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Responds to Which Provided Copy of Policy Resolution 97-007, Private Storage of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel. NRC Continues to Believe That Deep Geologic Disposal to Be Sound & Technically Feasible Solution
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/09/1997
From: Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman
To: Geringer, Knowles T
Shared Package
ML20211P070 List:
NUDOCS 9710200044
Download: ML20211P067 (4)


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/"  % UNITED STATES p'- 4 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g ,j WASHINGTON, D C. FN4001 October 9, 1997 k * . . . + p!

CHAIRMAN The Honorable Tony Knowles Govemor of Alaska Chairman, Westem Govemors' Association 60017th Street Suite 1705, South Tower 1 Denver, Colorado 80202 5452

Dear Govemor Knowles:

I am responding to your letter of September 8,1997, providing a copy of Policy Resolution 97-007, ' Private Storage of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel,' that was adopted by the Western Govemors' Association on July 29,1997. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) appreciates your interest in this important subject.

The NRC continues to believe that deep geologic disposalis a sound and technically feasib!o solution for the final disposition of spent nuclear fuel and other high level radioactive waster,.

However, the NRC also recognizes that temporary storage of spent fuelin above-ground facilities will be necessary until a geologic repository is licensed for operation, in my Apri! 28, 1997 testimony before Congress on high-level waste legislation under consideration at that time, I presented the Commission's view that an integrated high level waste management system is needed for protection of public health and safety and the environment. The elements of this system include interim on site storage, centralized interim off site storage and deep geologic disposal, together with a transportation mechanism to tie the elements together. The Commission also recognizes th1t centralized interim off site storage would allow for a more focused inspection and surveillance program by NRC and the Depadment of Energy (DOE), would save valuable inspection resources for permanently shut down facilities, and would offer operational and programmatic benefits in DOE's program for accepting waste from utilities. However, as I testified, NRC takes no position as to wl etc a :entra'W 'scility should be located.

NRC's regulations in 10 CFR Part 72 permit an applicant to seek a specific license to sture power reactor spent fuel and other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel storage in an IrvJependent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) that can be located either at a reactor or off site. Such an application will only be approved if the Commission findt reasonable assurance that iic activities authorized by the license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, that they will be conducted in compliance with all applicable regulations, and that NRC regulations implementing the Nationt1 Environmental Policy Act have been complied with.

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2-Please feel free to contact Mr. Charles Haughney, Acting Director of the Spent Ftiel Project Office (301415-8500), should you have any questions regarding how the NRC conducts its regulatory oversight of ISFSis, I trust this responds to your concerns.

Sincerely, l' & -%

Shirley Ann Jackson


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  1. October 9, 1997 k *... #

CHAIRMAN l The Honorable Jim Geringer Govemor of Wyoming Vice Chairman, Westem Govemors' Association l 60017th Street Suite 1705, South Tower Denver, Colorado 80202 5452

Dear Govemor Geringer:

' am responding to your letter of September 8,1997, providing a copy of Policy Resolution 97-007,

  • Private Storage of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel," that was adopted by the Westem Govemors' Assoc'ation on July 29,1997. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) appreciates your interest in this important subject.

The NRC continues to believe that deep geologic disposal is a sound and technically feasible solution for the final disposition of spent nuclear fuel and other high-level radioactive wastes.

However, the NRC also recognizes that temporary storage of spent fuelin above-ground facilities will be necessary until a geologic repository is licensed for operation, in my April 28, 1997 testimony before Congress on high-level waste legislation under consideration at that time, I presented the Commission's view that an integrated high-level waste management system is needed for protection of public health and safety and the environment. -The elements of this system include interim on site storage, centralized interim off site storage and deep geologic disposal, together with a transportation mechanism to tie the elements together. The Commission also recognizes that centralized interim off-site storage would allow for a more focused inspection and surveillance program by NRC and the Department of Energy (DOE), would save valuable inspection resources for permanently shut down facilities, and would offer operational and programmatic benefits in DOE's program for accepting waste from utilities. However, as I testified, NRC takes no position as to where a centralized facility should be located.

NRC's regulations in 10 CFR Part 72 permit an applicant to seek a specific license to store power reactor spent fuel and other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel storage in an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) that can be located either at a reactor or off-site. Such an application will only be approved if the Commission finds reasonable assurance that the activities authorized by the license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, that they will be conducted in compliance with all applicable regulations, and that NRC regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act have been complied with.

l 2-Please feel free to contact Mr. Charles Haughney, Acting Director of the Spent Fuel Project Office (301-415 8560), should you have any questions regarding how the NRC conducts its j regulatory oversight of ISFSis, j l trust this responds to your concerns.

Sincerely, b.

Shirley Ann Jackson
