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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 970829
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/04/1997
From: Blaha J
SECY-97-200, SECY-97-200-R, WIR-970829, NUDOCS 9709100232
Download: ML20216E556 (20)


Seotember 4. 1997 SECY 97 200 fnC: The Commissioners fr_0m: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations. Office of the ED0 Sub.iect: WEEKLY'INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING AUGUST 29. 1997 Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards 8 Nuclear Regulatory Research C  !

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D l General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Of ficer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources _ 1 Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs-- L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N*

Office of the Secretary 0 Region I -P Region-11 P Region 111 P Region IV .


Executive Director for Operations 0*

Congressional Affairs R

  • No input this week.


  1. 0 05 James L. Blaha Assistant for Operations, OEDO_

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oppgF{;I[gNbb l 9709100232 970904 EKL OR PDR

    • UNITED STATE 8 NUCLEAR RE'_ULATORY COMMIS810N WASHINGTON, D. C. 30084 INFORMATION REPORT Sectember 4. 1997 SECY 97 200 f_g.t: The Commissioners from: James L. Blaha. Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO Subiect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 29, 1997
Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F l Chief Information Officer G i Chief Financial Officer H*


Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N*

Office of the Secretary 0 Region 1 P Region 11 P Region 111 .P Region IV P*

Executive Director for Operations 0*

Congressional Affairs R

  • No input this week.

ames L. Blaha Assistant for Operations. OEDO



c Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 ABB CE Part 21 Renort On August 14, 1997 ABB CE issued a Part 21 report indicating that energy redistribution factors (ERF) used in its large break LOCA analyses do not directly reflect the effects of moderator voiding, and are underpredicted by 0.5% to 1.5%. This corresponds to a 20 to 60 F increase in peak cladding l temperature (PCT) during large break LOCAs. The report identified the I affected plants to be: Palo Verde Units 1. 2. and 3. San Onofre Units 2 and 3.

l Waterford Unit 3. ANO 2 Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2. and St. Lucie Unit 2.

l Because the existing large break LOCA analyses of these plants have PCTs ranging from 2143 F to 2165 F. a potential 60 F increase could result in the PCT exceeding the 2200 F acceptance criterion specified in 10 CFR 50.46.

The licensee for St. Lucie-2 submitted a 30 day report based on 60 F PCT -

increase from the ERF modeling error. ABB CE performed a unit-specific estimate of the impact on PCT from the modeling error for St. Lucie-2. The result is an increase of less than 30 F in PCT. The resulting PCT with the model correction is 2173*F. still below the acceptance criterion.

The licensees of other affected plants have not submitted reports and have indicated that a 30 day report may be submitted depending on the results of their analysis. The plant-specific large break LOCA re-analyses are underway by ABB CE to determine whether the error is significant (impact on PCT greater than 50 F) and whether the PCT will remain below 2200 F. In the meantime, these and 60 p'F in PCT.lants havecompliance To ensure conservatively assumed with the theofmaximum PCT limit 2200 F foreffects LOCA of 1.5% in ERF events, licensees have taken actions as anropriate, including limiting peak linear heat rates to compensate for the E F error.

In summary, the licensees of the plants affected by the ERF modeling error have been notified by ABB-CE, and have taken ap)roariate compensatory measures to ensure continued operation in compliance wit 1 t1e acceptance limit.

BWR Fuel Channel Seal Sorina Failures Uodate In a letter dated August 11, 1997, entitled " Notification of Potential Existence of a Defect Pursuant to 10 CFR 21.21" Siemens informed the staff of the potential problem of seal spring failure per 10 CFR 21 notification requirements. Failed lower tie plate seal springs were found in eight Siemens* fuel assemblies at a foreign plant in July 1997. The failed seal springs could cause debris fretting wear and more bypass flow. Although their safety evaluation concluded that there were no safety concerns. Siemens notified its domestic BWR customers possessing fuel assemblies with the same manufacturing process and material lot of the problem. Siemens has prepared to support justifications for continued operation and safety evaluations of domestic plants. Siemens further indicated that a fuel examination team is being mobilized to plan inspections at several sites. Discussions with the affected utilities are currently in progress to develop schedules and AUGUST 29, 1997 ENCLOSURE A

,. 4 examination scopes. Siemens will provide a final report to the NRC and affected licensees. However, Siemens concludes that, at the 3 resent time, it has not determined that this matter is reportable under 10 CF1 21.

Oyster Creek At the request of GPU Nuclear (GPU or licensee), a public meeting was held on August 26, 1997, in the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) offices at Rockville. Maryland. The licensee made a presentation regarding their options to shut down, sell or continue to operate their Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (0CNGS). The presentation primarily centered on the activities associated with decomissioning OCNGS in the year 2000.

l The licensee is considering deferral of a number of comitments pending their final decision which is expected in late 1997 or early 1998. The NRC informed the licensee that any requested change in their comitments should be submitted on the docket with adequate justification and risk assessment to allow the NRC staff to evaluate their requests.

Crystal River 3 Restart Proaress Florida Power Corporation (FPC) continues to maintain its target for completing the corrective actions and restarting the facility by December 1997. FPC expects to submit 32 licensing submittals that require NRC approval prior to scheduled restart in December 1997. The status of currently identified licensing submittals and other emerging issues challenge the restart schedule.

In the monthly Restart Panel meeting with the licensee on August 21. 1997, the staff indicated that the large number of licensing submittals that are required to be processed within a very short period poses a significant challenge to staff resources. The licensee was informed that it is imperative that the licensee submittals be timely and-of high quality. The staff is arranging a meeting with the licensee to discuss issues identified with submittals and schedules to complete all technical reviews.

The staff plans to conduct a Safety System Functional Inspection (SSFI) during September / October 1997. The high and low pressure safety injection systems have been chosen for the inspection.

The licensee is addressing design deficiencies in the control complex habitability envelope (CCHE) and the control room emergency ventilation systems. CR3's control complex is unique in that it does not have a positive pressure capability and the CCHE design is a " zone" which can be isolated with filtered recirculated air. Currently, the licensee is not required and has never tested the leakage of the CCHE. The licensee plans to replace certain dampers and install additional dampers in each isolation path, and demonstrate via tests that the total envelope in-leakage is within allowable limits.


Braidwood. Units 1 and 2 -- Unit 1 Station Auxiliary Transformer SDraved by Station Fire Water During the conduct of a fire protection alarm surveillance at Braidwood.

Unit 1 on 08/25/97, the station auxiliary transformer (SAT) was sprayed for 10 to 20 seconds before a non-licensed operator closed a manual shutoff valve.

Because there are corrosion products in the fire water, the licensee indicated that it will be removing the Unit 1 SAT from service on 08/28/97 for cleaning.

According to the licensee's initial assessment, the causal factors are poor surveillance procedure, poor communication between the several non-licensed operators conducting the surveillance, and inadequate training. The licensee indicated that they identified a generic weakness in their training program.

Non licensed operator training activity has been stopped until retraining of the trainers has been completed.

LaSalle. Units 1 and 2 - First Line Supervisor Assessments LaSalle has completed a month long effort to evaluate all of the first line supervisors on site with the exception of the Operations Department (the operations supervisors had previously been evaluated as part of the High Intensity Training program for operators).

This assessment was an extension of an evaluation of site senior management that resulted in a number of senior management changes during the last year.

The assessments of the first line supervisors consisted of an evaluation of essays on supervisory competencies prepared by the supervisors, and peer I evaluations. Of the 60 su)ervisors evaluated, four were rated unsatisfactory I and may take positions wit 11n Comed but outside of the nuclear organization.

Nine supervisors were determined to require remediation. Each of these supervisors will develop a remediation plan consisting of developmental training and a re evaluation every two weeks. The remediation will continue until 12/22/97 at which time, management will determine which supervisors will be retained. The licensee has no plans to conduct a site-wide assessment of mid level managers but will let each department determine the need for and method of evaluating its mid-level managers.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 10 CFR Part 35 Workino Groun meetina On August 19 21, 1997, the working group developing alternatives for a major revision of 10 CFR Part 35 and associated draft guidance documents met to discuss the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's 1979 Medical Policy Statement.

development of a modality approach to Part 35 regulations, structural alternatives for Part 35, and regulatory options concerning: the medical quality management program requirements: radiation safety committees; training and experience: patient notification: and record keeping. The working group l is comprised of representatives from the Organization of Agreement States, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, and the NRC. The meeting was open to the public, and was attended by several individuals representing professional societies and international organizations.

I Termination of Quality Assurance Acorovals for Radicarachers During August 11-28, 1997, the Spent Fuel Project Office notified 207 radiographers regarding the termination of quality assurance (0A) programs for transportation that had been approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71. Changes to the licensing requirements in 10 CFP, Part 34 that became effective in June 1997 eliminated the need for a separate NRC OA program approval.

Meetinas on Atlas Corooration On August 19, 1997. Division of Waste Management (DWM) staff met with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 8 staff in Denver, Colorado, to discuss the status of ground and surface water contamination at the Atlas Corporation (Atlas), Moab, Utah, uranium mill site. EPA was interested in the roles of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of Utah with respect to the cleanup of the contamination at the site. At the meeting, DWM staff discussed additional characterization and cleanup measures that could be performed. . . .

On August 21, 1997. DWM and Office of Congressional Affairs staff participated in a meeting and site visit at the Atlas site by staff from the Utah Congressional delegation, a staff member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, representatives of the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service, the local government, and Atlas Cor) oration. The meeting and the site visit were initiated at the request of. tie House Committee staff member, On August 22, 1997. DWM staff partici)ated in a meeting at Atlas' offices in Denver.. Colorado, between Atlas and t1e Department of Interior. The meeting

. was held to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) draft biological opinion (DB0) on the proposed reclamation of the Moab Utah site, and Atlas' comments on the DB0. FWS stated that it would consider Atlas' and NRC's comments on the DB0 in preparing its final biological opinion.


Meetina with Native Americans at the White Mesa Utah Uranium Mill In response to Native American concerns conveyed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the State of Utah, on August 20, 1997, staff from the Division of Waste Management (DWM) held a public meeting to discuss NRC regulation of uranium mills and to introduce the NRC staff responsible for the review of uranium mills to the local Indian tribes. Information on the meeting was provided to eight local tribes, the San Juan County Council, and the City of Blanding. Utah. An environmental consultant for one tribe and a San Juan County Commissioner attended the meeting. Of particular concern to the environmental consultant was NRC responsiveness to Indian tribes. The San Juan County Commissioner felt NRC needed to do more to inform the public about the safety of the mill and nuclear power. Staff of the International Uranium Corporation (the White Mesa licensee) attending the meeting committed to provide copies of the information that NRC made available at the meeting to the Utah Radiation Control Board, American Society of Mechanical Enaineers' Mixed Waste Symoosium On August 18-21, 1997. Division of Waste Management staff 3articipated in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Fourth Biennial iixed Waste Symposium in Baltimore, Maryland. " Mixed waste" is waste that contains both hazardous waste subject to Environmental Protection Agency regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and radioactive material subject to Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations under the Atomic Energy Act. The Symposium is designed to bring together individuals and organizations res)onsible for the management and regulation of mixed waste, in order to exclange information on current and proposed regulations and policies; existing and emerging technologies for the storage, treatment, and dis)osal of mixed waste; and recent research related to mixed waste management. T1e NRC staff taught several modules of a mixed waste fundamentals course offered to Symposium participants, provided an update on NRC's mixed waste and decommissioning activities as part of the Plenary session, presented a paper on the NRC's recently issued Technical Position on the disposition of Cesium 137-contaminated electric are furnace dust, and chaired a technical session, Kazakstan Material (Sanchire)

On August 21, 1997, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) completed its monthly inspection of the downblending activities at the B&W Naval Nuclear Fuel Division plant, No problems were reported. In addition to the nc,rmal inspection activities, the IAEA inspectors witnessed the loading of the sea / land containers that hold the downblended product.

Nuclear Fuel Services. Inc.

From August 25 27, 1997 Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safegu0rds staff met with representative of Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) at their Erwin, Tennessee, site to discuss NFS' integrated safety analysis program and NFS' program to make new naval fuel.


- Hanford Tank Waste Remediation Systems On August 27. 1997 Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff met with the Department of Energy Tank Waste Remediation System Regulatory Unit (DOE \RU) to l

discuss DOE proposed disposition of NRC's comments on recent Lockheed Martin l Advanced Environmental Systems (LMAES) submittals. LMAES delivered their first contractual submittal, defining standards selection, to DOE \RU on-July 28. 1997. NRC staff delivered comments on the submittal to DOE \RU by letter dated August 15. 1997.

( 3



1-Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 Attendance at SMIRT 14 by Division of Enaineerina Technoloav Staff The NRC has been concerned about the integrity of a number of key components, including reactor pressure vessels and BWR internals and about containment integrity and-the seismic design of piping. RES has invested significant l-resources in resolution of these concerns. Progress with these-topics was highlighted at the 14th Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT-14), held in Lyon, France. An NRC staff and contractor team, led by Lawrence Shao, Director, DET/RES. participated in the conference.

Among the technical presentations, the staff learned of concerns being raised by French researchers about limitations on the size of the test specimens that are used to index the generic fracture toughness curves to a specific material. This new information from the French, coupled with concerns the staff has identified, raise questions about the eventual usefulness of the new approach.

The staff also learned of ' German study into the integrity of BWR core shrouds and other components. The Germans have completed a seismic and dynamic analysis of a BWR vessel and internals that is directly related to work the staff has been planning. The staff is reviewing the paper and a follow-on meeting has been planned in conjunction with the Water Reactor Safety Meeting in October.

Additionally, the staff learned of the results of several recent large-scale piping tests conducted in France and Japan, as wril as their plans for tests. These results and planned research will scoplement our efforts and provide missing data that could lead to resolution of some of the piping design issues.

Pilot Trainina Course on Radiation Health Risk Assessment RES contracted with the Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop a course intended to provide the NRC staff with the basic elements of radiation health risk assessment as it relates to the development of regulatory standards.

This course was developed to u)date the knowledge of NRC technical staff in the current scientific bases tlat are used to support regulatory decisions.

RES and the Technical Training Center (TTC) staff attended a pilot session of the course held on August 20 and 21. Following incorporation of staff comments, the initial session of the course will be presented in Headquarters on October 22-23. 1997, for RES and other interested staff from other offices.


Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 State Outreach On August 18 and 19, 1997, two members of the IRD conducted a State Outreach session on incident response for representatives of the States of Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin as well as utilities in those States. State decision makers, utility vice presidents, and plant mcnagers attended. The workshop was extremely well received and was followed by request for individual and additional re) eat sessions by many participants. This effort is a part of the State Outreac1 program in AE00. The goal is to conduct workshops with each State, utility, and regional Federal organization on incident response-related l 1ssues on a three-year cycle.

l Preliminary Notifications (PNs) l a. PNO-I 97-053 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. (Vermont Yankee 1).


b. PNO Ill 97 068. Ctl Engineering incorporated. STOLEN NUCLEAR GAUGE
c. PNO-Ill 97-069, Weavexx Corporation, STOLEN PORTABLE THICKNESS GAUGE
d. PNO-Ill-97 070. Rivervalley Local School District, BURIED SOURCE OF RADIATION FOUND ON SCHOOL CAMPUS

c Office of Administration items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 USEC Privatization SEC staff met with 00E and USEC representatives on August 27, 1997, to discuss the protocol for conducting Foreign Omership. Control, or Influence (FOCI) reviews on those entities seeking to purchase USEC. The primary purpose was to discuss the NRC's/D0E's areliminary FOCl assessment of bids received and their determination of whetler a particular bidder should be authorized access to USEC data rooms based on FOCl concerns. All parties agreed to meet again in the near future after discussion of the issues with their respective management.

Executive Order 12968. " Access to Classified informa1jon" On August 6. 1997 the E00 informed the Commission that he had approved the standard investigative scopes, mandated by Executive Order 12968, and developed by the Security Policy Board. for use by all Executive Branch agencies and departments. He also advised the Commission of the status of actions by staff to implement other requirements of the Executive Order. The standard investigative scopes represent one of several significant Federal .

personnel security enhancements mandated by the Executive Order. The standard investigative scopes are to be used for initial background investigations and reinvestigations that serve as the bases for granting and continuing security clearances.

~0" Reinvestiaation Proaram The reinvestigation program is underway for NRC employees and other individuals who hold an NRC "Q" security clearance and whose background investigation is at least five years old. This year approximately 150 individuals are affected and were provided personnel security forms to complete and return to the DFS by August 18, 1997. To date. 106 security packets have been returned.

Procurement Reform Mary Eileen O'Donnovan. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) visited the Division of Contracts and Property Management (DCPM). on August 29. 1997, to re% a demonstration of the Agency's external and internal Internet acqu A on home pages, and to review the layout and materials made available to acquisition staff in DCPM's Market Research Center. Ms. O'Donnovan requested the demonstration as a follow-up to a visit by her management and a aresentation made to the Small Agency Council Procurement Committee on NRC's Procurement Reinvention Laboratory. FEMA plans to create their own center and g home pages and was particularly interested in NRC's approach.


. +

Chief Information Officer items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 Sianificant FOIA/PA Reauests Received durina the 5-Day Period of Auaust 22 28.


PECO Energy Co., violation of NRC codes and regulations. (F01A/PA-97-321)

Vacancy Announcement 97 41009, list of qualified candidates. (F01A/PA-97-322) l Materials Licensee Tracking System database for Ril on diskette.


Atlas Mill in Moab. UT. violation notice and various meeting summaries.

(F01A/PA 97-324)

Salem Generating Station. 01 case report 1 95 013. Docket 50 272 and 50 311.


San Onofre power plant. 01 investigation regarding safety allegations made in 1989. (F01A/PA-97-326)

Audit reports regarding named contractors, referred by Department of Defense.

(F01A/PA 97-327)

Civil and administrative violations assessing monetary penalty for calendar year 1996 on diskette. (F01A/PA-97 328)

Materials Licensee Tracking System database on disk for program code 03121.


Millstone, list and status of OIG reports related to NRC's handling of certain information. (F01A/PA-97-330)


Office of Human Resources items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 Arrivals BALMAIN Peter

  • Transfer from RIl to NRR

Office of Public Affairs l Items of Interest Week Ending August 29. 1997 i Media Interest i The Chairman was interviewed on Howard University's Channel 32 television station, along with former Energy Secretary Hazel O' Leary.

N The North County Times published articles on seismic concerns at San Onofre.

! School Volunteers Proaram Pat Castleman NRR. spent four evenings this week helping Boy Scouts from the Francis Scott Key District earn their atomic energy merit badges at Camp Airy.

I He covered atomic terms and structure, fission, chain reactions, radiation.

! and nuclear yower generation. Pat used OPA classroom kits "Your Grandmother's i Attic" and t7e reactor model to illustrate his teachings.

Press Releases Headauattqts:

97-124 25th Annual NRC Water Reactor Safety Meeting to be Held October 20-22 in Bethesda, MD ,97-125 NRC lssues Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Decommissioning of Contaminated Site in Pennsylvania 97 126 NRC issues Two Policies on Agreement State Program Reaions:

1-97-111 NRC Staff Cites Ambric Engineering. Inc. for Violation of NRC Requirements I-97-112 Note To Editors: Four Meetings on Millstone Scheduled 4

, 1-97 113 NRC. B&W to Discuss Apparent Violations at Pennsylvania Facility

, 11-97-61 NRC Staff issues Order to Former McGuire Nuclear Plant Employee Prohibiting involvement in NRC Licensed Activities 11-97-62 NRC Staff Proposes $330.000 in Fines Against Oconee Nuclear Power Plant

!g 111-97 78 Special NRC Team to Evaluate Performance at Clinton Nuclear

Power. Plant AUGUST 29, 1997 ENCLOSURE M i

Office of the Secretary items of Interest Week Ending August 29. 1997 Decision Documents Released to the Public I Document 01tg Subject

1. SECY 97 137 June 30, 1997 Proposed Resolution to Petition for Rulemaking filed by the Nuclear Energy Institute

- Revised SRM August 22. 1997 (same) on 97-137

- Commission August 22, 1997 (same)

-' Voting Record on 97 137 Neaative Consent Documents Released to the Public

1. SECY 97 122 June 6, 1997 Integrated Review of the NRC Assessment Process for Operating Commercial Nuclear Reactors SRM on 97 122 August 19, 1997 (same)

Information Pacers Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-189 August 21, 1997 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 15, 1997
2. SECY-97-192 Augut 21. 1997 Peer Review of the Arthur Andersen Methodology and Use of Trending Letters Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public
1. Letter to Yasuhiro Inagawa, i can Ministry of International Trade and Industry, dtd 8/21/97 concern, renewal of bilateral safety exchange and expresses congratulation on his new position
2. Letter to President Clinton dtd 8/21/97 concerns the 1997 Combined Fecieral Campaign
3. Letter to James B. King. OPM dtd 8/21/97 provides comments on OPM's draft strategic plan

) 4. Letter to Joe F.-Colvin. NEl dtd 8/20/97 concerns a petition for reconsideration of the NRC's FY 1997 final fee rule AUGUST 29, 1997 ENCLOSURE O i


5. Letter to Representatives Stephen Horn and Carolyn Maloney dtd 8/18/97 .

. provides the August status report on the Year 2000 ,

6. Letter to Congress dtd 8/18/97 provides legislative proposals for the
105th Congress

, 7. Letter to Congress dtd 8/18/97 concerns GA0 report

  • Nuclear Regulation:
Preventing Problem Plants Requires More Effective Action" 4 I

! 8. Letter to Senator Domenici and Representative McDade dtd 8/18/97

appealing the H.R. 2203 reduction
Federal Renister Notices issued i
1. Aharon Ben Haim. Ph.D., Docket No. lA 97 065. Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Bechhoefer/ Lam /Kline) l
2. Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste: Procedures for Meetings i
3. Statement of Principles and Policy for the Agreement State Program:

Policy Statement on Adequacy and Compatibility of Agreement State Programs i

4. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Procedures for Meetings i



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. _. . . .__ _,___..u.,

Region 1 Items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 Meetina at the Watertown GSA Site. Waterton MA Staff from the Decommissioning and Laboratory Branch conducted a licensing \ inspection visit to the Watertown GSA site in Watertown. MA on August 21, 1997. The pur)ose of the visit was to tour the site and discuss

)rogress in remediating t1e site and removing the site from the NRC's Site

)ecommissioning Management Plan. The GSA site is in close proximity to the Watertown Arsenal site (recently removed from the SDMP), and the GSA site served as a waste collection and burn area for radioactive materials from the Arsenal.

The GSA site has undergone some characterization, with additional characterization work planned for late in 1997. Work is being sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers, with significant contrar. tor support. Discussions on August 21, 1997, also involved the Massachusetts Departments of Radiation Protection and Environmental Protection. The Army expects to submit a work plan to Region I by September 30, 1997, indicating that additional remediation is planned for 1998 and possible removal of this site from the SDMP in 1999.

The need for public involvement in the process was also included in the discussions.


l* Region 11 i Items of Interest Week Ending August 29, 1997 Virainia Electric and Power Comoany .SurrY l The licensee held its emergency exercise on August 26, 1997. Individuals from the NRC Region 11. the States of Virginia and several local counties 4

participated in the exercise.

On August 29. 199/. the NRC issued a Notice of Violation and Proposed

Imposition of a $55.000 civil penalty to the licensee. The action was taken in response to the licensee's failure to implement key aspects of the NRC Maintenance Rule in 10 CFR Part 50. The licensee has thirty days to submit a response to the NRC.

Duke Power Comoany - Oconee The NRC issued a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil '

Penalties, totalling $330.000 to the licensee on August 27. 1997. The penalties were for two sets of violations. One set stemmed from the failure to meet Technical Specification operability requirements for the High Pressure Injection (HPI) system on Unit 3 at the Oconee site in May of 1997. The

second set of violation stemmed from the failure to establish any adequate

, inspection programs to detect cracks in the HPI lines in the reactor units at the Oconee site. As a result, cracks in Unit 2 remained undetected until a crack penetrated a line wall in April 1997. The licensee has thirty days to submit a response to the NRC.

Westinahouse Electric Corooration

] On August 29, 1997, the licensee shut down a portion of its fuel manufacturing process. The purpose was to review the safety analysis for a piece of the ventilation system used in conjunction with fuel pelletizing equi) ment. The licensee is performing a nuclear criticality safety analysis of tie piece of the ventilation system and will review with the NRC prior to use.

Marshall Miller & Associates Confirmatory Action letter (CAL)

On August 29, 1997. Region 11 issued a CAL to Marshall Miller & Associates, a well logging licensee. to confirm actions in response to an event on August 26.1997 in which a 125 millicurie cesium-137 source fell out of the logging tool. A licensee employee picked up the source with his bare hands and )ut it in a toolbox on a licensee vehicle, where it remained until August 27 w1en it was placed in a transportation shield. Initial dose estimates showed 10-30 Rem hand dose and 0.2-4 Rem whole body dose to the maximally exposed individuals. Region 11 will conduct a special inspection the week of September 2 to review the event, d


Region 111 Items of Interest Week Ending August 29. 1997 Meetina with Zion Operators On August 22. 1997. Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach met with NRC licensed and non licensed operators for the Zion Nuclear Power Station. The meeting, which was held in Gurnee. Illinois, was requested by the operators to discuss issues related to their_ ability to raise safety concerns at the plant. About 50 operators attended the meeting. Three other Region 111 staff members also attended the meeting.

Bio Rock Nuclear Power Plant Permanently Ceases Doeration On August 29, 1997. Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach attended the Big Rock Point Success Celebration. He read a letter from Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson commemorating the operating history of the plant. Big Rock Point shut down at 10:33 a.m. (CDT) on August 29, 1997 three years prior to its license expiring.

LaSalle Nuclear Power Station On August 28, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Region 111 Office. Lisle. Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff to discuss the status of the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station. The station's performance improvement actions and restart scheduled were discussed.

B.P. Chemicals Pond Closure Prciect -- Confirmatory Action Letter Issued On August 21, 1997. Region 111 issued a Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) to B.P. Chemicals Pond Closure Project. Lima. Ohio, in July. Region III personnelconductedaninspectionatthePondClosureProjectattheB.P.

Chemicals facility. As a result of numerous a) parent violations and concerns identifled during the inspection. NRC issued tie CAL. The CAL discusses several actions that are to be completed prior to B.P. Chemicals ) lacing any waste form either the North Deepwell Pond or the Burn Pond into t1e onsite disposal cell at its Lima. Ohio, facility. The actions included holding a meeting with NRC staff -and sampling of the )onds. On August 29, 1997.

Region Ill issued a closure letter to B.P. C1emicals indicating that the specific requirements of the CAL were completed.


Office of Congressional Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending August 29. 1997 CONGRESSIONAL HEARING SCHEDULE. No. 29


. CONTACT- & TIME WITNESS' SUBJECT COMMITTEE PLACE-Combs 09/04 10:00 Members of Superfund Reps. Oxley/Manton 2123 RHOB Congress Finance & Hazardous Materials Cornerce Combs 09/04 2:00 TBA S. 8. Superfund Sen. Chafee/Baucus 406 0508 Reauthorization Environment & Public Works Gerke 09/05 10:00 TBA Electric Utility Reps. Schaefer/ Hall 2123 RHOB Competition Energy & Power Commerce Gerke 09/12 9:30 TBA S. 981. Revise Federal Sen. Thompson /Glenn 342 D508 Rule-Making Procedures Governnental Affairs Keeling 09/15 2:30 TBA Proliferation in the Sen. Cochran/ Levin 342 DSOB Infonnation Age Intl Security. Proliferation &

Federal Services Governmental Affairs The Senate returns on September 2 and the House on September 3 from the sunmer recess.

AUGUST 29. 1997 ENC':35URE R