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Forwards Copy of Draft Rept, Evaluation of Loss of Offsite Power Events at NPPs:1980-1996, INEEL/EXT-97-00887 for Info & Comments
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/22/1998
From: Rossi C
To: Lochbaum D
Shared Package
ML20199B007 List:
NUDOCS 9801280155
Download: ML20199B003 (2)


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Dear Mr. Lochbaum:


LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER FREQUENCY UPDATE Enclosed is a copy of a draft report

  • Evaluation of Offsite Power Events at Nuclear Power Plants: 1980-1996,* INEEL/ EXT-97-00887, for your information and comments, if desired. This

' ifraft report is currently being " peer" reviewed within the NRC and by a number of extemal organizations. The objective of this study was to update the loss of offsite power (LOSP) estimates (frequency and duration) found in NUREG-1032, " Evaluation of Station Blackout Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants." This study used the same data classification scheme as in NUREG-1032, i.e., plant-centered, grid, and severe weather-related events. in addition to l estimating LOSP frequency and duration during power operation, the study also estimated the LOSF frequency and duration during shutdown.

Major findings of the study include the following:

e The i,equency of LOSP events at power is 0.04 per plant critical year for plant centered I events, 0.009 per plant critical year for severe weather events, and 0.002 per plant critical year for grid-related events, e The LOSP frequency from grid-related events is a very small contributor to LOSP events, o Plant-centered LOSP events at power do not show plant-to-plant variability while plant-centered events during shutdown do show significant statistical plant-to-plant variability, e Severe weather LOSP events showed site-to-site variability for both power and shutdown modes.

  • . LOSP events and durations are ponerally better than those calculated in NUREG-1032

!n support of the station blackout rulemaking.

Should you desire to provide any comments, we would appreciate receiving them within 45 days from receipt of this latter. -

98-b As you may know, the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data studies do not represent an official U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission position or the position of the , l

' responsible NRC program office. Our reports are one input to an ongoing review and [

evaluation process. J

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l-o o e Mr. David A. Lochbaum '

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A copy of this draft report and letter are being placed in the Public Document Room at 2120 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20555.

If you have any questions related to this report, please feel free to contact Dr. Dale Rasmuson (301-415 7571) (e-mail: dmr@nrc. gov) of my staff.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Charles E. Rossi, Director Safety Programs Division Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data


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