February 16, 1993; and August 5, 1997. l l I


D November 22, 1985, i l


D February 16, 1988. 4 i

>I Scientific Ecology Group, Inc., supplement dated: April 30, 1993. I I



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6-44 I B I l

p Cass R. Chappell, Chief t p

l Package Certification Section [

pl Spent Fuel Project Office i Office of Nuciaar Material Safety n'l and Safeguards



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. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2004H001


APPROVAL RECORD Model Nos. NUPAC 7/100 and LN 7-100 Certificate of Compliance No. 9178 Revision No. 8 By letter dated August 5,1997, VECTRA Technolo0ies, Inc., and Molten Metal Technology, Inc., requested that the certificate holder for Certificate of Compliance No. 9178 for the Model No. NVPAC 7/100 and LN 7-100 packages be changed from VECTRA Technologies, Inc., to Molten Metal Technology, Inc. ,

Molten Metal Technology, Inc., has accepted responsibility for the '

completeness and accuracy of the statements and representations of the l previous certificate holder. Molten Metal Technology, Inc., will be l responsible for maintenanco of the certificate, the safety analysis report for the package designs, and the quality assurance records in accordance with 10 CFR 571.91(c). Molten Metal Technology, Inc., stated that the records


required by 10 CFR 571.91(c) for the package designs will be maintained at their document control center at 1556 Bear Creek Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Molten Metal Technology, Inc., has been issued Quality Assurance Program Approval for Radioactive Material Packages No. 0870, under Subpart H of 10 CFR

Part 71.

The Certificate has been revised to show Holten Metal Technology, Inc., as certificate holder. These changes do not affect the ability of the packages to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.


42dp Cass R. Chappell, Chief


Package Certification Section Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Date: fept. 12. 97

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