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Draft Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statements Re 10CFR73, Physical Protection of Plants & Matls. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 31,208 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/07/1986
From: Kris Jamgochian
NUDOCS 8611070245
Download: ML20215N764 (7)



. ,o y 83 ^

S'"'CL Ilequest for DMB Review]F"Q' ~{" - ,

u-Important Read instructions tai-fore tornpi.eting torni. Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of this form. the material to t,e reviewed, and for to request both an Executive Order 12291 revir* and approval under paperwork--three copies of the supportmg statement, to' the Paperwork Reduction Act Answer aff questions in Part t it this request is for ieview under E.O. Of fice of information and Regulatory Affairs 12291; complete Part 11 and sign the regufatory certifi cation. If this Office of Management and Budget request is for approvat under the Peperv,ork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention: Docket Library, Room 3201 1320. skip Part II, complete Part til and su,o the paperwork certification. Washington. DC 20503 PART l.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

T Department / agency and Bureau /of fice originating request 2. Agencycode U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 1 5 0

3. Name of person who can best answer questions regarding ttus request Telephone num*>er Kristina Jamgochian ( 301 )427-4754
4. Tit l1 of information collection or rulemakmg 10 CFR 73, Physical Protection of Plants and Materials


5. Legal authority for information collection or rule (cste unated States Code. Pub /rc Law. or Executive Order)

(Usc2201(o)- .or

6. Affxted pubhc(check alltha.* apply) 5 U Federalagenciesoremployees I b Ind widuals u bouseholds 3 O Farms 6 0 Non-prof:tinstitutions 2 O stateortocaigovernments 4 G susinesses orotner for profit 7 O smaiibusiness'esororganizations PART ll.-Cornplete This Part Only if the Request is for OMB Review Under Executive Order 12291
7. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ , or, None assigned O

8. Type of submission (check one on each category) . Type of review requested Classification Stage of development 1 O standard 1 O uaior i O proposed o, draft 2 pending 2 O Nonmajor 2 0 Finalorinterirn fina!,withpoorpropesal 3 0 Emergency 3 0 rinai or intenm finai. witnout pnor proposai =

4 statutory or judiciai deadiine

9. CFR section affected CFR
10. Does this regulation contain report ng or requirements that require OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320? . O Yes O No ll,if a maior rule,is there a regulatory imput awes attachea) 1 Yes 2 O No if"No," did OMB the ana!ysis? -3 Yes 4 0 No C rtification for Regulatory Submissions in this request for OMB review, the acthonzed regulatory contact and the program ctfcal certify that the requirements of E.0 12291 and any appbcable i pohcy directives have been complied with

~ ~

i Sgnature of program official Date

~ ~

signature of authonied regutateey(ontact Date 8611070245 861107 EUSO PDR ORG

12. (OMB use only)

Preve estes ot sc;ete standard Form 83 (Rev 9 83) 83 108 i NSN 7540 00 634 4034 . Prewsted by OMb, 5 CF R 1320 and E O 12291

staa a "" 8 3

- p . c.e,~, m 3 ;

Request for DMB Review important Read instructioris before completing toem Du not use the same SF 83 send three copies of this form, the rnaterial to be reviewed, and for to request both an Executive Order 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supporting statement, to:

the Paperwork Reduction Act Answer all questions in Part 1. If this request is for rev:ew under E.O. Of fice of Information and Regulatory Af fairs 12291, complete Part ti and sign the regulatory certification. If this Of fice of Management and Budget request is for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and S CFR Attention: Docket Library, Room 3201 1320, skip Part 11, complete Part ill and 9gn tne paperwork certification. Washington, DC 20503 PART l.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

~1 . Department / agency and Bureau /of fice onginating request 2. Agency code U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 3 1 5 0

3. Name of person who can best answer questions regarding this request Telephone number Kristina Jamgochian (301 1427-4754
4. Titia of information collection or rulemaking 10 CFR 73, Physical Protection of Plants and Materials
5. Legal suthonty for mformation costectson or rute (ate United States Code. Pubhc law, or becutwe Order) 42 usc2201{q) .or
6. Affected pubhc(chec4 allthaf apply) s O rederaiagencieserempioyees 1 h Ind>vidualsorhouseholds 3 0 rarms s Non-profit instituticns 2 O state oriocaigevernments 4 G Businesses or other for. profit 7 smali business'es or organizations PART ll.-Complete This Part Only if the Request is for OMB Review Under Executive Order 12291
7. Regulation ident Aer Number (RIN)

_ _ _ _ ~~~~ _ _ _ _ , or, None assigned

8. Type of submsssson (check one in each category) Type of review requested Classification . Stage of development 1l Standard 1 O Major 1 0 Proposed or dratt 2 O eending 2 O Nonmajor 2 C rinaf or entenm final.mth pnor proposal 3 0 Emergency 3 0 rinai or intenm finai. witnout pnor proposai 4 O Statutoryorjudiciaideadane
9. CFR section affected CFR
10. Does this regulation contain reporting or recntokeeping requirements that require OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320? . O yes O No
11. lf a major rule,is there a regulatory impact analy tis attached? 1 O ves 2 O No if"No," did OM8 waive the analysis) - 3 0 ves 4 0 No Certific tion for Regulatory submissions In submittir's this request for OMB review, the author zed regulatory contact and the program official certify that tr equrrements of E.o 12291 and any apphcabie pohc) directives have been compbed with S!gnature of pregram o'ficial Date 5sgnature of authorized regulatory contact l Date i

l l 12. (OMB use onry) i Precous eations etswete 83 108 NSN 7540 00 634 4034 8'*".d8'd PrescSbed f*'m 83 tw Wev OMf49 83) 5 CrR 1320 rW E O 12291 )


4 OMB Supporting Statement for Proposed Rule 10 CFR 73.57, ,

Requirements for Criminal History Checks  ;

4 Description of the Information Collection Section 606 of Public Law 99-399, "The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and  !

Anti-Terrorism Act of 1986," requires nuclear power reactor licensees and  !

applicants to conduct criminal history checks through the use of FBI criminal history data on individuals with unescorted facility access or access to Safeguards Information. Licensees will fingerprint each individual who will be granted, by the licensee, unescorted access to'the nuclear power facility or access to Safeguards Information. The fingerprints will then be forwarded through NRC to the Attorney General of the United States for processing by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Prior to any adverse action, the licen-see must make available to the individual the contents of records obtained from the FBI for the purpose of assuring correct and complete information. The

' licensee must also retain all fingerprint cards and criminal history data, if applicable, received from the FBI on an individual. If an individual has no record, the FBI will indicate so on the back of the fingerprint card.


1. Need for the Collection of Information. Public Law 99-399 requires criminal history checks of individuals to be granted unescorted access to nuclear power facilities and access to Safeguards Information and requires the NRC to issue regulations to establish conditions for the use and control of the data received from the FBI. The NRC is to issue these regulations ne later than six months after the date of the enact-ment of the law (signed by the President on August 27,1986).
2. Agency Use of Information. The NRC will receive fingerprint cards, review for required data, record receipts in an automated tracking system and forward to the Attorney General. Fingerprint cards and dispositions (no record, record indicated, illegible prints) will be received by NRC from the FBI and forwarded to the licensee. Once the licensee has received the final disposition, NRC will- delete the name of the indivi-dual from the NRC tracking system.
3. Reduction of Burden Through Information Technology. There are no legal obstacles to reducing the burden through use of information technology; however, current technology does not allow for this option. The NRC will provide a sample form letter to be used by the licensee to trans-mit the fingerprint cards to the NRC.
4. Effort to Identify Duplication. The form to be used, FD-258, is in wide use; however, an original FD-258 must be prepared and forwarded in order for the FBI to accomplish its search.


5. Effort to Use Similar Information. There is no similar information which can be substituted for the FD-258.
6. Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden. .This information collection does not affect small businesses.
7. Consequences of Less Frequent Collection. Information is collected on an as-needed basis.
8. Circumstances Which Justify Variation From OMB Guidelines. There are no variations from OMB guidelines.
9. Consultations Outside the NRC. The FBI and the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) have been contacted and discussions held.
10. Confidentiality of Information. The NRC will not retain the information. Licensees are prohibited from using the data except for the intended purpose of the NRC regulations and must establish protected files for the data.
11. Justification for Sensitive Questions. There are no sensitive questions on the FD-258.
12. Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government. All FD-258s will be processed twice, once when received from licensees and once when received back from the FBI. ,

Cards processed 400,000(initial) 40,000 (yearly)

Reprocessed (badprint,etc.) 80,000(initial) 8,000(yearly)

The estimated annual cost to the FBI (reimbursed) is

$13.00[(200,000t3)+20,000]=87,000 x $13.00 = $1,131,000/yr.

The NRC costs for the initial period (9 months) are as follows:

System development effort (2 months) $ 20,000 7 Data entry personnel 157,500 1 Administrative person 18,000 1 Supervisor 30,000 1 PC/AT with software and hardware 6,000 7' Leased PCs 12,500 Courier service (to and from FBI) 6,000 1 SEC proj. monitor / administrator 30,000

.32 IE module development and inspection 11,500

.2 RM task order development and administration 8,600 TOTAL $300,100 License fee of $15/ card will be collected to reimburse NRC and the FBI

($13.00 for FBI and $2.00 for NRC.= $400,000 for NRC) 2

  • O The annual costs which will take place after the initial start-up period are as follows:

.5 Contractor staff $15,200 Courier cost for daily runs to FBI ($30/ day x 250 days) 7,500 PC for data entry / tracking (previously purchased) NC 1 SEC proj. monitor / administrator 30,000

.2 Inspection 7,200

.02 RM for task admin. (42 hrs.) 900 TOTAL 560,800 Therefore the annual averaged cost for three years is $160,833


Licenses fee of $15.00/ card will be collected to reimburse the NRC and the FBI ($13.00 for FBI and $2.00 for NRC = .t40,000 for NRC peryear).

13. Estimate of Burden.

Section Responses Hr./ Response Burden Hrs.

Reports 73.57(b)(1) 200,000(initial) 1/3 67,000 20,000 (yearly) 1/3 6,700 Annual Burden- '29,033


The annual averaged number of responses for three years is 86,666

((200,000+(20,000x3)]+3]. s Recordkeeping

  • 73.57(e)(1) 8,700 1/4 2,175 Annual Burden 2,175 Total Annual Burden 31,208 Hrs.
  • 10% of submittals will have records (per FBI).

((200,000 + 20,000 x 3)] + 3 x .1]

14. Reason for Change in Burden. This is a new section being added to the existing 10 CFR 73 and to the burden hours associated with the clearance for 10 CFR 73.
15. Publication for Statistical Use. The data contained in FD-258 will not be published.

B. COLLECTIONS OF INFORMATION EMPLOYING STATISTICAL METHODS This collection does not employ statistical methods.


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