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Summary of 850827-28 Working Meeting of Epri/Nrc Project & Task Managers Re Listed Generic Safety Issues Impacting Epri/Industry Advanced LWR Requirements Document.Agenda & Summary of Remaining & Forecasted Issues Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/15/1985
From: Moran D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Thomas C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20198B284 (14)




d o


$ dN WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

.....,d October 15, 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standardization and Special Projects Branch, DL


THRU: Herbert N. Berkow, Section Leader Standardization and Special f Projects Branch, DL FROM: David H. Moran, Project Manager Standardization and Special Projects Branch, DL




L _ LWR REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT l This sumarizes the working meeting held on August 27-28, 1985 between EPRI and the staff to discuss progress on resolution of generic safety and


licensing issues. August 27 was spent in discussing the expected elements of resolution of specific generic safety issues impacting Chapter 1, "Overall Requirements". August 28 was spent in obtaining an update of progress toward resolution of 50 issues which impact the remainder of the requirements document. The agenda for the August 27 meeting is included as Enclosure 1 to this Summary. The meeting format established for the August 28 meeting is Enclosure 2. The attendance list is Enclosure 3. The i updates of forecasts for remaining issues are listed in Enclosure 4.

The staff provided information on progress toward resolution for the purpose of updating the assessment of potential impact on future plants.

The meeting on August 27, 1985 concerned seven specific issues which impact Chapter 1 of the EPRI Requirements Document. The sumary of information obtained on these seven issues follows.

Issue A-17, " Systems Interaction" Current staff thinking is that this issue will not result in any new requirements, but will become a demonstration of rneeting existing requirements. PPA can be effective in identifying functional interactions. Any PRA perfonned for a plant should be detailed enough to allow special interacticns to be identified. A plant audit /walkdown by a i multi-discipline team may be required for the identification of special interactions. An important consideration in this issue is design control and quality assurance procedures for interface control and design changes.

p em8% $go'gP8 2 g/


This issue will also cover plant modification or configuration control using as a base line, for example, the as-built drawings at the granting of the operating license. A key focus of this issue will probably be available for public commcnt in the first quarter of 1986. Key , documents include NUREG/CR-3922 and NUREG/CR-4261 (draft).

l Issue I.F.1, " Quality Assurance", Expand QA Lista The latest information on this subject is provided in SECY 85-119. The Commission and ACRS have not reviewed the proposed staff position. SRP 17.2 " Quality Assurance During the Operations Phase", will remain the l

standard for class IE components. '

Issue II.B.8, " Safety Review Consideration--Rulemaking Proceeding on Degraded Core Accidents" l

This issue is considered resolved with the issuance of the Severe Accident _

i~ -

Policy Statement. Close out memo has been signed, the dccumentation

' ' applicable to the ALWR is contained in NUREG 1070.

Issue II.E.6, "In Situ Testing of Valves--Test Adequacy Study"

, i4 -


The TAP for this issue has never been fomally approved but it is being used as the basis for cur'r ent work. The basic issue is the adequacy of periodic surveillance testing of valves to confinn the ability of the valve to perform its function under accident conditions. Reg. Guide 1.106 is being reassessed. Signature tracing of valves is being reviewed to determine if degradation in valve performance can be reliably established.

Potential design considerations include access of valves for testing and ease of testability. Conformance to Section XI of the ASME Code is not considered an acceptable resolution of this issue.

Issue II.F.5, " Classification of Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Equipment" The resolution of this issue should be consistent with the resolution of issue I.F.1 which does not currently propose consideration of a Class 2E designation for components considered important to safety (SECY 85-119).

Research is continuing to develop a matrix approach to identifying components considered important to safety. This issue is not considered as having significant priority. It is prioritized as Medium.

Issue 21, " Vibration Qualification of Equipment" This issue is not currently prioritized and has not been formally assigned for priaritization. The issue was initially prioritized as Superseded and then rescheduled for prioritization by July 1985. ,

Issue FF.02.1, " Maintenance and Surveillance Program." ._

The major concern is related to the high incidences of reactor scrams and l mainterance related failures. The issue is associated with the NUMARC activities. The issue includes maintenance and testing activitibs.

Comporert identification is important for wrong unit / train concerns.

Design considerations include maintenance planning-pace ellocations, ease of testing, on-line testability, and component maintenance-support services. Issue should be reevaluated in the next !? to 18 months.

The inferration gained during both days of meetings is sunmarized in Enclosure 4. The 57 issues considered include the seven issues impacting Chepter 1. Where the staff had no change in status from that of the previous meeting, the priority is noted e.g., " Medium" of "High"; the notation "Later" is used in lieu of the " Note 4" notation in NUREG-0933,

-Table II, indicating the issue is to be prioritized in the future.

'The changes in forecast, from those of the previous meeting are: II.B.P is~

~ ~

resolved for purposes of the ALKR program; issue 91 resolution is potentially available; issues 94 and 99 have been given a High priority.

I The next meeting of ALWR project manager and staff task managers will be scheduled for October 29-30, 19F5.

Davi Standardization and Special l

Projects Branch, DL o


As stated

.- October 15, 1985 Issue FF.02.1, " Maintenance and Surveillance Program."

The major concern is related to the high incidences of reactor scrams and

! maintenance related failures. The issue is associated with the NUMARC activities. The issue includes maintenance and testing activities.

Comporent. identification is important for wrong unit / train concerns.

Design considerations include maintenance planning-space ellocations, ease of testing, on-line testability, and component maintenance-support services. Issue should be reevaluated in the next 12 to 18 months.

The information gained during both days of r,.eet'ngs is surinarized in Enclosure 4. The 57 issues considered include the seven issues impacting Chepter 1. Where the staff had no change in status from that of the previous meeting, the noted e.g., " Medium" of "High"; the notation "Later" is used in lieu of the " Note 4" notation in NUREG-0933, Table II, indicating the issue is to be prioritized in the future.

The changes in forecast, from those of the previous meeting are: II.B.P is resolved for purposes of the ALUR program; issue 91 resolution is potentially available; issues 94 and 99 have been given a High priority.

The next meeting of ALWR project nanager and staff task managers will be scheduled for October 29-30, 19F5.

Original signed by David H. Moran, Project Manager Standardization and Sp cial Projects Branch, DL



Central Files: :y NRC'PDR""

SSPB/ Reading DEisenhut HThompson FMiraglia DCrutchfield

  • Attendees k

, ENCLOSURE 1 ATTACHMENT 1 AGENDA AUGUST 27, 1985 EPRI/NRC Working Meeting to Discuss Elements of Resolution for Seven Generic Safety Issues Pertaining to Chapter 1 of the EPRI/ Industry Advanced LWR Requirements Document Time Issue Number & Title 3:00 a.m. . Staff Task Manager *

. H.F.02.1, " Maintenance and Surveil-lance Program"

- ~

Greg Cwalina -

e. x24045

- 10:'0 0 a.m.

II.E.6. "In Situ Testing of Valves --

Test Adequacy" Studyd Frank Cherney 11:00 a.m. x28435 II.B.8 " Safety Review Consideration

-- Rulemaking Proceeding on Degraded Mart Fleishman Core Accidents'8 Miller Spangler 1:00 p.m. x37616/27305 A-17. " Systems Interaction" Dale Thatcher 2:00 p.m. I.F.1, " x29640 QA List" Quality Assurance -- Expand

,. Stephen Goldberg o3 2:45 p.m. 24966

  • Control & Electrical Demetrios~ Basdekas

\  ;' 4:00 p.m.


21. "Vibrattor.

Equipment" Qualification of i

Karl Kniel Cardis Allen x27353/2736 will be asked to attend.*Where Task Manager or principal reviewer is not a

, supervisory staff


  • EPRI/NRC WORKING MEETING TO OPTAIN AN PROGRESS TOWARD RESOLUTION OF 57 ISSU IMPACT CHAPTERS 2 THROUGH 14 0F THE E ADVANCED LWR REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT The general August 27 format for the The most knowledgeabl meeting will follow the same pattern laid out on the list of " Remaining Issues"e staff member associated with each issue this at,tachment, .will be asked to discuss issue statuenumerated on sfor5or10minut{s.,

r- - -

notice and the meeting date.The appointments will be r:ade dur en the issuance of this In cases where the staff member cognizant of an is making be arran it impossible to meet on August 26, a conferencesue has a t Similarly call with EPRI will manner.

on August 28,ged room. during call a con,ference thewillinterim be made period and directly from e th th In the cases where an issue is not yet prioritized e conferencea record in GIMCS or NUREG-0933, the NRC Project ccording Manaaer will to the with In thisthe SPEBatlead manner, leastengineer 30 of the 57 to issues detemine cans or beany change in forec personally check schedule.

, meeting and time required of ~ individual SPEB staff memberstatused k

minutes or so for each issued discussed. s reduced to five O

Enclosure 3 ATTENDEES JPittman, NRC DThatcher, NRC MFlishman, NRC MSpangler, NRC DBasdikes, NRC KKniel, NRC DMoran, NRC FCherney, NRC JHaung, NRC DSellers, NRC

'NWagner, NRC MHartzman, NRC MWohl, NRC


JPage, NRC

} Wlayman, EPRI _

i_ DNoble, EPRI -

) -

WBilanin, EPRI REngle, S. Levy Inc. '

RCushnan, ACRS 5





1. Systems Interaction (A-17) ,

MlGN No change in status from the previous meeting.

Current NRC thinking is that this issue will not result in any new requirements, but will become a demonstration of meeting current requirements. PRA mn be effective in identifying functional interactions. Any PRA performed for a plant should be detailed enough to allow ,

special interactions to be identified. A plant audit /walkkwn by a multi-discipline team me/ be I required for the identification of special interactions. An important consideration in this issue is desip control and quality soeurance procedures for interfem control and design changes This issue will also txwor plant modifiution or configuration control for poet operating limnse. A f

ke/ ocus of this issue is safety /non safety system interactions. A large peri of this issue is the mnsideration of operating experienm relative to the potential for undesirable interactions. The ~

i- . proposed resolution of this issue will probably be evellable for public omnment in the first quertar of 1986. Key c:ocuments include NURE0/CR-3922 and NURE0/CR-4261 (teft).

2. Nuclear Power Plant Desip far Reduction of Vulnerability to Industrial Sabotage ( A-29) l No change in status from the previous meeting. MEO 10M
3. Station Blackout (A-44)

No change in status from the previous meeting NIG.64

4. Shutdswn Demy Heat Removal Requireemnts (A-45) r No change in status from the previous meeting NIN
5. Safety Impilcellons of Control Systems ( A-47)

- No change in status from the previous meeting NIN

6. Muy., Control Measures and Effect of Hytogen Burns on Safety Equipment ( A-48)

No thenge in status from the previous meeting NI@

The hytogen tantrol retytrements for futura plants are emnsidered resolved by the current regulations. The spoment qualiftstion respirements are currently schskled for resolution in mid-1985.

7. LWR Fuel (B-22) .

No change in status from the previous meeting 1 ATER

8. Effectiveness of Ultimets Heal Sinks (B-29)

No thenge in status from the previous mes!1ns LATER i.




9. Ice Effects on Safety-Reisted Water Supplies (B-32) LATER No change in status from the prwlous meeting
10. Chemical Discharge to Rem 1ving Waters (B-37)

No change in status from the prwious meeting. EWWIRoNNadTAL. ISSUE

11. Emergency Core Cooling &fstem Capability for Future Plants (D-2)

No change in status from the prwious meeting LATER

12. Quality Assurance--Expend QA List (l.F.1)

No change in status from the prwlous meeting 4llG4 The Istast information on this subject is prwided in SECY- 119. The Commissioners and ACRS have not rwiewed the proposed NRC staff position. Standard Review Plan 17.2 will remain the

- standardfor Class 1E components.

13. Safety Rwlew Consideration--Rulemaking Proceeding on Degraded Core Aa:Idents (ll.B.8)

Thislesusisconsidered Resolved.

This issus is considered ciceed with the issuance of the Swore Accident Policy Statement. The classout of this issue is documented int internel NP.C memo The documentation applicable to the Advanced LWR is antained in NUREG- 1070.

14. Contelnment Destp--integrity Check (ll.E.4.3)

- No change in status from the previous meeting. M A Sandle report le dais August 1966. The guel of the prorem in terms of acceptable sonsttivity l still has not been established. An additional test mldit be ecmptable if it can establish that there is no gross leakaps in reasonable time parlatt

15. In Situ Testing of Velves--Test Adequacy Study (ll.E.6)

No dange in status from the prwlous meeting MEDIOM The Teek Action Plan for this leeue has never been formally apprwed, but it is being used as the beans for current work. The basic issue is the adequacy of pericrfic surveillena testing of velves to confirm the ability of the velve to perform its function under en:Ident conditions.

There are a numtar of AEOD reports indioeting that esfety related velves are hwing problems.

Reguletory Guide 1.106 is being ren== amend Sipeture tracing of velves is being rwiewed to detarmine if daredelion in volve performance can be reliably established. Potential desip


- REMAINING AND FORECASTED ISSUES (continued) considerations include access of valves for testing and esse of testability. Conformance to Section XI of the ASME Qide is not considered an armentable resolution of this issue. -

16. Classification of Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Equipment (ll.F.5)

No change in status from the previous meeting MEDIUfi The resolution of this issue should be consistent with the resolution of issue 1.F.1 which thes not currently propose consideration of a Class 2E designation for components censidered important to safety (SECY 85- 119). Research is continuing to develope a metrfx approach to identifying components considered important to safety. This is issue not considered as having a sigilficant priority.

i . l *7. Liquid Pathway Radiolo0lcel Control (Ill.D.2.3( l)) -

This issue has been downgraded from Resolved.

. An Environmental Standard Review Plan is to be issued to resolve this issue. It will allow for a probabilisticanalysistodemonstrateatzsptableconsequences Resolutionisscheduledfor September 1985.

  • I 8. Swooning of Sites for Liquid Pathway Consequences (Ill.D.2.3(2))

This issue has been downgraded from Resolved.

An Environmental Standard Review Plan is to be issued to resolve this issue. It will allow for a probabilistic analysis to demonstrate acceptable consequences. Resolution is scheduled for September 1985.


  • 19 Liquid Pathway Interdletion (Ill.D.2.3( 3))

This issue has been ibwngraded from Resolved.

An Environmental Standard Review Plan is to be lasued to resolve this issue. It will allow for a probabilistic enelysis to demonstrate occsptable consequences. Resolution is scheduled for September 1985.

20. Summary Aessesment of Liquid Pathway Consequences (Ill.D.2.3(4))

This issue has been abwng eded from Resolved.

An Environmental Standerd Review Plan is to be issued to resolve this issue. It will' allow for a probabilistic enelysis to demonstrate actsptable conseguances Resolution is scheduled for September 1985.





21. failure of Prdective Devloss on Essential Equipment (2)


No change in status from the previous meeting LATER

22. VibrationQuellficationof Equipment (21)

No change in status from the prwlous meeting LATER This issue is not currently prioritized and has not been frmelly assigned for prforit12stion.

Issue was init!sily prlorltized as Superseded and then reacheduled for prioritization by July 1965.

23. Reactor Coolant Pump Seels (23) '

No chev in status from the prwlous meeting N!N This issue is wetting the cxenpletion of Unresolved Safety issue A-44. An ecceptable resolution for the station blackout concern is a seel that last for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. An ausptable leekrete for the station blackout concern is likely to be in the range of 10 to 20l ym. The small break loss of coolant portion of this issue is still under review.

24. Bolting Degadetion or Failure in Nuclear Power Plants (29)

No change in status from the previous meeting NI6N t

25. Potentiel Generator Missiles--Generator Retalning Rings (30) m emnge in side from the pr vion meeting LATER
26. Proposed Requirements for improving Reliability of Open Cycle Service Water Systems (51) e change in status from the orwion mating MEDluM The NRC staff has ramived en proposal from PNI. for performance of this prorem. Resolution iscurrentlyscheduled for May 1968. '
27. Effects of Fire Protection System Actuation on Safety-Related Egulpment (57) mchangein stem from prwiom meeting LATER .
26. Reactor Systems Bolting Appikations (62) 4



29. Steam Osnerator Staff Actions (67.7.0)


No change in status from the previous meeting. M{plUM

30. DetachedThe'malSleeves(73)

No dange in status from the prevles matina LATER

31. Generic Implications of ATWS Events et S(lem Nuclear Plant ( 75)

No change in status from the previas meeting ftTENTIAL RESOL (1 Tion IDENrineD

32. Instrumentation and Control Power Interactions ( 76) 1 ~

No change in status from the previous meetina LATER l

33. Unenelyzed Reactor Vessel Thermal Stress During Natural ConvW.lon Cooldown ( 79)



No dienge in status from the previous meeting Brookheven will review the B&W Report. Steff review is exiscted to be completed about July 1986. Elements of resolution mer require that test data be obtained for the vestsi kheed and fienge.

34. Beyond Deelgi Basis Accidents in Spent Feel Pools ( 82)

No dienge in status from the previous mentina MEDIUM The current sesessment is that the seismt risk em!:Ws el104w contr lbutors. Alst knelysis for SEP plant,currentlyconsideredlimit'.ng,sh,widi:strrspicWf February 1986.

, Resolution is currently serieduled for Sept %'uF I W6.

35. CE PORVs(84)

No dienge in status from the prwlous etE(. Wg$p. RE$rQLUTjoN I O'6NTIF(ES

. Issue is dependent on the resolution of UnN1Dl H03fMy ISBN d a "M can be ree>lved bV requiring that e PORY is incorporetW/fa tes tsigt

36. Main Crankshaft F611ure !A Transemvice Wetd Etxrgency Dimel terurs ter (91)

This lassue should be considus@s Vleg a ;cient;e resohAtor m si'let!e- MTER

37. Steam Bindingof AuxilleryVentwaroe ngs(93) -

No change in status fra- Vie p tw teci qWi g ).hf,Q

. q.


Current plants era monitoring discharge lines for high tempersture. The shori term problem is considered under mntrol. A temperature monitoring system with a corrective proce&re should be emptable.

38. Additionel low Temperature Protection issues for Light Water Reactors (94)

This issue should be amsidered High Prfority. LArER

39. Loss of Effective Volume for Centainment Recirculetfan Spray (95)

No change in status from the provlous meetins QTER. l

40. RHR SuctionYelve Testing (96)


~~ No change in status from the previous meeting

41. RCS/RHR Suction Line Velve Interlock on PWRs (99)

This issue should be ainsidered Hf gh Priority. LATER,

42. BWR Water LevelRedundancy(101)

No dienge in status from the previous meeting p[$y

43. Desip for Maximum Prot $ble Precipitation ( 103)

No % in status from the provlous meeting P0TEAlTlAL RE50LUT100 N

44. Reduction of Baron Dilution Requirements ( 104)

- No change in stelus from the piwlous meeting LATER

45. Interfacing System LOCA et BWRs ( l05)

No change in status from the previous meeting ygg

46. PipingandUseof HlWilyCombustibleGenesinVital Areas (106)

No change in status from the previous meeting gg

47. Generic Impliations of Nein Transforma Failure ( 107) .

No chenp in status from the previous meeting LATER

48. Reactor Vessel Closure Failure ( 109)

No change in status from the previous meeting gg 6-

I l




49. Equipment Protective Devims on Engineered Safety Features ( 110)


No change in status from the previous meetinS L ATER.

50. Westinghouse Rasctor Protection System Surveillance Frequencies and Out-of-Service Times

-(l 12) OTE R No change in status from the previous meeting.

51. HydraulicSnubbers(l13) MT'ER No change in status from the previous meeting

, 52. SeismicInduced ReleyChetter (lI4)


No change in status from the previous meeting

53. Reliability of Westinghouse Solid State Protaction Systeml 115)

M change in status from the previous meeting. LATER

54. AccidentManagement(l16)

No change in status from the previous meeting LATER

55. Man-Mattilne Interface--Man Machine intarface Guldena for Existing Designs (HF.01.5.1)

No change in status from the previous meeting @(N

56. Man-Mechine Interface--Men Machine Interfeos Guidance for Desips Based on A&ened

- Technologies (HF.01.5.2)

No change in status from the previous meeting hCh

57. Maintenance and Surveillena Program (HF.02.1)

No change in status from the previous meeting NlCN The major canarn is related to the high incidences of reactor scrams and maintanence relatad failure. The issue is associetad with the NUMARC activities. Issue includes maintanence and testing activiti.A Qwnpanent identificellon is important for wrong unit /trein concerns. Desip consideretions include maintenena planning - sp.ce ellomtions,eene of tasting,on-line testabililty, and component maintance - support services. Issue should be reevelusted in the next 12 to 16 months.