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Ltr Contract:Mod 5 to Task Order 2 Under Contract NRC-02-95-001
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1997
From: Wiggins E
To: Parker S
CON-NRC-02-95-001, CON-NRC-2-95-1 NUDOCS 9710020021
Download: ML20211G113 (6)



' cFP-%1ct97 idtv FPr ti flP1TFR (TRPripm trH in 3n1418;Mc6 p.n>

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[ k' WMtitu 31&TES 6/d t'/M! [)CD WUOUEAR REGULATCRY COMhel8SION

[ I WAGMtNSTON, D.C. aampem *

.g SEP 3 01997 ,

Jup%er Corporation j

. Attn: Sheila C.: Parker

! 27341)niversity Boulevard test ,

i Saite 900, Wheaton Plaza Marth , ,

- wwLun. HD 20902 ,


i De'ar Ms. Parkert Thei purpose of thlt adification is to: (1) extend the period of perfamance; for lask Order No. 2; (2) doctntnt the terr.s end conditions: (3) ircrease tfe t$sk order ceiling; and (4) obligate tunas relevet to the final settiguent cf JUP!TER'S related cost overrun /grcwth incurred under Task Crder No. 2 of l f

Contract No. MRC-02-95 001.

j .




' . %HEREAS. Tas( Order Ib, 2 was entered into between the:NRC and JJPITER-on May 30, 1996, with a total cost ceiling of $197,242 61 with an egiration'date p /

Ul'"l'1997f I

, [

f WHQtEAS, the{ task order reqaired JUPITER Corporation to: analy;:e.. POde tb altematives;for imprwenent to the c'.:Prent autaseteri system (National Sealed A Pg/)-

Source and Device (550) Registry of racteactive sealed sources and devica): Id

and develop and implement a
  • Turn Key
  • autenated systs. [

'di[RCAS. modtfication rumber 4 to t.he task cedor extended the parfod pf, pedfonmence to September 1,1997, at no additional cost to the governsent, as requested by! JUPITER's letter of Mey ?9.1997.

4 . .

it-t WEREAS, JJPITIR did. rot provide proper rxtlfication required under trie' Limit cest spec 1fibd in the task crder would to be increased in oter te i j

cowlete the work under the task or*r. t i.

i o20001 .

i l!IllH,IllIWI,Diljll!IWiglHlIl ,

j EA*gpA 97 ova NRC-02-95-oot pag I

JUPITER Corporation ,

NRC 02 95-001 002 WHERr.AS, the NRC has determined tiet it is in the Government's best interest to complete only a portion of the re"aining work as set forth herein. ,

WHEREAS, the parties, agreeing to s 't U all claims and disputes under the task order agree as follows:

(1) The task order ceiling amount is ,ncreased by $30,000 from $197.242.61 to 1227.242.61 in which the nnuot of $212.801.30 represents the reimbursable costs. and the m w i of 514.441.31 represents the fixed fee.

(2) The increase of $30,000 inclue 116.088 for the remaining work to be completed and $13.912 of the $21 352 overrun amount.

(3) JUPITER is to complete the wco mder this task order as set forth below and in accordance with the es.ablished task order ceiling in (1) above.

Therefore. JUPITER is to continue development work, as described below, on the National Sealed Source and Device RmiM ry (NSS&DR) system. The work corresponds to specific tasks (elemmt: listed in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for this system. /< reu sed WBS was provided by JUPITER in .

enclosure two of its letter dated September 2, 1997.

WBS Elemont Task /0escriotion of o .

1.2 Hardware Requirements Analysis & Specification 1.2.2 - Complete requirements' analysis specification document incorporating NRC's conavntt 1.3.2 Development of database for NSS&DR System - Define and document raaro mgs from a legacy database to a new database. - Define and document t u ss rules employed in data conversion of a legacy database t w database. - Define and document c~ n i values for the new database fields.

1.3.3 Implementation of database for NSS&DR System - Develop and document at conversion verification routines I

JUPITER Corporation -3 NRC-02-95 001-002 - Document any data esa -pt1ont (i.e. data that is not consistent or provides ambiguity in the n?w data model) and provide proposed fixes.

1.4.2 Development of front end applications Complete development of the search / retrieval modules. The functionality for each of the searches / retrievals on the tab pages is to be completed and working as designed. The user should be able to perform a seech and if a match is found, be able to view and print the ent 3 - (er*:ficate, if more than one match is found, then a table is ' a le wnerated from which the user can choose one or more certificates to view or print. In addition.

the quick search for.model number and registration number is to be completed and working.

1.4.4 System Design Document Document the system design. Provide the following in a draft document:

-Scope and purpose of a document . .

- Objectives, performance issues and constraints of the system

- System architecture diagram and description

- Hierarchy diagrams of the classes and their relationship to one another (i .e. . parent children, ancestor).

- For each object, docv:ent its name, purpose, relationship, properties, variables e d w thods(functions). For each object that contains nonstandard u:er events or functions. document the name description of what it 15. and its parameters. For any external f unctions document the file that contains the function.

its purpose, how it is called and its parameters. Document all global variables (name ?urpose. and where they are declared).

Each library and the objects within the library shall contain a short but meaningful connent (using PowerBuilder).

(4) DELIVERABLES The contractor is to prcvide the dr unent < ion identified under the section.

" Work to be completed " In additie t*o contractor is to provide the program code (i.e.. PowerBuitder libraries. al :ibase programs, etc.) in whatever state of completion at the beginnin' e n the conclusion of the above tasks.

This includes any Power 3uilder l1bor w abis) developed or 'ised. excluding

cf P- W Q 4cr' 94 t TJ F&rH ft PITFR CfRPlVQTlftJ Tn V141 %'icA P . F.

' l JJPilER Corporation 4- l NRC-02 E 001-002 l

those provided with PurBuilder, any cynamically linked libreries (dlis),

c8aso progem (I.e.. date cornersion rotnines) and av r.her applicable

! The dils if created in PowerBuilder are to also be provided in their -

urtrapiled fom (pbis). 1Te code shall be well docmented so that other :

progranmers can understand the logic and functionality of the code.  ;

l (5) SCHEDsLE  !

1 i

Td contractor l> to deliver the work itsted for each test in accortsence vi,th i

the follwing schedale: '

t WBS i

ENacng vr tut, trros croine+ start datee sote=6er 30.1997)

! l

1.2' ',5 bustness days l

. i , I 1.3.2 :12 business days  ;

1.3.3 i30 bustness days I

, 4 I

  • i ,

l 1,4.2.1 !45businessdays j

I  !. .

60 business days 1.f.4 l i .

l (6) The period of perfovence is extended fres Septer$er 1,1997 to December

31. 1997.

This task ofder modtficatto: obligates fmds in the amount of $30,000.

Art.amting ta for tMs Task Or*r Hodification is as follows:

BAR NO.: 75015222000 l  ! i 0.0B CODE: J5055 l I APPW NO.i 31X0200 i BOC NO.: 252A  :

$30,003 l i

i 4

s g

I 1 i l i ,

_. r ---. ,

1 #

i sVPITER Corporation 5- t

! NRC-02 9t-001-002 4 4 4


l I~ .,

' By execution!of_ this task older fullricellon, JUPITCR CorpurdLlon. for itself, i 'itsisuccessors and essignees, hereby releases and forever discharges the !

i Government, its officers, ager.ts and croloyees from any and all clait, ,

' hmswer, derived and agrees to refrain from icdeing lawsuits in any fonri. ;

i for! additional adjustaunts or compensation arising under, or related to, the

- The parties agrwe that the cost overrwil1neurred under task order nmiber 2.

changes and tenpensation provided by this rodification constitute the cosplete and final agttement for compensation et all costs associated h1th the cost i

overrun /crowth as defined in this socifice:icn. JUPITER expressly rteresents '

and acknowledges that in egreetre to the terfs and adjustment contained

' ' herwin. it his considered and nade alhances for every cost, regardless of when incurred for its inte*est related *.o the cost overrun / growth including l

intertsL andlsttorwys rees, but; excluding driy indirect rate adjuntaunts thdL

' mayt be allcMd in accordance with FAR Clause 52.232 20 ' Limitation of Costs?

i lhe issuancejof this task order modification does not amend arty other tenuslor l

condittons o the subject corrtract. l

' i l

i Pleese indicate your acceptance of Task Order No. 2. Mod. 5 Dy having an i afficial, 41s authorited to bind your organization., execute three copfes 'cf '

' this document in the space provided and eturn two copies to the Contt1ct specialist. lYou should twtain the tnird copy fo youc' records.

! Since we ettrapidly opptwdrirN Septeamr 30, wr fiscal fuer endire dele.

l you'should eWite the execution anc return of tnis document. Unless the .

I sired documei.ts are ritumed to me prior to that date. I cannot assure youlof the continaed availastlity of these funcs. ',

i I: l I A summary offabligationc for this contract. from award date thrwgh the date .

of this actip is given behw: ,

> Total FY95 iobligation amount: 5110.000.03

Total FY96 deobligation amount:(510.000,00) l Total n97 jeblitystionamount: 5127.242.61 3

Cowiative Total of NRC Obligation: 5227.242.61 This med1fic tion obligates $30.000.0C in FY97 funds.

. I r

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4 ____, CTP V 199'? 144 M

- - FT#ti 9tPITFR fff#fT4T1rH Tfl Mid1%W. P.n7 L

WPIRR Corporation 6-  !

NRC-02-95 001 032 .

1 sincerely, ,

s #

v' "du. N A y ,! -

do,is Wiggins,. ontracting Ofdicer Ccntract'tkre aferit Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and Prc$erty Management 01fice of Adrinistre.t.1m ,

Encloswt: . i i

As stated. ' ,

Afitrp: '

Task 0 *

' .2.W.5 '

is 11a c;-Par r O. Md , l

'Nat  !

t i

  • Directori Contracts & Human Resources

'l Title . .

! September 30, 1997 __

Date ,


! )

i 1


I i 6

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I f

OT4. P.07

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