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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 99990001/98-08
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/08/1998
From: Costello F
To: Thaler J
Shared Package
ML20236R022 List:
REF-QA-99990001-980708 99990001-98-08, 99990001-98-8, NUDOCS 9807210192
Download: ML20236R019 (2)


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l July 8,1998 Docket No. 99990001 General Licensee John M. Thaler, CSP, CHMM Manager, Occupational Safety & Industrial Hygiene SikorskyAircraft P. O. Box 9729 6900 Main Street Stratford, CT 06497-9129 l


INSPECTlON NO. 99990001/98-008 l

Dear Mr. Thaler:

l l This letter refers to your June 26,1998 correspondence, in response to our June 3,1998 letter.

i Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your letter.

l These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed program.

Your cooperation with us is appreciated.

l Sincerely, OriginalsignedbyJohn R.McGrath Francis M. Costello, Chief l Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 3 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety cc: ,

Stephen C. Mayo, Radiation Safety Officer I State of Connecticut 9807210192 980708 REC 1 GA999 ENVUNTE l 99990001 PDR I IE07

J. Thaler 2 Sikorsky Aircraft i

Distribution: '

PUBLIC Nuclear Safety information Center (NSIC)

Region i Docket Room l

l DOCUMENT NAME: G.\DNMSOOCWORK\lNSPLTR\LGENERAL 19204757 T. , *. . ,y . w. 4.e at, mac.i. h the boa: *C' = Copy w/o attach /enci "E' = Copy w/ ettach/enci *N" = No copy OFFICE DNMS/RI _ N ('DNMS/RI . ,l l l { j NAME SCourtMirrche i_ FCostello Fl DATE 07/08d8 f 07/9/98 V _

07/ /98 07/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

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Sikcrsky Aircr ft Corp r ti:n l


6 TECHNRLEGIES 6900 uain sueet l m SIKVRSKY PO Box 9729 AIRCRAFT suanom. connect cut 06497 9129 (203)386 4000 June 26,1998 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Reply to a Notice of Violation

Dear Sir or Madam:

l I am in receipt of a June 3,1998 Notice of Violation from the US NRC (INSPECTION NO.

9990001/98-008 AND NOTICE OF VIOLATION). This Notice of Violation pertains to a lost air ionization gun from the Sikorsky Aircraft Presidential (VH) Paint Cell.

On January 15,1998, Radiation Safety Officer Stephen Mayo submitted a report to the Region I Office regarding this device. This report detailed the reason for the violation, activities conducted to attempt to recover the device and the corrective steps that were taken to avoid further violations. Since that letter was written, an additional investigation by the Sikorsky Aircraft internal security department was completed. However, that investigation failed to provide additional information regarding the disposition of the lost device.

On May 4,1998, NRC Health Physicist Steve Courtemanche conducted a safety inspection as a result of this incident. The inspector interviewed personnel and determined that the following were contributory causes to the loss / theft of the device:

1. Personnel from many departments were able to request the air gun and keep it in 'teir locker until their work with the air gun was completed, and
2. No utilization log procedures to determine who had last signed out the air gun, and
3. Placing the air gun attached to the air hose among waste paper.

These contributory causes have been effectively addressed by incorporating the air guns into an existing tool control program. The program was described to Mr. Courtemanche during the Mr.y 4 inspection. It is described by a Sikorsky Aircraft Process Procedure entitled " Tool Control -

Hangar / Flight Line", and was originally devised for reasons of flight safety. It provides instructions on how employees are to account for all tools under their controi at any given time, and the reporting proced"res required in the event of a lost tool or item. Under tool control, the air guns are subject to I

the foiiowing requirements:

1. Only trained, authorized employees are allowed to withdraw an air gun from the VH Tool Control C .nter. Loaning of air guns to other employees is prohibited.
2. Employees must sign a Tool / Item Sign Out Sheet when drawing out and retuming the air gun. The air gun must be retumed at the end of each shift. Tool Crib attendants must maintain these Sign Out Sheets for a period of 6 months.

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3. All employees are trair ed to immediately repon a lost air gun and procedures are in place to initiate a search. No disciplinary action will be taken with any employee who immediately reports a lost air gun.

Since May 8,1998 two air guns have been transferred from the VH Tool Control Center to the VH Paint Cell. All requirements for tool control have been established in the VH Paint Cell. Specifically:

l 1. Air guns are stored in a shadow boxed tool rollaway that is padlocked at all times. Three leadmen have keys to the rollaway lock.

2. When a VH Cell employee needs an air gun, the leadman opens the rollaway, retrieves the gun, and locks the rollaway. The employee signs the Tool / Item Sign Out Sheet when obtaining and returning the air gun.
3. The shadow boxed rollaway drawers are checked by the leadman at the end of each shift to ensure all tools (including air guns) are returned.
4. If the air gun is ever determined to be missing, a search of the Paint Cell will begin immediately.

Leadmen and their supervisors have been instructed to i =nediately notify the Radiation Safety Officer and the Lost Tool Committee when there is the possibility of a lost air gun.

In addition to inspections and audits required by the Tool Control Program, an audit of VH Tool Control Crib and Paint Cell air guns will be conducted on a monthly basis by the VH organization.

Records ofinspections will be maintained for 6 months. The effectiveness of the tool control program and employee training will be evaluated as part of an annual radiation safety program evaluation.

We believe that the actions taken to provide oversight in the care the use and control of these air guns )

will result in a more secure program. I Sincerely, 0


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Jo,dn NYThaler, CSP, CHMM anager, Occupational Safety & Industrial Hygiene i enc.

cc: Regional Administrator USNRC Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 l