IR 05000170/1991001

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Discusses Insps 50-170/91-01 & 30-04545/91-01 on 910425. Commends Both Inspectors & Mgt of Region I Insp Program
Person / Time
Site: 03004545, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Issue date: 07/10/1991
From: Weiss S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Knapp M
NUDOCS 9107180074
Download: ML20217C686 (2)


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.. g July 10,1991 MEM0RANDUM FOR: Malcolm R. Knapp, Director DI ST*.IBUTION Division of hadiation Safety "J. Joyner and Safeguards R. Bores Region I E. McAlpine, Ril A. B. Beach, RIV FROM: Seymour H. Weiss, Director J. Reese, RV Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning C. Noreliu, Rll! ,

and Environmental Project Directorate Central Files Division of Adve xed Reactors PDR and Special PrQ ects PDNP R/F Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation E. liyiton A. Adams SUBJECT: INSPECTION AT THE ARMED FORCES RAD 10 BIOLOGY RESEAkCH INSTITUTE


On April 25, 1991, Non-Power Peactors, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate (PDND) staff members and myself ai. tended the exit interview at the f.rmed rorces Radiobiology Researcn Institute (AFRRI) for Region I Combined Inspection Nos. 50-170/91-01 and 30-4545/91 0 We also reviewed the related Region I inspection repor I want to commend both the inspectors and the management of the Region 1 NPR inspection program. The inspector's comments at the exit interview focused on the problems that were found at the facility and were tied to safety. The conduct of the exit interview was very professional. The inspection report clearly explained the inspector': findings to the licensee and tied the inspector's observations 'n identified safety proble As you are aware, many + p., have taken place in the NPR inspection program over the lest several 3- . The purpose of these changes was to bring stability to the NPR ii ? ction program and to focus the program on NPR safety. Thit Sspec* h r clearly indit:ates the commitment of the region to our shared goals. I bel eve that our staffs have developed an excellent working relationship and look forward to continued close interaction.

7 Originai Sigred By:

Seymour H. Weiss, Director

. Non-Power Reactors, rnonnissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Divis*.on of Aavanced Reactors and Special Projects a Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: T. Martin J. Partlow E. Butcher W. Russell q D. Crutchfield F. hiraglia

W. Travers F. Gillespie T. Murley 0FC PONP
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DATE :07/9/91 :07/4/91  :  :  :  :


' Document Name: tW MALCOLM KNAPP MEM0 s ,

9107180074 910710 PDR ADOCK 05000170 p%g bjd[ hhkg Q')hf O PL M r[%


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%,..' ". . .' / July 10, 1991 MEMORANDUM FOR: Malcolm R. Knapp, Directcr Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards Region I

. ROM: Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and Environmental Prcsut Directorate


Division of Advanced f.eactors and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



INSPECTION AT THE ARMED FORCES RAD 10B10 LOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE On April 25, 1991, Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and Environmental P Tject Directorate (PDNP) staff memoers and myself attended the exit interview

. the Arrad Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) for Region 1 Combined Inspection Nos. 50-170/01-01 and 30-4545/91-01. We also reviewed the related Region I inspecticn repor I want to commend both the inspector: and the m6nagement of the Region I NPR inspection program. The inspector's comments at the exit interview focused on the problems that were found at the facility and were tied to safety. The

conduct of the exit interview was very professional. The ir.spection report i clearly explained the inspector's findings to the licensee and tied the inspector's observations to an identified safety proble As you are aware, many changes have taken place in the NPR insoection program over the last several years. Tr.e purpose o' these changes mi i.u bring stability to the NPR inspection program and to focus the program on NPR safety. This inspection cleerly indicates the cormitment of the region to our shared goals. I believe that Wr staffs have developed an excellent working i relationship and look forward to continued close interactio '

,h W e<4d beyrour H. Weiss Director Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Division of Advanced Recctors and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: T. Martin J. Partlow E. Butcher W. Russell

D. Crutchfield F. Miraglia W. Travers F. Gillespie T. Murley


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