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Forwards Proposed AO Rept on 840904 Misadministration of radiopharm.I-125 Radiation Source,Implanted in Patient for Treatment of Brain Tumor,Leaked.Bioassay Showed Deposition of 557 Uci of I-125 in Thyroid
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/12/1986
From: James Keppler
To: Heltemes C
Shared Package
ML20236F196 List:
FOIA-87-377 NUDOCS 8711020071
Download: ML20236F266 (4)




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? December :12,19865 %a9  !


. MEMORANDUM FOR:' C. ' J. ' Heltemes, Jr. ' Director, Office of Analysis lan'd :

-1 Evaluation of Operational Data!

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'FROM: iJames G.LKappler, Regional Administrator, Region'III ,


' PROPOSED ~ ABNORMAL -0CCURRENCE REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI; As requested by Paul Bobe of your staff, Lwe ha've'p'repared the' enclosed '

W; draft Abnomal Occurrence Report on 'a misadministration whichl occurred in,1984-

-at the University of. Cincinnati. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr' Jan Strasma at FTS 388-5674.

t j James.G. Keppler .

Regional . Administrator t y


As~ stated ,


., t k CC W/ enclosure * '; - I J J. G. Davis.-NMSS-

H. R. Denton, NRR< s J. J. Fouchard, PA-~

w ' G. W. Kerr, SP -  !

R. B. Minogue', RES J.iM; Taylor, IE A G..H. Cunningham, ELD.

I- Regional, Administrators ,


i. l 871"1020071 871029 >" ,


, W GORLON87-377 ' PDR , ,

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Date and place -- On September 4,1984,' NRC RegionflII (Chicago) was notified by the. University of Cincinnati that an.' iodine-125 radiation source . which had?

.beenimplanted.ina: patient,;had. leaked,causinganunintendedradiat{on exposure to the patient's.thyrold. The leaking radioactive source was on'e of:

eightl implanted in a. patient August 27,.1984, for treatment' of a brain' tumor.- .,

The eight sources were removed onL September 1.1984.-

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At the time of the incident, it was'not clas'sified as a misadministration. 4 1

However, a reevaluation by the NRC staff in 1986. determined-that'it was; a' 1 misadministration.because the treatment was intended to irradiate: the bra'in tumor, but because of the leaking source, also irradiated the' thyroid. (In the body, iodine is' deposited in the 'thyroidi a'n d therefore,' the radiation

.from the . leaking iodine would be concentrated there.) , N ~

., b On August 27.a total.of eight seeds were placed in' thin p1Astic catheter- ,:

tubes and were temporarily implanted in a tennally 111L patient. iThe next day, '

d j

v iodine-125 contamination was detected in the brachytherapy' source storage room. j 4

Ma Bioassay results showed that the. technicians 'who'had worked with the' iodine-125' ,

seeds had measurable uptakes of iodine. ,When .the seeds were removed from the

.' patient' on September 1, a radiation survey of the patient's: neck revealed a

h radiation level of.1.5 millirem per' two inches from the. thyroid,'which.

confirmed the seeds were leaking inside the patient.

The patient _was. then 'l discharged from.the hospital-with instruction to return for further bioassay ;

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4 ,. g Suinequent bioassay testin] of the patientIs thyroid deteminetthat(there- hin! . ' '

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.been a deposition of 557. microcuries of iodine-125/in the thyroid. iThisflevel; '

of. deposition would. result in:a, radiation : dose to!the thyroid of 2,087: rad (A rad;isi a standard measure ,of> radiationjexposure.)? Such an exposure would be expected to: result in some. diminished thyroid l function.> Drugs 'are available} m to compensate .for 'the feduced thyroid funct'fon? ,

1 m

Urine' bioassay testing of> the twuLtechnicihns' involved in prepa'ringjthe> .

iodine-125 seeds showed a thyroid. deposition of 29 nanocuries' for one:an'd! .


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57.6 nanocuries for the other. The results of thyroid-func' ion t testing lof ~

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both individuals were normal. .

Contamine. tion surveys of the storage room used for the handling of the; fodine-125' seeds showed evidence 'of surface; contamination' ' : Theiroom was: < ' o

. decontaminated and then painted to fix any remaining; contamination in placen

  • Subsequent air samples in the room and in. adjoining areas showed no^ detectable'

, radioactivity. Some -equipment:- a' sink,' shelving, and storagelsafe -- were:

':[o found to have some resHual contamination and.they were covered iri plastic.l j

to allow for' radioactive decay prior to use. '. c The. licensee's investigation of.the contamination incident deterwined that one^

of the iodine-125 seeds was cut, apparently. when it was being removed!from a .  :

catheter. tube from a previous patient implanted on' August 13-17.11984. -Twol q 9 s .. C-

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a technicians-were involved in removing the seeds, and reported thatLafter thei

'u tubes were. removed from the previous patient, they wereidiscolored and the seeds Ri '

'  ; 9 were difficult to see. One' technician stated that he~ believed thefdamage mostF , , . ,


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likeik occurred when th'e endslof th'e catheter tubes were' cut;off withiscissors? ' l

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Cause or causes' -- The!cause of the misadministration was be an? s u


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l inadequate procedure used 41n removing; the iodine-125 seeds <from the' catheter . s ,

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' tubes; forf reuse. Further, there1werelinadequate radiationi surveys.perfonned m 1 in the work'areatwhere the! source preparation)was' ~ performed. ' Had adequate l


.surveysoccurred,theleahing" seed.'might'have/beendiscoveredpriorJtosits L..

c , 3 being: implanted in'the patient.


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j_ ,m  : 4' j Steps taken to prevent recurrence - o ,. ,

Licensee ~ -- Thellicens'ee's Radioisotope Committee recomended 'thatithelusefo'f[ ,

thehigh-intensity.fodine-125seedsbediscontinued.forthistypeofLrad15 tion 1 1 o

therapy, pending a thorough review of, the he.alth physics' aspect'sfof dieir use? .

I The hospital also constructed a new radiation source: storage' room with 'al greater? ' .

1 distance'between the storage ' area and the source, preparation area. /A fume hood!

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was also installed in'the room. , .


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NRC -- Region III (Chicago) conducted a specialiinsp'ection at'the hospitalf on; 'l c,

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m October 10-12, 1984, to evaluate the circumstances of thefsourcelleakage tand n patient use. ' A Notice of Violation'was issued for)two viol'ations?--fopening al y sealed source and failure to make an, adequate' survey for the- sou'rce storage? <

area following the preparation'.of.the' iodine-125 seeds for. patient:use.c ,


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Followup inspections have been conducted to' determine the. adequacy of the. f f

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-licensee's corrective actions. -

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