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Ltr Contract:Mod 4 to Task Order 005 Under Contract Number NRC-03-98-021
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/09/1999
From: Stewart S
To: Beckman V
CON-FIN-J-2548, CON-NRC-03-98-021, CON-NRC-3-98-21 NUDOCS 9906180080
Download: ML20195J081 (5)


z hl0 yf p u % ,& UNITED STATES j j t


June 4,1999 I

Beckman and Associates, Inc.

ATTN: Vicki Beckman l 1071 State Route 136 I Belle Vernon, PA 15012 f




Dear Ms. Beckman:

In accordance with Section G.5, Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes the subject task order modification. This modification supercedes Modification No. 3 in its entirety.

i l

l Modification No. 4 adds " Task B, Millstone Unit 3 Corrective Action Inspection." The effort shall be l

performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work. The effective date for Task B is June 4,1999. As a result of this additional work, the task order's period of performance is extended  ;

to August 1,1999. Accordingly, the task order is modified as follows:

l i " Task Order No. 005 shall be in effect from October 19,1998 through August 1,1999. As a result

! of this modification, the task order cost ceiling is increased by $49,063.76, from $94,241.43 to l

$143,305.19. The total cost ceiling is composed of $138,794.37, which represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and the amount of $4,510.82 represents the fixed fee."

l The following individual is considered to be essential to the successful performance of Task B:

l Mr . Phillip McKee. The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.4. Kev Personnel.

Funds in the amount of $94,241.43 are currently obligated under this task order. The obligated amount shall, at no time, exceed the task order ceiling. When and if the amount (s) paid and payable to the Contractor hereunder shall equal the obligated amount, the Contractor shall not be obligated to continue performance of the work unless and until the Contracting Officer shall increase the amount obligated with respect to this task order. Any work undertaken by the Contractor in excess of the obligated amount specified above is done so at the Contractor's sole risk


l The issuance of this task order modification does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject $

I contract. l fY

/,0 9906180080 990609 5 PDR CONTR NRC-03-98-021 PDR

M017 ..

. I Acceptance of Modification No. 4 to Task Order No. 005 should be made by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the space provided and retum two copies to the Contract Specialist. You should retain the third copy for your records.

Sincerely, aron D. Stewart, Contracting Officer ontract Management Branch 2  !

Division of Contracts and Property Management i Office of Administration


Statement of Work l

ACCEPT  : Modificati n No. 4 to Task Order No. 005 l



PUN } HAGl NRG-03-96-021 STATEMENT OF WORK Task Ord:r 005 Modification No. 4 4

TITLE: Millstone Unit 3 Corrective Action inspection DOCKET NUMBER: 50-336 B&R NUMBER: 820-15-11-20-58 JOB CODE: J-2548 INSPECTION REPORT NUMBER: 50-336/1998205 NRC PROJECT OFFICER: E. A. Kleeh, NRR (301) 415-2964 TECHNICAL MONITOR: Jim Linville, NRR (301) 337-5129 NRC TEAM LEADER: Jim Linville, NRR (301) 337 5129 PERFORMANCE PERIOD: December 7,1998 - August 1,1999 OBJECTIVE Th3 objective of this Task Order is to obtain expert technical assistance from one specialist in the performance of a Corrective Action Inspection at Millstone 3 not associated with ICAVP program. The specialist should have a background in human resources, communications, and management techniques, but with the requisite technical exn ytise to und:rstand corrective actions taken by the licensee for hardware or systematic type problems or concerns, Thnpecialist should be thoroughly familiar with NRC regulations and inspection methodology.

The inspection will be conducted in accordance with IP 40500 " Effectiveness of Licensee Process To Identify, Resolve, and Prevent Problems" and IP 40501 " Licensee Self-Assessments Related To Team inspections."

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assign technical staff, employees, and subcontractors, who have the r:quir:d combination of educational background and experience to meet both the technical and regulatory objectives of th3 work specified in this Statement Of Work (SOW). The NRC will rely on representation made by the contractor ,

concerning the qualifications of the personnel proposed for assignment to this task order including assurance that all l information contained in the technical and cost proposals, including resumes and conflict of interest disclosures, is accur:te and truthful.

WORK REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE l Th3 contractor shall provide the qualified specialist, and the necessary facilities, materials, and services to assist the NRC stiff in preparing for, conducting, and documenting the inspection activities and findings. The Technical Monitor for this t:sk is Jim Linville. The Technical Monitor may issue technicalinstructions from time to time during the duratior#of this trsk order. Technical instructions must be within the general statement of work stated in this task order and shall not constitute new assignments of work or changes of such nature as to justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. The contractor shall refer to the basic contract for further information and guidance on any technical dir:ctions issued under this task order.

Any modifications to the scope of work, cost or period of performance of this task order must be issued by the Contracting Officer and will be coordinated with',the NRR Project Officer. Specific tasks under this task order are:

Task Schedule Completior)

1. Prepare for the inspection by reviewing 1. Prepare for 1" onsite inspection week at licensee's strengths and weaknesses in Millstone Unit 3 by preparation in the licensee controls, evaluating the results of Region I office in King of Prussia, licensee self-assessments, and reviewing Pennsylvania on or about June 7-11,1999.

licensee procedures that control the cvaluation and resolution of problems. ( 1 specialist br 1 week).


r n

2. Psrform inspection onsits at Millstons Unit
2. Ptrform onsite phase of followup Corrective 3 on or about June 14 - 18,1999 and, on or Action inspection at Millstone Unit 3. about June 28 - July 2,1999. At Region i Prepare for 2"d onsite week by performing office in King of Prussia, Pa. support >

inspection related activities in Region I office inspection on or about June 21-25,1999.

for one week.

3. Document the results of the onsite 3. Prepare the inspection report in contractors inspection. home office on or about July 5 - 9, 1999.

The inspection report feeder is due to team leader by on or about July 12,1999.

Prior to the start of on-site preparation, the contractors staffis required to be available to coordinate inspection aspects, such as travel logistics, with the Team Leader.

REPORT REQUIREMENTS Technical Report At the completion of Task 1, the contractors specialist shall provide an inspection plan to the NRC Team Leader. The format and scope of this input shall be as directed by the NRC Team Leader. Typically, this input will consist of a handwritten summary of the specialist's inspection findings.

During Task 2, the contractors specialist shall provide daily reports to the NRC Team Leader. The format and scope of this report shall be as directed by the NRC Team Leader.

At the completion of Task 2 (prior to the inspection team's debriefing the licensee), the contractors specialists shall  !

provida a summary of their inspection findings to the NRC Team Leader At the completion of Task 3, the contractor shall deliver the final inspection report input (feeder report) to the NRC Project Officer (original and one copy) with one hard copy and one computer diskette version (Wordperfect 5.1/6.1 or other IBM PC compatible software acceptable to the NRC Team Leader) to the NRC Team Leader. The format and scope of the finil rIport inputs shall be in accordance with the guidance in NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0610 or as directed by the NRC Team Leader.

A specialist's feeder report will serve as documentation of the specialist's inspection activities, effort, and findings, and will be used by the NRCTeam Leader for the preparation of the NRC's inspection report. The form and scope of the final rrport input shall be in accordance with the guidance in NRC inspection Manual Chapter 0610 or as directed by the NRC Toim Leader. As a minimum, each specialist's report input shallinclude the following:

o identity of the individuals (name, company, and title) that provided information to the specialist during the inspection.

o For each area inspected, a description of the activities and general findings and conclusions reached regarding the adequacy of the area.

-o For each araa with a concern or findings, a discussion of the concerns or findings with technical bases.

.,,e _

i NOTE: The contractor is not requir:d to und:rtak3 any furth::r efforts towe.rd report finalization. For example, management review of the feeder report beyond its submittal to the NRC Team Leader and Project Manager is not needed.

Business Letter Reoort  !

l The contractor shall provide monthly progress reports in accordance with the requirements of the basic contract.  !

MEETINGS AND TRAVEL For cstimating purposes, the following meetings and travel are anticipated:

Two, one-person, 5 day trips to the Millstone 3 Station near New London, CT to conduct the onsite phase of the


inspection on or about June 14 -18,1999 and June 28 - July 2.1999 Two, one-person, 5 day trips to Region 1 office in King of Prussia, Pa. to prepare for inspection (on or about June 7 - 11, 1999) and to support inspection-related activities on or about June 21 - 25,1999.


Th3 contractor's staff shall coordinate all travel arrangements in advance with the NRC Team Leader.



Documents required to prepare for the inspection will be provided by the NRC Team Leader.

OTHER APPLICABLE INFORMATION Tha work specified in this SOW is 100% licensee fee recoverable. The contractor shall provide fee recovery information in the monthly progress reports in accordance with the requirements of the basic contract.

Th3 contractor's specialists assigned to this task order will have to be badged for unescorted access privilege at the plant sita. The contractor shall provide all documentation required for badging (as identified by the NRC Team Leader) at the plint site. Questions concerning badging and the plant site access shall be addressed to the NRC Technical Monitor.

l 3 Attachment