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Second Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Entirety. Unrelated Documents
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/29/1998
From: Racquel Powell
To: Friedman C
Shared Package
ML20248F239 List:
FOIA-98-19 NUDOCS 9806040164
Download: ML20248F237 (3)


______ _ - _ _ _ _ ___ _ _________ _ _



/'n,N / FOIA/PA 98-019 2



] No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

l ] Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.



{ Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the I sted appendices are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room. J APPENDICES Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are being made available for B public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room.

] Document Room,2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC. Enclosed is information on how you may obtain acce M B Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.

O- Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of / interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.

Q We are continuing to process your request.

] This completes NRC's action on your request.

f p PART l.A - FEES AuouNT *

] You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed. ] None. Minimum fee threshold not met.

I i

\ ]-. You will receive a refund for the amount listed.

]- Fees waived.


] No agency records subject to the request have been located.

]- Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part 11.

l This determination may be appealed within 30 days by writirg to the FOIA/PA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

{i Washington, DC 20555-0001. Clearly state on the envelops and in the letter that it is a "FOIA/PA Appeal."

PART 4.C COMMENTS (Use attach 5dComments continuation page if required) 9006040164 980529 PDR FOIA



'J -

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( SIGNAT L.fRLL - 'RMAI ACT P AC'i ACT OHICER ku?ss .Powe e i

NRC FORM 464 Part 1 (31998) PRINTED oN RECYCLED PAPER T s form was designed usmg Informs

%C(coYO IV( J

t eh A +


1. 02/22/56 Use of Modified L S - 11 Container As An Encapsulation Shield with attachments (3 pages)
2. 12/21/56 Letter to United States Atomic Energy Commission from Allen M. Goldstein. General Manager.


Data Concerning Anticipated Procedures in Handling Polonium with attachment (3 pages)

3. 12/23/57 Isotopes Specialties Company. Inc. Byproduct Material License (3 pages)
4. 07/01/58 Copy of Isotopes Specialties Company. Inc. Byproduct Material License Supplementary Sheet.


Amendment No. 8 (2 pages)

5. Undated Memo Route Slip with a copy of Isotopes Specialties Company. Inc. Administrative Procedures (10 pages)
6. 09/29/58 Draft copy of letter to Isotopes Specialties Company from Mason (2 pages)
7. 09/29/58 Draft copy of letter to Isotopes Specialties Company from Mason with handwritten annotations (5 pages)
8. Undated Draft copy of letter to Isotopes Specialties Company from Mason with handwritten annotations (5 pages)
9. Undated Draft copy of letter to Isotopes Specialties Company from H. L. Price with handwritten annotations (4 pages)
10. Undated Expert System License Evaluation Report for License 04-00580-07 (Isotopes Specialties Company.

Incorporated) (4 pages)

.:,i n.


11. 04/08/96 Letter to Edgar Bailey. C.H.P.. Chief Radiologic Health Branch. Food Drugs & Radiation Safety Division.

State Department of Health Services from Ross A.

Scarano. Director. Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, with attachments.


Isotopes l Specialties Company. Inc. (24 pages)

12. Undated Photocopies of various buildings (7 pages) )


13. Undated Form used for terminated NRC Licensee's (2 pages)
14. 08/13/97 Letter to Isotope Specialties File from Dean Chaney.  ;


Isotopes Specialties. Burbank and Glendale.

California Site Information (1 page) l

15. 10/8/68 To J Roeder from H Book with enclosures (11 pages)
16. 9/6/68 To AEC from R Koch with enclosures (42 pages) l l

I w____-____-_____ _ __.

l gSDT BY:PROSKALER ROSE  : 1-14 IG:46 PROSKALER ROSE - 3014152275:n 2r 3


2049 Century Park East Sulte 3200 NEW YORK Los Angeles. CA 90067 3206 WASHINGT04 DC PROSKAUER ROSE LLP


5's$'s$s#!*** hs ,

Christine Yoon Friedman At:Orney at Law Direct Dial 310.284.5652 -

cfrledman@ F0;NPAREQUEST caseNo: .394/9 January 14,1998 iMo Rcc'd: _ /WMP

/VAonGL: . MM-'


'2rA C ' . . ..... -


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T6D8 Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: FOIA Reauest

Dear Mr. Powell :

i This letter is on behalf ofICN Phannaceuticals, Inc.. Pursuant to the Freedom ofInformation Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, ICN requests access to the following information:


1. Records concerning any and all licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Fngelhardt Industries for activities conducted by Engclhardt Industries in California. This request includes, but is not limited to, applications for licenses, licenses, amendments to licenses, correspondence regarding licenses, l and reports regarding investigations of activities carried out under issued licenses.


2. Records concerning any and all licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Comraission to Nuclear Corporation of America (or NUCOR) for activities conducted by Nuclear Corporation of America in California. This request includes, but is not limited to, applications for licenses, licenses, amendments to licenses, correspondence regarding licenses, and reports regarding investigations of activities carried out under issued licenses.

Mec^ w s p&.

, , - - - - -- - - - - ~. _ _ _ - - - cua n c. n u. e, t


Russell Powell January 14,1998


Page 2 We would appreciate your prompt attention to this request. We will, ofcourse, pa copying charges. Ifyou need any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Very truly yours,

) q n . .

Otristine Yoon Friedman 1

cc: Lois D. Thompson, Esq.

Gregory J. Patterson, Esq. ,

i l

1 i

l l l l

2, j?. . P y a- .-

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2" 703 South Main Street .

jL Burbank, California ' .....

VI. 9-2273

.. <7 'D

'.' 6 F q. W. I,E f,

, December 21, 1956 -

jyp ~ ~-

United. States Atomio, Energy Commission.

' ' /.h Dak' Ridge, Tennessee .


Atta James W, Hitch, Assistant. Chief, Byproduct Licensing Branch, Isotopes Extension, Division of Civilian Application .j, Daar kr. Hitch: AM#


As discussed with Mr. Blanc during his visit to Isotopes Specialties "

Company December 6, the enclosed data concerning our anticipated procedures in handling polonium and the equipment and facilities with which these procedures will be used are submitted. In addition a roport on the film badge readings of Isotopes Specialties Compan,y personnel for the last six weeks is enclosed. ,

kept of area monitoring. These had been kept Records are now being sporadically in the past but sor.ehow people who checked got into the nabit of not bothering to make nota tions . .

[ We nave now established the firm .

' policy of keeping records of these monitoring operations and have a j strong feeling that they will not lapse aEsin. In line with p

[/I Mr. Blanc'sthis soldered, recommendation will be done. tha t all curielevel neutron sources be silver s

-?  ?

Since our polonium supplier will not put material into the pile to I' bo irradiated until we have a firm authorization, I shall very much .

appreciate your acting as s oon as possible 6on the request we submitted 1 recently for 40 curies of polonium. Enclosed is .an amended supplement B for this duthorizatiori. $



e-Yours truly, -

' d~- - .

r1 Allen M.' Golds tein General Manager encl . ..

nn G


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...3- 33 , . -

3--3-, 3 l- .J.- ._ .- 1 L DEC 21 1956 J - J L1 J.

703 South Main S' treet Burbank, Californio og. VI. 9 2273 l

PROCEDURES 1.. Polonium will be received . plated on. metal foil, Package containing this foil will be opened in gloved box. Polonium plated foil..will be assayed in gloved box and cut to firoper activitp It will then be placed into capsule with beryllium and the cap inserted but not .

compressed, heated, or sealed. Neutron flux to this point is expected to be negligible.

2 The capsule is then transferred to gloved box #2 (the 2 boxes are connected so that there is no removal to uncontrolled atmosphere). .

The charge is then compressed and the lid silver-soldered. At this point the Polonium is distributed and the neutron flux becomes significant.


The excess flux is now removed from the capsui.e and the seal inspected visually through a neutron absorbing window. The sealed source is then scrubbed Snd wipe tested af ter which it is placed into a vacuum line t

still within the gloved box, tested for leaks, and then coated with carbonyl nickel.


The source is then roughly wipe tested again, removed from the gloved box and given a final wipe test, then stored in a sealed container for the required period before final wipe test and shipping. '

DETAILS OF ALPHA-NEUTRON B00id AND EQUIPMENT Th3 room to be used for above operations is reserved for work with high level alpha and neutron operations only.. It is part of a separate 600 square,.

foot building under construction in the rear part of Isotopes Specialties Company itself is premises at 705 South Main Street, Burbank, California. The room to be lined with rock lath and ceiling and walls covered with chbet if seriously plasticcontaminated.

fastened with " temporary" cement so that it may be stripped Two~ gloved boxes are fastened together with a oliding door between them and with separate airlocks. Both of these l

ora connected to our ' main hood exhaust system t'c rough a CWS6 type filter l

l and maintained at a slight negative pressure during operation. The sO3ond of these gloved boxes is fitted with a window incorporating a colution of gadolinium and/or europium in sufficient concentration to attenuate neutron flux to a tolerable level. This box is three feet deep to allow adequate shielding. Borax or rare earth shielding medium. Second gloved box also has ball solution will be the and socket handlers.

. '~

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puung i

Storego holcs cxtend from bottom of cach glovcd box to about four bEC 211956 g I. foot balow ground. An additional six foot deep storage hole outside gloved boxes is for clean sources during storage period SAFETY MEASUit:,S Q[

Beyond the usual safety measures used in handling of radioactive and toxic materials , there have been set up: urinalyses for personnel involved in polonium work; continual monitoring of effluent from gloved box exhaust beyond the filter; compla te lining of walls and ceiling with scrubbable changeable sheet plastic ; change room for alpha-neutron ,

room only; of restriction equipment handlingand supplies polonium in dedicated curie to use in this room only; amounts or large fractions of a curie to gloved boxes only except in sealed sources or packages.

Standard radsafe equipment including adequate shielding, alpha and neutron ratemeters and neutron dosimeters and badges, shoe covers (plastic bootees), lab costs, gloves, tongs , handlers , etc. are all available.

Complete tracer runs will of course be madq before high level i ons cro attempted. Equipment and instrumentation will be checked out bsfore ac tual operations . A record will be kept of any alpha con-temination film of drybox and badge p.eading6 efflaent in addition to records of area monitoring, urinalysis


re sul ts . l l

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r v - ,' m r rnvuuva Malt.twu.

Pursuant b the Abr* Enen;ry Act at 1954 end Title 10. Code of Federal Regulatus. Chapter 1. Part 30. Licensing 3. -

i d dyproduct Matadal, and in rehance on statunents end representations heretofore made by the licensee. a heense

is b issued authorizing the hoensee to recefve. acquire, own. possess, transfer and impert byproduct matenal listed , and to use such byproduct material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designsted below. This boense shall abe deemed to contain the conditions specified in Sect 2on 183 of the Atomic Energy Act cf 1954, and is subrect ' ;,

b all apphonble rules regulations, and orders of the Atomic Energy Commissien new or hereeiter in effect and to any conditions M-4 below. ,

IJoensee m.'

, 9 1.Name Isotepes Specialties company, Inc. 3. IJeense number l'i{~

2htestrial Department k-580-7 .t

2. Address 1701 dest Frevidencia 4. F2piration date YNI' Burbank, California December 31,1959 y).;p S. Reference No.

h-580-2; h-580-h h-580-5 h M

L a

& B ru.iuct material

(: ant and mass number)

7. Chemical and/or physical form 8. bximum amount of radioactiv:ty which heensee may possess at

[ .

any one time -


& Sydrogen 3 AT Amy A. 100 curies , ,

B. Polonian 210 B. Any B. 80 curies (continued an page 2) y +q n.

9. Authocu' .d use PROCESEING FOR REDISTRIBUTION to Atomic EmerEy Coensission licenseef Itydrocen 3 and Sulfur j'.

f 35 may aise be used in RESEARCH AND DEVEIDPMENT as defined in Section ll(q) of the Atossic  ;[

Energy Act of 195k. lf...

.qr .


10. Unless otherwise specified, the authorized place of use is the beensee's address statmi in Itern 2 above.


11. Mawdnet materia 3m to be used by, or tender the supervision of, individuals designated < '<

by the radioisotope committee, Allen M. Goldstein, Osnaral Manager. b. v.

12e lypredset material may also be used at Isotopes Specialties company, Inc, 703 s. Main k'P 8treet, Burbanks California. De licensee shall notify the Atcade Durry Convalerion W-.

withia 15 days after vacating the above location. ..

1)s Wet material may also be used at temporary job sitas in the et. ate of callrernia as spesified in letter from A. M. naldatein to J. L. liitch, dat,ed tenomber h,19'i?. .

Temporary use may be made in other states providing the Atomic imerry Comisslan is -

n'.,tified of the location (s) of such use not later than four (h) days arter the first '


dair of use.


Ih. L?itten administrative' instructions covering appropriate radiological protmetion phases .3 of operational procedures and establishing responsibility for radiological protection, control, and security of the byproduct material shall be supplied individuals usins:, -,;

er having responsibility for use of such material.

For the U. S. Atornic Ert, rgy Comrnanion ,'

' Orrial i , . $

D 3

  • R '

% ecember 23, 1957 __ by_ - k(A- - .

r,,,...,t. 1 i ;n.., , c, .. .non -

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.. . Supplementary Sheet License Number k-580-7 _

j (contianed frem page 1)

6. Iqtpredset material 7. Chemical and/or physical B. Maximum amount of radio-(element ad mass number) form activity which licensee may 4 possess at any one time ,

C. Any byproduct material C. Any l between atomie numbers C. 500 millicuries of any

3-83, inclusin. byprednet material .'

between atomic a

  • s l'*

3-83 inclusiw except Cobalt 60 - 2,000 euries .

Cesium 137 - 1,000 curies l Thulium 170 - 100 euries Iridius 191 - 80 curies ,

sulfur 35 - 175 euries .

Antimsmr 12h - 50 euries l

l .-


l :i

' ' 15. A surie af Iridium 192 is datined as that quantity of estivity which presents a '.'

i: radiatian intensity of 0 55 reentgens per hour at a distanes of one meter. -

e 16. Tetal amount of R>drogen 3 (tritium) procured under this license shall not anseed j'

l. 'A***

h' ;g s

17. W material shall not be used in er en humma beings, or field appliestions. .

g'yc 1

18. All osaled seuroes, som*=4 ming beta and/ar gamma maitting byproduct material, &'

l menefactured under this license, shall be tested for contamination. Any coursee l

feend to have sentamtmaties shall be decontaminated and rotested prior to being 'i g, '

need er temasterred to another peroom. The test shall be sufftetently eenaitdw to detect the presemos of romerable contamination la emeses of 0.0% mierseurie. o ..

All sources, other than these excepted beler, shall be stored far a period of JO days after having passed the sentamination test and leak tested within 30 days ' '

prime to being transferred te other persons. Any sourse found te be 1ephing shst3 be repaired and rotested as a new eenroe prior to being used er transferred te amether persan. The test shall be as sensitin as that required above for the oestamination test. RKooptismo to the manufacturers leak test are these seursees (1) een*=4=4== anly Iridium 192, fantalus 182, cold 198, Antimony 12h, gold er siehel plated Osbalt 60, in solid metallie forms (2) transferred to a person who is licensed to perform an equivalent test en the seuroes, in lieu et this require-ment. '

l (continued on pale 3) For the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission I -

UtipunalSq.nrfI " ,

Date - December 23,1957 l""'"


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,3 Supplernentary Sheet

) eense Nurnber h,-560-7 .

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_ ??f 00 EDITIONS UQ (f(

17. A11 sealed neuroes, aestatalag aleta meithing bypredest satorist, meautnehared , eedes ..-

tMe timente, shell he tested f>r sentamiestism.  :

Aar eearoe fesad to hees eme.

to amether poseen.ha=amage== shall be desentasiasted and reteeted prior to belas 1

T l et seasseMa centesimettee is eneses of 0.uO miereesria.The tech shall bei s l'

, All seerese shall be '

i elesed Ser et least 7 dere after having poseed the oestaminades test, and leek i l

tested sitie 30 dare prior to being tienefttred to other persons. Aar saares foemd ,

i to be 1eektae shall er tematformed be repstred to asether pereen.and swtested as a ese soaree prior to being used abere for the esatamiestime test. The test shall be se sensitive as that reestred i


>- i

- 30. Isak teshing of sealed seeroes sentalaims bets an(/or seman-emitties byprednet 3 1 I


I material (sesept these aestalaing Iridien 199, Tantelen 18t, Gold 198, entiseur lab t' -

and plated Coha14'40 ta solid metallje feria) shall be esaried est at intervals af  :

l est more Atomie than amorgr six asetes

&==iantes speaand recorde regaseb. of Imat test rossite shall be farmished the .,


  • 5-l n. seek teouse .f e.eled .esroes .e= tat ing aw.-e.ittias mirromet nal aball ,'6 heibrudmhad to enevied theset Atemte at intervals of three Enessy Gemaisoien opse meathe regenst. and recorde of leak test results t'j A


M. This license espersedes Liessee No. le-;,804, isseed deny 10, 1957.

Q.t. ,t )

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i. h For the U. S Atomic F.nevry Commissmn


t. , t Onpal STed Py ~

Steenber f), 1957 .:

Dots- _._.. ___ by. _.

James R. e.m 3

)i T/ / .

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Direor bo'orm I:*nal""

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V ey INvienn of r;ivilan A;3.limtion , 'a P! '- * ,

a 'i, , k I 't . l q r. ~f nois ec e r to .;


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bl 7 'oty, e,pa . U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Page 1 4 j ~ BYPRODUCT MATERIAL LICENSE of ( Pages s 5 Supplementary Sheet 5 - c, ,

                                                                                                                     *y License3N mber 4P ?


  • AMEkM,Wf 43. 2 ,
 .                                                                                                                                                                 .E
    ,            lastepee Specialties, Ceepesty, Inc.

fasastrial Departara,t , p 170 test Providencia. Derbener, Caliternia E 8 Attentlans !.llen v. ,elestoim

  • r la aseeN!amee with letter siated Jams, 27, 1966, l..sease ko. &~0C=7 1s amenord to Amersaea 's

( the =avi==== amovet er C*bnit 60 whid the may psesess at angr one time from 2,000 e '. - curiae ta 7,500 eeries mader Ttam bc and to add the fo11 swing eenditimaet '."

23. The itwreased posseoston limit proviced fw in this assasbsent is valid.. for ceb.14 60 metil certever 30, 1954 '

series ei Cobalt (.4 as re,wviously specified in i ten BC ef the 1Leen, smich time Ph. Dw licennes shall (1ee the tivicina of inst.eetima, :aa franelsee operation.2 offies, at 1saat forty-eiunt hosra prior sottee er any intended use er cet44 #4s in amassa er 250 ewries. fg

               ?$. The licensee ent.11 use anod pasw4 the lissa.:na typredeet natorisis in accert. nee with                                                           i
                     .the statesmat.e, represent.atimas and greeedurs's decerited is nie acplicatisa dated teessher 7,1951, and in related s'eetessats and amenda.ets as reuses:
s. Mylisation dated December 2,1957 and maalesect trea Allem 2. ;elestela.
b. Letter dated 64eester h,1957 and sinaleseres from allee 2 41 detain. .

a.1etter date.d .eeeeber 16,1957 and emeleseem fres $11sn M. 41 Lein. 4

d. Ietter dated Deensher 23,157 to Allen V. Coldstein rma J. d. Vita %. g
e. Letter dated Yay 14 1958 .no eneInsunsa.tras $11em 54. Gaggletein. 6
f. Applicat. ion eated Xay 5,1958 nd eneleveres .froa, auma 9. or ldetain. 'e i-3 14tkr d.ated ~ June 13, 1956 agd er.ekoa: ires fres Allen M. Lelmetein. 't ,
k. Letter dated Jans ?7.17A :.:u! .nelosuras tem $11cm L. Goldstein.

Contimmed on page y V Fer the U. S. Atomic Energy Comnussion Otiprial Signed By James R. Mason Date _ Jair 1 itSS bY

  • iS.nen ci ! i er.ur an 'n Y7D/.2/0Md D'
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                              < U. S. A,TOMIC ENERGY ' COMMISSION
                                                                                                            $iy.o_.y Page_poLg_.Pages         ..t BYPRODUCT MATERIAL LICENSE s

Supplementary Sheet t

                                                                                                    ' A



l License Number T

                                                                                                                           >o xEr.6bstWT K). I e.

Cap (71sta:t: - kt p

1. " Procedures, Gesasis of t.17- 5;atrom >eem mad Equipment, med hiety Measures' -

dhted Doesaber ?l,1756 trea 411em a. 14 stein.

j. Appliest1sm daud February ??,1P56 aed eneleseren rwur sarl Salamer. C
96. This amendment superseoes s.nencmen+. Xe. 7 to Liences w. le-506-7 teemed June 27, M l'a r;

h si f.A gv 4

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For the U. S. Atomic Energy Commisson y(5.j o,tre . ges h, ko.sti J. Date m.i - i se by m V,

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! . CEMO ROUTE SUP , For information. Purna ABC-es (Bee. May 14.1947) , Note tad return. For signature.

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