The following was received via an email from the state of Pennsylvania:
The Department [PA Bureau of Radiation Protection] received notification from a licensee on March 12, 2021 of medical event involving yttrium-90 TheraSphere [TM]. The licensee believes a patient received only 2 milliCurie of the 63.7 milliCurie prescribed dose. The connection piece between the Therasphere [TM] apparatus and the patient catheter failed when the injection started. All contamination was contained with absorbent pads that were located below the connection. The room, staff and patient were extensively surveyed and not found to be contaminated. The patient and the prescribing physician have been informed. No adverse effects to the patient are anticipated. The Department is currently in contact with the licensee and will update this event as soon as more information is provided.
Pennsylvania Event Report ID No: PA210002
A Medical Event may indicate potential problems in a medical facility's use of radioactive materials. It does not necessarily result in harm to the patient.