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Forwards ACRS Membership List for 1962 Annual Rept.Acrs Membership Lists for 1965-1987 & Listing of Geology/ Seismology Consultants Used by ACRS from 1960-1980 Also Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/25/1962
From: Blische L
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Portee V
Shared Package
ML20237F931 List:
FOIA-87-462 ACRS-GENERAL, NUDOCS 8708210670
Download: ML20237G084 (81)


& )# JY MEMO ROUTE $1.lP 'i _

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Leona Blische A.C.R.S.

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, OCT 2 51962 the Osuutttee avviews estety studies asui ihaility 14a==== spliestisms seteg4 to it amt otheo reports thazwon, advises the Commstmasam with segist h W -

hasames et yeoposed or esisting remetor theilities and the eenganay at W remeter esfuty ateadards, and perfoaius assh other enties as the w aa4= g zogenst. Sm Comunittee's reports on agglieskisms fer theiliv 14a===== tesse i a peat at the ascord of the c1* cation ami avaitahia to the ydn11a, amongt Str I security unterial. Moders are appointed W the Comssissima Sur a tasm et Spur l years each, and ame umsber is eosignated try the committee as its shmirman, .._

this statutory ecessittee replased the ibuser Aerisery Ommaittee an neactor sateguards in 1957

m. FRANKUI A. GIF70RD, JR. , Chairman, metecewlegist.ia-eharge, We=th=e Dureau Research Station, U. S. A4aude Emessy Commission, Oak Ridge, {


m. VILUAM K. ERIED, Principal Physicist, Oak Ridge Estional 'M7, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
m. JOEN C. SMt, Chaiziman, Department of Snaitary Regineering ami Huber hsources, the Johns Epykins University, Baltimore, lehryland. i
m. DWIL 1. BALL, Division Leader, Ims Alamos Scientific Imberstery, Ice Alance, New Mexico.

IE. JOHR ?. NEE, Professor of Engineering, Corns 11 lhtiversity, Ithsea, Bev York.

m. EERBSRf J. C. EEK55, Nue?.sar Engineez%g Department, Arnnhaven Entianal Lclers. tory, Upta2, New York.
m. ECTRY W. 35fSON, Yice-Chairman, Professor of Physics, Duke ikkiversity, Durham, North Carn 74nn.

KENIEW R. OSB1RH, Director, M= trial Devm30pment,, Genersi Cheminal j Divisica, A111md Chesteal C.Ation, Morristown, New Jersey.

l DoWLD A. 20GCR3, Consulting Engineer, Harristown, Eur Aersey. )

l IE. TM!TT EILVERMAB, Professor of Engineering in envirr===*al hygiene {

ami Director of Audiological %giana Program, hrvard Baiversity, Boston,  ;

, h asachusetts. )

REUEL C. SEATTON, Consultirs Engineer, Eartitani, commeoticut l

l . B. MIDC J. TEEMPSON, Diawetor, MIT Buclear Ensetor, E===ahaatts W

, tube of technology, Cedridge, NaseMhusetts. s.,

I ,. w

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15. M R. ICLLIA!C, Assistant Vice President, Liberty htual Q, ease Ocugpany, Boston, basechusetts. L IR. MCK IUFFEf, technical Secrwtury, Professor af Raelmar M, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

l JAlE B. GRAEO!, &:ecutive Secreta % U. S. Atomic Enazy Commission, Esh-i ington, D. C.

, i I

i I.

O f n 4


0 05" l 1



Bue present amtership of ttne Caummittee is as ftn11cerst & '


l W. Irinian D. mrdy, Qininum Dr. Bavid treet, Ties Chaimman Director of Technolegy Phiysicist Sta111te Division Argonne Estional Imboratory i thion Carbide Ourporation Argoems, T114mais I ust York, new Yort i Mr. ammid stberington, consulting Engineer, JWiter, 72mrida.

/Dr. Franklin A. GLfford, Jr., Director, Atenspherie Turbulmee and Diffusion Imboatory, U. S. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge, h. l l

A. Barbert J. C. Ecuts, Beactor Ptiystes Division, Emokhaven Entional Imboratory, Upton, Ices Island, Eur Toek.

Dr. Emnry W. Newson, Profesacr of Ptqysics, 34s thiversit;r, Dusines, North Carolina.


f r. Nunzio J. Palladino, Professor and Band, Department of h*1ame Regineering, the Pennsylvania State University, thiversity Park, Pennsylvania.

, N. heald A. Rogers, Consultant,Ihrristown, Eer Jersey. J Dr. Imelie Silverman, Professor of Ihgineering in Euwiromental stygiene una Director of anaiological strgiene Program, narvard Ikiversity, mastom, masachusetta.

f. neuel c. stretton, Consulting Ensinner, Bartford, Connecticut.

Dr. theos J. thampson, Direeter, MIT meia=* meneter, massachusetts Institute at m= lacy, amertage, m-w=-sts.

A. Carron W. zabel, Associate Professor, Ptiysics Department, l thiversity or abuston, nouston, temas. j


assuna ape n 12, 1965  ::

1 RECORD NCYI'E: Worked up per request of Vice President Humphrey's office for list of ACRS members. Discussed with A. Fritsch'(Chair- '

man's office) . W. B. McCool and W. D. Maniv en h/12/&i.

,, ACRS ,

MAHED TO: :hrbara Rams,ey, Office of 1 die V. P. ,

Hoom 5121, New Senate Office Eldg. I SURMAME> .h 8. . . . . b O' .


om ,.

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. 4/12/65....

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OF THE . . . .

Anytsoaf comITTss as asACToa SAFE (, MIBS h _*


l 1

The presamt membership of the Committea is as follows: [,

I Mr. William D. Manly, e struen Dr. Davia & rent, Vice hairman I Director of Teoboology Physicist l 8te111ta Division Argonne Estional Laboratory I Union Carbide Corporation Argoane, 1111 acts l

Eokomo, Indians I


.Atr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer, Jupiter, Florida, i

i i

A. Franklin A. Gifford. Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, U 8. Usather Bureau, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

'Jr. Stephen R. Benauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Daiversity i

t of Tennessee, Encaville, Tennessee. 4 A. Herbert J. C. Ecuts, anactor Physics Division, Brookhaven National laboratory, Upton, Imag Island, New York,

p. Jack E. McKee, Professor Environmental Basich magionering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.

5 Dr. Henry W. Novoon, Professor of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

I 1pr. Ransio J. Palladino, Profssoor and Road, Department of Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, l Pennsylvania. i' Dr.14s11e Silverman, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Hygiene and Director of Bediological Rygiene Program, Earvard University, Boston, Massac1masetts. i I

Dr. Theos J. Tbqson, Director, MIT Ihnelear haector, Massmakaatts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

p. Carroll W. Esbel, Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of Houston, Houston, Tesra.

g Issued: M r 8,1M5.

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l The present membership of the Committee is as follows:

Dr. David Okrent, chairman Mr. punzio J. Palladino, Ties theiramm  !

Physicist Professor and Reed j Arlonne National Laboratory Department of Nuclear Engineering ]

Argonne, Illinois The Feensylvania State University Waiversity Park, Pennsylvania Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Metallurgist, Consultant to the Director, Battella Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. ,

Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting Engineer, Jupiter Florida.

-- Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, U. 8. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge, Teenassee.

. Dr. Stephen B. Renauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Waiversity of i Tennessee, Knoxville, Taanmases.

f Dr. Barbert J. C. Kouts, Reactor Physics Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York. ,

'.Dr. Jack E. McKae, Professor of Enviromesatal Esalth Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Fasadena, California.

,,.Mr. William D. Manly, Director of Technology, Stellite Division, Union Carbide Corporation, Kokomo, Indiana.

Dr. Eenry W. Newson, Professor of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

Dr. Leslie Silverasa Professor of Engineering in Envirommastal Eygiene and l' Raad of Department of Industrial Wygiene, Earvard University, Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. Theos J. Thoupeon, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, MIT Nuclear Reactor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

,, Dr. Carroll W. Zabel, Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, 9miversity of Esestes, Bouston, Texas.

EsseesI demuery 11, L700.

omet > ACRS - - - - - - - -

1 SURNAME > bEEI36h.I.3.D .. .

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OF THE i* ; ..


l The present membership of the Committee is as follows:

Dr. David Okrant, Chairman Mr. Nunaio J. Falladino, Vice Chairman Physicist Professor and Esad Argonne National Laboratory Department of Nuclear Engineering Argonne, Illinois The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Metallurgist, Consultant to the Director, Battelle ,

Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 4 Mr. Enrold Etherington, Consulting Engineer, Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. Franklin A. Cifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, U. S. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Banauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Enoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Earbert J. C. Kouts, Reactor Physics Division. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

Dr. Jack E. McKae, Professor of Environmental Esalth Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.

Dr. Harry O. Monson, seder Mechanical Engineer, Reactor Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, 1111ncts.

Dr. Henry W. Newson, Professor oi Dysics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. .

Dr. Theos J. Thompson, Professor of Nocisar Engineering and Dirsetor, KIT Nuclear Reactor, Massachie stes of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Dr. Carroll W. Zabel Associate Dean of Arts atA fciences, University of Neusten, Houston, Texas.

IaWt May 13. lMi o m er > . ACRS..... . ... .l... '

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hegnet 32, i k i'[

w-MENSELSRIP OF THE ApyinlastY CEte(ITTRE ON REACTOR SAFalNIARDS The present aanbership of the Ceamittee is as follows:

Dr. David Okraat, Chairman ter. Dansie J. Falladias Time Chairman Physicist Professor and Baad Argonne National Laboratory Department of halost Sagineerlag Argonne, Illinois The Pennsylvania State University Waiversity Park, Pomasylvania Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Metallurgist, Cenaultant to the Director, Bette11e Memorial lastitute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. l Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting Magineer, Jupiter, Florida.

l l

Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion 1 Laboratory, U. 8. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge Tammeesse.

pr. Stephen R. Manauer, Professor of Baclear Bagineering, Emiversity of Teenassee, Emoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Joseph M. Eendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Opton, Long Island, New York. i I

Dr. Eerbert J. C. Neute. Smacter Physics Divisies, Brookhaves National I Laboratory, 9pton, Long Island, New York. ,

Mr. Barold G. Mangelederf, Flaat Operations, Short Rille, New Jersey.

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Envireaneetal Essith Dngineeriab Celifersia Institute of Technology, Fasadcas, Califormis.

Dr. Barry O. Monson, genior Hochanical Bagiamer, Roaster Engiacering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argoane,1111asta.

  • Dr. Esary W. Neween, Professer .f Physias, take Waiveretty, Derham, J goeth Carolina.

e . r.'a a. e' n !17, * 'cri t'r r.'dtttem, ele omet > - ~ A0 U pr. Theos J. Thompson, Profwoor of Declear EigLaserias ans.W rector. Erf

,_,,4.e., ie-tor, . ass-wt t. Easttente .f T wl. 7, <:.anru.e, 4Fr/A4 VM6t wmw11 v. sah.t. i -tu.numw ms wwi.e..s t..r.ity .fuup.

E o l A - 8 1 - % A.


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1 October 3, 1966 ,


ADVISORY CottGTTEE Cal REACTOR SAF5 GUARDS the present membership of the Committee is as follows: )

Dr. David Okrent, Chairman Mr. Nunzio J. Falladino, Vice Chairman f


Physicist Professor and Road Argonne National Laboratory Department of Nuclear Engineering Argonne, Illinois The Pennsylvania State University l University Park, Feensylvania 1

Dr. Spencer H, Bush, Consultant to the Director, (Metallurgy) Battelle Memorial Institute Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer, (Mechanical Reactor Engineering)

Jupiter, Florida.


-@r. William L. Faith, Consultant, (Air Pollution Control) San Marino, California, Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, U.S. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Enoxville, Tennessee.

, Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New Tork. l Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, & airman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Bills, New Jersey.

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Environmental Health Engineering,, California Institute of Technology, Fasadena, California. ,

1 Rosineer,

(.or-Sagineering 'SIA Ab' ision, Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Argonne National Laboratory, genne, Illinois.

,.Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant, Chemical Engineering, Littleton, Colorade.  !

i pDr. Carroll W. Zabel, Associate Dean of Arts and sciences, University of l h e an Houston. Texas.

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sovember 1, 1966 .


The present moabership of the Committee is as follows:

i Mr. Nunzio J. Palladino, Dean l Dr. David Okrent, Chairman Senior Physicist College of Engineering j Laboratory Director's office The Pennsylvania State University l Argonne National Laboratory University Park, Pennsylvania Argonne, Illinois Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy) Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Worthwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 1 Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Esactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Follution Control), San Marino, California.

Dr. Franklin A. Difford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, U.S. Wsather Dureau, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennesses, Enoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Opton, Long Island, New York.

Mr. Harold C. Mangsladorf, (bairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey.

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Enviraa=antal Health Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.

I Dr. Barry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, f Argonne Estional Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. 'f 4 Dr. Arlie A. O'Eally, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Littleton, Colorade.

Dr. Carrol l W. Eabel, As40ciate Dean of Arts and S:tences, Unientsity of Ho&t'ift, Houstonydess i.


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  • CEAIRMAN = Baas Bureic !. Falladino VICE CEAIRMAN - Dr. Carrell W. Sabd


.. . , ._..c I. r 1. , ,  ;

k .

. Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Moserial Institute, Pacific Northwest laboratory, Richland, Washingtse. l 1

Mr. Barold Etherington, Comeulting Engineer (Moshanical Roseter Engineering), 1 Jupiter, florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Follution Control), Sea Marino, California.

Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion L Laboratory, U. 8. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge Tennessee. l Dr. Stephen R. Eanauer, Profssoor of Nuclear Engineering, Weiversity of Tennessee, Encerville, Tennessee.

. Dr. Joseph E. Eendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven Natiemal Laboratory Opton, Imag Island, New York.

.Mr. Barold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short E111s, New Jersey.

I Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Envirosamental Esalth Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Fasadena, California.

1 Dr. Barry O. Monson, sector Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne f National Laboratory, Argonne, 1111 acts. j i

. Dr. Arlie A. O'Estly, Comeultent (menical Sagineering), Littleton, Colorado.

Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne pational Laboratory, Argoone, Illinois.

- Dean Punzio J. Palladino, College of Ensinoering, Poemsylvania State Oniversftyy' '

University Park, Pennsylvania. 7' Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Ime Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ime Alames, Wer Mexico.

jDr. Carrell W. Esbel, Associate Dess of Arts and sciences, Waiversity of noustem, maustan, sua s .

o m cE > . i SURNAME >

DATE > .. ... ..

Form AEC-818 (Rev. 643) e. s. .on.a.ast muti.. .mcs 36-42163 4 gg .g]. g


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February 6. W87 1

MEH1111RIZ 1 I

CHAIRHAN - Dean Nunzio J. Falladino VICE ERATENAN . Dr. Carroll W. Sabel j l

1 Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Batta11e Memorial j Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. j Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Follution Centrol), San Marino, California. ,

I Dr. Franklin A. Cifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulance and Diffusion Laboratory, U. S. Weather Bureau, Oak Ridge, Tennessoa.

4 Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Omiversity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

- Dr. Joseph M. Sandrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

'. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Barold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp. , short Bills , New Jersey.

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Environmental Bealth Engineering, Californis lastitute of Technology, Fasadena, California.

Dr. Marry O. Monson, Senior 2ngineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, consultant (Chemical Engineering), Littleton, Colorado.

Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Arpens ]

National Laboratory, Arpane, Illinois. {

1 Dean M -La J. Palladino. Collama of Ensiaserina. Pennsylvania State 9miversity.


g groity Park, Feassylvania.

1 Wil1 Lam R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,Ims  !

$5e y nWKiEd.

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=xagtHucurrt41 W. Eabel, Associatw teereinArts amereeiences, University of ffi A -6 7-4F2-l-

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i 1

l l

September 14,1967 l l 1 ELE &KKEBLE ,

b CHAIEMAN - Dean Nunzio J. Palladino VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Carroll W. tabel l

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Hetallurgy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Pollution Control), San Marino, California.

I Dr. Franklin A. Cifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion  !

Laboratory, ESSA, Oak Ridge. Tennessee. j


Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of '

Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

t l Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering University of j Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

j Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum l Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey.  !

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Environmental Health Engineering, California  ;

Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. I Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne I National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. 1 i

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) . Littlaton, Colorado, Dr. David Okrent, Benior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois.

! Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State l University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Dr. Carroll W. Zabel Director of Research and Associate Dean sf the Graduske SM, -Unive raity--of-Heestear-HeustourTeireer-SURNAME > + --

DATE> . - -- --

  • 8- **- k $ ------ -- -

'm'nse omes Tor:z2 AEC-818 (Rev.H3) e 8 **"*a"'#' no-e 7en-a g,g],


1 1

Jaanary 2, 1968 1

MEHIEE1E11 , ]


CHAIRMAN : Dr. Carroll W. Zabel VICE CRARfMAN - Dr. Stephen 5. Manaser '

Dr. Spencer E. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy) Battelle Memorial J Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

J Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering), 'l

< Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Pollution Control), San Marino, California.

Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion l Laboratory, g8SA, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Renauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of l Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.


! Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long i Island, New York.

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey.

Dr. Jack E. McKee, Professor of Environmental Health Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.

l Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne i l National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Chemical Engineering), Littleton, Colorado.

l Dr. Dcvid Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois, i

Dean Wunsio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Dr. William 1. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Dr. Carroll W. Esbel, Director of Research and Associate Dean of the Graduats School, Waiversity of Bouston, Houston, Tessa.

o m cE > .AC,RS RFFraley:jlm * * * * * '


DATE > .. . . . . . . . .

Forrn AEC.818 (Rev. H3) u.s. soutRNMENT PmMTmG 0FM MH>,1 429 pl ew

% Ile


< 1 e Ol(o Janury 15, 1968 EEE1111R1I CHAIRMAN - Dr. Carroll W. Eabel VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Sta Aan R. Esmaner Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy) Battelle Memorist Institute, Pacific Worthwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. )

Mr. Rarold Etherington,, Consultipg Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida. l Dr. Williarn L. Faith, Consultant (Air Follution Control), San Marino, California. f i

Dr. Franklin A. Gif ford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion


Laboratory, ESSA, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of )

Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.  !

1 Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie,' Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

Dr. Herbert 8. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey.

Dr. Harry O. Monson, Secton Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois ,

b Dr. Artie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Chestes innin ), L tieton, Colorado.

( t Dr. David Okrent, Senior,Fhysicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dean Nunsio J. Falladino, College of Engineering. The Pennsylvania State Univer 81ty, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Dr. W1111re R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mezito.

1 Dr. Carroll W. Eabel, Director of Research and Associate Dean of the Craduate l School, University of Bouston, Houston, Texas.

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April 1, 1968 HEH1111Rll CHAIRMAN - Dr. Carroll W. Eabel VICE CEAIRMAN - Dr. Stephen E. Emmamer Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Nortierest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Pollution Centrol), San Marino, Calif.

Dr. Franklin A. Gifford, Jr., Director, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, ESSA, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Dr. Stephen H. Ranauer, Professor of Nucisar Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennossaa.

Dr. Joseph M. Bandrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of  ;

Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum

, Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey.

1 Dr. Harry O. Monson,' Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office Argonne Naticaal Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. ,

i Dr. Arli-a A. O'Eally, Consultant (Industrial Ch f atry), Littleton, Colorado. 1 Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Chester F. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, j Urbana, Illinois <

Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Lee Alamos, New Mexico.

Dr. Carroll W. Eabel, Director of Research and Associate Dean of the Graduate

  • C 1. Mi-m ity ef ?m te , "' rte. ?:- -

omer > ACES.. . . . . . .

RFFraley:emh e e e e ..3 ....... - .-

SURNAME > . . . . . . . . . . . .

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== ur sis mn.** u..m,,,,n,,,,,n,- %,. p g gpgg 1\S

Of2 November 1, 1968 MIM!!IsgII ,

CNA1EMAN - Dr. Carroll W. Zabel VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Stepbes E.  ;

E-Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Manorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engi-neering), Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. William L. FaitK, Consultant (Air Pollution Control), San Marino, California. l j

Dr. Stephen H. Ranauer; Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of  !

Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

j Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven Nations 1 Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

1 Dr. Herbert S. Isbin; Professor of Chemical Engineering University of j Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., short Hills, New Jersey.


l Dr. Rarry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, I Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. l I

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado.

Dr. David Okrent,' Senior Physicist Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

j Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State l

University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Chester P. Siess, Prof essor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

Mr. Lombard Squires', Chemical Engineer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours 6 Company, Wilmington, Delaware. ,

1 Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 14s FILE: ACRS Alamos, New Mexico. Distribut'i l ACRS Membei '

. Carroll W. Zabel, Director of Research and Associate Dean of the , 6 Staff y

Graduate School, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. .~McCool - 10i

.ists liickover 2 <

omer > ACRS.. ....... . . *. . . .* . . .*

  • SURNAMr> hf f[.a.I eyj.CE.b... . ,, , ,_

oArt > .1Il.1/50.. . . . _

h AN.818 (Rev,9-63) y,, ,og,,,,,, ,,,y7,,, g,7,g, ; 3, ,,,,,, p 3 t*(

o!t Jamsary 1, 1949 i

H1M111111E p CEAIRMAN - Dr. Stephen H. Ranauer VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Joseph M. Egadhria r

Dr. Spencer R. Dush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washingtse.

l Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Raastor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida. l Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Fellution Control), San Marino, California, l j

Dr. Stephen R. Ranauer, Professor of Noelear Engineering, Waivarsity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Dr.Long Joseph M. New Island, Rendrie, York.Physteist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, l

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of. Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Harold O. Manselsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Bills, New Jersey.

Dr. Barry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Directer's Office, Argonne National Laboratory Argonne. Illianist Dr. Arlie A. O'Kelty, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado.

Dr. Devid Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne. I111acis.

Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Peamsylvania.

Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of C11ril Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Illinois.

Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Maples Pierida.

Dr. William R. Stratton, Physteist,14s Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ims Ekhmos, New Mexico.

Dr. Carroll W. f.abel, Director of Research and Associate Dean of the Graduate Scheel Daiversity of Rouston, Eeuston, Texas.

omct > b $ E--- -- - - - - - ~-- ~' " '


SURNAME > ... k- --- - - - - - * * * * " ' ' ~

  • om ,. .alh1. . - - - - - - - - -

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u .o-rmmmm==a.--<>- $o ( A - 8 7-%L 32.o a

April 10,1969 h EXEA111AII CEAlmi&E - Dr. Stephen R. Rasauer VICE CSAINEAN - Dr. Joseph M..Me dw.

pr. Spencer E. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Namettal Institute Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washingtoe. (

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineerlag),

Jupiter Florida.  !

l Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Follution Control), san Marino, California. j l

Dr. Stephen H. Kanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee.

Enoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven Mattosal Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York.

Mr. Eibbert M. Mill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake 51 ology), Encelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Misseacts, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Escold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., l Short Hills, New Jersey.

Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office Argone National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dr. Arlie A. O'Eelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado. I Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argoese National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois.

Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineering. The Pennsylvania State University, Daiversity Park, Pennsylvants Dr. Chester F. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana , Illinois.

Mr. Lombard Squires Consultant (Chesteel Engineering) Naples Florida.

Dr. William E. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos scientific Laboratory, los Alamos, New Mexise.

( Q-e e e e E omer> ACRS,, _, , , _, , _ ,, ,,,, ,, ,

SURNAME > ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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unoomm,-mmm m,,.

p g g7 4(, 2, 32_l

i 02( l l

1 l

June 4, 1969 l


5D l

ele 111151E  ?. y I

CHAIRMAN - Dr. Stephen H. Ranauer VICE CBAIEMAN - Dr. Joseph M. M


Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Memorial '

Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richimed, Washington. .

Mr. Harold Etherington, Coneulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering).,

Jupiter Florida. V.

Dr. William L. Faith, Consultant (Air Pollution Centrol), San Marias, Calif.

Dr. Stephen H. Banauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering University of Tena-essee. Enoxville Tennessee Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York. >

Mr. Hibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Eacelsior, Minnesota.

Dr. Berbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp.,

short Hills, New Jersey.

Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne. Illinois.

Dr. Arlie A. O'Eally, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado. l Dr. David Okrant, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Arganne,1111 acts.

Dr. Chester F. Sisse, Professor of Civil Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

Mr. Lombard Squires Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Naples, Florida. l Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

FILE: ACRS Membership - d- # M AIJ ,[f[M /f o m cE > _ACRS ... . . . . . . .


  • om, 6/19/69 _ . . ,, .. . . . . . . -.


o,m mu. m... m ,, .o__,,,..--,,-

pp g - S t- St l 3 v.

\ 031 '

July 1, 1969 EEE1111EII CHAIEHAN - Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer VICE CHAIB(AN - Dr. Joseph M. Roadrie Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director 0 sta11ursy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washtaston Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineerlag), )

Jupiter, Florida Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Bibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineerin8 and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Cheenical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne. Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry) Littleton, Colorado Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office. Argonne National Laboratory Argonne. Illinois Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineerias. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultent (Chemical Engineering) Naples. Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico omct > AW , , .. , ayi.. ._

$URNAME > .. . 9.U. . .. .. . h . - I l --  !-- - - - - -

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~B 2.3



CHAIRMAN - Dr. Stephen H. Hanauer VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie 1

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida I

Dr. Stephen H. .Hanauer, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York l Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of p' California, Richmond, California Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum i Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois i

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado j 1

Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Naples, Florida l Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico l


po / A %2.

314 '

DJ7 Jessary 2, 1970 ,



s CHAIRMAN = Dr. Joseph M. Bandrie VICE CRAIENAN = Dr. Spenser E. M i

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Nota 11ergy), Eattelle Mseertal i institute, Pacific Northwest 14beratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Esactor Engineering), )

Jupiter, Florida Dr. Stephen H. Banauer, Professor of huclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee .i l

Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, lang Island, New York a l

Mr. Bibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology), l Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S.1sbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of le(innesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota l I

Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richnoud, California Mr. Harold c. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Bills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office Argonne j National Laboratory, Argonne, 1111 asis i i

Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado l i

Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne 1 National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Chester F. Siess, Professoreef Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, i Urbana, Illinois ,

Mr. Imobard squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Esples, Florida Dr. Willian R. Stratten, Physicist, las Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Les Alames, New Maniao

  • ~

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4NDJ sum. .m/.b.ib. .. .. .. . . . - . . . . . . - . .... . . . . .

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== ac-m me. u ._, m. . - , _

g ,p 4 p g 37r

1 E; 1 5 1970-i l



EEE111111E g.


  • Dr. Joseph M. Bendrie VICE CBAID(AN - Dr. Spencer E. Seeb Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy) Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest, Laboratory, Richland, Meshington Mr. Barold Etherington,' Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Associate Need Engineering Division Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Bibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and take Biology).

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of M inne s o ta , M inne a poli s , IRinne s ot a Dr. Warren J. Kaufman. Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of

-1Q California, Richmond, California Mr. Harold G. Mangeladorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Barry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne. Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consaltant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado Dr. David Okrent, Sector Physicist, Laboratory Director's Of fice.

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Chester F. 81ess, Professor of Civil Engineering', University of Illinois, Urbana,1111acia Mr. Iambard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering), Naples. Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist Los Alamos scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 3

omet > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SURN ME> . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DATE> _ . . .

uA sovranal[NT PgtlNTING 0FFIE.t.I,4364-500 Fornsa AR:c.ssB (Rev. D43) ,


1 1

i e o August 6, 1970 3 l

55BAMR&B12 CHAIRMAN = Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie VICE CBAIRMAN - Dr. Spencer B. Spek ,

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washtaston Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting -Engineer (Machanical React.or Engineerlag), 4 Jupiter, Florida I Dr. Joseph M. Eendrie, Associate Read, Engineering Division, Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Isised New York Mr. Hibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of I Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineerir.,,, University of 4 Californis, Richmond, California Mr. Esrold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado Dr. David Ohrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineering, The Founsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. i i

Dr. Chester F. 81ess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University sf Illinois, Urbans, Illinois Mr. Wabard Squires Consultant (Chemical Engineering), Naples, Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, las Alamos Scientific Laboratory, las Alamos, New Mexico omct > .ACRS ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sURNE! > ..11[.T.I... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

om> ..B1b]1.0.. . . . . .


Form AEC-Sie (Rev,9 53) AFCM 0240

  • u. s. oo v t ..m tu t ...=T iw e o r e s c c 1,se c-si:. sot

$=.oI A-97-O7


D3D August 19, 1970 55BAE11512 CHAIRMAN - Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie TICE CHAIRMAN = Dr. Spencer R. Bush i Dr. Spencer E. Bush, Consultant to the Director (Metallurgy), Battelle ,,

Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington *

(. ,

Mr. Eateld Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Esactor Engineertag), .

Jupiter, Florida Dr; Joseph M. Hendrie, Associate Head, Engineering Division, Department of Appliel Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Imag Island, New York Mr. Hibbert M. Bill, Consultant (Rydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota l

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richsond, California Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp.,

Short Hills, New Jersey l

Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office. Argonne l National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois l

l Dr. Artic A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado )

Dr. David Okrent, Senior Physicist, Laboratory Director's Of fice, Argonne l

National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois (Effective Sept. 2, 1970 -- Visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, j University Park, Pa.

l Dr. Chester P. Seiss, Professer of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois,  !

Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chasical Engineering) Emples, Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, las Alamos Scientific Laboratory, las Alamos, l New Mexico e***

l omer> ... AC RS.. . ... . .. ..

SURNAME > ..b31 r 1... M. -- - + - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- - - - - -

our> .8/19D0... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..... .. ....

Form AEC 318 (Rev.9-53) AECM 0240 C e s. sovtaws=t enin t ens errec t: 1.e = o . sto.e M ,

p 2. 9

September 18, 1970 V


4 CHAIRMAN - Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Spencer 5, tech S

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staf f Consultant,. Battelle.Memoris! Institute, F'acific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Resetor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Associate Road, Engineering Division, Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Hibbert M. Rill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

  • Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of j California, Richmond, California Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp.,

Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton,' Colorado Dr. David Okrent, Visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arisona Dean Nunsio J. Falladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State ,

University, University Park, Pa. 1 Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois ]

Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering) Naples, Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico , j l


filed: BR-2-2 -

I omer > ..ACRS _ _ , , ,

SURNAME > . . . . . . . . . . . - -

Form AEC 8tB (Rev.9-68) WA sownnurx1 PalNilNG WhG .19st-C 364-5,8 32$

, t 032 January 1, 1971 E E E E E E .8. E 1.P.

CHAIRMAN - Dr. Spencer H. Bush VICE CHAIRMAN - Dr. Chester P. Siess Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest 14boratory, Richland, Washington


Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering), Jupittr, Florida Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Associate Head, Engineering Division, Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chersical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richmond, California Mr. Rarold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroletam Corp. , Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Directo 's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,1111ocis Dr. Arlie A O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado Dr. David Okrant, Visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Arisons, Tucson, Arizona i l

Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State l University. University' Park, Pa. -

Dr. Chester F. Steas, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

,$g., M ard Squires, Consultant (Chemi, cal,E insering) ., Maples.,, Florida, ..

SURh .

' ' 8... ..'..

i Kl.amos

. . ... ..NJ l>o oArt , 12./15 D.0,--- LSa/.m. (ka). . .

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po l A 67 --@t- l

._,.._m,.,..;,..-,.,g,- .



- . ~ ~ u' " 6 17/ /

.A p : ^ .h r l , ,

MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN - L . Jp;seph S- ta li i ~ th3 Lua


~ C~ ~SHAIRMAN; ; c ue 7=u,",__d _nvSR CH Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Inst'. : ate, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanic'al Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida Dr. Joseph M. Hendrie, Associate Head, Engineering Division, Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richmond, California '

Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chairman of the Board, Crown Central Petroleum Corp.,

Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Of fice, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Colorado Dr. David Okrent, Visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.

Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering), Naples, Florida Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico

-i .


VoIh-61-%'L-33o l


. 4 > $ 9l

- ~

April 28,1971 ,,

f E!E1111 Ell-1 CE&IMAN - Dr. Spencer I. Bush VICE CEAIWAN - Dr. Chester P. Siess l Dr. Spencer E. Bush, Seator staff Cossaltant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Meshington Mr. Barold Etherington, Censulting Engineer (Mechamleal Beacter Engineerias), Jupiter, Florida >

Dr. Joseph M. Eendrie Associate Road, Engineering Divisies Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven Nattees1LLahtratory, U P tas. Long Island, New York Mr. Bibbert M. Bill, Censultaat (Eydraulie Bagineering and Lake Bielegy) .

Excelsior, Missesota Dr. Eerbert 8. Isbia, Professor of Chemical Engineering Salversity of Minnesota, Misaeapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, Daiversity of

~4 Mr. Barold C. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer (Retired), Short E111s, New Jersey Dr. Barry O. Wesson, Senior Bagineer, Laboratory Director's Office.

Argemme National Leberatory, Argomme,1111 asis Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton, Lelerado Dr. David Okrest. Visiting Professor of Noelear Engineering, Baiversity of Arizona, Toesen Arizona Dean Wunste J. Palladino, Cellege of Engineering The Pennsylvesta State Daiversity, Waiversity Park Pa.

Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professer of Civil Engtseering, Daiversity of 1118 -*=; ne- ,1118-S WY.SEsiW4EUsif dissiftsat (d E i U i M iAE'eElk)",~5s' hes[F1orida



sumwditlism R. Stratgen, Physicist ., Les Almaos Scientific Laboratory,

_585M11amme.=.5ew:Menice form AEC.He (Rn. 9.W AECM CHO l ,,, h*'{

U. s. GovtRum MMM omer om o. m m


31b I L __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


h i -

August 4, 1971 EEEEEEEEAL CRAIMAN - Dr. Spencer H. Bush VICE CRAINEAN - Dr. Chester F. Staes Dr. Spencer R. Bush, Senior Staff Cossultant, Battelle Memorial Institate,  ;

Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washtaston Mr. Isrold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engtaaertag) .

Jupiter, Florida Dr. Joseph M. Roadrie, Head, Engineering Division, Department of Applied Science. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York Mr. Bibbert M. Elli, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake 3161ogy),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert 8. Isbia, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufasa, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richmond, California Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer, (Retired), Short Wills, f New Jersey Dr. Estry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argoane, Illinois '

l Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littletos, l Colorado i


Dr. David Okrent' Frofessor, School of Eastaaering & Applied Science. .

University of Califorata Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineering, The Femasylvesta State i University, University Psrk, Pa.

l l

Dr. Chester F. Stess, Professor of Civil Eastaaerlag, Waiversity of Illinois, i Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, consultant (Cheatcal Engineering), Esples, Florida Dr. William R. Strattoa, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Leberstory, Tw . Ai - . . ;.. ri==i w 1 omet > .Acgg, .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .j l

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'orm AEC-518 (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0240 v. s. oovm MENT PRWTmG OFFICE : 1,i, O . 406. 4s Foi A-87 -%1  !

332_ I i


1 03 I


I July 6, 1972  ;



I 5 I HanaAES. HIE ,

CHAIRMAN - Dr. Che s te r P . Sies s VICE CHAIRMAN - Mr. Lombard Squires I Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineering),

Jupiter, Florida i Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excele,ior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis , Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richmond, California Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer, (Retired), Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Harry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Arlie A. O' Kelly, Consultant (Industrial Chemistry), Littleton,  !

I Colorado Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering & Applied Science, i University of California, Los Angeles, California Dean Nunzio J. Palladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.  ;

i Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of l Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Mr. Lombard Squires, Consultant (Chemical Engineering), Naples, Florida l

Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, ,

las Alamos, New Mexico ,

l 1

FIIE: CR-2 ACRS Mbrship List omer > .ACRS..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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CHAIEMAN - Dr. Chaster F. stess Y1CE CHAIRMAN .Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdor.

Mr. Myer gender. Director, General Engineering Division (Mechanical Engineering). Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennossae Dr. Spencer H. gush, Senior staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial In.

stitute, Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Enginar (Mechanical Rasetor Engi.

neering), Jupiter, Florida Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology),

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Warren J. Kaufman, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Richmond, California Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Mr. Harold C. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer (Retired), short Rills, New Jersey Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Nuclear Instnearing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Dr. Harry O. Monson, genior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Okrent, Professor, school of Engineering & Applied sciance, University of California, Los Angeles, California Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania Dr. chsster F. stess, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of tilinois, Urbana, Illinois FILE: CR-2-2, ACRS Mbrship List A. G1.11. E. iria iivu, Euysissisi, "ame 41.--. $61.miifis "As sivky ,

D omct M4.. Alamos,.Rev. Mexico.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

RFF:emb SURNAMt > . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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CEAIEMAN = Hr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf VICE CHATRMAN - Dr. Willian R.;S$304tos Mr. Myer Bender, Director, General Engineering Division (Mechsaical Engineering), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Teemassee Dr. Spencer H. Bush, genior Staff Censultant, Battelle Naserial la-

. stitute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engi-seering), Jupiter Florida Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant (Hydraulic Engineering and Lake Biology), ]

Excelsior, Minnesota Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of j Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1 Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Chairman of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Aan Arbor, Michigan Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer (Istired), ghort Rills, New Jersey Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Road of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Instituta of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor, school of Public Basich, Earvard University.

Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Barry O. Monson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office.

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Okrent, Professor, school of Engineering & Applied getance, University of California, los Angeles, California Dean Nunzio J. Falladino, College of Engineertag, the Pesesylvania State l University, University Park, Pennsylvania Dr. Chester F. Stess, Professor of Civil Engineering, Daiversity of tilinois, Urbana,1111acis 7 Dr. Willima R. Strattail, Ftqysicist, Los Alamos geisatific laboratory, ,

Los Alamos, New Mexico other > ACRS g . . . .


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  • Mr. Barold G. Mangelsdorf VICE CHAIRMAN = Dr. William R.  %

Mr. br Bender, Director, Gemaral Eastaaering Division (Mechanisal Engineering), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, teemassee Dr. Spenser H. heh, Senior Staff Censultaat. Battelle Memorial In-stitute, Facific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington ,

1 Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting Engisser (Meehanical Raastor Engi. I amering), Jupiter, Florida Mr. Hibbert M. Hill, Consultant ($draulic Engiaoortag and lake Bielegy),

Escalstor, Minnesota i Dr. Herbert S. Isbia, Professor of Chemical Engiamering, University of I j Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Earr, Professor of Nuclear Eastaserias and Chairana of the Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Ustversity of Michigma, Anan Arbor, Michigan Mr. Harold G. Mar.gelsdorf, Chemical Engineer (Estired) Short Rills, New Jersey J

Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Esad of tbs Dept. J

.' of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts lastitute of Techanissy, Cambridge, ]

Mas sachusetts ]

l Dr. Dade W. Hoeller, Professor of Engineering ta Environmental Esalth, Esed I of Environasatal Health Satances Dept and Assoct3te Director, the Eresse Center for Environmental Health, school of Public Esaith Earvard University, Soston, Maseachusatts Dr. Barry O. Hanson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Offise, Argsame National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois

! Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied asiansa, gaiversity of California, Lee Angeles, Ca11.fornia Desa Nuesto J. Falladino, Collage of Engineering, The Pennsylvania state

'emiversity, Waiversity Park, Panasylvania Dr. Chester P. Mass, Professor of Civil Engiacertag, University of ,

1111 asis, Jetana, Illizeis i gr.wipasR.Strattoa, Physicist, Ims Alames Scientific Laboratory, a WTjiPslaassT1Inw Maric~c' File: ACRS Membe:: ship List RFFraley:eri



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, 4

, January 10, 7

.M. .E. .M. .B. .E. .R. .S. .H. .I. .P.. M QinIJMAN - Dr. Will3ar R. Stratton VIO' OfhIRMAN - Dr. Edward A. [

Mr. Myer Bender, Director, General Engineering Division (Mechanical Engineerity;), Oak Ridge National Iaboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennesseo Dr. Spencnr H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Mer9erial Institute; visiting Scientist, Dept. of Materials Scimee, U. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif.

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consultim Engineer (Mechartical Reactor Engi-nocrinc), Jupiter, Florida Mr. Incian W. Ibx, Superintendent, Reactor Technology Section, E. I. du Pont de Nc-ours and Carpany, Inc., Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina Dr. IIerbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chelcal Engineering, University of I Minnesota, !dnneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Chairman of the l Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Midigan Mr. !!arold G. Kanacisdorf, 01enical Engineer (Retired), Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Ituelear Engineering and Head of the Dept.

of Nuclear Engineerire, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cabridge, Massachusetts Dr. Dade W. leeller, Professor of Engineering in narimnmental Health, Head of Enviremental !!ealth Sciences Dept and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Hoalth, Harvard thiversity, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Harry O. Ptmson, Senior Engineer, Laboratory Director's Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Ohrent, Professor, School of Engineerim and Arplied Scianoe, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Dean Nunzio J. PallaMno, Cbilece of Engineering, 'the Pennsylvania State university,IJhiversity Park, Pennsylvania Dr. Questar P. Eiess, Professor ard Head of Civil Enginscring, Universityd, '

of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois L.y

&g Wj l14mm R. Stra tton, Physicii rt, Ios Alaroe

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Scientific Inboratory,

- 1_ _

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ACRS N MAR 2 8197(, y NY The Advisory Carsnittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory otmusikh0B getahlf ahed to advise the Omanission on the safety aspects of r-,-:::1W existing rsaclear facilities and the adequacy of rg-:ni reactor safety l standards, and to perform such other & sties as the rheisalon say request. l CHAI19%N: Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific I fahnratory, Ios Almrus, New Mexico VICE CHAIl0%N: Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Head of the Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Massadusetts Institute of Technology, Canbridge, Massa &usetts Mr. John H. Arnold, Vice President for Operations, Air Products and Chemical Corporation, Allentown, Pennsylvania i Mr. Myer Beder, Director, General Engineering Division (Medanical Engi-neering), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Qinsultant, Batta11a Msorial Institute; visiting Scietist, Dept. of Materials Science, U. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif.

Mr. IArian W. Fbx, Superintendent, Reactor %chnology Sectim, E. I. du Pont de Narrours and Company, Inc., Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina Dr. Herbert S. Iabin, Professor of Chmical Engineering, thiversity of Minnesota, Mimeapolis, Minnesota Prof. Willisq Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Chairsan of the -

Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, thiversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Midigan Mr. Harold G. Mangelsdorf, Chemical Engineer (Retired), Short Hills, New Jersey Dr. Dade W. Maeller, Professor of Engineering in Envisui.dutl Health, Head of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Enviremental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Harry O. Mmeon, Senior Engineer, fahnratory Director's Office, Argonne National Iaboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Okrent, Professor, _ S&ool of Engineering and Applied Science, thiversity of California, Ice Angeles, California f3 ,

Dean Nunsic J. PallaMno, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State thivenity, thiversity Park. Parmavivania F.'%starrsiess; Professor ar Hena or Civn mgineerirgrmiversiw sug{2,1Mnoisp urbana g Illinois -r s

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0 91 July 3, 1974 ACRS !OE:RSHIP .

The Advisory Conmittee on Henctor Bafeguards (ACRS) is a statutory ocusdttes established to advise the Ccanission on the safety aspects 6f p- fM and acisting ramlear facilities and the W= y of prape==4 reactor safety standards, ard to perfatm such other duties as the himaion may requeet.

omIlmN: Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Ice Alanna Scientific Laboratory, los Alanos, New Mexico VICE ORIR%N Dr. Edward A. Mason, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Head of the Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Maaaachusetts Mr. John H. Arnold, Vice President for Operations, Air Products and Cb deal corporation, Allstown, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer Berder, Director, General Dgineering Division (Medanical Engi-neerirg), Oak Ridge National YMnratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Spmcer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute; visiting Scientist, Dept. of Materials Science, U. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif.

Mr. Incian W. FCK, Superintendent, Reactor Technology Section, E. I. du Pont de Namurs and Ccmpany, Inc., Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina Dr.11erbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, miversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Ferr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, miversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Envirarmental Health, 11ead of Environmental Health Sciences Dept ard Associate Dirwius, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Pnhlin Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Harry O. Itnson, Senior Dgineer, Iaboratory Director's Office, Argonne National IAboratory, AsyGi.E, Illinois Dr. David (krent, Professor, Scicol of Engineering and Applied Science, urdversity of Califcenia, Ios Angeles, California l Dean Nunzio J. PaliaMno, College of Engineering, the Pennsylvania State l University, University Park, Pennsylvania Arid... Head .pf..Ci.yll., Engineering,.,, University oars > Cheater..R...Sies 5,..Profes. eat.

of 1111n61s, Urbara, Illinois suwn > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

oAn > .. _

.po .es-i.-sieas-t eeH7s Forms AEC-318 (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0240 339 L_-______--__--_____________________ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

0924 January 22, 1975 ACRS MEMBERSHIP g .


V i l The Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory .

a - '

committee established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects 7,-

of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of pro- 14 i l posed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as l the Comission may request. l i

CHAIRMAN: Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan VICE CHAIRMAN: Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health Head of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate .

Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of  !

Public Health. Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts i

Mr. John H. Arnold, Vice President for Operations, Air Products and Chemical j Corporation, Allentown, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer Bender Director, General Engineering Division (Mechanical Engi-neering), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Research Manager, Environmqptal Analysis and Planning Mr. Lucian W.

Division, SevannaFox, h River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolica ;

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Stephen Lawreski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois Dr. David Okrent. Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, University I

of Illinois, Urbana Illinois l

Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, l Los Alamos, New Mexico j l

FILE: CR-2-2 omer > .._.. AC R.S., .. ., .. , , , . . . , , , , , ,, , , , ,

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~B Ao

g April 10, 1975 ACRS MEMBERSHIP The Adytaory Comunittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory see-mittee established to advise the Coussission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform auch other duties as the Coss-mission may request.  !

l CHAIRMAN: Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan VICE CHAIRMAN: Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environ- )

mental Hasith, Head of Environmental Hes1th Sciences Dept. 1 and Associate Director, the Kresse Center for Environmental  !

Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer bender, Manager of Engineering, Holif teld Nstional Laboratory, .

Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor, Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Lucian W. Fox, Research Manager, Environmental Analysis and Planning Division, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolins Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota j Dr. Stephen Lavroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California l

"Dr. Gester P. Siess, Professor and Bead of Civil Engineering, Universig' l of 111 tools, Urbana, Illinois Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, I Los Alamos, New Mexico l e r rie s * .. _ACRS- . . . . . _ . .

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Form AEC.518 (Rev 9.$3) AEcM 0240 .

FofA O L i 3M 4 J


l 5


October 20, 1975 i


The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory cca- ]

mittee established to advise the Comission on the safety aspects of j proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed {

reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Com-mission may request.

CHAIRMAM: Prof. William Kerr, Professor of NJclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Ar.n Arbor, Kichigan VICE CHAIRM/W: Dr. Dade W. Pbeller, Professor of Engineering in Environ-mental Health, Head of Environmental Health Sciences Dept.

and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Ibston Massachusetts Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Gemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania Mr. Ptyer Bender, Manager of Engineering, Holifield National Iaboratory, Cek Ridge, Annessee Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Iaboratory, Richland, Washington Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Gairman of Nuclear Engineering Depart 2nent, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Lucian W. Fox, Research Manager, Environmental Analysis and Planning Division, Savannah River Iaboratory, Aiken, South Carolina Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Gemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Gemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Iaboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of hchnology, Pasadena, California Dr. Gester P. Siess, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, thiversity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Dr. William R. Stratton, Physicist, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico V~p t A %7-

'S M -

1' i 0 j


' WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666 February 1, 1976 ACRS MDEERSHIP

'Jhe Advisory Conunittee on Reactor Safeguards .(ACRS) is a statutory com-mittee established to advise the Ca mission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Com-mission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environ-

. mental Health, Head of Envirortnental Health Sciences Dept..

and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard miversity, R>ston Flamm'husetts VICE GAIINAN: Mr. Myer Bender, Manager of Engineering, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak-Ridge, Tennessee Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Gemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania Dr. Spencer H. Rish, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Gairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, m iversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Lucian W. Fox, Research Manager, Environmental Analysis and Planning Division, Savannah River Iaboratory, Aiken, South Carolina Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Gemical Engineering, miversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, miversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Stephen Iawroski, Senior Engineer, Gemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. J. Carson Mark, Consultant, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ios Alamos, New Mexico Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, miversity of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Paw %a, California Dr. Gester P. Siess, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, Wiversity -

of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois oIA-G"?- O L 4

. A l G/ ? w..

db t


'Ibe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory commit-tee established to advise the Connission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Consnission may request. i CHAIRMAN: Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Diviron-mental Health, Head of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. i and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health. School of Public Bealth, Harvard miversity, Boston, Mass.

VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Myer Bender, Manager of Engineering, Oak Ridge l

-National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee l

l Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Gemicals, Inc., Allentown, l Pennsylvania Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington '

Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Gairman of Nuclear mgineering Department, miversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

! Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engi-neering), Jupiter, Florida l Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, miversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Wiversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan l

Dr. Stephen Iawroski, Senior Engineer, Gemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Imader, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ios Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, miver,sity of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Paandana, California Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor and Bead of Civil Engineering, miversity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois FoIh-B'?-%2-

. b kh ,




j ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS j g wAsumarow, o. c. or,ss ACRS MElMBERSHIP - January 13, 1977


The Advisory Connittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory . commit-tee established to advise the Ccanission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request. j CHAIRMAN: Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge ~ 'l National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee VICE GAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineer-ing Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois ^

Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Chemicals,'Inc., Allentown, l Pennsylvania '

Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department,  !

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin i

Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engi- "

neering), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Imader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

I Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health, j Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the i Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard I University, Boston, Massachusetts I

Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, i thiversity of California, Los Angeles, California j Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Fo m -s7-wa i

0 VJ' I o




'g .

. E, , WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 ACRS MEMBERSHIP - June 1, 1977 j The Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory comit- j tee' established to advise the Comission on the safety aspects of proposed I and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Comission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge ]

National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee VICE CHAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engi-neering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, j Illinois j i

Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. , Allen-town, Pennsylvania Dr. Spencer H. Bush, Senior Staff Consultant, Battelle Menorial Insti- ]

tute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington i Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Depart-ment, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota -

Prof. Willian Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ios Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. >beller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health, Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Bealth, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California (Continued) fp(k % 1 rLZ N ,z

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WASHINGTON D. C. 20555 ACRS MEMBERSHIP - January 1, 1978

'Ihe Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory comit-tee established to advise the Comission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety  ;

standards, and to perform such other duties as the Ccranission-may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical DxJi neering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois  !

VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. John B. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. , Allen-town, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineerire, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering ard Director, Michi-gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Leader, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Ios Alanas, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health, i Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering ard A;; plied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (Continued)

b. ' U L b Fo t A -s7 -%t M7 i l




, f WASHINGTON D. C. 20555 ACRS MEMBERSBIP - January 1, 1978 Die Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory comnit-tee established to advise the Cannission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safet' standards, and to perfonn such other duties as the Ccumnission may request CHAIE N : Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois

! VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear l Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin', Madison, i Wisconsin Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. , Allen-l town, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Barold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Menorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Ihader, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Bealth, Chairnan of Environmental Health Sciences Dept, and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, ,

Barvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering ard Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (Continued)

C?J CA L t Fo ( A - n -% >_


t J.

  • ACES Merbership January 1, 1978 Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering Depart:nent, Ohio State University, Colu:rbus, Ohio


Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor and Eead of Civil Engineering Department, I University of Illinois, Urbana,'lllinois oOo l

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\ . , , 3 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655 ACRS MEMBERSHIP - February 13, 1978 1be Advisory enemittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory commit-tee established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform sud other duties as the enemimaion may request.

CHAIBMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois VICE- GAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. John H. Arnold, Consultant, Air Products and chsenicals', Inc., Allen-town, Pennsylvania Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired) ,

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Berbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Midi-gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division rar, Ios Alamos Scientific Laboratory,-

Ios Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health, Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept.'and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, S &ool of P &lic Health, Harvard University, Boston, pammar+1usetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, S&ool of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California,Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Te &nology, Panadana, California (Continued)

Fo i A 4 2 .

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ACRS Membership February 13, 1978 l 1,

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I Dr. Paul G. Shemon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering f Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio l Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Oniversity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois coo 9

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ACRS MEMBERSHIP - March 19, 1978 The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory conmit-tee established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor arr3 Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing) , Jupiter, Florida Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineering in Environmental Health, Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts i

Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California {

Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 3 i

Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois j fg.cs z.a wo F o w 6 ,- W 1.

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ACRS MEMBERSHIF - May 21, 1978 The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory commit-tee established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, and to perform such other duties as the Cammission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois >

VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Myer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Lacoratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consultirg Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Dr. Berbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineerire, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Me:Torial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. J. Carson Merk, Division Leader, los Alamos Scientific Laboratt,ry, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Professor of Engineerire in Environmental Health, Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dtpt. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor, Department of Engineering , Science, i California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California ~

Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman of Meta 13urgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Colurtus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois  ;

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/ p a'to kq UNITED STATES


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ACRS MEMBERSHIP - August 1, 1978 The Advisory Ccunittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory ccumit-tee established to Mvise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nucloc.r facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety starx3ards, and tr fyrform such other duties as the Ccunission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Na: lear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Ityer Bender, Director, Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Iaboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, I Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired) ~

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing) , Jupiter, Florida ,

Dr. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemic d Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Mercrial-Phoenix Project, University'of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan t

Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Iaader, Ics Alamos Scientific laboratory, i l

Ios Alamos, New Mexico (retired) i Kr. William M. Mathis, Director,, United Nuclear Industried, Inc., Richland, Washington (retired) l

! Dr. Dade W. }beller, Professor of Engineerire in Envirornental Health, .

l Chairman of Environmental Health Sciences Dept. and Associate Director, the Kresge Center for Environmental Healt.h, School of Public Health,-


Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School sf Eng'ineering and Applied Science, University of California, los Angeles, California Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor bw.r.itu.5, Department of Endrieering Science, California Institute of 'hchnology, Pasadena,, Calitcf nia (Continued) j y y I

  1. b -DO2 3 FI , 7

l J. i

  1. ACRS Membership- Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman.of Metallurgical' Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P.' Siess, Professor Dneritus, Department of Civil Engineering,. i University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois i



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.' .E, WASHINGTON. D. C. 20655 ACRS MEMBERSHIP - January 5,1979 -

l The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory commit- )

tee established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed {

and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety i standards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professer of Engineering Science - Emeritus, California Institute of Tech-rology, Pasadena, California ,


Mr. Myer Bender, Director of Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National l Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering i

Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida i

Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi- )

gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan i 1

Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois .

Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Isader, Los Alamos Scientific 12.boratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Mr. William M. Mathis, Director, Planning, United Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, Washington (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Pbeller, Chairman, Department of Environmental Health Sci-ences, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachu-setts i

Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California l Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray, Chief Electrical Engineer, Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (retired) i (Continued) f 0 k S* U

. 9 i A - en - 4(. 1.


  1. ACRS Membership January 5, 1979 Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois o0o 1

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ACRS MDGERSHIP - May 21, 1979 The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory committee established to advise the Comission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety stan-dards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear En-gineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor of Engineering Science -

Emeritus, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Mr. Myer Sender, Director of Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Labor-l atory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired) l Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Ergineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Ar-gonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Harold W. Lewis, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Univer-sity of California, Santa Barbara, California Dr. J. Carson Mark, Divisi n 14ader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Mr. William M. Mathis, Director, Planning, United Nuclear Industries, Inc.,

Richland, Washington (retired) 1 Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Chairman, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, j School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 4 Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray, Chief Electrical Engineer, Philadelphia Electric Com-pany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (retired) l l

(Continued) (., , h Foi -s7-42 3 5+ l l


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ACRS Membership -

2- May 21, 1979 Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor ard Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering I Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering,

University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois l 1

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  1. (* ** %q'o UNITED STATES



'Ihe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory comittee established to advise the Comission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities and the adequacy of proposed reactor safety stan-dards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor of Engineering Science - ,

I Emeritus, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alams, New Mexico (retired)

Mr. Myer Bender, Director of Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Labor-atory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

Mr. Harold Etherington, Consulting Engineer (Mechanical Reactor Engineer-ing), Jupiter, Florida Prof. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director, Michi-gan Memrial-Phoenix Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Ar-gonne National laboratory, Argonne, Illinois Dr. Harold W. Lewis, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Univer-sity of California, Santa Barbara, California Mr. William M. Mathis, Director, Planning, United Nuclear Industries, Inc.,

Richland, Washington (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Chairman, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Ios Angeles, California Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray, Chief Electrical Engineer, Philadelphia Electric Com-pany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (retired)

(Continued) [OlPt- D ~ h 1 3SF Z_.

(* /J Z .

1 l0 l

ACRS Membership January 1, 1980 Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairmn of Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, l

University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois o%

1 l






0, # 1

....$ i ACRS MEMBERSHIP - November 25, 1980 j The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory committee  !

established to advise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and  !

existing nuclear f acilities and the adequacy of proposed reacto- efety stan-dards, and to perform such other duties as the Commission may request. 1 I

CHAIRMAth Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor of Engineering Science -

Emeritus, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,s California VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamns, New Mexico (retired)

Mr. Myer Bender, Director of Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Labor-atory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chairman of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

D r. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Office of Energy Research, Calversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Stephen Lawroski, Senior Engineer, Chemical ' Engineering Division, Ar-gonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois (retired)

Dr. Harold W. Lewis, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Univer-sity of California, Santa Barbara, California l Mr. William M. Mathis, Director, Planning, United Nuclear Industries, Inc.,

Richland, Washington (retired)

Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Chairman, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts D r. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, l University of California, Los Angeles, California Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray, Chief Electrical Engineer, Philadelphia Electric Com-pany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (retired) l l Dr. Paul G. Shewmon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois  !

Mr. David A. Ward, Research Manager of Nuclear Engineering, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken. South Carolina po(A-67-41. L 3 Stis, NIS I a j

W U # ~ M)


m~j ACRS MEM3ERSHIP - May 12, 1980 1

1 The Advisory Comd: tee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) is a statutory committee established to adeise the Commission on the safety aspects of proposed and existing nuclear facilities ano the adequacy of proposed reactor safety stan-dards, and to pe-form such other duties as the Commission may request.

CHAIRMAN: Dr. Milton S. Plesset, Professor of Engineering Science -

Ereritus, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California VICE-CHAIRMAN: Dr. J. Carson Mark, Division Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (retired)

Mr. Myer Bender, tirector of Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Labor-atory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Dr. Max W. Carbon, Professor and Chainnan of Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Jesse Ebersole, Head Nuclear Engineer, Division of Engineering Design, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee (retired)

D r. William Kerr, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Office of Energy Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan i Dr. Stephen Lawreski, Senior Engineer, Chemical Engineering Division, Ar-gonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois (retired) l i

Dr. Harold W. Lewis, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Univer- i sity of California, Santa Barbara, California Mr. William M. Mathis, Director, Planning, United Nuclear Industries, Inc., I Richland, Washington (retired) j Dr. Dade W. Moeller, Chairman, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts r

Dr. David Okrent, Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California j Mr. Jeremiah J. Ray, Chief Electrical Engineer, Philadelphia Electric Com-pany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (retired)

Dr. Paul G. Shecon, Professor and Chairman of Metallurgical Engi neering j Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Dr. Chester P. Siess, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

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4 January 5, 1987 I JESSE C. EBERSOLE Mr. Ebersole was born in Belzoni, Mississippi, on March 2,1916. He received his early education in Winona, Mississippi. He was a resi-dent of Columbus, Mississippi, until his graduation from Mississippi State College in 1938, where he obtained a special honors degree in -

electrical engineering. He . is a member of the Tau Peta Pi honorary engineering fraternity.

He was employed with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in 1939 in the Electrical Design Division. He was a resident of Knoxville, Tennessee, durina this employment with TVA except for a four-year interval beginning in 1942 in the U.S. Army Air Force where he subse-quently became a B-29 Flight Engineer.

He reentered TVA in 1946 as a design . engineer on hydro and fossil plants, until joiring the nuclear staff in 1955. He is a graduate of the 1956 class of the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology.

He worked on assignment to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory # rom 1956 to 1960 and was then appointed to direct the technical operating program for the Gas-Cooled Experimental Peactor at Oak Ridge. His work involved the design of experimental loops and programs, mostly in high temperature gas-cooled systems.

Mr. Ebersole's work became oriented to design safety considerations early in his career. He has been an activist in the areas nf intenral systems engineering, system interactions, cascading failures, dedicat-ed safety systems, and in functional-environmental separation, inde-pendence, challenge frequency and reliability of critical systems and related matters.

Mr. Ebersole was appointed to the Advisory Corrnittee on Reactor {

Safeguards in April 1976, immediately after his early resignation-retirement from TVA. He was reappointed in 1980 and 1984 and was elected Chairman of the ACRS for calendar year 1984.

Mr. Ebersole's present residence is Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

[anco'%,, ^


  1. WASHINGTON, D, C. 20555 o,

% ,,,,,* January 5, 1987 WILLIAM KERR Dr. William Kerr was born in Sawyer, Kansas, on August 19, 1919 He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering fror: the' University of Michigan in 1954 and was . awarded his B.S. and F.S. (EE) from the University of Tennessee in 1942 and 1947, respectively.

From 1961-74 he was Chairman of 'the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan and has been Director of the Michigan Menorial-Phoenix Project since 1961. The Phoenix Project is a progran to develop peaceful uses of atomic energy. 1)r, Kerr joined the University of Michigan faculty in 1953, becoming Professor of Nuclear Engineering in 1958. He was Project Supervisor, AID '(ICA) Nuclear Energy Project at the University from 1956 until 1965. . Prior to joining the University of Michigan faculty, he was an instructor and assistant professor at the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Kerr's professional career has also included assignments as a consultant to Atomic Power Development Association, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the United States Department of State in areas related to the development and application of nuclear energy.

He is the author of publications on atomic energy, its application to devices such as a beta ray nicroscope, on nuclear engineering educa-tion, and on reactor safety.

Dr. Kerr is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, and of the AAAS, ,

Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of the American Society of Engineering Education. He received the A. H. Conpton Award of the American Nuclear Society in 1964. He is a member of'several honorary ]

societies including Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi. .!

Dr. Kerr was appointed to the statutory Advisory Comittee on Reactor i Safeguards in 1972 and was elected Chairman of the Comittee for I calendar years 1975 and 1987. He was reappointed to the Committee in I 1976, 1980, and 1984.

Dr. Kerr is married to the former Ruth Duncan. They have three sons, William, John and Scott. They reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan. -


[E "


\ , , , , , * '[ January 5, 1987 HAROLD W. LEWIS Dr. Lewis was born in New York City, New York, on October 1,1923. He receivea his B.A. in physics from New York University in 1943 and his M. A. and Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Berke-ley in 1944 and 1948, respectively.

Dr. Lewis was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safe-guards in 1979. He was reappointed in 1983 and elected Vice-Chairman for calendar years 1985 and 1986.

From 1948 to 1951 he was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1951 he joined the Bell Talephone Laboratories at Murray Hill, New Jersey, and served as a physicist until 1956 when he joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin. In 1964 Dr. Lewis became a member of the faculty of the University of California at -

Santa Barbara where he was appointed Chairman of the Department of

Physics in 1965. He served in that capacity until 1970 when he was

! appointed Director of the Quantum Institute, a position he held until 1973. Currently, Dr. Lewis is Professor of Physics at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Dr. Lewis also has served as a consultant to the California State Energy Commission, the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, the Office of Secretary of Defense, the President's Science Advisory Comittee, NASA, the Department of Energy, and the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. In 1977 Dr. Lewis was appointed Chairman of the Ad Hoc Risk Assessment Review Group responsible for clarifying the achievements and limitations of the Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400),

sometimes called the "Rasmussen Report," and the present state of risk assessment methodology. In 1975 he chaired the American Physical Society's study group on light-water reactor safety, and in 1979 was appointed to the President's Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee. He is currently a member of a panel of expert consultants to the Secre-tary of Energy to assess some implications of the Chernobyl accident.

Dr. Lewis is married to the former Mary Rosso. They have two chil -

dren, Nina and Roger. The family resides in Santa Barbara, California.

/ps nicoq'o UNITED STATES




\ . , , g * '[ January 5, 1987 J. CARSON MARK Carson Mark was born in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, on July 6, 1913. He received a B.S. degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Western Ontario in 1935 and a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Toronto in 1939. He was a member of the Department of i Mathematics at the University of Manitoba from 1938-43. From 1943-45 he was on the staff of the Montreal Laboratory of the National Re-search Council of Canada and transferred to Los Alamos in 1945 as a member of the war time British Mission.

Dr. Mark joined the staff of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in 1946 and served as the Division Leader of the Theoretical Division from 1947 to 1973. In 1973 he retired from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.

Dr. Mark was also a member of the U.S. Delegation to the " Conference l of Experts on Detection of Nuclear Explosions," Geneva, 1958, 1959; of the Foreign Veapons Evaluation Group, U.S. Air Force, 1953-present; of the Committee of Senior Reviewers (for classification of atomic information), USAEC, 1971-1923; and on various occasions, ennsultant to a number of U.S. Government agencies. He has worked in the fields of hydrodynamics, neutron physics, finite aroup theory, and transport theory. He has written a number of journal and encyclopedia articles concerning nuclear weapons, their effects, and the effect of a ban on nuclear weapon testing on weapons development.

On February 2,1976, Dr. Mark was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards for a four-year term and was reap-pointed in 1980 and 1984. He was elected Chairman for calendar year 1981.

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' January 5,1987 1 l

CARLYLE MICHELSON Mr. Michelson received his B.S. and M.S. electrical engineering-degrees, and a degree of electrical. engineer, from the University of Kentucky. He received an M.S. in industrial management from the  ;

University of Tennessee and elso attended the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology in 1953-54.

Mr. Michelson, who retired as Director of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data in 1983, began his professional career with the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1952. Upon completing the School of Reactor Technology, he was assigned for a ten-year period to various divisions within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Upon returning to TVA, he assisted in the design of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Alabama, including responsibility for establishing design criteria and standards, verify-ing functional adequacy and safety, and preparing licensing documents.

In 1970 he was named Principal Nuclear Engineer, organizing and supervising TVA's Nuclear Systen Analysis Section, with responsibility expanded to include comprehensive safety review, design integration, and preoperational test programs for all safety-related systems and features for TVA nuclear plants.

In 1980 Mr. Michelson transferred from TVA to . the NRC where he or-l ganized and became Director of the new Office for Analysis and Eval- .

uation of Operational Data. In recognition of his performance in this office, he was awarded the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive.

Until retirement, Mr. Michelson was the United States' representative on the advisory and technical review committees of the Nuclear Energy Agency and International Atomic Energy Agency concerned with the establishment and operation of international systems for the col-1ection, assessment and dissemination of nuclear plant operational experience.

1 Mr. . Michelson was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on  !

! Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) on- February 24, 1983. For the period l 1977-1979, he was a consultant to the ACRS in several areas, including i nuclear plant security, systems interactions, emergency core cooling, l

licensee, event reports and the Three Mile Island accident.

He has published more than 50 national and international reports and journal articles, including reports on potential consequences of acts

! of sabotage at nuclear plants. He also planned and authored safety l

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Carlyle flichelson January 5,1987 l

analyses which were used to assure plant safety following a fire at .l the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in 1975. 1 l )

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  • January 5, 1987 l l


Dr. Dade W. Moeller received his Ph.D. in nuclear engineering in 1957 from North Carolina State University. He was awarded a B.S. in civil engineering and an M.S. in environmental engineering in 1948 by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dr. Moeller currently serves as Professor of Engineering in Environ-mental Health and Associate Dean for Continuing Education for the School of Public Health, Harvard University. From 1966 through 1982 he served as Associate Director of the Kresge Center for Environmental Health at that same institution, and from 1968 through 1982 he served as Chairman of the School's Department of Environmental Health Sci-ences. From 1948 through 1966, Dr. Moeller served as a con.nissioned officer in the ll.S. Public Health Service. From 1944 to 1946 he served in the U.S. Navy. His principal experience has been related to radiation protection, nuclear power plant air,-cleaning systems, the disposition of radioactive wastes, and environmental radiation sur-veillance. His duty assignments with the U.S. Public Health Service included the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Los Alamos, New Mexico, instal-lations at the Atomic Energy Commission (now the Department of Energy) and the headquarters office of the Radiological Health Program of the Public Health Service in Washington, D.C.

From 1957 to 1961 he served as Chief of Radiological Health Training Activities, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. During the period from 1961 to 1966, he served as Officer in Charge, Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Winchester, Massachusetts.

Dr. Moeller is a member of the Health Physics Society, the Air Pol-lution Control Association, the American Industrial Hygiene Asso-ciation, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

He currently serves on a number of committees in the field of ra-diation protection and has received professional recognition through certification by the American Board of Health Physics. Dr. Moeller is also a Diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers i and a Fellow of the American Public Health Association and the Ameri-can Nuclear Society.

He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, and a fomer member of Comittee 4 of the International Commission on Radiological

Dade W. Moeller January 5, 1987 Protection. He is past chairman of the American Board of Health Physics and the National Air Pollution Manpower Development Advisory Committee, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; he is also past president of the Health Physics Society.

Dr. Moeller was appointed to the statutory Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards on January 1,1973 and reappointed in 1977,.1981, and 1984 He served as Chairman during calendar year 1976 Dr. Moeller is married to the former Betty Radford of Decatur, Georgia, and they have four sons and a daughter. He and his wife reside in Bedford, Massachusetts.

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  • WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 s,,,../ January 5, 1987 DAVID OKRENT

.Dr. David Okrent was born on April 19, 1922 in Passaic, New Jersey.

He received a mechanical engineering degree from the Stevens Institute of Technology in 1943 and a Master's and Ph.D. degree in physics from I Harvard University in 1948 and 1951, respectively. He was a Guggen-heim Fellow at the University of Cambridge during 1961-62 and was again a Guggenheim Fellow in Europe and Israel in 1977-78.

Dr. Okrent is presently Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineeritig, School of Engineering and Applied Science, at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he has served since 1971. From 1951 to 1971 he served as a senior physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory and as a member of the Laboratory Director's staff. Prior- to 1961, he was head of Argonne Laboratory's Fast Reactor Physics and Safety Section where he devoted his efforts primarily to problems associated with fast reactors and was the author of numerous publications dealing with fast reactor behavior. From 1943-1946 he was employed as a mechanical engineer for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. In 1971  !

Dr. Okrent received the first Argonne Universities Association Distin-guished Appointment Award and was a Visiting Professor of the Univer-sity of Arizona. He received the first Tommy Thonpson Award of the American Nuclear Society in 1980 and the Distinguished Service Award .

from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 1985. I Dr. Okrent participated in the design of the Submarine Thermal Reactor and served as Chief Physicist for the Zero Power Reactor-III and the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II at Argonne. He originated the TREAT reactor as part of the Commission's Fast Peactor Safety Prooram. His major publications include co-authorship of many Geneva Conference papers, a monograph on fast reactor cross sections, a book on comput-ing methods in reactor physics, a chapter on fast reactor kinetics in the Technology of Nuclear Reactor Safety, and reports and papers on i such diverse topics as the design of ZPR-III, the kinetic behavior of j TREAT, and the behavior of fission gas bubbles in fuel elements during i temperature transients. Dr. Okrent recently wrote a book entitled,

" Nuclear Reactor Safety: On the History of the Pegulatory Process."

During its existence, Dr. Okrent completed many special assignments for the ll.S. Atomic Energy Commission including that of official U.S. ]

Delegate to the First, Third and Fourth International Conferences on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1955, 1964, and 1971. He served as Scientific Secretary to the Director General of the Second i


David Okrent January 5, 1987 Geneva Conference in 1958. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Nuclear Society.

i He served as chairman of the Mathematics and Computations Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) in ' 1964-65 and of the Nuclear Reactor Safety Division of ANS in 1972-74. He was also a member of the ANS Board of Directors. He has served on the Visiting Committee  ;

to the Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory and to the Reactor Safety and Analysis Division, Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Okrent is a member of the National Academy of Engi-neering.

He was initially appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards in 1963 and was reappointed for additional four-year terms in 1967, 1971, 1975, 1979, and 1983. He served as Chairman of the Committee for calendar year 1966. j As a nember of the ACRS, Dr. Okrent has served in many capacities, i includino Chairman of the Subcommittees on Safety Research, Extreme l External Phenomena, Reliability and Risk Assessment, and Safety '

Criteria and Philosophy. He played a major role in the development of ,

safety goal policy. He was the principal author of NUREG-0739, the ACRS Report entitled, "An Approach to Quantitative Safety Goals for i Nuclear Power Plants."  !

Dr. Okrent resides in Los Angeles, California, with his wife, the .i former Rita ' G. Holtzman, and three children, Neil H. , - Nina D. , and Jocelyne A. M.





BSME, in 1947. He served as a platoon sergeant in the U.S. Army Paratroops during World War II.

In 1947 Mr. Reed began a career working for electric utilities in the production of electric power. During 19 years nf employment with the New England Electric System, he was on assignment to the General Electric Company, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, and the Argonne National Laboratory and worked in research and development of gas turbines and four different types of nuclear reactors. Mr. Reed worked on the first nuclear submarine reactor, the first two breeder reactors, the first series of boiling reactors, and the first organic cooled reactor experiment.

In 1956 Mr. Reed became Project Engineer for the Yankee Atomic Elec-tric Power Plant in Rowe, Massachusetts. In 1959 he became the Rowe project Plant Superintendent, and in 1963 became Manager of Operations for the Yankee-Rowe and the Connecticut Yankee-Haddam Plants.

Mr. Reed joined the Wisconsin Electric Power Company as General Superintendent for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in 1966 in direct charge of design, construction, and operation, and later became Plant Manager and retired from Wisconsin Electric on Acril 1,1983.

He is a charter member of the American Nuclear Society and has also  !

served as a member of the EPRI Design and Operations Committee; the {

EEI Nuclear Power Subcommittee; the INP0 Board of Directors; and j Chairman of the first EEI Ad Hoc Committee on Steam Generators. He i was a licensed reactor operator and senior reactor operator and has i also authored numerous technical papers on nuclear power plant op- 1 erations, personnel organization and personnel selection. He also I holds a patent on control of boiling water reactors. l i

Mr. Reed was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor )

Safeguards in January 1984 l l




  1. W ASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 o ,

\,,,,,* January 5, 1987 l


i Dr. Remick received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in nechanical engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. He also attended Lycoming College and the Oak Ridge (Tennessee) School of Reactor Technology. l Dr. Remick's professional career started at the Bell Telephone Re-search Laboratories Nhere he was a mechanical engineer from 1955 to i 1956. From 1956 to 1963 he held positions as Research Associate,  !

Acting Director of the Nuclear Reactor Facility, and Acting Director )

of Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Research Laboratory at Penn State. From j 1963 to 1965 he served as Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Director of the Nuclear Reactor Facility, and Director of the Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Research Laboratory. In 1965 Dr. Remick was appointed Chief of the Training Section, Depa rtnent of Technical Assistance,  !

International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, a position he served in until 1967.

I Since 1967 Dr. Remick has held a number of other positions of in- {

creasing responsibility at Penn State. These include Director of the j Institute for Science and Engineering and Acting Director of the 1 Center for Air Environmental Studies, Coordinator of University Energy l Programs, Director of Intercollege Research Programs and Facilities, )

and Acting Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. Current- l ly, he holds the position of Associate Vice President for Research and Professor of Nuclear Engineering. I i

Dr. Remick has served on a number of committees and boards in the nuclear energy field including ten years as an Administrative Judge with the NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, advisor to the  !

National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council, member of l EBR-II Review Committee, member of the Governor's Energy Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, member of the Atomic Industrial Forum's Committee on TMI-2 Recovery, member of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations' Special Task Force on Training Alternatives, and is a member of the National Nuclear Accrediting Board. He was a consultant operator licensing examiner for the Atonic Energy Commis-sion and the NRC for 14 years, and served from August 1981 until July 31, 1982 as Director of the NRC Office of Policy Evaluation where he reported, to the five NRC Commissioners on the evaluation of technical and other policy issues.

His membership in professional societies include the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society for Engineering

l Forrest J. Remick January 5, 1987 )

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Education. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society. He is I also a member of the National Council of University Research Adminis-  !

trators and a member of the Conference Committee of the National Conference for the Advancement of Research.

Dr. Remick was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards in September 1982. He was reappointed in September 1986 and elected Vice-Chairman for calendar year 1987, i

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$ .E ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS o g WASHINGTON , D. C. 20555 o.,,,*- January 5, 19P7 PAtll G. SHEWMON Dr. Paul Shewnon was born in Stillman Valley, Illinois, on April 18, 1930. He received his B.S. in metallurgical engineering at the University of Illinois in 1952 and his Ph.D. from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1955.

Dr. Shewnon served as Chairman of the Metallurgical Engineering

, Deoartment at Ohio State University from 1975 to 1983. From 1955 to l

1958 Dr. Shewmon was a research engineer at the Westinghouse Research Laboratory. In 1958 he joined the faculty of Carnegie Institute of Technology as an assistant professor and became a full professor in 1965. He joined the staff of Argonne National Laboratory in 1967 and was Director of the Materials Science Division from 1969 to 1973.

During the period from 1973 through 1975, he was Director of the i Division of Materials Research of the National Science Foundation. He i then became a faculty member at Ohio State University and was appoint-ed to his present position as Chairman of the Metallurgical Engineer-ing Department. He is the author of numerous articles and two text books in the field of metallurgy relating to diffusion in solids and transformation of metals.

Dr. Shewmon is a fellow of' the American - Society for Met'als and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.

He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Nuclear Society. He has received numerous awards and honors in the field of metallurgy for outstanding research. Most recently, he was awarded the University of Illinois College of Engineering Alumni Honor Award for distinguished service in engineering.

Dr. Shewmon was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards in June 1977 and reappointed in 1981 and 1985. He served as Chairman for calendar year 1982.


/ g ascoq'o UNITED STATES




  1. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555  !


%, . . . . . ,& January 5, 1987 CHESTER P. SIESS  ;


Dr. Chester P. Siess was born in Alexandria, Louisiana, on July 28, 1916. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Louisiana State University in 1936 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering I from the University of Illinois in 1939 and 1948. {

Dr. S'less is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. As a member of the faculty since i 1941, he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and has con-ducted research relating to the strength and behavior of reinforced concrete members and structures. He is the author or co-author of about 80 publications on these subjects.

He has been chairman or member of numerous committees of the American Concrete Institute, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and other societies, and has been active in the preparation of structural design recommendations and codes for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.

Dr. Siess is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and an Honorary Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Concrete Institute. He is a registered structural engineer in the State of Illinois.

Dr. Siess has been a member of the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards since 1968. He served as Chairman of the Committee i for calendar year 1972.


Dr. Siess resides with his wife, the former Helen Kranson, in I Champaign, Illinois.


[ ># 83Cp 'o UNITED STATES



%.,,..* January 5, 1987 DAVID A. WARD Mr. David A. Ward was born on November 13, 1930, in Joliet, Illinois.

He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1953.

In that same year, Mr. Ward began his career with E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company as Research Engineer, Reactor Engineering Divi-sion, Savannah River Laboratory. He was promoted to positions of increasing responsibility with Du Pont over the next 22 years, and in 1975 was appointed Superintendent, Department of ' Reactor Technology, at Savannah River. He held that position until 1978 when he was promoted to Superintendent, Department of Reactor and Reactor Mate-rials Technology. In May of 1980, Mr. Ward was appointed Research Manager of Nuclear Engineering. He is currently Research Manager on special. assignment at the Savannah River Laboratory, a position he was -

appointed to in January 1985.

Mr. Ward was appointed to the statutory Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards in November 1980 and reappointed in 1984 He was elected.

Chairman for calendar years 1985 and 1986. He is also a member of the American Nuclear Society.

Mr. Ward is married and the father of nine children. Presently, Mr.

Ward and his family reside in North Augusta, South Carolina.

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\ . , , . *#, January 5, 1987 l ,

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Mr. Wylie was born in Morganton, North Carolina, on June 20, 1926. He graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1950 with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. He began his professional career with Duke Power Company in 1950 and retired as Chief Engineer - of the Electrical Division, Design September 1984.

His involvement with nuclear power began in 1956 when he participated in the engineering and design of the first nuclear power electric generating station in the Southeastern United States, the pressurized heavy water tube reactor plant (CVTR-PWR) at Parr Shoals, South Carolina. From 1965 until he retired in 1984, he had total electrical engineering and design respon-sibility for all of Duke Power Comp 6ny's ;new generating facilities which includes the Oconee, McGuire, Catawba and Cherokee nuclear stations, the coal-fired Marshall and Belews Creek Stations, and the Keowee, Jocassee, and Bad Creek hydro stations, 1 Mr. Wylie was the United States' representative to the working -group which l prepared the International Atomic Energy Agency " Safety Guide on Safety-Related Electrical Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants SG-D7" and l related " Assessment Guide." ' ,

Mr. Wylie is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) having long involvement in nuclear standards activities, chairing numerous committees., and is a present member of the Standards Board. He recently received the IEEE Centennial Medal for Extraordinary Achievement in Electrical Engineering. He is at member of the American Nuclear Society and has also been a committee member of the Edison Electric Institute's and the Electric Power Research Institute's Electrical Systems and Equipment Committees. and ' past chairman of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Working Group on Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Frames.

He was appointed to the statutory Advisory Consnittee on Reactor Safeguards on September 5, 1984.

Mr. Wylie resides with his cife, Margaret Jo, in Charlotte, North Carolina.



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ANG, Dr. Al fredo H-S ) ' ' '-

, i i BUSH, Dr. Spencer H. j


's LUCO, Dr. J. Enrique ,

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't MAXWELL, Dr. 'Jonn C.' A7


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, , ,. l,s PHILBRICK, Dr. ShaileiNS)

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PICKEL, Dr. < . V x '

4 D". Paul W',


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RICHART, Dr. Frany E!, 0, '

, c- t SCAVUZZO, Dr. Redo)nh I,' ' O n

s x' 1 SEED, Dr. H. Dolton . '

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THOMPSON, Dr. George A, q 'N ,

TRIFUNAC, Dr. Mihailo D. '

WHITE, Dr. Merit P. ' -

WILSON, Gr. James T.

ZUDAN, Dr. Zenons t .



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